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Project On Fuel Cells

1) Anode: The electrode at which oxidation (a loss of electrons) takes place. For fuel cells and other galvanic cells, the anode is the negative terminal; for electrolytic cells (where electrolysis occurs), the anode is the positive terminal. 2) Cathode: The electrode at which reduction (a gain of electrons) occurs. For fuel cells and other galvanic cells , the cathode is the positive terminal; for electrolytic cells (where electrolysis occurs), the cathode is the negative terminal. 3) Catalyst: A chemical substance that increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed; after the reaction, it can potentially be recovered from the reaction mixture and is chemically unchanged. 4) Electrolyte: A substance that conducts charged ions from one electrode to the other in a fuel cell, battery, or electrolyser. 5) Membrane: The separating layer in a fuel cell that acts as electrolyte (an ion-exchanger) as well as a barrier film separating the gases in the anode and cathode compartments of the fuel cell. 6) Solution: solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of only one phase. In such a mixture, a solute is dissolved in another substance, known as a solvent. The solvent does the dissolving. 7) Aqueous Solution: An aqueous solution is a solution in which the solvent is water .As water is an excellent solvent and is also naturally abundant, it is a ubiquitous solvent in chemistry.

The whole story begins with a basic definition of a fuel cell. In first section of this project, we have attempted to give a brief introduction to what a fuel cell is and how it works. We have also covered brief diagrams and reactions involved. Brief mechanism of a fuel cell is also explained in this section. Heading further in this section, we talk about the history, where and by whom it was made, to its development along its age. Applications of fuel cell in early times are also talked about in here. The basic science and explained mechanism behind a fuel cell is a topic of concern in the next section. We have covered its working here, the sites of reaction, the generation of electricity and the fate of the fuel. The red-ox reactions taking place in the process are also discussed. A fuel cell is classified by the type of electrolyte it uses. The next section briefly lists out the commonly used Fuel Cells. The following section deals with the area where mankind is most interested in, the areas where Fuel cell is exploited. Form stationary uses like in home or telecom towers, to uses in transportation and machines, the wide use of fuel cells are explained in here. In the end of this we have talked a bit about micro-power generating use of fuel cells. The generous benefits of the fuel cell are not left, and are topic of our next discussion. We talk about the eco-friendly behaviour of the fuel cell, and its essence in sustainable development. The major obstacles that hinder the great success of the fuel cells are also covered. The fuel cell will change our lives remarkably when used judicially and more often. The future of power and transportation will change dramatically when fuel cells become the main producers of clean energy.

A fuel cell is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy, water, and heat through electrochemical reactions.

In a fuel cell, fuel (hydrogen) and air react when they come into contact through a porous membrane (electrolyte) which separates them. This reaction results in transfer of electrons and ions across the electrolyte from the anode to the cathode. If an external load is attached to this arrangement a complete circuit is formed and a voltage is generated from the flow of electrical current. The voltage generated by a single cell is typically rather small (< 1 volt), so many cells are connected in series to create a useful voltage.

This fuel cell principle described here was first discovered by William Grove in 1839. Grove used four large cells, each containing hydrogen and oxygen, to produce electric power which was to produce electric power which was then used to split the water in the smaller upper cell. Commercial potential fuel cell was first demonstrated by NASA in the 1960s with the usage of fuel cells on the Gemini and Apollo space flights. However, these fuel cells were very expensive fuel cells . Fuel cell research and development has been actively taking place since the 1970s, resulting in many commercial applications ranging from low cost portable systems for cell phones and laptops to large power systems for buildings.

Working of Fuel Cells A fuel cell operates like a battery. Unlike a battery, a fuel cell does not run down or require recharging. It will produce energy in the form of electricity and heat as long as fuel is supplied.

