Speech by Kiana Chouinard: No Homo (Phobia) Media Launch

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My name is Kiana Chouinard, and Im a GSA student leader at an Edmonton public high school.

Im here because every single day Im surrounded by this issue, and its a widely ignored one especially in schools. Many teachers do nothing, because they dont know how to respond, or because they believe the language isnt used with homophobic intent. People cant assume the problem will stop on its own. It seems like its only getting worse as time goes on. What makes phrases like thats so gay such negative word ? Even if not deliberately commenting on somebodys actual or perceived sexual orientation, it still implies that being gay is bad, something to be ashamed of. In schools that dont actively combat this language, were assaulted with daily reminders of how terrible being gay is, how awful it is to be a dyke or called a faggot. Even when people use the word to describe objects, its still offensive. Wow, that shirt is so gay, what a dyke. Think about if you ever took a sentence like that, but replaced the homophobic slurs with racist ones. Would you get away with it? More importantly, would you say it? No, of course not, because thats not polite. The boys who sit behind me in class are a never ending fountain of homophobic language. Every time I hear them call something gay, or call each other fags, I cant focus on anything else. I know Im not the only one who notices, or is bothered by it. The fact is that a lot of teachers dont do anything to combat these words, which sends a powerful message that its okay to discriminate. Its not okay to discriminate against anyone. Homophobic language affects not only queer youth, but straight youth as well. Harassment and bullying of any kind erode the safety of school communities for everyone. And when students dont feel safe, they cant effectively learn and participate fully in their schools. Bullying isnt just a rite of passage, and it cant be dismissed. When the effects of homophobic bullying arent fully realized, the horrific results can go unnoticed. Im here because when friends talk to me about things they see happening, it scares me. Being surrounded by the casual use of homophobic slurs tell a sexual or gender minority youth that they are not fully welcomed in their school or family. This language tells them that a huge part of their identity is wrong. We are all entitled to more respect than that. Its not okay to use this kind of language, even online. Typing out a quick comment and hitting enter seems meaningless, but think about the effects it can have. Students should not have to search for an escape by turning to drugs, alcohol, self harm, or suicide. Posts like "JAMIE IS STUPID, GAY, FAT ANND [sic] UGLY. HE MUST DIE!" to the 14 year old from Buffalo were probably posted without much thought. But when Jamey Rodemeyer committed suicide last year, the bullies had to face just how big of an impact they had. Carl Joseph HooverWalker of Springfield was called gay daily by bullies at school. Even after his mom talked to the

school about the problem, the torture didnt stop. Carl hung himself in 2009. He was eleven years old. Im here to make it clear that the use of homophobic language has to stop. As weve all seen today, the use of casual slurs is at an unbelievable high, and it is completely unacceptable. People need to realize how much of an impact their words can have. Im here because I witness this discrimination every day. Im here for all the kids who are too afraid to speak up. Im here for all the kids who have nobody to support them. And Im here for the kids who are not here anymore. We must speak out and end the use of homophobic language, before it ends the life of somebody else we love. Thank you.

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