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EXERCISE 1.1 MAKE A RULE FOR THE USE OF A (N) AND THE (ZERO ARTICLE) FROM THE FOLLOWING LIST OF WORD. A book research strength A glass A microprocessor benzene A solid books quality An idea opinions gases

A and an are used with singular count noun. is used with noncount noun and plural nouns.

EXERCISE 1.2 UNDERLINE A AND AN IN THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. TRY TO MAKE A RULE ABOUT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO FORMS. Time is measured in a variety of ways. A nanosecond is one of the smallest units. A neon is one of the largest. We are moved interested on a daily basis in time on a human scale a minute, an hour, a monthly, a year. An objective measurement of time is necessary for scientific investigation. However, we also recognize subjective time. A one-hour movie can feel like less time than sixty minutes of a boring lecture.

We use a for words that begin with consonant sound. We use an for words that begin with vowel sound.

EXERCISE 1.3 CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER Our solar system, (a, an) one-star system of nine planets, was formed approximately 4.5 million years ago from (a, an) universe of cosmic gas and dust. Life in the form of bacterial cells already existed (a, an) billions years later. How did life form? Did (a, an) x-ray from space strike (a, an) carbon atom and (a, an) hydrogen atom in just the right manner to produce the compound of life? Was it (a, an) lightning flash? Or was it (a,

an) ultraviolet light source? Nobody has (a, an) exact answer.

EXERCISE 1.4 PUT A OR AN IN THE BLANKS. A student advisor

A student advisor at a university can help a student with a variety of problems. An undergraduate advisor
can help a student to decide on a major and a course of study. If a student is an honor student, the advisor can recommend a scholarship or a grant, if a student is a F student (a failing student), the advisor can help with personal problem if necessary and suggest ways to improve study habits. A foreign student advisor is often a helpful friend to students who come to study in a new country for the first time. EXERCISE 1.5 UNDERLINE THE WORD ON THE RIGHT THAT IS THE EBST NONCOUNT SYNONYM FOR THE COUNT NOUN ON THE LEFT. 1. A table 2. A thermometer 3. A piece of data 4. A dollar 5. A book 6. A hammer 7. A train 8. A sentence 9. A computer program 10. A sugar molecule Furniture measurement knowledge change literature force machinery information data sweetness wood instrumentation information money information equipment freight language software sugar Matter equipment research capital research steel transportation linguistic information energy

EXERCISE 1,7 Directions: Write a count noun form of the following noncount words or phrases. Example: () water ___________________________________ Answer: () water a glass of water, a liquid. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. () paper () homework () traffic () information () NaOH ( sodium hydroxide) () blood () vegetation () electricity () heat a piece of data a gram of NaOH a litre of blood a tree electricity bill one heat a molecule of oxygen A sheet of paper assignment

10. () oxygen EXERCISE 1.8

Indicate whether the underlined words is specific (S) or general (G) then indicate if it is a count (C) or a noncount (N) noun G/S 1. G 2. S 3. S 5. S 7. S 9. S Weight is a function of gravity

C/N N c N N N N c c

They measured a weight of 45 grams

4. G 6. G 8. G

A high-carbon steel offers more resistance to corrosion Some grains cannot grow in cool climates Stone was the first material used for toots The patient had an infection in her eye Steel is manufactured in the eastern U.S

Grains is used, among other things, to feed livestock Stones were the first objects used for tools

10. G Infection is usually caused by a bacteria



Directions: Cross out the correct form of the dual noun in parentheses. Is the remaining form count or noncount (the article is not shown)?

1. The geologist found (Diamond/ a diamond) in his pocket. Count 2. A tire is made of (rubber/ a rubber). Noncount 3. The sun provides us with (light/ a light). Noncount

4. (Rope/ A rope) is imported from the Philippines. Noncount 6. A living heart has (sound / a sound) like a drum. Count

5. There was (fire/ a fire) in the apartment downstairs. Noncount 7. (Paper/ A paper) is manufactured from wood pulp. Noncount 9. (Football/ A football) is popular all over the world. Noncount

8. The laboratory did (analysis/ an analysis) of the blood sample. Count 10. To complete the circuit, connect (wire/ a wire) to the battery. Noncount Exercise 1 .10 Directions: From the sentences in exercise 1.9, write the correct article in the blank. Indicate whether it is specific or general by underlining the appropriate choice. Then Write a definition of the word. 1. A diamond specific general Definition: A diamond is a rock that is used in different accessories. 2. Rubber specific general

Definition: Rubber is the material used to do tires. 3. Light specific general

Definition: Light is a special things that the sun gives us to survive. 4. rope specific general

Definition: Rope is an object used to tie things. 5. fire specific general

Definition: A fire is a violent reaction of a combustible matter.

6._a sound

specific general

Definition: Sound is that one that you perceive with the ears. 7._a paper specific general

Definition: paper is a thing that is manufactured from the wood pulp. 8. An analysis specific general

Definition: An analysis is a medical sample of any realized examination. 9._ football specific general

Definition: Football is a popular sport that one plays in the whole world. 10. A wire specific general

Definition: A wire is a thing that is used to connect different electrical machines.

EXERCISE 1 .11 Directions: write a, an or one in the blank. 1. The surgeon needs a scalpel. 2. A Bunsen burner is an excellent source of heat in the laboratory. 3. Students are required to read one chapter a week. 4. You have many good ideas, but we must come up with one design for this factory. 5. An egg accepts one sperm and rejects all others. 6. A mayfly has an average lifespan of one day. 7. The steam engine is an important source of power. 8. A banana tree produces one bunch of bananas and then dies. 9. An engineer usually earns at least $35,000 a year. 10. Each element has a characteristic spectrum.

EXERCISE 1 .12 Directions: Fill the blanks with a, an, or one. Because there are many fascinating fields in science and technology, it is sometimes difficult to decide on a major. Should a student study a subject that is really interesting, or should the student study a subject that will pay a high salary? What if the student is interested not just in one subject but in two or three? One solution is to study a combined major (e.g. biology and engineering). Many people believe that if a student studies for one reason only, money, that his or her career will not be so successful. Exercise 1.13 Directions: Write a or in the blanks. Hospitals A hospital is a place for the scientific treatment of sick people. Many modern hospitals are also research centers where a doctor can send a patient for medical treatment or advice. At these centers new drugs or special surgical procedures and treatments are developed. In addition, there are training hospitals, which prepare doctors, nurses, and other health personnel for medical occupations. Exercise 1.14 Directions: Underline the nouns in the passage. Put the indefinite article in the correct place.

A good laboratory is essential for good research. It should have a strong table with hard, acidresistant surface. It should have a water faucet and a sink with controlled drainage. It should have a gas outlet for a Bunsen burner and stands for holding test tubes, flasks, and other laboratory equipment. Well-equipped laboratories also supply hot steam, a vacuum, and possibly oxygen or other gases.

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