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There are many different factors that motivate individuals and groups. These include financial reasons, power, achievement, opportunity for advancement, the ability to contribute; but one major factor is the power of RECOGNITION. We, at the National Awards Committee, are aware that awards are an excellent supplement to almost any recognition program. JCI Members who are recognized for their abilities and their contributions to their local organization are more likely to be happy, content and motivated; they will also continue striving for excellence in their desire to excel. We believe that the memberships inherent desire for accomplishment is the spark that lights the fire from which JCI Philippines derives the warmth that sustains it. Because of our individual contributions to our local organizations, the JCI movement in the Philippines has, since 1955, maintained its glorious tradition of rewarding excellence that continues to shine until this day.


NATIONAL CHAIRMAN AREA 1 Chairman Area 2 Chairman Area 3 Chairman Area 4 Chairman: Area 5 Chairman : : : : : JCI Sen. GEAN T. CESAR JCI Bai Lawanen, Inc. JCI Mem. Melody Lim JCI Echague Balamban JCI Mem. Carlo Galarrita JCI Manila JCI Mem. Maan Velasco JCI Batangas Caballero JCI Mem. Ma. Liza Nava JCI Iloilo Ilang-Ilang JCI Mem. Doreen Ranada JCI Bai Lawanen


To recognize and honour outstanding achievement in pursuance of the purposes of Junior Chamber by local organization and individual members, Junior Chamber International (JCI) Philippines has instituted a formal system of granting awards and recognition. This system hopes to bestow recognition to deserving individuals and local chapters for outstanding performance, to provide motivation to the award winners, and as a primary gesture of appreciation by the national organization to the winners for their excellent work done during the fiscal year.


The history of Junior Chamber International (JCI) awards for the Philippines goes back to the very first years of the organization; the evolution of the program follows that of the organization itself. At the International Councillor's Meeting (now called General Assembly) of Junior Chamber International in 1947, it was decided how many awards should be presented at the next Congress and for which activities the awards should be designated. Initially, JCI presented just two awards the New Zealand Award for Outstanding National Work and the Unit (JCI Local Organization) Membership Extension Award presented by Canada. At the 6th JCI World Congress held in 1951 in Montreal, Canada, the Awards Commission presented a program with more specific rules for qualifications. Also, an awards judging panel was mentioned for the first time. The year 1954 brought big changes and new ideas. JCI introduced the criteria for judging the awards and the grouping of awards into categories for Individual, Chapter and National members. During this year, a Certificate of Merit was presented for the first time, recognizing that sometimes more than one entry could be worthy of merit. Following JCIs structured awards program in 1954, JCI Philippines instituted its first awards system in 1955 during its 7th National Convention in Bacolod City. At that time, the National Board served as the Committee on Awards, headed by then National President Amelio R. Mutuc, which gave out the first twenty awards for outstanding chapters and individuals. The presentation of the awards at the National Convention has always been a highlight, although the ceremonies have undergone some changes. From the years 1961 to 1974, corporate entities sponsored the awards program during the same period. From 1974 onwards, it became the responsibility of the National Records and Recognition Committee to provide for a permanent system of handing. In 2002, the Junior Chamber International (JCI) General Assembly, during the Las Vegas World Congress, decided to develop the e-Awards system a web-based tool that allows members to submit electronic award entries. This was pilot-tested during the simultaneous International JCI Area Conferences and World Congress in 2003. Consequently, in 2004, all entries during the Asia Pacific Conference and World Congress were also submitted electronically. When JCI adopted a system to cascade the e-Awards web-based tool to the entire National Organizations in 2004, the National Board of the JCI Philippines adopted e-Awards system for all the local and national conferences of the JCI Philippines. However, since JCI Philippines was unable to procure the web-based software from JCI, the National Records and Recognition Commission opted to follow the format of the JCI e-

4 Awards system during this year. The following year with the numerous technical problems that involved e-awards communications between JCI and JCI Philippines, which threatened to endanger the entire e-Awards program of JCI Philippines, the 2005 NRRC Chairman opted that the submission of the various bids in CDs format was done. This was also a transition in preparation for an on line bids that gave the impetus for the 2006 National Records and Recognition Commission to embark on an ambitious program of setting-up a completely new e-Awards software entirely independent from JCI which JCI Philippines is now using up to the present. This was also the time when JCI Philippines awards categories were entirely aligned with those of JCI.


