Research Report Google Map For KESC: Farogh Ahsan Malik A.M Planning R-IV New Connection

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Research Report Google Map for KESC

Farogh Ahsan Malik A.M Planning R-IV New Connection

The study shows effects, cost-benefit analysis of the intrusion of Google maps in current network of the company and also highlights the factors that could affect performance of the current system.

Submitted on instructions of: Asif, Muhammad G.M Coordination New Connections, K.E.S.C 2/29/2012

In modern times, where things have started moving by leaps and bound towards digitalization and technological improvements, we at KESC are committed towards excellence and have always been upfront in any endeavor that could improve upon our work structure, technological advancement and innovation. We are determined to not only supply power to our esteemed consumers but also to improve the KESC experience which is an added advantage we have to offer and regard it as our USP. Modern man is at a verge of using technology as a basic need for life and its existence which enhances our morals for doing the same as it is not just a luxury now, its a necessity.

New Connections department follows certain set of procedures for proposing and implementing schemes concerning installation of PMTs and HT/LT lines in the KESC system. The flow of SOP is enumerated as follows: Submission of new connection application at front office. Sending application to concerned back office through courier. (Estimated Time of Arrival few hours to 2-3 days) Marking of application from regional Manager to concerned surveyor. (ETA 1-2 days) Carrying out survey. (ETA 1 day) Identification of feeder and concerned grid. (ETA few hours if on phone and couple of weeks if done in black and white) Assessment of load calculation and drawing preparation (rough drawing). (ETA 1 day) Submitting survey report to software up to punching LRA. (30 minutes) LRA approval from GM (Forwarding only), director, SINCAL and other concerned departments. (If necessary due to loading position check). (ETA 1day to couple of years) Preparation of approvable drawing. (ETA few hours to a day) Approval of drawing. (ETA 1 day) Preparation of Sub-Er (bill of material). (ETA few hours) Approval of Sub-ER. (ETA 1 day) Issuance of estimate. (ETA an hour) Delivery of estimate to consumer. (ETA time dependent on applicant availability)

In such process, time required increases manifolds when there are hurdles a few of which are as follows

Applicants nearest supply line is not visible at or near premises and surveyor has to actually find it. Naturally, a surveyor starts moving on the most feasible to drive road and marks the first supply point he notices. Whereas, there can be another supply point in another direction which can be even near to the applicant. There can be any underground cable near the applicant which remains invisible to surveyor. The surveyor then has to go & check from different grid stations at times to get to know the feeding of the found supply point. Few supply points found do not have names on them and it makes impossible for surveyor to communicate with anyone even though he finds a supply point. This results in panic at later stage, miss-commitments to the applicants and even fatal injuries. Feeding positions may change from time to time and operations or grid personnel at times are unable to give correct information of supply point which results in anarchy later. By the time LRA is approved, the feeding position changes which results in reprocessing of cases as at times LRA approval takes years. There are other approved cases in the area which bring supply point near the applicant but as the work has not started on them the planning surveyor cannot see it and prepares longer drawing and KESC has to refund money later and indulges in complications. Material calculation is totally human and the chances of error are enormous.

In view of the process flow and the hurdles involved, it was strongly felt that some technological innovation was seriously needed to overcome the hurdles and make the existing system streamlined so as to remove bottlenecks and to increase the speed of process flow while cutting down costs and stress.

Google Maps is a Google service offering powerful, user-friendly mapping technology and local business information, including business locations, contact information, and driving directions. With Google Maps, you can explore the following unique features:

Drag able maps - Click and drag maps to view adjacent sections instantly (no long waits for new areas to download). Satellite imagery - View a satellite image (or a satellite image with superimposed map data) of your desired location that you can zoom and pan.

Earth view - Click the Earth button to view 3D imagery and terrain from Google Earth on Maps that you can zoom, pan, and tilt. Street View - View and navigate within street-level imagery. Double-click to zoom functionality - Double left-click to zoom in, and double right-click to zoom out (Ctrl+ double-click for Mac users). Scroll wheel zooming - Use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out of the maps. Google labs, a tool for doing things more than just map like measuring on-ground distance, at any provided zoom level.

Google maps services are free unless for commercial use whereas they have allowed commercial operators to enjoy the service free of cost but the privacy statement acknowledges that the addition of ads would be there.

As depicted in the above figure, Google has marked all the major roads in Karachi with yellow lines. A more zoomed picture may reveal that all the smaller roads in the metropolis are associated with white lines.

The roads near the head office colored white by Google mark smaller roads on the map. One thing to be noted is the Google showing KESC substation as well this embarks the detail level provided by Google for free. The scale feature offered by Google also measures distance between two points.

As shown in the example, the Google provided free service provides length of the sea view road up to 5 decimal points as 3.05090 KMs or 3050.90 meters or 3050 meters and 90 centimeters. This makes distance measurement in Centimeters precision. Similarly if we would ever want to

energize McDonalds at Sea view straight from the Gizri head office, we might have to waste a few days in proper measurements. But here, this can be done in seconds as below.

The distance comes out to be 4.26214Kms with the free precision offered by Google. To note that the distance measured is not just a straight distance (crow flight) but has curves and banks in it i.e. On road cable, line distance.

