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April 2011 Jamathul Awwal - 1432
INAABAT Monthly Magazlne
Prosperity Knocking Prosperity Knocking Prosperity Knocking Prosperity Knocking Prosperity Knocking
By MufIl Muhammadullah Khallll Qasml
Thc author ls hcad ol lntcrnct Dcpt. ol Darul Uloom Dcoband
Thc mcntal strcam changcd lts coursc altcr
Europc's Economlc rcvolutlon ln clghtccn ccntur,. Thc
control ovcr Econom, passcd lnto thc hands ol lnlldcls
and athclsts. Whcn rcllglon had a sa, ln cconomlc and
commcrclal allalrs, pcoplc uscd to practlcc honcst,,
clarlt, and wcrc conccrncd lor thc hcrcaltcr. Thc,
normall, kcpt thc dcllbcratlon ol thc Sustalncr ln thc
back ol thclr mlnds whllc cndcavorlng to carn. Thc,
put thclr lull trust ln hlm lor thclr succcss and sought
Hls plcasurc. Toda,, sltuatlon ovcrturncd and
matcrlallstlc approach prcvallcd. Wholc cconomlc
s,stcm rcsts on non-lslaml c or non-rcl lglous
loundatlons. Thus, a lanatlc hungcr ls gcncratcd whlch
rccognlzcs no known dlsclpllncs ln gcttlng qulck lucrc.
Evcn, a largc numbcr ol Musllms camc out ol thc
rcstrlctlons lslam lald down ln buslncss and arc now
actlvc part ol thc ugl, racc-lor-qulck-monc,. Thc,
sccm, ALLAH lorbld, convlnccd wlth thc ldcal that
wlth lull adhcrcncc to lslam, lt ls lmposslblc to catch
up ln thc progrcss wlth othcr communltlcs dcspltc bclng
lt absurd and nonscnslcal approach cvcn on lacc valuc.
lslam ollcrs a balanccd and natural wa, ol lllc that
asslsts ln llndlng solutlons to thc problcms onc
conlronts throughout thc lllc. Not onl, common lolk
but a group ol practlcal and at a partlcular dcgrcc,
consclous Musllms look anxlous whcn lt comcs to carn
llvlng. Thc prcscrlptlons lor barakah ncvcr cross thclr
mlnds cvcn lor oncc whcn drawlng dcllbcratc stratcglcs
to acqulrc abundancc and prospcrlt,. Thc actlons,
whlch accordlng to ALLAH's promlsc wlll brlng
abundancc ol wcalth and proluslon ol llvlng, ncvcr
catch thclr attcntlon. Wc hcrcundcr, wlll mcntlon just
10 ol thosc goldcn prcscrlbcd actlons whosc practlcc,
so sa,s Allah, attracts plcnt, ln wcalth.
T. Seeklng Forglveness & RepenIance:
Qur`an, at dlllcrcnt placcs cxplalns that sccklng
lorglvcncss makcs lllc prospcr and productlvc. Nooh
Alalhlssalam ls quotcd to havc sald,
"Scck lorglvcncss ol ,our Rabb, Hc ls cvcr rcad,
to lorglvc ,ou. Hc wlll scnd abundant raln lor ,ou lrom
hcavcn, hclp ,ou wlth wcalth and sons, and provldc
,ou wlth gardcns and thc llowlng rlvcrs. (Nuh: 10-12)
Slmllarl,, Hud Alalhlssalam lnvltcd hls pcoplc lor
sccklng rcpcntancc sa,lng,
'And O m, pcoplc! Scck lorglvcncss ol ,our Rabb
and turn to Hlm ln rcpcntancc. Hc wlll scnd ,ou lrom
thc sk, abundant raln and Hc wlll add strcngth to ,our
strcngth. So do not turn awa, llkc crlmlnals." (Hud:52)
Abdullah Ibne Abbas Radlallahu Anhuma
reporIed: 'Thc Mcsscngcr ol ALLAH Prophct
Muhammad Sallal Lahu Alalhl Wasallam sald, "ll
an,onc contlnuall, asks lorglvcncss lrom ALLAH,
ALLAH wlll appolnt lor hlm a wa, out ol cvcr, dlstrcss,
and a rcllcl lrom cvcr, anxlct,, and wlll provldc lor
hlm lrom whcrc hc dld not rcckon." (Abu
Oncc Hadarath Umar Radlallah Anhu wcnt out
ol clt, wlth multltudc to pra, lor raln but altcr sccklng
lorglvcncss camc back to thc town. Pcoplc lnqulrcd as
to thc, dld not hcard hlm lnvoklng pra,crs lor raln.
