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Qu tan bueno es tu ingls? Descbrelo en 20 minutos con el examen gratis de aptitud de ingls de Englishtown.

Sobre el examen: Creado por profesores titulados y expertos lingsticos, este examen te dir con exactitud el nivel de ingls que tienes en gramtica, comprensin oral y lectura. Usado por ms de 1.000 empresas multinacionales para averiguar el nivel de ingls de sus trabajadores. Anteriormente el examen solo se administraba a empresas y estudiantes matriculados, pero ahora est a tu disposicin gratis en internet! Gramtica Page 1 En la primera seccin sers evaluado(a) en tu dominio de la gramtica inglesa. Hay 40 preguntas de seleccin mltiple en la seccin de Gramtica. Buena suerte, ests dando el primer paso hacia el descubrimiento de tu verdadero nivel de ingls!
1. We didn't want to get in trouble, _____ we parked in the lot around the corner. A. so B. but C. because D. although The Correct Answer is 1 2. "Are you and Richard in the same apartment building?" "No, we _____." A. isn't B. weren't C. are D. aren't The Correct Answer is 4 3. My brother is studying hard to be _____. A. writer B. write C. a writer D. writes The Correct Answer is 3 4. If you _____ faster, we could have turned in the project before the deadline. A. work B. had worked C. have worked D. working The Correct Answer is 2 5. She has computer class _____ noon. A. with B. at C. on D. in The Correct Answer is 2 6. My family and I _____ through the desert on our last vacation. A. drive B. drives C. driving D. drove The Correct Answer is 4 7. _____ time do you spend on your homework every day? A. How much

B. How well C. How often D. How long The Correct Answer is 1 8. "What programs _____?" "He mostly uses Microsoft Word and Excel." A. is he using B. does he use C. he used D. he use The Correct Answer is 2 9. Since they changed jobs, their life _____ been much easier. A. are B. was C. has D. had The Correct Answer is 3 10. Would anybody care for _____ drink before dinner? A. the others B. another C. other D. others The Correct Answer is 2

Gramtica Page 2 11. Their new neighbor _____ blond hair and blue eyes. A. is having B. have C. has D. having The Correct Answer is 3 12. "Is that Martin's new car?" "Yes, it's _____." A. him B. himself C. his D. he The Correct Answer is 3 13. She _____ everywhere for her favorite perfume. So far she hasn't found it. A. has looked B. looking C. been looking D. looked The Correct Answer is 1 14. "You really _____ go to Cairo. You can see the Pyramids and the National Museum." A. may B. might

C. can D. must The Correct Answer is 4 15. "What television shows did you watch when you were a child?" "I _____ watch comedies". A. was B. liked C. used to D. did The Correct Answer is 3 16. My _____ usually goes to the office on foot. A. best friend B. best friends C. best friend she D. best friend is The Correct Answer is 1 17. If we _____ some more money, we could go away this weekend. A. are having B. have C. had D. would have The Correct Answer is 3 18. We went to the doctor _____ she couldn't seem to get rid of her cold. A. so B. for C. that D. because The Correct Answer is 4 19. The secretary asked me _____ I wanted to meet with. A. who B. how C. why D. when The Correct Answer is 1 20. If you feel full, don't _____ any more of that pizza. A. ate B. eating C. eat D. eats The Correct Answer is 3

A. a few B. a lot of C. many D. much

Page 3

21. I had _____ soup and a sandwich for lunch.

The Correct Answer is 2 22. "I forgot my keys on the desk. _____ giving me a lift home?" A. Could you B. Can you C. Will you D. Would you mind The Correct Answer is 4 23. My classmates and I enjoy doing similar things. _____ favorite activity is going cycling. A. Our B. We C. Us D. They The Correct Answer is 1 24. Amy lives in Thailand now. She _____ at a large university there. A. teach B. taught C. is teaching D. teaching The Correct Answer is 3 25. She always gets good evaluations. She must be _____ employee in the company. A. the most valuable B. more valuable C. the valuable D. valuable The Correct Answer is 1 26. Has he ever _____ to swim? A. learned B. learn C. learning D. learns The Correct Answer is 1 27. When I last saw them, my sisters were on their way _____ the mall. A. on B. in C. at D. to

The Correct Answer is 4 28. I want to send the Smiths an email. Do you have _____ email address? A. they B. them C. their D. there The Correct Answer is 3 29. The movie was over before we had time _____ the plot. A. for understand B. to understand C. understanding D. understand The Correct Answer is 2 30. _____ was a big parade in front of the university campus. A. Their B. They C. These D. There The Correct Answer is 4


Page 4

31. My teacher was living in Dubai when she _____ her future husband. A. will meet B. met C. was meeting D. meets The Correct Answer is 2 32. That student passed her oral exams _____ speaking English at every opportunity. A. by B. from C. with D. to The Correct Answer is 1