As promulgated by Article XIII, Section 11 of the 2009 JCI Philippines By-Laws, the development of the national awards shall be initiated by the National Awards Committee (NAC) who shall recognize and honor outstanding achievements in the fulfilment of the purpose of JCI by Local Organizations or individuals. The National Awards Committee is charged with the following duties and functions: 1. To supervise and control the submission, screening and judging of bids for awards at the Area Conferences and National Convention; and, 2. To conduct the presentation of awards at the said Area Conferences and National Convention. The National Awards Committee shall be composed of a Chairman with five (5) Area Awards Committee Chairmen as members. The National Awards Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the National President and confirmed by the National Board. Area Awards Committee Chairman - An Area Awards Committee Chairman in each of the five (5) geographical areas of JCI Philippines is charged with the following duties and functions under the supervision of the National Awards Committee, to wit: 1. To administer the submission, screening and judging of bids for awards at the said Area Conferences; and, 2. To administer the presentation of awards at the said Area Conferences.


National Awards Program is regulated by the provisions stated in Article XIII, Section 11 of the JCI Philippines Constitution and By-Laws, which states to wit:


FUNCTION. To recognize and honor the outstanding achievements in the fulfilment of the purpose of the JCI Local Organizations or Individuals. Awards Committee (NAC) who shall ensure their relevance to the areas of opportunities and to the membership development of Local Organizations.

2. DEVELOPMENT. The development of the national awards shall be initiated by the National

3. NEW AWARDS AND AWARD CHANGES. The adoption of new awards, substitutions of or
changes in the award descriptions shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the General Assembly.

A. Each of the five (5) area councils shall submit fifteen (15) names to compose the
pool of judges one month prior to the first day of the Area Conference. However, they should not come from the same JCI local Organization.

B. Each member of the panel of judges shall have one (1) vote. All decisions will be
made by a simple majority.

C. Upon completion of judging, the awards judges shall review the entry rules and
related matters, and propose desirable changes to the National Board at their meeting immediately after the convention. The Board may adopt these rules by a simple majority.


A. TYPES OF AWARDS There are four (4) classifications of JCI awards in the JCI Philippines Awards System: GROUP A Awards to Local Organizations This group pertains to all categories relating to outstanding projects and programs organized by JCI local chapters in good standing with the organization and this also includes awards for the Most Outstanding JCI Local Organizations and newly-organized JCI Local Organizations. GROUP B Awards to Individual Members This group pertains to all categories relating to individual members who have done the most to promote the organization by making an outstanding contribution toward the pursuance of JCIs goals and objectives GROUP C JCI Special Awards This group pertains to award categories exclusively given during the JCI Asia-Pacific Conference and/or the JCI World Congress for which JCI Philippines has adopted the same.
(As of March 5, 2012- JCI Awards implemented changes in the bid categories and will now recognize only 1 bid project for each category. Officially, these are the new list of bid categories for JCI ASPAC and JCI World Congress: 1. Best National Flagship Program 2. Best National Growth & Development Program 3. Best Local Community Empowerment Program 4. Best Long-term Local Community Program 5. Best Local Economic Development Program 6. Best Local Personal Skill Development Program 7. Best Local Growth & Development Program

8. Best Local UN MDG Project 9. Best Local Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program 10. Best Inter-organization Collaboration Project 11. Best Local OMOIYARI Project 12. Most Outstanding New Local Organization 13. Most Outstanding Local Organization 14. Most Outstanding New Member 15. Most Outstanding Member 16. Most Outstanding Local President 17. Most Outstanding National Org. President (JCI World Congress)

GROUP D JCI Philippines Special Awards This group pertains to award categories exclusively created by the JCI Philippines National Records and Recognition Commission and given during the simultaneous Area Conferences and/or the annual National Convention. Note: All Group A, B and C Awards are similarly conferred during the JCI Asia-Pacific Conference and the JCI World Congress; while Group D Awards are exclusive to JCI Philippines simultaneous Area Conferences and the annual National Conventions. B. ELIGIBILITY All JCI Local Organizations affiliated with the JCI Philippines may submit entries for JCI Philippines Awards subject to the following provisions: 1. All Group B and D by the JCI Local Organization President that the individual bidding for an award is a member in good standing with the JCI Local Organization.