Hc, ln rcsponsc, rccltcd thc abovc mcntloncd vcrsc.
Hasan Basrl would suggcst cvcr,onc, who would
complaln lor lamlnc, povcrt,, chlld and dcstructlon ol
harvcst, to scck lorglvcncss.
Rcpcntancc ls to glvc up slns b, showlng rcgrct
and rcmorsclulncss and lccl dccpl, dlscomlltcd lor
what hc commlttcd, wlth llrm lntcntlon ol ncvcr golng
back to lt ln luturc and wlth absolutc dctcrmlnatlon lor
thclr rcctlllcatlon b, rlghtcous dccds. ll thc harm ol
slns commlttcd ln thc past lnlllctcd dlscomlort to somc
othcr human bclng thcn lt ls condltlonal to scttlc thc
account wlth whom hc lnlllctcd harm or vlctlmlzcd lor
hls slns. Wlthout dolng so rcpcntancc, holds no rcallt,
ln lt.
April 2011 Jamathul Awwal - 1432
INAABAT Monthly Magazlne
2. PleIy and Fear of Allah:
Plct, ls thc adhcrcncc to ALLAH's commands and
avoldancc ol hls prohlbltlons. lt ls onc ol noblc lcaturcs
that rcsults lnto thc abundancc ol llvlng.
Hc sa,s ln thc Qur`an:
"And lor thosc who lcar ALLAH, Hc (cvcr)
prcparcs a wa, out. And Hc provldcs lor hlm lrom
(sourccs) hc ncvcr could lmaglnc" (Talaaq: 2-S).
Abdullah lbnc Masood Radl allahu Anhu
commcntcd, 'Thls ls thc most lmportant vcrsc whlch
dcscrlbcs thc wa, towards abundancc ln llvlng. ALLAH
sa,s ln thc Qur`an:
"Had thc rcsldcnts ol thc towns bcllcvcd and
lcarcd Allah Wc would havc showcrcd upon thcm
rlchcs lrom and thc carth, but thc, dlsbcllcvcd, so Wc
sclzcd thcm lor thclr mlsdccds." (Aaral: 6)
And ln Malda:
"ll thc, would havc obscrvcd thc Laws ol Taurat
and thc lnjccl (Gospcl) and othcr Rcvclatlons whlch
wcrc scnt to thcm lrom thclr Rabb, thc, would havc
ccrtalnl, cnjo,cd abundancc lrom abovc and lrom
bcncath. Though thcrc arc somc among thcm on thc
modcratc coursc, but most ol thcm do nothlng but cvll."
Barakat, plural ol barakah, ln thc vcrsc, lmpllcs
that Barakah ls dlvldcd lnto dlllcrcnt catcgorlcs. lt ls
also notcworth, that thc truc mcanlng ol Barakah ls
sulllclcnc, and not abundancc. Oltcn, wc notlcc
t,coons complalnlng lor thc lack ol lnllow ol monc,
whllc at thc samc tlmc somc ol thosc do not havc
plcntllul, llvc a lllc ol contcntmcnt and satlslactlon.
lmam Raazl claboratcd lt, 'Thc raln ls thc blcsslng
ol sk,. Harvcst, calttlcs, lrults and, pcacc and harmon,
ol carth, lor sk, ls llkc lathcr and carth llkc mothcr as
all bcncllts ol human bclng arc cncompasscd ln thcm.
lmam Khazln commcntcd, 'Barakah ls to gct
blcsslngs ol ALLAH bc lt ln an,thlng whatsocvcr.'