33. Before _____ a decision on what to order, John asked the waiter for his recommendation. A. make B. made C. making D. being made The Correct Answer is 3 34. There isn't _____ milk left. I need to go out and get some. A. many B. some C. no D. any The Correct Answer is 4 35. You can fly from here _____ Paris in under 5 hours. A. at B. in C. to D. for The Correct Answer is 3 36. Norm showed me his vacation photos _____ he visited my house for lunch. A. which B. who C. when D. where The Correct Answer is 3 37. If you don't slow down, you _____ have a heart attack. A. would B. will C. can D. should The Correct Answer is 2 38. The project was _____ complicated than they had expected. A. so B. most C. more D. too The Correct Answer is 3 39. My father is a surgeon. _____ works in a hospital. A. It B. Father C. He D. She The Correct Answer is 3 40. If you _____ eating so much junk food, you'll lose weight. A. stopped B. stop C. might stop D. are stopping The Correct Answer is 2

Page 5 En esta seccin sers evaluado(a) en tu habilidad para comprender lo que escuchas. Asegrate de que tus audfonos o parlantes estn bien concectados, y de que el volumen es ideal. Escuchars tres segmentos de audio diferentes y responders una serie de preguntas relacionadas con cada uno de ellos. Son diez preguntas en total.

Audio 1

Click here to listen to the audio:

41. Where does Mary probably work? A. at the Student Union B. in the campus newspaper office C. at a car garage The Correct Answer is 2 42. What does Tom want to do? A. work at the newspaper B. sell his car C. get a job in advertising The Correct Answer is 2 43. What does Tom forget to tell Mary? A. his phone number B. his name C. his address The Correct Answer is 1 44. How much will the advertisement cost per week? A. $ 2.00 B. $ 6.00 C. no charge The Correct Answer is 2 45. What are the man and the woman discussing? A. the woman's vacation B. tourist attractions in California C. the weather in California The Correct Answer is 1

Audio 2

46. How did the woman get to California? A. in an airplane B. in a sports car C. with the bus The Correct Answer is 1

Click here to listen to the audio:

47. What did the woman not like about the trip? A. the Mexican food B. the places she visited C. the weather The Correct Answer is 3 48. How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation? A. glad that the semester is almost over B. ready to go to the symphony C. sad because her paper is not yet finished The Correct Answer is 1 49. Which city will the symphony go to next? A. Vienna B. New York C. Chicago The Correct Answer is 2 50. Where will they go after the performance? A. back to class B. home C. to a restaurant The Correct Answer is 3

Audio 3

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Lectura Page

En esta seccin sers evaluado(a) en tu habilidad para comprender materiales escritos. Lee el texto de abajo y despus responde las diez preguntas. Haz clic en "T" si la oracin es verdadera, "F" si la oracin es falsa, y "N" si no hay informacin.

Airplane Hooligans

'Air rage' is now a major concern following moves by airlines to draw up a passenger blacklist after a number of violent in-flight incidents. German flight attendants report that one thing is certain, with the growth in air travel the number of in-flight violent incidents is also increasing. Otto Ziegelmeier, Director of the Independent Flight Attendants'

Organisation (UFO) reports that the range of incidents by people described as "unruly passengers" varies from racist remarks all the way to fistfights on board. A security expert for a pilots' association agrees that it is a serious problem. British Airways registered 260 incidents in 1997, four times the figure of three years earlier. There are no statistics in Germany, but officials estimate that each year some 100,000 passengers on board German airplanes misbehave seriously. While a number of foreign airlines are starting to take action against unruly passengers, the topic is not taken too seriously in Germany. Flight attendants and pilots groups feel that airlines, out of concern for their reputation, are covering up the problem. For example, Lufthansa officials speak only of some isolated incidents and say that so far there have been no serious cases reported. Compared to the total number of air travelers, unruly passengers remain a small minority. But then, a single passenger can become a security hazard if he starts to play with the doors, tries to force his way into the cockpit or secretly smokes a cigarette in the toilet. Experts say that often the fear of flying is a cause of aggressive behaviour. Usually alcohol plays a role because in the extremely low humidity of the airplane it has a much greater effect than on the ground. In many cases, when flight attendants deny a passenger another drink, there is a heated reaction. In one instance, a man struck a stewardess so violently in the face that she suffered a broken jaw. Airlines often have problems with business passengers because they are always used to being in control. However, as one airline official stated, "but up in the sky, it's the pilot who's in charge." Other agencies agree that many business passengers have a problem with following someone else's instructions. He said that American Airlines has even observed that the majority of unruly passengers are to be found in the first-class and business-class sections. How do airlines deal with these passengers? A pilot for a German charter airline once had to deal with a group of 10 to 15 vacationers who were dancing through the aisle while carrying a portable stereo playing loud music. He warned the vacationers that if he was forced to make an unscheduled stop in New York, it would cost them $25,000. That quickly calmed them down. British Airways has begun warning passengers that they would be banned from flying with the airline after two incidents.