The Proposition
Our proposition is that, if we can convert this Google map for Karachi to our credential either by editing it (Feature provided by Google) or by making parallel software which could provide us with extra features into a form that our existing network of HT/LT lines could be jolted down on the map. This would provide us with a low cost feature to overcome the largest hurdles in our current system and can also entertain the provision of single software for the whole KESC which could be run on similar basis as that of SAP.

New Connection
This can be done by marking existing HT/LT lines on the system for a start. Once that is done, whenever any applicant for new connection arrives at our office, he only has to identify his plot on the map. A computer operator on the new connection window gets an aerial view of the premises marked with nearest HT point on the map. On single click, the line can be stretched near the applicant and proposed new PMT could be placed on the map with the applicants consent. The system would auto generate the material used and would generate the estimate amount in seconds for the applicant for which print could be taken for estimate to be deposited. An example figure can be shown as under.

For an example, defense general post office shown on map asks for new connection at its premises. Our operator would notice that nearest yellow line is just near the applicant. He would stretch the line from any existing pole of the yellow line which would be previously marked and place new PMT near the applicant. While he puts the cursor on the yellow line, he would just know from a pop up balloon that what Feeder/Grid it is and how much load it already has running and how much can be committed to the applicant.

As we can see, there can be made new proposed line emerging from the existing line and proposed PMT could be placed near the applicant. We can automate the material calculation feature in the software. Once estimate is paid by the applicant, the line would turn yellow and the system would know that this is an existing line. Now if the plot owner near GPO asks for connection we would only stretch the line from GPO and not mistakenly charge him for whole line when not knowing that GPO has paid for half the line required and it is under construction.

Operations/GSM/SSM Interface
On similar fashion, the same software could be made accessible for operations as well. Operations do not have to start an updating day to update this software, whatever system changes are made on daily basis, would be made with prior consideration of software only. For example, if they want to switch the feeding from one feeder to another, they would first consult the software which may tell them that their proposed change would ever be allowable under Feeders permissible limit. If the change is allowed, they can shift and update the software which may also be made available to new connection instantly in real time. If the said change is temporary, it would also be depicted in the software this would even tell us the exact scenario for the load position. GSM and SSM could also use a similar interface for processing their underground cable and feeder information and status. Same could be followed by EHT/System Planning departments.

Real-time SCADA
Similarly the software could also be mingled with our existing SCADA system and can also give us the real time information about the feeder loading at any instant.

Supply Chain interface

Supply chain could also be benefitted so that less paper work would be required to issue material. Just when the estimate is paid, the payment gets confirmed and the line turns red to the supply chain personnel and he would just instantly know what material he has to procure for the fast commencement of the scheme. It would also take into account the yearly, monthly requirements of material.

Report Generation
The said scheme would also account for a report generation feature which would take into account the monthly, yearly power demand, material demand and also instantly allow management to know the worth of the company by calculating assets currently in position and working. Keeping track of material that needs to be replaced and faulty material check would be on finger tips.

Time saving for surveyor to look for nearest supply pint, Grid/Feeder. Time saving in drawing preparation. Time saving in Sub-ER preparation and Estimate issuance. Time saving under LRA. Instant depiction of Feeder position and loading. Saving of paper work. Saving of stationery cost. Less human resource required. Less human handling i.e. less chances of human error. Recording trial of every sub process. Digitalization of current network. Instant report generation. Monitoring and controlling through KPIs. Eradication of mistakes in terms of feeder confirmations and presence of underground cables. Lower inter department communications required which can save time in units of weeks and months. Lower humane involvement slices off possibility of forgeries and bribery. Software could be made universal for nearly 50% of departments within KESC. Software could be made on basis of SAP where every individual can exercise his or her alteration or working rights. For example, a new connection manager can install and stretch PMTs and lines whereas any operation personnel could only shift the lines and feeding point Lower cost of software.

Cost Required Google map/ Downloadable map Cost Required Full city Survey

Bearish Approach (Pessimistic View)

500 dollars. Tentative max cost. Outsourced/ 20 million.

Bullish Approach (Optimistic View)

KESC is already seeking map from Google so it wont cost for the project. As Final Year Project to NED and other Engineering University Students/ 200 Rupees in lieu of Certificates to be issued by HR. As Final Year Project to NED and other Engineering and IT related University Students/ 200 Rupees in lieu of Certificates to be issued by HR. 1 year 6 month for New Connection protocol launch. 2 week once survey gets done. 5000 rupees per head (optional) for fuel adjustments. At least 60% less staff required once project gets implemented on all hierarchical levels. At least 50% decrease in yearly stationery demands. Speed of process flow multiplies by 20. Lesser skilled workmen to be employed turning down pay scale to effect salary expense by 40%.

Cost Required

Software Design

Outsourced/ 10 million.

Cost Required

Time Required

1-2 years.

Cost Required


10 Pool vehicles for 6 months to a year. 30% less staff required once project gets implemented on nearly all hierarchical levels. 30% decrease in yearly stationery demands. Speed of process flow multiplies by 2. Lesser skilled workmen to be employed turning down pay scale to effect salary expense by 20%.

Cost Cutting


Cost Cutting Cost Cutting

Stationary Time

Cost Cutting


Availability of Resources
Maps Survey Staff Software Builders University/ Student contact Computational Requirements Transport Resources

Available/ Dedicated maps are possibly available. In-House available. Available, all in-house, student, organization. Available for NED UET, Bahria University and PNEC (Nust). Both with or without HR intervention. IT hardware available. Pool Vehicles can be made available in absence of which, personal transportation could be implied.

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