3. ConsIanIly Worshlpplng ALLAH:
lt mcans mcn should conccntratc and sta, locuscd
whllc worshlpplng Almlght, ALLAH. Mcn should
alwa,s rcmaln mlndlul ol ALLAH's suprcmac, and
grcat promlncncc. Abu Huralrah Radlallhu Anhu
rcportcd: 'ALLAH's Apostlc Prophct Muhammad Sallal
Lahu Alalhl Wasallam sald, 'ALLAH sa,s, 'O son ol
Adam! Takc tlmc out to constantl, worshlp mc, l wlll
llll ,our chcst wlth rlchncss, and rcmovc ,our povcrt,.
And ll ,ou do not do so, l wlll makc ,our hands
occuplcd (wlth work), and wlll not rcmovc ,our
povcrt,".'' (lbnc Majah)
4. AbsoluIe Rellance on ALLAH (Tawakkul):
ALLAY sa,s ln thc Qur`an:
"And ll an, onc puts hls trust ln Allah, sulllclcnt ls
(ALLAH) lor hlm. For ALLAH wlll surcl, accompllsh
hls purposc. Vcrll,, lor all thlngs has Allah appolntcd a
duc proportlon" (Sura Talaaq:S)
Hadarath Umar Radlallah Anhu statcd that
Prophct Muhammad Sallal Lahu Alalhl Wasallam sald:
"ll onl, ,ou rcllcd on ALLAH a truc rcllancc, Hc would
provldc sustcnancc lor ,ou just as Hc docs lor thc blrds:
Thc, ll, out ln thc mornlng hungr, and rcturn ln thc
altcrnoon wlth lull stomachs. (Musnad Ahmad:205)
lmam Ghazall has wrlttcn ln Ah,aul Uloom,
'Tawakkul ls absolutc rcllancc on ALLAH.' Allama
Manawl Radlallahu Anhu put lt as 'Thc conlcsslon ol
our hclplcssncss and total trust ln ALLAH ls callcd
Tawakkul.' Mullah All Qarl Rahamatullahl Alahl thlnks
'Thc bcllcl that onl, ALLAH makcs a dlllcrcncc l.c.
prollt and loss, povcrt, and rlchncss, hcalth and
slckncss, and lllc and dcath arc controllcd b, ALLAH
alonc ls thc truc Tawakkul.'
Howcvcr, thc Hadlth convc,s an lmportant lcsson
to all ol us: That whllc trust ln ALLAH ls absolutc bclng
lndcpcndcnt ol what wc do. lt ls our rcsponslblllt, to
act on what wc lntcndcd to accompllsh. Thc Hadlth
lndlcatcd that blrds go out carl, ln thc mornlng ln
April 2011 Jamathul Awwal - 1432
INAABAT Monthly Magazlne
scarch ol lood. Thclr ll,lng ls thclr strugglc and cllort.
Thclr strugglc turns lrultlul whcn thc, rcturn wlth lull
stomachs. Thcrclorc, utlllzlng mcans lor worldl, galn
do not lall agalnst Sharlah. lnstcad, ls totall, ln
accordancc wlth lts tcachlngs. A man camc to thc
Prophct Muhammad Sallallahu Alalhl Wa Sallam and
sald, "l wlll not tlc m, camcl and trust ln ALLAH" Thc
Prophct Muhammad Sallallahu Alalhl Wa Sallam sald,
'Tlc lt and trust ln ALLAH.' (Musnadush Shlhab:146SS/
5. Spendlng In The Way of Allah:
ALLAH sald:
Whatcvcr ,ou spcnd ln charlt,, Hc wlll pa, ,ou
back. Hc ls thc bcst ol thosc who provldc sustcnancc.