51. According to the text, making racist remarks to other passengers is a form of air rage. A. True B. False C. No information The Correct Answer is 1 52. Air rage incidents have decreased slightly over the past few years for British Airways. A. True B. False C. No information The Correct Answer is 2 53. United Airlines reported serious air rage incidents last year. A. True B. False C. No information The Correct Answer is 3 54. Some pilots believe that there are more violent incidents on airplanes than are reported. A. True B. False C. No information The Correct Answer is 1

55. Compared to the total number of people who travel, there is only a small number of unruly passengers. A. True B. False C. No information The Correct Answer is 1 56. Most violent incidents on airplanes result in broken bones or other injuries. A. True B. False C. No information The Correct Answer is 3 57. Alcohol does not seem to be a factor in air rage incidents. A. True B. False C. No information The Correct Answer is 2 58. Many violent incidents on airplanes are caused by people in business and first class. A. True B. False C. No information The Correct Answer is 1

59. One of the ways airlines deal with the air rage problem is by making passengers pay a big fine. A. True B. False C. No information The Correct Answer is 1 60. Flight attendants usually handcuff passengers if they cause problems during a flight. A. True B. False C. No information The Correct Answer is 3

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Who can learn to Speed Read? Famous Speed Readers

Adults, students and children aged 7 and above can master speed reading techniques to read faster and more accurately. Famous speed readers include John F Kennedy and Jimmy Carter. Junior and high school students, college students and professionals have all benefited from speed reading training. You can too.

Speed Reading Options

There are four options. These are: speed reading books speed reading tapes or DVDs speed reading courses speed reading software.

John F Kennedy

Speed reading books tell rather than "train" you how to speed read and, hence, have limited effectiveness. Speed reading tapes or DVDs have limited involvement and participation. They can be like a set of canned lectures without the immediacy of live presentation.

Speed reading courses are often the most expensive option. Also, improvements in reading speed "drop off" after the seminar as the seminar material is forgotten. Speed reading software trains rather than "tells" you how to speed read. The most interactive, convenient and accessible option. The best option is an effective speed reading software program. It's interactive, convenient and easily accessible. And you can use it whenever you need to maintain your reading speed and comprehension.

What to Look for in Speed Reading Software?

When considering speed reading software, ensure it provides: Effective training exercises using proven speed reading techniques to eliminate nasty reading habits. These exercises should include: Exercises to prevent "eye-slaving" and "subvocalization" Paced reading - to train you to read at a set pace to develop reading rhythm and prevent "skip-back". Speed tests: An effective speed reading program will continuously evaluate your reading speed. Training optimized according to your ability: so you are challenged, enjoy learning and learn at optimal levels. Ample and varied content and practice material - you should be able to select readings from a wide range of graded readings. Continuous comprehension testing - if you are training to read quickly you need to know how your comprehension is tracking. Reading too quickly for your ability can result in lower comprehension. Fast reading and comprehension should go hand in hand in a good speed reading program. Facility to use your own material - this means you can work smart and train to speed read whilst learning material your really need to know. Facility to customize the look and feel of the program to suit your reading needs. Printable reports, graphs and statistics so you can easily see your progress. After sales service and technical support Reading Speed - critical to career success FREE Reading Skills Test How does your reading speed and comprehension rate?

How Do You Rate?

The average reading speed is around 230 words per minute. Most people are capable of reading at least twice as fast (i.e. 460 words per words per minute) but are "held back" by nasty reading habits.
Slow reader: 0 - 150 words per minute. Typically has very poor comprehension. Many people who read slowly have not "taken" to books and reading. The better you read, the more you "want" to read. Below average reader: 150 - 230 words per minute. Below average. Often has poor comprehension. Average reader: 230 - 250 words per minute. Fast reader: 350 - 500 words per minute. Typically has a high educational level and is a professional, an avid social reader or has participated in an effective speed reading program. Excellent reader: 500 - 800 words per minute. High speed reader, who has learned accelerated reading techniques. Skim reader: >800 words per minute. Studies show that comprehension drops off sharply at speeds greater than 800 words per minute for almost all readers. Be skeptical if a vendor claims that accurate reading is possible over 800 words per minute.

References: Fry, E. B. (1963). "Teaching faster reading: a manual" Cambridge, Cambridge University Press De Leeuw, E & De Leeuw, M (1965) "Read better, read faster" London, Penguin Press

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