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CPR II 26/9/2012 at Tongs house 7.30pm-11.

Present: Justin, Tricia, Keenan, Galilee, Diane, Daniel Tie, Daniel Tong, Amanda Soo, Axton, Jansen, Ee Ling, Su Jian
A New FES staff (Su Jian )joined us. He will be in CCF CPR Started with prayer and worship. Sharing of week 2s CF-CCF combined night Evaluation of 1st CF-CCF Combined Gathering Some of them enjoyed the worship; time issue: many times were prolonged. We should respect others time. Worship took too long. Punctuality. Members come later because CF seldom starts early. Clarity issue: no clarity in schedule. Some members have no idea of what is going on. Atmosphere of CF was good, but it seems very messy. Over 100 people attended. Some people went behind. So ushers need to usher people to the front. Group sharing should be smaller in group. Some members are very noisy; screaming until it disturbs the sharing of others. Student activity room is harder to have group discussions. A lot of people came to CF without knowing why. Encouraged to see members to clean the Room and setting up the screen. Broke record for mamak. Tables are an obstacle for Alex and Co. At 7pm, Jansen will volunteer to usher, and to look after the dancing band. Time issue: Allocate time for worship leader. 1 of the ways to overcome is to cut and restrict song Discussion issue: to give a clearer direction for what to share or to make the group smaller, so that everyone can share. After group is formed, PIC can pick leaders for each group.

Suggested Plans for this semester.

Prayer walk (Practical) Bible study (Lessons) Teachings about pray, listen and obey (Lessons) Practical day of love your neighbor (Practical) Orphanage (Outing) Run TARC (Sports) Free car wash (Practical) Fund raising (CF) Worship night (CF) Volunteer in dog farm (Practical) Picnic (Outing) Running man (Fellowship) Session of miracles, signs and wonders (Lessons) BGR 2 (Lessons) Jubilee (Lessons) Sports day (Sports) Canteen day free food CF (Practical)

Talent time (Fellowship) Fellowship (Fellowship) Fasting and pray (Lessons) Bible reading calendar (Practical) Silent retreat (Lessons) Mission trip (Practical) Creation vs evolution (Lessons) Identity (Lessons) Fellowship with UTAR CF (Fellowship) BBQ night (Fellowship) Steamboat (Outing) Outing day (Outing) Zoo (Outing) Visit OA kampong (Practical) Movie night (Outing) Sketch night (Fellowship) CF birthday night (Fellowship) Team building (Lessons) Lessons-10 Practical-8 Fellowship-7 Outing-6 CF-2 Sports-2 -Suggestion of having practical sessions before assignment weeks. -Suggestion of building up-why we go and love our neighbors. -Suggestion of relating bible topics to practical activities.

Week 3: Love your neighbor- stating the purpose

Week 4: heart of prayer and relationship with God Speaker: Ps ANDY result is to see people making a decision and inspired to pray Week 5: Listen and Obey Week 6: Refresh night Week 7: weekend: Dog farm trip (combined) Worship + prayer walk & interview week Week 8: Ezra interview week Week 9: Jubilee Week 10: RUNTAR on Saturday Week 11: unknown yet Week 12: Christmas event Week 13: AGM

Tricia closed in prayer

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