Agaln ALLAH mcntloncd:
Sha,tan thrcatcns ,ou wlth povcrt, and prompts
,ou to commlt what ls lndcccnt, whllc ALLAH promlscs
,ou Hls lorglvcncss and bountlcs, and ALLAH has
boundlcss knowlcdgc. (Baqarah:26S)
Abu Huralra Radlallahu Anhu rclatcd that thc
Prophct Muhammad Sallal Lahu Alalhl Wasallam sald,
'ALLAH sa,s: "O son ol Adam, spcnd (ln charlt,), and
l'll spcnd on ,ou!"(lbnc Majah:212S)
Abu Huralrah rcportcd: Thc last Mcsscngcr
Prophct Muhammad Sallal Lahu Alalhl Wasallam oncc
sald to Bllal Radlallahu Anhu, 'O' Bllal, spcnd and do
not lcar thc owncr ol thronc ol povcrt,.' (Mlshkat:1SS5)
6. SupporIlng Learners of Islam:
lmam Tlrmldhl and Haklm rccordcd on thc
authorlt, ol Anas bln Mallk that "Thcrc wcrc two
brothcrs (that llvcd) at thc tlmc ol thc Prophct
Muhammad Sallal Lahu Alalhl Wasallam. Onc ol thcm
would alwa,s bc wlth Prophct Muhammad Sallal Lahu
Alalhl Wasallam, whcrcas thc othcr onc would scck
hls sustcnancc (b, worklng). So thc onc who uscd to
scck hls sustcnancc complalncd to Prophct
Muhammad Sallal Lahu Alalhl Wasallam about hls
brothcr. Thc Prophct Sallal Lahu Alalhl Wasallam
rcpllcd,'lt ls posslblc that ,ou arc provldcd ,our rlzq
(sustcnancc) bccausc ol hlm'" (Tlrmldhl:244S)
Scholars lncludcd lcarncrs ol lslamlc knowlcdgc
among thosc whom Qur`an lnstructcd Musllms to
spcnd thclr alms on,
'Charlt, ls lor thosc nccd, pcoplc who arc
cngagcd so much ln thc causc ol ALLAH that thc,
cannot movc about ln thc land to carn thclr llvcllhood:
thc lgnorant thlnk that thc, arc wcalth, on account ol
thclr modcst bchavlor. You can rccognlzc thcm b, thclr
look bccausc thc, do not makc lnslstcnt dcmands on
pcoplc. Whatcvcr ,ou spcnd on thcm, surcl, Allah
knows lt. (Baqarah: 27S)
7. EsIabllshlng The Tles of Klnshlp:
Abu Huralrah rcportcd: "Prophct Muhammad
Sallal Lahu Alalhl Wasallam sald: 'Whocvcr would llkc
hls rlzq (provlslon) to bc lncrcascd and hls lllc to bc
cxtcndcd, should uphold thc tlcs ol klnshlp.' (Bukharl:
Kltabul Adab:5S5)
All Radlallahu Anhu rcportcd that thc Mcsscngcr
Prophct Muhammad Sallal Lahu Alalhl Wasallam sald,
''Whocvcr would llkc hls rlzq (provlslon) to bc lncrcascd
and hls lllc to bc cxtcndcd, and hls dcath not to bc
palnlul should rcmaln lcarlul ol ALLAH and uphold
thc tlcs ol Rclatlvcs. (Musnnad Ahmad: 1212)
lbnc Hajar sald, 'Rlham' hcrc lndlcatcs thc rclatlvcs
clthcr thc, havc sharc ln lnhcrltancc or not. T,lng thc
tlcs ol klnshlp suggcsts ln broadcr pcrspcctlvc that a
man must tr, to do good to hls rclatlvcs ln whatcvcr
wa, posslblc and should strlvc not to harm thcm
8. Showlng Klndness To The Poor & Weak Ones:
Thc Flnal Mcsscngcr ol ALLAH, Prophct
Muhammad Sallal Lahu Alalhl Wasallam sald, 'Thc
onl, rcason that ,ou arc aldcd and provldcd wlth
sustcnancc ls thc 'wcak oncs'.'
