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Management Functions and Diversity Goal Implementation


Warda Khawar






Dr. Asma Imran


26th Sept, 2012

COMSATS Institute of Information and Technology, Lahore

Management Functions and the Implementation of Diversity Goals

Planning: In this step the manager creates a detailed action plan aimed at some organizational goal. Relation with Diversity: If the management is concerned with the achievement of the diversity goals, the plans, strategies and objectives will be formulated keeping the diversity in mind. The top management will make sure that none of these contradict with the diversity goals. Moreover, there will be a trickledown effect in a way that everything the employees, departments and organization will be doing, it will directly or indirectly be nourishing the workforce diversity and will eliminate the discrimination. Organizing: This step requires managers to determine how to distribute resources and organize employees according to the plan. Relation with Diversity: If management is organizing with the diversity goals in mind, it will lead to the structure that will not neglect a particular group or groups of employees. Plus it will lead to the just and equal distribution of resources depending on the diverse set of skills and abilities of varied employees. Leading: In this step, the manager spends time connecting with the employees on an interpersonal level. Relation with Diversity: A leader leading with the diversity goals in mind will not discriminate between his subordinates. He will treat people fairly and will respect the differences that make them who they are. Moreover, he will be sensitive to the needs of diverse employees

and will motivate them accordingly. This type of leader will also encourage employees to work with others of different backgrounds or generations. Controlling: Controlling is the final function of management. Once a plan has been carried out, the manager evaluates the results against the goals. If a goal is not being met, the manager must also take any necessary corrective actions to continue to work towards that goal. Relation with Diversity: When controlling is seen in relation to diversity goals, it can be used to make sure that the employees and work units are not deviating from their goals. And if there is some sort of discrepancy in the goal and performance, then the manager works it out and ensures that the focus does not deviate from the diversity goal. Moreover if the standards and goals are revised, the managers will ensure that no employee becomes the victim of discriminatory behavior.

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