2. All Group A, B and D entries should contain certification by the National Secretary General that the bidding JCI Local Organization or Individual is a member in good standing of JCI Philippines. 3. A JCI Local Organization may submit only one entry for each award. 4. The same project cannot be submitted for more than one award. If an award is given for joint projects between two or more JCI Local Organizations, then all JCI Local Organizations concerned may submit a single entry. In this event, any one of the JCI Local Organizations may submit the entry on behalf of all JCI Local Organizations participating. 4. The JCI Local Organization must have met the required JCIPEA points during the deadline of uploading of bids which is 15 days prior to the opening of the Area Conference to qualify for the Awards Program. AREA CONFERENCE: 50 JCIPEA POINTS NATIONAL CONVENTION : 100 JCIPEA POINTS 5. The JCIPEA points of each local organization shall be certified by the National Secretary General and the required JCIPEA points shall be set and approved by the National Board.


7 1. GROUP A: By a Local Organization (with the certification of the National Secretary General) and subject to the following provisions: a. A Local Organization may submit one (1) entry for each Group A award. b. A Local Organization may not submit the same project for more than one award. 2. GROUP B: By an Individual Member (approval of its Local President and certification of the National Secretary General) and subject to the following provisions: a. A LOM may submit only one entry for each award. b. A LOM may not submit the same project for more than one award. 3. GROUP C: By a Local Organization (with the certification of the National Secretary General) 4. GROUP D: By a Local Organization (with the approval of Local President and certification of the National Secretary General) 5. BEST OF THE BEST PROCESS - In order to enhance the value of Area Conference and National Convention Awards, JCI Philippines will follow the Best of the Best Concept for certain Awards Categories. a. For JCI Asia-Pacific Awards only major winners of Area Conference and National Convention are allowed to submit entry to JCI Asia-Pacific Award. This will be approved by the National President. (subject for amendment) b. For World Congress Awards only the Asia-Pacific Awards winners from the National Organization are allowed to submit entries and may be approved by our National President. 6. Winning entries of Area Conference must not switch to other categories during the National Convention Awards. D. WHEN TO SUBMIT ENTRIES 1. All JCI Local Organizations may submit entries for JCI Philippines Awards during the Area Conference Award Program and the National Convention Award Program. Entries must be received by 15 days before the start of the Conference and Convention. 2. All award entries must be created and edited using the tool provided by JCI Philippines: or at the new JCI Phils website 3. Once an entry has been completed, it must be approved by the Local Organizations President in office. Local organizations must learn how to use the JCI Philippines Awards Program Software. 4. The system is open and will start accepting bid entries beginning May 5, 2012. The Local Organization should receive a time stamp response from the website server notifying you of the submission. This will serve as the official receipt of your bid entry. As a back-up and further

8 ensure the acceptance of the bid entry, it is suggested that the LO will email the bid entry document in word format to the NAC Chairman and AAC chairman following the schedules. The National Organization is not to be liable for any inconsistency of the system or broadband service for that matter. Technologies are subject to limitations of service providers and budgetary constraints. E. AWARD-YEAR PERIOD OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY These regulations apply: 1. The Area Conference Awards period extends 15 days prior to the opening of the previous years Area Conference and 15 days prior to the opening of the current year of the Area Conference. Area Conference: Final dates to be circularized by the NSG and NAC Chairman 2. The National Convention Awards period extends 15 days prior to the opening of the previous years National Convention and 15 days prior to the opening of the current National Convention. National Convention: Final dates to be circularized by the NSG and NAC Chairman
Projects held in from the previous year CANNOT be included in the National Convention bid EVEN if it will get and award in the current Area Conference as that project should have been entered as a bid during the previous year National Convention.

