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NOME DO CANDIDATO: ____________________________________________________________ N INSCRIO________ PART I READING COMPREHENSION READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTIONS FOR QUESTIONS 1 TO 10. Harry was glad school was over, but there was no escaping Dudleys gang, who visited the house every single day. Piers, Dennis, Malcolm and Gordon were all big and stupid, but as Dudley was the biggest and stupidest of the lot, he was the leader. The rest of them were all quite happy to join in Dudleys favourite sport: Harry-hunting. This was why Harry spent as much time as possible out of the house, wandering around and thinking about the end of the holidays, where he could see a tiny ray of hope. The following school term would start in September. Harry would be going off to secondary school and for the first time in his life, he wouldnt be with Dudley. Dudley had a place at Uncle Vernons old boarding school, Smeltings. Piers Polkiss was going there too. Harry, on the other hand, was going to Stonewall High, the local comprehensive single-sex school. Dudley thought this was very funny. They stuff peoples heads down the toilet first day at Stonewall, he told Harry. Want to come upstairs and practise? No thanks, said Harry. The poor toilets never had anything as horrible as your head down it - it might be sick. Then he ran, before Dudley could work out what hed said. One day in July, Aunt Petunia took Dudley to London to buy his Smeltings uniform, leaving Harry at Mrs. Figgs. Mrs. Figg wasnt as bad as usual. It turned out shed broken her leg tripping over one of her cats and didnt seem quite as fond of them as before. She let Harry watch television and gave him a bit of chocolate cake that tasted as though shed had it for several years. That evening, Dudley paraded around the living room for the family in his brand-new uniform. Smeltings boys wore maroon tailcoats, orange knickerbockers and flat straw hats called boaters. As he looked at Dudley in his new knickerbockers, Uncle Vernon said gruffly that it was the proudest moment of his life. Aunt Petunia burst into tears and said she couldnt believe it was her Ickle Dudleykins, he looked so handsome and grown-up. Harry didnt trust himself to speak. He thought two of his ribs might already have cracked from trying not to laugh.
(Adapted from J.K. Rowlings HARRY POTTER and the Philosophers Stone. Pages 39, 40, 41. Bloomsbury. 1997)




I. UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT 1. Even though Harry was on school holiday, he hardly ever stayed at home because a) he didnt enjoy going hunting with Dudleys gang. b) he was constantly bullied by Dudleys gang. c) Dudleys friends were all big and stupid. d) he had to play with Dudleys stupid friends every single day. 2. In September Harry would study at a) a boys school in town. b) the local comprehensive mixed school. c) the same secondary school Uncle Vernon had been to. d) a very funny boarding school. 3. Mrs. Figg a) got her leg broken during a trip with one of her cats. b) loved all her cats more than ever. c) did not use to be very nice to Harry. d) gave Harry chocolate cake which shed had for several years. 4. Choose the only TRUE statement below about the text. a) Dudley and Harry put on their school uniforms and paraded in the living room for the family to see. b) Aunt Petunia cried because shed miss her grown-up son when he left for secondary school. c) Uncle Vernon was actually proud of his stupid son. d) Neither Uncle Vernon nor Aunt Petunia trusted Harry to speak.
_______________________________________________________________ Casa de Cultura Britnica/ UFC - Seleo Cursos Avanados / 2007.1 - UPPER

