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CPR I Meeting 24/9/2012 at M001 6.00pm-9.

Present: Justin, Tricia, Keenan, Galilee, Diane, Daniel Tie, Daniel Tong, Amanda Soo, Axton, Jansen
Evaluation of CCF Number of people decreasing before this, but turning point is during the Restart session. Potential people to lead: Tracy, Jen, Fannie, Kevin, Kelvin. There is more bonding because we have our own FB page. Some people caught back the fire in camp and decided to join CCF again. Reason of members not attending English CF is because they dont understand English much; they also dont know members there. Need to think of ways to help them fellowship with English members. Help needed for this semester: PNW and GIG media departments. Suggestions to help: try to visit CCF

Christian House Keenan feels better now. CH members got closer. Noel saw a difference between the CH and outside house. Culture of sharing. CH members closer after camp. Eerick wont get angry so Keenan take advantage of him. Closing down of Charis and also CF Camp actually brought the Christian House people closer. More initiative is taken by them now to meet up. Fannie is taking ownership by planning Christian house makan. The responsibility of Christian House prayer may be given to her. Jerald can be the 1 to drive and push. Pray for those members that are regular CF attendees.

Hostel prayer/ministry Last semesters hostel prayer. Boon wei led most of the prayers when Amanda wasnt around. Diane also helped out. Felt pressured to lead in prayer sessions. Sometimes they dont know what the members are thinking. Hostel members sometimes dont know what to share. Inconsistent attendance. Prayer is important, so it must be consistent. Are they really there to pray? Or they feel its an obligation/ or they are just there to receive? Suggestion: form a prayer schedule/roster and allow those that want to pray to pray anytime they want. Initiate the prayer. Practice and learn to be independent. Leaders should lead by example. Have to look at the majority peoples denominations and determine your style of prayer to suit the group. Plan is to get a few people to be on fire 1st, and then slowly get the support groups support. If possible, committees should try to be there. Tong and Bob will try to start a small prayer meeting at GK Floorball Theres a different between ministry and outreach. Outreach is result-orientedreaching out to people at the moment. The initial purpose of floorball ministry is to reach out to people through sports. However, not much support for floorball is seen from the CF. For the floorball team, the ministry is dying out with hardly any response from CFers even after the weekly CF announcement that encourages people to play. This ministry is lacking direction and leadership right now. It was never passed down properly by the seniors too. Theres not much purpose in winning second place in the league if in the end, no lives were touched. However,

to some CFers (like Diane), this ministry brings people together to fellowship and build friendships. In the past, big crowds will gather at the floorball court to fellowship. Now though, this culture is dying off and it is usually the Salibandy team members who are there. If floorball leaves CF and becomes under the wings of a church (either TOD or Karen Phangs church), it can go to another level and have serious training. If it stays as a ministry under CF, it will be more focused on fellowship and playing on a less intense level. So, decision has to be made on where this ministry is headed. It must be taken into consideration that CF has a high turnover rate, so the level of passion for floorball among leaders and members will be different every season. For the benefit of Salibandy, not being tied to CF will give them the opportunity to grow in skill. There are three concerns for this option though: (a) this ministry was founded as a CF ministry, so questions will be raised if theres a change to go under the covering of a church (b) SADs allowance of it (c) members may question especially since going under a specific church may clash with CFs inter-denominational stand. But if it is to continue under CF, CF most probably does not have the means to sustain and grow this ministry. EnF (Diane): Very good. Juniors are willing to talk to each other. Happy that CF is growing. Potentials: May, Andrea, Mandy, Carissa and melody etc.. Good board design Challenges: None Prayer and mission (Jansen): Jansen feels like its not his field of ministry. Main focus is freesbie. Suggestion: include freesbie into CF sport ministry. Wants to reach out to others through sports, and bring in God as a picture to them.

Praise and Worship (Daniel Tong): Trying to balance between seniors and juniors in serving team. PnW Is okay. Potentials: James, Jia Ying, Tracy, Daniel Koe Want to see this department as just not to play instruments, but to know the what the core of praise and worship is Plan: Schedules GIG ( Amanda Soo): Shirly, Andrea, May, Andrew Ong. Shirly needs more training. Plan: Form a schedule. Focus on a just a few (quality) BLOG: May was added to be in the blogging team. URL is changed. Propose to change the layout

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