3. Local organizations must complete any program or project submitted for an award during the current award year. 4. For continuing programs and projects, most of the activity should have taken place during this period. 5. For the Outstanding Local President Award, the presidents year of office should be completed in the award year. F. JUDGING 1. Composition of the Judging Panel - Each of the five (5) Areas shall nominate at least fifteen (15) names that would compose the judging panel one (1) month prior to the Area Conference. These forms should be forwarded to the National Awards Committee for the official screening and appointment of judges. However, no more than three (3) judges should come from the same JCI Local Organization. Deadline: To be circularized by the NAC Chairman thru the NSG 2. The selection of awards judges is critical to the success of the JCI Philippines awards program. In this regard, judges must be screened to comply with the necessary competency and integrity. The selected judges should possess the following qualifications:


Must have been an active JCI Member for the last two years prior to his appointment and has been an LO Officer; b. Must have prepared at least one (1) JCI bid for his local chapter or national organization prior to his appointment;

9 c. Must not be an incumbent JCI Local Organization President of Elected/Appointed National Officer; d. Within the JCI Age; e. Computer Literate. f. Should not have an individual bid under his name during the year he applies to be an e-bid judge: Most Outstanding member, Most Outstanding Senator, Most Outstanding traineretc. 3. The NAC shall send thru email a primer for all the judges which will serve as their guide in evaluating the entries prior to the judging of awards entries. 4. Judges must not evaluate entries of his Local Organization, and the chapter of his Region and Area. 5. Each judge must use the JCI Philippines Awards Software to evaluate the entries during the period established by the NAC. Each judge will mark scores following the criteria specified for each award. 6. The NAC Chairman may conduct the judging by distributing the awards entries among judges on a process set by the NAC. 7. The National Awards Committee is not obliged to grant an award if they feel, after consultation with the awards chairman, that entries of sufficient merit have not been received. For SINGLE entry bids (no other LOs submitted an entry for the category) an average score of 80% must be met for it to be considered as a MAJOR AWARD winner . This is to ensure that the bid is sufficient enough in content for it to be considered a major award winner. If the rating is below the cut off score, the bid will only be recognized as a MERIT AWARD winner depending on the policy decision of the National Board if to be awarded or not. This applies to the Area Conference and National Convention Awards. 8. If an entry deserves special recognition, it can receive a certificate of merit only after another entry has received the award for that category. (Merit Awards is applicable only for Group A Category in 2012) 9. Members of the panel of judges shall keep results secret until they are announced at the official Awards Ceremony. The element of surprise is essential. 10. Decision of the panel of judges shall be final and binding, and there will be no appeals regarding these decisions. 11.Upon completion of the judging, the NAC chairman shall submit a short, handwritten report to the National Secretary General within 30 days from completion of the National Convention including: a. The names of all judges and their Local Organization. b. The results of the judging arranged in the same format and order as the awards appear in the Awards Manual. A clear listing of the Awards is important. c. It should contain:

10 - Recommendations from the awards judging panel including a review of the entry forms, awards judging procedures, scrapbooks, logistics, etc. - List of awards winners and scores of judges and each awards entry. - Any other relevant statistics on the awards judging for future reference. - Recommendations and comments on the awards judging and the Awards Ceremony. 12. For the following Awards, JCI Philippines Efficiency Ranking Points (JCIPEA) shall contribute one-fourth () weight of the total award points, to wit: a. Outstanding JCI Local Organization President of the Year Award b. Outstanding JCI Local Organization of the Year Award c. Outstanding New JCI Local Organization of the Year Award Under this setup where one hundred percent (100%) will be considered the maximum score (perfect score); three-fourths () of the final score shall be prorated from the results of the scrapbook judging, while one-fourth () of the final score shall be taken from the total number of points from JCIPEA. 13. Prior to the distribution of bids to the awards judges for evaluation, a pre-screening of Bids will be conducted by the National Awards Committee to check that all bids are valid and ALL criterias are properly filled up. If ONLY the Basic Entry Information is filled up, the bid will automatically be disqualified from judging. A letter will then be sent to the Local Organization by the NAC informing them of the disqualification of the bid. For bids forwarded for judging/ evaluation, an automatic score of 50 will be given to other criterias found to be blank. 14. As part of the National Awards Committees goal to align the JCI Philippines Award to JCI Awards, Merit awards WILL NOT BE GIVEN to ALL entries under GROUP D. JCI PHILIPPINES SPECIAL AWARDS. This is to give distinction to the awards under this category which is only recognizes in JCI Philippines and not internationally. 15. Deadline for bids uploading: AREA CONFERENCE: NATIONAL CONVENTION: G. THE SCRAPBOOK. Please refer to Section Two (Awards Program Web Tools Users Manual) of this guide to learn how to use the JCI Award Program Software. This software is accessible through May 5, 2012- August 7, 2012 June 15, 2012- September 15, 2012


11 a. GENERAL PLANNING, EXECUTION AND FINANCE. These include the outline and general planning of the project, its objectives, how the committees were formed, and the various steps for completion. It also includes financial information. b. PARTICIPATION. This embraces the percentage of a chapters active members compared to the total membership and the degree of non-JCI participation. c. BENEFIT TO COMMUNITY. This is decided by the judges, who determine how much the project helped the community. d. BENEFIT TO THE ORGANIZATION. This is determined by the judges, who evaluate how the project helped JCI internationally or locally. The entry should show how the project gave leadership training and offered opportunities for self-development to members. e. CONTINUITY. This is evaluated by the judges, who examine the length and/or frequency 2. Introduction: The purpose of this document is to provide easy guidelines in evaluating the content of each entry bid. Each criterion requirement is defined and describes the minimum required content of the entry bids. In this document, the processes considered are equally important as the output of the project; therefore, there is strong necessity to demand explanation of the processes involved in the project or undertaking. 3. Survey: The survey criterion shall refer to the inputs or data gathering processes considered to support the analysis and planning activities. Inputs such as the strategic/tactical/operational considerations like community demand, market demand, organizational need, technological demand, legal requirement; what are the tools or technique used in the process and why were these tools or technique chosen to effectively support the survey process. At the least, there should be a clear narration on how the process was conducted and explanations on why the activities were undertaken to support the survey. Output should include documentations. 4. Analysis:

12 The analysis criterion shall refer to the examination process on how the decision was made to pursue the project or undertaking. The examination process should include the evaluation survey result, clear description of project objectives including the reasons why a specific project is the best solution to satisfy the requirements, tools and techniques used in the process and the output documentations. The documentation for this analysis also contains a basic description of the project scope, the deliverables, project duration, and a forecast of the resources for the organizations investment analysis and the framework. 5. Planning / General Planning: The planning or the general planning criterion shall refer to the project planning processes considered to successfully achieve the desired output of the project or undertaking. Planning should include the preliminary activities, approach in developing the plan and the related fundamental elements of the plan such as the scope, time, cost, quality, resources, communication, risk, procurement and closure of the project. The plan should also explain the prioritizations, negotiation and conflict management and the problem solving management. The Plan becomes the primary source of information for how the project will be planned, executed, monitored and controlled, and closed. 6. Execution / Action: The Execution or Action shall refer to the processes used or actions made to complete the work defined in the project management plan to accomplish the projects requirements. This criterion should explain how the team was developed and selected, how the project was directed and managed, how the quality assurance was performed and how the information was distributed in accordance with the plan. Tools and techniques used should be explained clearly if any. 7. Monitoring and Control, Evaluation. The evaluation, monitoring and control shall refer to the processes performed to observe the project execution and closure. A clear explanation should include how potential problems are identified in a timely manner and corrective action can be taken, as necessary, how the control of execution happened to prevent possible problem; strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, strengths; how the post project evaluation was conducted and terminated. Process includes collecting, measuring, and disseminating performance information, change in measures to apply improvements, documentations, scope control / verifications, problem mitigations and stakeholder management. 8. Membership Participation: Membership participation shall refer to the number of members who participated against total number of members, their specific involvement whether as an individual or group and activity(ies) to which the member(s) participated. Explanation should include who participated, the organization, the job descriptions, how many members in a job, the significance of the job to the achievement of goals. (Participation by JCI Members, delegates, JCI Senators and Spouses, Participations of Members in Activities and Program, Membership by Participation, Participation of Public) 9. Benefit to Community and or Participants; (Benefit of project to community)

