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The Unknown


IS THERE A POINT? Is our whole lm just about fun/violence/sex/ graphics/etc? Is our whole lm a McGun? What do WE want to say?

Topics we could look at.but all these topics link together.HUGE!

PopulaUon/ migraUon war poliUcs

Science/ medicine


Slavery/ human trac

Anarchy/ riots


Obesity/ famine

1 2 6 Trafalgar Square 1990, 3 4 5 Croydon 2011

Slavery/Human Tracking

People are pre-programmed to pro-create its what we are designed to do

In previous eras there have been ways of keeping down the populaUon numbers war, famine, disease, disasters

Some groups of society have always used this to keep other groups marginalised rape & abuse, homeworking, famine, poverty, narcoUcs

Now we have educaUon, geneUcs and medicines but they are not available to the majority of people. In some countries 60% of the populaUon have HIV. In others, 60% suer from malnutriUon.



The future gets becer? There is no change? It gets worse? Or, most likely, It gets becer for some groups within society but worse for others.

Marge Simpson: What if you [Homer] actually tried to help us? Homer Simpson: What if Flanders was a monkey? Lisa Simpson: What if we knew how to stop the c9onal characters?

People get facer?

It turns out the earth is really at? The shit really hits the fan and zombies acack?

Everyone carries a gun? We run out of air?

We can control electronics with our thoughts?

Wall-E is the future?

The sea becomes totally toxic? We can make our own everything?

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