2 5. Choose the only FALSE statement below about the text. a) Dudley intended to show off his brand-new uniform as he paraded in the living room. b) Harry thought his cousin Dudleys parading in the living room ridiculously funny. c) Harry hardly managed to keep from laughing at his ridiculous cousin Dudley. d) Harry cracked two of his ribs as he was trying to keep from laughing at his ridiculous cousin. II. REFERENCE 6. The word lot (line 02) refers to a) lots of students. b) Dudley and his gang. 7. The pronoun it (line 10) refers to a) Dudleys head. b) the toilet. III. VOCABULARY 8. Which word in the text refers to one of the periods into which the academic year is divided? a) Secondary. c) Term. b) Holidays. d) All options are correct. 9. Which word in the text refers to a private school where pupils sleep and eat meals? a) Stonewall b) Comprehensive c) Single-sex 10. Which phrasal verb in the text means understand, realize? a) Work out b) Be over c) Go off PART II USE OF ENGLISH For questions 11 to 25 choose the option which best completes the sentences. 11. A: Have you ever been __________ a camping holiday? B: Yes, we have. Last summer we __________ camping somewhere in Scotlands countryside. The __________ where we put our tent __________ was surrounded by mountains. a) to / were / camping / at c) at / went / camping / in b) in / had gone / camping / at d) on / went / campsite / up 12. The employees at that nuclear plant __________ from their jobs last night, as you might be thinking. They simply __________ strike for higher salaries and better working conditions. a) havent resigned / have gone on c) didnt get sacked / are at b) didnt resign / went on d) havent left / have gone on 13. My cousin Lilly looks like _________ of her parents. Thats why Uncle Jim, her father, got so ________ when she was born. a) either / exciting b) none / surprised c) neither / disappointed d) both / surprising 14. The film was __________ awful. The __________ was made up of second-rate actors and actresses. The __________ was incredibly poor and the __________ was abominably cheesy Id never buy that CD. a) absolutely / cast / screenplay / soundtrack c) really / crew / script / sound b) very / plot / producer / music d) ridiculously / script / screenplay / soundtrack 15. If my daughter were not so __________, I __________ her to London to stay with a family and do a summer course. But Im afraid she __________ get on with __________ there. a) shy / could invite / would / anybody c) insecure / sent / couldnt / somebody b) unfriendly / would send / will not / nobody d) moody / would send / wouldnt / anybody 16. A: Doctor, Ive got a __________ throat and a temperature and I cant breathe properly, __________. B: Youve only got a __________. You __________ stay in bed and drink lots of fluids. Dont worry, you __________ be fine. a) painful / either / cold / have to / will c) sore / either / cold / must / will b) aching / too / flu / should / are going to d) soring / too / flu / have to / should 17. A: You look breathless. __________ running? B: Actually, Ive just __________ to the greengrocers and got some vegetables for our salad. You know, its a long way from here and I went there __________ foot. a) Were you / gone / on c) Were you / come / at b) Have you been / been / by d) Have you been / been / on
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c) Harry and Dudleys gang. d) Piers, Dennis, Malcolm and Gordon. c) Harrys head. d) the bathroom.

d) Boarding d) Turn out

3 18. Im afraid my eating habits are not so __________. I dont eat as __________ white meat as I __________ and I dont eat much __________, either. And I drink very __________ water, which is really harmful to ones __________. a) healthy / much / should / fruit / little / health c) healthy / many / should / fruit / few / health b) health / enough / must / fruits / little / healthy d) health / much / must / fruits / few / healthy 19. A: __________ to our party tonight? B: I dont know yet. I __________ have to __________ overtime tonight. a) Will you come / may / make c) Are you coming / might / do b) Are you going to come / will / get d) Do you come / may / work 20. A: I dont like the weather in England very much. B: __________? A: Havent you ever __________ there? Well, sometimes it gets __________ cold and it rains too much. a) Hows it like / gone / too c) Whats it like / been / too much b) Whats it like / been / too d) Hows it / gone / too much 21. My sister used to go to __________ church every Sunday. Now she __________ a Catholic. (X = no article) a) X / is no longer b) the / no longer is c) X / no longer is d) a / no more is 22. __________ the terrible traffic jam, we __________ arrive __________ time for the wedding. a) Although / were able to / on c) Despite / were able to / in b) In spite of / could / in d) Despite of / could / on 23. Unless Mary __________ __________, shell fail her college final exams. a) will study / more b) studies / harder c) studies / more harder d) doesnt study / hard 24. I simply hate neighbours __________dogs bark all __________ night. (X = no article) a) where / X b) which / the c) whos / the d) whose / X 25. When Peter realized it was very late, he got __________ the bus and __________ a taxi and headed straight to __________ stadium so as not to __________ the football match. (X = no article) a) off / took / the / miss c) out of / caught / a / lost b) out / took / X / lose d) off / caught / the / lose For questions 26 to 30, choose the only statement which is grammatically CORRECT. 26. a) I was so tired that I tried keeping my eyes open but I couldnt. b) She suggested us to go to the cinema. c) Were planning to going to Britain next year. d) If the TV picture isnt very good, try moving the aerial. 27. a) Lets go by car. Its much more cheaper. c) We stayed at the most cheapest hotel of the town. b) My eldest son has just turned sixteen. d) Hes not as stronger as he used to be. 28. a) Ann, that lives next door, is very friendly. c) The hotel, that we stayed at, was very comfortable. b) Thats the lady that won a fortune on the lottery. d) Thats the shop they sell Italian suits. 29. a) You dont have to drink if youre under 21in the U.S.A. Its against the law. b) Look! Its a no right turn. We mustnt turn right here. c) We must wearing a uniform at our school. I hate it. d) It was raining very hard but Jessica could drive all the way to the country. 30. a) I pick up my brother at the airport tonight. b) Dont stand up. Im going to answering the door. c) Im seeing my dentist tomorrow morning. Ive got an appointment. d) Do you go away this weekend? For questions 31 to 35, choose the only statement which is grammatically INCORRECT. 31. a) Go over the bridge, round the roundabout, and past the church. b) Go along the corridor, through the doors, and up the stairs. c) Go over this road, along the park until youll get to the big roundabout. d) Go over the bridge, across the park, and down the hill. 32. a) The whale is in danger of becoming extinct. b) She was seriously injured in the car crash and immmediately taken to hospital. c) Remember that lifes always worth living. d) The man is destroying the nature. 33. a) I think louse are nasty little creatures. c) I need to take off my shoes. My feet are killing me. b) Children are the joy of the world. d) I guess this ox is in love with that cow over there. 34. a) Miss Brown is Mr. Greens secretary since 1995. c) Hi! What have you been doing lately? b) Weve been living in the same house for 20 years. d) Ive never met a celebrity in person.
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35. a) Neither Jane nor Janice dont wear glasses. b) They both have red hair. 36. I. II. III. IV. do make miss lose b) III, II, I, III, IV c) d) ( ( ( ( ( c) ( ( ( ( c) They look either Spanish or Mexican. Neither of them is tall. ) your temper ) business ) a noise ) a plane ) a favour IV, I, II, III, II