13 This criterion shall refer to the tangible (quantified) gain of the community or the participants provided by the project or undertaking. Gain should describe the significance of the benefit against the need or requirement of the community or participants and other indirect value added benefit. Benefit should be specific and answers the goal or objective of the project or undertaking. It is considered as one of the output. 10. Benefit to Organization Image and Profile: Benefit to organizations image and profile shall refer to the tangible (quantified) gain achieved that can be directly attributed to the organization. Organization Image shall refer to perception of stakeholders and organization profile shall refer to the distinctiveness. Explanation should include how the certain benefit improves the perception of stakeholders to the organization and why is this significant to the organization. Gain to the organizations profile should show how the said benefit can be distinctly associated to the organization by the stakeholders. 11. Value to JCI (Membership, Local, National, JCI Movement) Value to JCI shall refer to non-tangible (qualified) gain in terms of information, authority, economic, marketing, personal or cultural, individual or organizational capabilities as a whole, influence, political and resources. Value to JCI may be one or combination benefiting the membership, local, national and or movement. Value to JCI Membership should explain how members can attribute the gain in improving their personal status in community, personal skills and know-how and other factors because of the project or undertaking whether they participated or not. Value to JCI Local should explain how positively the community sees the organization after the project or undertaking. Value to JCI National shall likewise be explained how the project or undertaking improves how the community or selected target audience or beneficiaries sees the gain. Value to JCI Movement shall be described particularly relating the gain on how the project or undertaking was able to promote on a wider scale the advocacies of JCI Movement. Explanation should include who were the target audience and why was the target audience significant to the movement. 12. Promotion of Free Enterprise This criterion shall specifically refer to promotion of business in a multi industry / dimensional (product and services) arrangement. The project or undertaking should not focus on particular brand or business. Explanation should include how each enterprise equally promoted in the project or undertaking, what equal opportunities presented or provided and why is this significant to the objective of the project and to the stakeholders. 13. Project Achievement and Impact (Achievement of Project) This criterion shall specifically refer to what was achieved based from the baseline objective of the project or undertaking; and the effect of the output in terms of what was expected plus the unexpected. Explanation in this section should include specific details that are quantifiable and qualified result against the projection and objective of the project. Whether in the context of Best Business Development Program or other categories, this definition shall remain.

14 14. Finance, Financial Management and Budgeting Finance shall refer to how the money was saved/spent against priorities in a timely manner with consideration of risk factors and investments. Explanation should include the framework on how the policies and measures were developed, the prioritization, the timing of expenditures, the investment involved and risk associated. Accounting and budgeting procedures are standard across the industry, there is no need to explain how this was conducted. 15. Individual Participation Individual participation shall refer to the number of members who were actively involved in the project, whether as committee member or support staff. This can be correlated to the number of members the organization have. Explanation should also include the participation of each member from beginning or inception of the project to project closure. Participation shall likewise involve the job, the job description, the significance of the job to the achievement of goals. 16. Supporting Materials Supporting materials should be specific tangible supplies, tools, media, equipment and or resources critical to support the implementation of the project; that the absence of the said material would halt the delivery of a specific deliverable. Materials should be listed and supported by valid proof. (Support with photograph or attachment of file in .pdf format) 17. Promotion of International Understanding International understanding shall refer to exchange of information, interaction (in all aspect. i.e. skill, know-how, social, cultural) and or joint undertaking to improve or better the relationship and cooperation of local organization with a foreign JCI organization. Explanation here should include the approach of the undertaking, how the undertaking was conducted and why this was significant to the promotion of understanding. 18. Overall favorable public impact This criterion shall refer to the positive view of beneficiary community on the project or undertaking implemented. The statement here should be measurable and not speculative. Explanation should describe the view of the community, how the response was acquired, tools and techniques used in gathering the response. 19. Continuity of Program Continuity of Program shall refer to the strategy of the organization to sustain the program, relative consistency of result and repeatability of the program for the next JCI year. Statement description should include sustainable activities, why the specific activity was chosen to be sustainable, attributes of the activity to qualify it to be sustainable. Enumerate also the regularity of activity results. Explain further how the activity can be repeated the next JCI year. 20. Participation by Sponsor Participation by Sponsor shall refer to the actual personal representation of the sponsor in specific activities of the project or undertaking. Details should include the buy-in approach, relative role of