A fuel cell consists of two electrodes sandwiched around an electrolyte. Oxygen passes over one electrode and hydrogen over the other, generating electricity, water and heat. Hydrogen fuel is fed into the "anode" of the fuel cell. Oxygen (or air) enters the fuel cell through the cathode. Encouraged by a catalyst, the hydrogen atom splits into a proton and an electron, which take different paths to the cathode. The proton passes through the electrolyte. The electrons create a separate current that can be utilized before they return to the cathode, to be reunited with the hydrogen and oxygen in a molecule of water. Anode Reaction: Cathode Reaction: 2 H2 => 4 H+ + 4 eO2(g) + 4 H+ + 4 e- => 2 H2O

Overall Cell Reaction: 2 H2 + O2 => 2 H2O Types of Fuel Cells Fuel cells are classified primarily by the kind of electrolyte they employ. This classification determines the kind of chemical reactions that take place in the cell, the kind of catalysts required, the temperature range in which the cell operates, the fuel required, and other factors.

Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells Direct Methanol Fuel Cells Alkaline Fuel Cells Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Regenerative Fuel Cells Comparison of Fuel Cell Technologies


More than 2500 fuel cell systems have been installed all over the world in hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, office buildings, schools, utility power plants in areas that have inaccessible by power lines. Fuel cell power generation systems in operation today achieve 40 percent fuel-to-electricity efficiency utilizing hydrocarbon fuels. Since fuel cells operate silently, they reduce noise pollution as well as air pollution and when the fuel cell is sited near the point of use, its waste heat can be captured for beneficial purposes.In large-scale building systems, these fuel cell systems can reduce facility energy service costs by 20% to 40% over conventional energy service and increase efficiency to 85 percent. Telecommunications - With the use of computers, the Internet, and communication networks steadily increasing, there comes a need for more reliable power than is available on the current electrical grid, and fuel cells have proven to be up to 99.999% (five nines) reliable. Fuel cells can replace batteries to provide power for 1kW to 5kW telecom sites without noise or emissions, and are durable, providing power in sites that are either hard to access or are subject to inclement weather. Landfills/Wastewater Treatment Plants/Breweries/WineriesFuel cells currently operate at landfills and wastewater treatment plants across the country, proving themselves as a valid technology for reducing emissions and generating power from the

methane gas they produce. Untreated brewery effluent can undergo anaerobic digestion, which breaks down organic compounds to generate methane, a hydrogen rich fuel. Transportation

Cars - all the major automotive manufacturers have a fuel cell vehicle either in development or in testing right now . Commercialization is a little further down the line (some automakers say 2012, others say later), but every demonstration helps bring that date closer. Buses - Over the last four years, more than 50 fuel cell buses have been demonstrated in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Fuel cells are highly efficient, so even if the hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels, fuel cell buses can reduce transit agencies CO2 emissions. And emissions are truly zero if the hydrogen is produced from renewable electricity, which greatly improves local air quality. Because the fuel cell system is so much quieter than a diesel engine, fuel cell buses significantly reduce noise pollution as well. Trains - Fuel cells are being developed for mining locomotives since they produce no emissions. An international consortium is developing the worlds largest fuel cell vehicle, a 109 metric-ton, 1 MW locomotive for military and commercial railway applications.

Planes - Fuel cells are an attractive option for aviation since they produce zero or low emissions and make barely any noise. The military is especially interested in this application because of the low noise and ability to attain high altitude. Boats - For each litre of fuel consumed, the average outboard motor produces 140 times the hydrocarbons produced by the average modern car. Fuel cell engines have higher energy efficiencies than combustion engines, and therefore offer better range and

significantly reduced emissions. Portable Power

Fuel cells can provide power where no electric grid is available, plus they are quiet, so using fuel cell instead of a loud, polluting generator at a campsite would preferably be better. Portable fuel cells are also being used in emergency backup power situations and military applications. They are much lighter than batteries and last a lot longer, especially important to soldiers carrying heavy equipment in the field. Consumer Electronics- Fuel cells will change the telecommuting world, powering cellular phones, laptops and palm pilots hours longer than batteries. Companies have already demonstrated fuel cells that can power cell phones for 30 days without recharging and laptops for 20 hours. Other applications for micro fuel cells include pagers, video recorders, portable power tools, and low power remote devices such as hearing aids, smoke detectors, burglar alarms, hotel locks and meter readers. These miniature fuel cells generally run on methanol. Micro Power

