Hannah Jang's Career Plan

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am I? Hello! My name is Hannah Jang. I am currently a senior student at an international school in Seoul. My goal is to obtain a position as a successful and respected entrepreneur of a multinational business, in which I can develop creativity and leadership skills. I will achieve my goal through by following my career plan. At College I would like to go to university in Hong Kong or Singapore. Although many students wish to go to universities in United States, I would like to continue learning Chinese and expand my knowledge regarding Asian cultures and explore them more. Because I am hoping to major in law and minor in business at college, I am mainly considering universities/colleges with undergraduate law program regardless of their sizes. My First Jobs I would like to have various types of internship before making a final decision which field I would like to work in rest of my life. I am considering having internship experiences at restaurants, hotels, marketing companies, advertisement companies and law firms if I have opportunities. Although it is very hard to confidently say what first job position I would like to work in due to my lack of work experiences, working in a hotel would be interesting because I can directly learn how a multinational business in the service industry runs. Heading Toward My Dream Working in a business as a marketing director and manager would indeed help me in gaining my ideal job position, an entrepreneur or an executive director of a multinational business. As a marketing director, I can learn an develop not only real marketing strategies, but also ways to administrate a business as a leader. Ultimate Goal As an adult with professional job experiences and extensive knowledge regarding business and law, I would love to be an executive director of a major business firm. Providing excellent quality of service and not only useful, but also creative products to customers world wide seems very exciting and intriguing to me. After running my own business for a while, I would like to be a professor sharing my experiences and knowledge with students who have the same aspirations as I.

MS Word Tutorial 5a: Career Plan Content

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