15 the sponsor during any of the project cycle stages, respective contribution or result or output of each sponsor. Please site specific documentations relative to the participation of sponsors. 21. Chapter Management (Membership, Finance, PR, Planning, etc.) Chapter Management shall refer to the strategic approach against organizational demand and requirement in managing the local organization. Explanation should include processes how the organizational demand and requirement were acquired, enumeration of demand and requirements, decision making process in selecting the strategic approach and implementation of the strategic approach. 22. Individual Development Programs This criterion shall refer to over all programs for mental and physical wellness and advancement of each member. This among others shall encompass sports, capacity building, interpersonal skills etc. Explanation should state the approach in designing the programs, list of programs, target member, outcome, significance or relation of the program to target member need and strategy of implementation. Statement should be relevant or centered to overall plan of local and national organization. 23. Community Development Programs This criterion shall refer to over all programs for community wellness and advancement. Explanation should state the approach in designing the programs, list of programs, target sector of the community, outcome, significance or relation of the program to community need and strategy of implementation. Statement should be relevant or centered to overall plan of local and national organization. 24. International Programs International programs shall refer to projects or undertaking conducted abroad. Explanation should site relevance to local organization statement or thrust or demand or need. Explain the objectives, decision-making process, opportunities, strategy of implementation and outcome. 25. Business Programs Business programs shall refer to projects or undertaking specifically to propagate entrepreneurship and trade, capacity building on business industry, venture to generate fund or income of a member or the organization. Explanation should state the approach in designing the programs, list of programs, target beneficiaries, outcome, significance or relation of the program to need and strategy of implementation. Statement should be relevant or centred to overall plan of local and national organization.

26. UN agencies participating in the Project This criterion shall refer to the actual personal representation of a UN agency in specific activities of the project or undertaking. Details should include the buy-in approach, relative role of the agency during any of the project cycle stages, respective contribution or result or output of each agency. Please site specific documentations relative to the participation of agency.

16 27. General Management of President The general management of president shall refer to how the president efficiently (timing) and effectively (result) managed the organization. Skills and know-how should not be considered because this may vary from ones economic status. Explanation should include what processes the president opt to implement to support chapter operation, management of conflict, resolution of issues and organizational advancement. Statement should also site how the president achieved the requirement. 28. Leadership of President This criterion shall refer to the influence and motivational approach of the president employed to achieve required results. Explanation should include the relevant traits, principles, etc. that the president practice to positively influence and motivate members, the local or the national organization to achieve planned results. 29. Civic and Governmental Involvement Civic involvement shall refer to contribution / participation which denote certain degree of work provided for a non-government organization undertaking. Likewise, governmental involvement shall refer to contribution / participation which denote certain degree of work provided for a governmental organization. Civic and governmental contribution / participation should be a volunteer work and not part of personal or official business. Explanation should include the name and nature of the venture, the level or degree of work provided, relevance of involvement to JCI local, national and movement. Period should cover current JCI Awards year. 30. Evidence of Continued Adherence to JCI Creed Evidence shall refer to valid proof such as picture, official documents, or other official instrument recognized in governmental transactions; Continued adherence shall refer to act of participation, involvement and or contribution that is related to any of the tenet. Explanation should include the name and nature of the activity, organizations involved, the level or degree of work provided, relevance of involvement to JCI Creed. Period should cover current JCI Awards year. 31. Personal Involvement in development of young people This criterion shall refer to contribution / participation which denote certain degree of work provided for the advancement of young people aged 40 years and below. Explanation should include particular undertaking to positively advance certain group or sector of young people. Describe the name and nature of the activity, beneficiary, the level or degree of work provided, significance of activity in advancement of young people. Period should cover current JCI Awards year. 32. Evidence of continued support to JCI Movement Evidence shall refer to valid proof such as picture, official documents, or other official instrument recognized in governmental transactions; continued support to JCI Movement shall refer to act of contribution / participation / involvement to JCI local or national activities. Explanation should

