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A Dark Future Ahead

Kim 2 Outline I. Introduction II. Research Methods A. Qualitative B. Quantitative III. Conclusion

Kim 3 Table of Contents Future Problem...................................................................................................................... 4 Patterns from the Past to the Future...................................................................................... 4 Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 5
student 9/6/12 10:50 AM Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font:+Theme Body

Kim 4 Sung Ho Kim Mr. Steigner Genre Literature 29 August 2012 A Dark Future Ahead Attempting to look into the future and predict what will happen in the later years is a popular subject, and is piercingly opinionated by diverse people. There are individuals who fervently anticipate an improved future world from the mediocre standards of today. The opponents believe that the future will be a decline from the present world: a more bitter and worse off world. I, as another individual with my own perspective of the future, believe that the coming years will be worse, compared to today. Future Problem The world, in certain places, is severely overpopulated. There are countries like China and India that are facing problems because of this. Every year, the world population increases, and places like China have difficulty distributing food to all their people, and problems like unemployment are soaring high. In the future, these countries will continue to have trouble. There will be more homeless, and poor people in the future. The United Nations World Population Prospects 2004 Revision stated, The worlds population will reach 9.1 billion by 2050. The lack of food may be a big problem in the future, than it is today. Patterns from the Past to the Future Patterns, over a period of time, show what will be happening in the future. Observing the patterns in the world right now there is a problem: obesity. Ever since technology has commenced in this world, there are many people who are willing to sit in front of a television or computer for hours without moving.If the obesity rate continues to climb up rapidly,
student 8/29/12 11:21 AM Comment: What kind of Patterns were there student 8/29/12 11:21 AM Comment: What kind of people student 8/29/12 11:23 AM Deleted: It has become a habit in the lives of humans.

Kim 5 according to Jeannine Stein in the Los Angeles Times, half the adults in the United States could be obese by the mere year of 2030. People who believe that the future will be bright mention believe that newly developed, and advanced technology will be an advantage to human lives. It is the opposite. Increasing technology will also expand the population of obese people in the world. Obesity is a critical danger to ones health, and may lead to severe problems. The future, full with new technology, will be offering everyone a path straight to the chance of obesity. Conclusion The world is getting worse as each year slips through our fingers. The future will be in harsher conditions than today because of many reasons. Soon, technology will be gaining control over humans, and obesity will be a major health issue. The world population will increase rapidly and may open up new problems. The coming years will not be brighter, but will be darker, especially inflicting on health issues. The world is getting worse, and people need to know about it.

Kim 6

"Stock Futures." Bloomberg. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Aug. 2012. <>.piercingly

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