Activity No. 2, PA204

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Management, Planning and Control

Activity Sheet No. 2 Session 4

Activity ACTVT 2 Workshop on the Styles of Leadership Methodology: Duration: Mechanics:
1. Using the Leadership Styles Chart below as your guide, choose 3 good

individual workshop

Not Applicable

examples of situations derived from own varied experiences of your own organization, which you will try to analyze. The situations must be descriptive of the 3 different styles of leadership. Identify what was the style of leadership used in each particular situation. If you believe that the style used was not appropriate, identify its effects to your members and decide on what style should have been used. Give your reasons. You may use the following template to simplify your presentation: SITUATIO N LEADERSHIP STYLE USED Was it appropria te? Yes No If not,. what was the EFFECT to members? what should be the MORE APPROPRIATE STYLE TO USE? REASON S

Materials needed:

manila paper, marking pens, masking tape

A C T I V I T Y S H E Page 1 of 3 E February 2011 T

Dr. Medardo B. Bombita

Management, Planning and Control

Supplementary to Activity - ACTVT 2 LEADERSHIP STYLES CHART (security)CONSULTATAIVE LEADERSHIP(survival)AUTHORITARIAN LEADERSHIP Leader makes decision and announces it Leader presents decision but sells it to members Leader presents decision and invites questions of clarification Leader announces his decision with no feeling of responsibility or accountability to share the reasons. Leader announces his decision and shares the reasons behind it, which were prepared in advance. Leader announces his decision, but responds on an impromptu basis with a rationale based on the questions of clarification from the members. (Dialogue with no expressed willingness to change decision.)

Leader presents tentative decision subject to change

Leader presents situation, gets input, makes decision Leader calls on members to make decision but holds veto

Leader announces his tentative decision and announces that he is open to questions of clarification and discussion. (Dialogue with willingness to change decision if necessary.) Leader identifies situation or problem and moves into a facilitating role to surface assumptions and suggestions, then moves out of facilitating role and makes a decision. Leader calls on group to identify situation and limitations, explore and make decision contingent on leaders veto power.

Leader defines limits, calls on members to make decision

Leader shares any given (e.g. funds available, time parameters, etc.) and facilitates a decision by members on basis of limitations.

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Dr. Medardo B. Bombita February 2011

Management, Planning and Control


Leader calls on members to identify limits, explore situation, makes decision

Leader maintains a facilitating role allowing members to identify situation or problem, identify limits, explore, and make decision.


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Dr. Medardo B. Bombita February 2011

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