Mus'ab bln Sa'ad Radlallahu Anhu rcportcd that
oncc whcn Saad Radlallahu Anhu lclt prldc, Prophct
Muhammad Sallal Lahu Alalhl Wasallam sald to hlm,
'You arc glvcn hclp and provldcd hclp b, thc vlrtuc ol
,our wcak oncs. (Bukharl: 1754) And Abu Darda
April 2011 Jamathul Awwal - 1432
INAABAT Monthly Magazlne
Radlallhu Anhu too rcportcd a tradltlon to thc samc
cllcct rccordcd b, Tlrmldhl.
9. RecurrenIly Performlng Hajj & Umrah:
lt has bccn rcportcd b, Abdullah lbn Masood
Radlallahu Anhu that Prophct Muhammad Sallal Lahu
Alalhl Wasallam sald: 'Follow up bctwccn Hajj and
Umrah (l.c. contlnuousl, rcpcat thc pcrlormancc ol
Hajj and Umrah) bccausc thc, both cllmlnatc povcrt,
and slns just llkc a lurnacc cllmlnatcs thc dlrt, lmpurltlcs
ol lron, gold and sllvcr. And an acccptcd Hajj has no
rcward lcss than paradlsc.' (Musnad Ahmad:7S66,
ALLAH sald, 'Hc who cmlgratcs ln thc path ol
Allah shall llnd numcrous placcs ol rclugc ln thc Earth
and abundant rcsourccs.' (Nlsa:100)
Emlgratlon mcans to travcl lrom thc natlon ol
lnlldcllt, (Whcrc Musllms do not cntcrtaln cnough
lrccdom to practlcc lslam) to thc natlon ol lslam. Thc
truc cmlgratlon ls whcn cmlgratc rcsolvcs to cstabllsh
thc rcllglon ol ALLAH and sccklng Hls plcasurc. Hls
commltmcnt bchlnd cmlgratlon should bc to asslst
Musllms agalnst brutal lnlldcls.
Thcsc 10-prcscrlptlons can unqucstlonabl,
clcvatc thc llnanclal condltlon ol cvcr,onc who
practlccs thcm wlth llrm convlctlon. So, dcclarcd thc
Quran and Ahadlth wlth complctc artlculatlon. Thc
onl, scll-sulllclcnt ls thc Almlght, ALLAH. Thc worth,
ol thls dcgrcc ol honour among mcn arc thosc who
rcgard cvcr,onc as undcpcndablc cxccpt ALLAH. Thc
momcnt wc arc convlnccd ol Hlm as thc-onl, sustalncr,
a covctcd contcntmcnt and plcasant satlslactlon brcczc
ln our mlnds. Thc contcnt souls ncvcr c,c othcrs
dlamonds and pcarls. lnstcad, lt alwa,s counts on hls
sustalncr's lncxhaustlblc capablllt, to provldc llvlng
upto thc last brcath. Thc thlrst lor morc wcalth ls
unqucnchablc unlcss wc posscss contcntmcnt. Thc
Mcsscngcr Prophct Muhammad Sallal Lahu Alalhl
Wasallam unamblguousl, polntcd lt out, 'Thc rlchncss
do not llc ln abundancc ol wcalth but lt llcs ln
contcntmcnt ol soul.
Abu Dharr (Radlallahu Anhu) rcportcd: thc
Mcsscngcr ol ALLAH, Prophct Muhammad Sallal Lahu
Alalhl Wasallam askcd mc, 'Abu Dharr, do ,ou thlnk
thc rcal rlchncss llcs ln plcnt, ol provlslons l rcpllcd,
'Ycs.' Hc lurthcr askcd, 'lt mcans accordlng to ,ou thc
povcrt, ls ln lack ol mcans and monc,' l rcpllcd, 'Ycs.'
Hc thcn sald, 'Thc rcal rlchncss ls contcntmcnt ol soul
and thc rcal povcrt, ls povcrt, ol soul.' (Fathul Barl:

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