For questions 36 and 37, match the columns. For question 36, some verbs are used more than once.

a) IV, I, I, III, II 37 I. II. III. IV. a) sensitive sensible self-confident lazy III, II, IV, I





) She feels very sure of herself. ) She doesnt like working. ) She has a lot of common sense. ) She feels things quickly and deeply. III, I, II, IV d) II, IV, I, III

For questions 38 to 46 choose the option which best completes the sentences.

38. My sister __________ she wont get married until she __________ her soul mate. a) tells / finds b) tells me / will find c) is saying / could find d) says / finds 39. Tom and Rita __________ in love since they first __________ __________. It was love __________ first sight. a) are / saw / each other / at c) were / knew / one another / in b) have been / met / each other / at d) have been / met / themselves / at 40. The family __________ dinner when the doorbell __________. The butler let a gentleman in. Everyone __________ surprised because nobody __________ that man before. a) was having / rung / was / hadnt seen c) were having / rang / was / had seen b) had / was ringing / were / had known d) were having / rang / were / had ever seen 41. A: What will your boss do if she ever __________ the truth? B: Im positive shell __________ me the sack right away. a) finds out / give b) discovers / take c)

found out / give


discovered / take

42. Our __________ was fantastic! We managed to visit all the places we __________ previously planned. The ship was very comfortable and the tour guide was really friendly. All in all, it was __________. a) voyage / have / worth it b) journey / had / worthwhile c) tour / have / worthwhile d) cruise / had / worth it 43. (In a restaurant) A: Are you ready to __________? B: Yes, I __________ have the steak. Medium, please. a) order / will b) order / was going to c) ask / should d) ask / must 44. There used to be lots of billboards along the highways. Its a pity you __________ hardly see them __________. a) cant / any longer b) will / no more c) dont / no more d) can / anymore 45. The youth hostel __________ we stayed at was not very comfortable. We __________ share our bedrooms and the bathroom. __________, it was so cosy! (X = no pronoun) a) where / could / However c) X / must / On the other hand b) which / had to / On the other hand d) that / had to /Although 46. (On the phone) Im afraid my brothers not here at the moment. Hes __________ to India __________ business. __________ I do anything for you? a) been / on / Shall b) gone / for / Will c) gone / on / Can d) left / at / Would 47. Choose the word whose underlined letter is NOT silent. a) handsome b) dump 48. Choose the word whose underlined letter IS silent. a) since b) psychology 49. Choose the word whose first syllable is NOT stressed. a) hotel b) manager
c) c) c) comb hair nobody violin d) d) d) d) castle receipt recipe limit

50. Choose the word whose main stress falls on the LAST syllable. a) pavement b) abandon c)

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