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Week 3 QuizANSWER KEY Age of Exploration, British Colonization of America, Causes of Revolutionary War 1.

Identify each of the following as either a primary source or a secondary source. Explain why you chose your answer. (3 pts.) a) A photograph of a German fighter pilot from World War I.primary. Photographs are always primary because the person who took the picture would have needed to be at the event. b) A biography of 15th US President James Buchanansecondary. A biography implies that it is written about someone else, making this a secondary source. An autobiography is when someone writes about themselves, so that would be a primary source. c) Coins from 11th century Kievan Russia.primary. Coins are an artifact, or object from that time period. These are primary sources because they were made during the time period. Other examples of artifacts would be pottery, clothing, jewelry, or anything else that was created during the time period of study. 2. Name TWO of the major reasons why Christopher Columbus wanted to sail to the New World. (2 pts.) Possible answers: To find gold, to spread Christianity, to bring glory to Spain (the country that sponsored him), to get famous, to find adventure, to look for Asia, to trade for goods such as silk and spices **NOTEhe did not think that the world was flat. He knew that it was round, but he did not know how large it was or what countries were between Spain and China. 3. What was the name of the first permanent English settlement in America? (1 pt.) Jamestown (Plymouth was the 2nd permanent English settlement) 4. Name TWO of the major reasons why Jamestown was not successful at first. (2 pts.) Possible answers: Disease, harsh climate, failing crops, laziness (colonists were not used to working), Native American attacks, not enough supplies 5. What was the name of the group of people who founded Plymouth? Why did they decide to come to America? (2 pts.) Pilgrims/Separatists/Puritans (either of these 3 is names is an acceptable answer), came to America for freedom of religion (their religious beliefs and practices were different from the Church of England). 6. What is the difference between a slave and an indentured servant? (2 pts.) A slave is either born into slavery or sold into it, and they are never free and do not get paid. Indentured servants do not get paid either, but they work to pay off a debt of some type. For example, a wealthy Englishman might have paid for them to come to

the New World, so an indentured servant would agree to work for him for a few years but is then set free. 7. In your own words, describe the concept of salutary neglect. (2 pts.) For a number of years after colonization but before the Revolutionary War, Great Britain allowed the colonists to govern themselves. They did not enforce laws or taxes, and as long as the colonies were making money to send back to Great Britain, they let them be. This became an issue after the French and Indian War, when Great Britain began to tax the colonists to help pay for the war. They were not used to this treatment, and they strongly opposed it. 8. What is propaganda, and what is it used for? Provide an example of propaganda. (2 pts.) In this context, propaganda can be described as a political advertisement. It is used to persuade someone to join a certain side or change their opinions about a matter. Examples would be war posters (such as I want YOU for U.S. ArmyUncle Sam), songs, movies, booklets, commercials, etc. 9. List the FOUR main causes of the Revolutionary War that we discussed in class. (2 pts.) 1) French and Indian War 2) No taxation without representation 3) Boston Massacre 4) Intolerable Acts 10. Choose TWO of these four causes and explain how it led to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. (2 pts.) 1) French and Indian Warconflict between Great Britain and France, fought over land in North America. The colonists fought with Great Britain. The war caused many deaths, much destruction, and was very costly. After the war, Great Britain began taxing the colonists in order to pay for war damages and debt. The colonists were used to salutary neglect, or being able to govern themselves, so they were very angry about this. 2) No taxation without representationGreat Britain started imposing a number of taxes on the colonists in order to make money. These included the Tea Act, Stamp Act, and Sugar Act. The colonists argument was that they did not have anyone to represent them in the British government (Parliament), and it was against the laws of Great Britain for a group of people to be taxed if they did not have someone to speak on their behalf in government. These taxes led to rebellions in the colonies, such as the Boston Tea Party. 3) Boston MassacreAfter the Boston Tea Party and other outbreaks, Great Britain began stationing soldiers in the colonies to keep order. There was a group of British soldiers standing in the middle of Boston, and the colonists started harassing them

by throwing snowballs and verbally abusing them. The soldiers responded by firing into the crowd, killing 5 colonists. Because of propaganda in the form of a drawing by Paul Revere, word of this incident spread around the colonies and escalated into the story of a massacre. This made the colonists extremely angry because Great Britain was now killing their people. 4) Intolerable Actsin response to the Boston Tea Party and similar rebellions, Great Britain got a lot stricter with the colonies in terms of laws and taxes. They increased the amount of taxes that they collected from the colonists. They also sent more soldiers to keep watch, and they closed off Boston Harbor. Great Britain called these acts the Coercive Acts, meaning that they were trying to coerce, or gently push, the colonists to behave. The colonists referred to these as the Intolerable Act, implying that they would not tolerate, or bear, this type of mistreatment and disrespect.

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