Fuel cells are efficient- They convert hydrogen and oxygen directly into electricity and water, with no combustion in the process. The resulting efficiency is between 50 % and 60%, about double that of an internal combustion engine. Fuel cells are clean- If hydrogen is the fuel, there are no pollutant emissions from a fuel cell itself, only the production of pure water. In contrast to an internal combustion engine, a fuel cell produces no emissions of sulphur dioxide which can lead to acid rain, no nitrogen oxides which produces smog and no dust particulates. Fuel cells are quiet-A fuel cell itself has no moving parts, although a fuel cell system may have pumps and fans. As a result, electrical power is produced relatively silently.

Fuel cells are modular-Fuel cells of varying sizes can be stacked together to meet a required power demand, fuel cell systems can provide power over a large range, from a few watts to megawatts. Fuel cells are environmentally safe- They produce no hazardous waste products, and their only by-product is water (or water and carbon dioxide in the case of methanol cells). Obstacles At present there are many uncertainties to the success of fuel cells - One of the biggest disadvantages of fuel cells is the cost to implement a system which exceeds $5,000 per kilowatt. Most energy generation developers try to meet a goal of $1,000-$1,500 per kilowatt before viewing a specific energy generation method as a valid option Car makers, who are looking to fuel cell energy to solve the current gas crisis, face a problem that fuel cell-powered cars take longer to fuel and drive shorter distances than other cars. There are hybrid cars currently on the market that are much more cost effective, take less time to recharge, and drive longer distances. Although abundant in the universe, hydrogen is fairly rare in our atmosphere, meaning that it has to be extracted (for example through electrolysis) and currently, the process is cost prohibitive and inefficient. Prototype fuel cells last only 1/5th as long as would be needed to make fuel cells costeffective. There is no hydrogen infrastructure to supply coast-to-coast delivery of hydrogen fuel.

SOFCs, MCFCs and PAFCs can internally reform natural gas, providing the perfect solution for industrial use but MCFCs and PAFCs are too large for home and transportation use and SOFCs still have years in development.

PEMs and AFCs can use fuel reformers to convert hydrocarbons, such as gasoline and natural gas, into hydrogen, but this technology lowers the overall efficiency of the fuel cell by 1/4 and can release small amounts of pollutants.

The fuel cell will change our lives remarkably when used judicially and more often. The future of power and transportation will change dramatically when fuel cells become the main producers of clean energy. Facing depleting oil reserves and growing pollution levels, car companies are investing substantial amounts to research the viability of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs).One of the main causes of third world deficits is the cost of importing fossil fuels. Hydrogen can be obtained from using the indigenous resources of sun, wind, wave, waste, biomass or tidal power. A hydrogen fuel cell system is of modular construction so it can be set up and added to as required. Once the fuel cell are exploited wisely the car will no longer be an environmental burden, and the electrical grid will be subdivided to the neighbourhood and building level. When hydrogen is obtained from renewable energy sources, no global warming gases are emitted. Hydrogen fuel cell systems store intermittent solar and wind power so there is no need for back -up generators powered by fossil fuels. U.S. Department of Energy's timeline identifies 2015 as a reasonable timeframe for the auto and energy industries to move forward. Fuel cell vehicles can become commercially viable once a hydrogen-refuelling infrastructure is in place. Oil and gas are likely to remain the dominant energy sources until somewhere around 2040, according to a study , although the study did indicate that fuel cell vehicles could account for 25 % of new auto sales in industrialized nations as early as 2020. As fuel cells are efficient, clean, quiet and environmentally safe, they must soon be the major energy resource.


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