17 include the name and nature of the JCI local or national activities, the level or degree of work provided, Period should cover current JCI Awards year only. 33. Innovation in Training Program concept developed This criterion shall strictly refer to improved or new training module or program (course) developed for JCI Philippines or JCI. The program developed should have at least one improved or new module within. Improvement shall refer to changes in materials to not less than 50% of original materials. Indicate in the explanation the organizational need or requirement, the approach in designing the module or program, the process undertaken to ensure quality and effectiveness, and other materials or tools associated to the roll out. 34. Scope and relevance of Training as it relates to JCI Scope and relevance of training to JCI shall refer to content of modules relative to the JCI creed or areas of opportunities. Explanation should include detailed scope, purpose or objective, timeline, related materials, expected outcome, approach in delivery, method, and related tools or technique 35. Quality and appearance of Training Program Outlines Quality shall refer to a high degree of excellence in a work or effort. Appearance shall refer to logical sequences and arrangement of outline to facilitate learning effectively and efficiently. Explanation should entail the program outline, justification on the quality and how the sequencing and arrangement of outline facilitates effective and efficient learning. 36. Technical merit of the presentation techniques This criterion shall refer to the arrangement of script and way of presentation that will qualify the presentation to be effective for the purpose. Explanation should discuss each presentation page or activity, the script in each page and guide on how to present each pages. 37. Furtherance of the aims of Individual Development This criterion shall refer to the specific wisdom or reason why the course or program was created by the author. Explanation here should discuss specifically why the course or program will improve or advance individual development. Please site specific example and outcome which should not be currently or previously addressed in JCI modules. 38. Participation of other Local and National Organization Participation of local or national shall refer to the actual personal representation of the organization in specific activities of the project or undertaking. Details should include the buy-in approach, relative role of the organization during any of the project cycle stages, the level or degree of work provided, respective contribution or result or output of each organization. Please site specific documentations relative to the participation of organization. 39. Contribution to the public image of JCI Leadership This criterion shall refer to the positive perception of the public to JCI as a leader in individual development programs. Explanations should include what process was undertaken to get the

18 opinion or perception of the public, the selection of tools, the result of the process and conclusion or the specific perception. 40. Support to own Local and National Organization Support to own local and national organization shall refer to involvement of member to local and national activities and event. Explanation should show type or kind of involvement, name and nature of activity or event, date and time spent, level of work provided. Period should cover current JCI Awards year. 41. Extension of Local and National Organization This criterion shall refer to strictly to ones personal effort in local or national organization creation or revival. Explanation should show the specific effort provided to perform the processes in extension, level of coordination to existing local or national organization in same location or general area, name and location of organization and support mechanism provided. Period should cover current JCI Awards year. 42. Training and orientation programs conducted This criterion shall refer to specific personal conduct of orientation and trainings to members and non-members of JCI. Personal conduct of orientation and training should be 70% in own local organization and 30% with other organization. Explanation shall include what orientation or training program conducted, processes, trainer team if any, level of coordination with NTC / NTD / ATD / RTD, target audience, data and time, summary response of participants to the trainer and training. Period should cover current JCI Awards year. 43. Initiative and innovation This criterion shall refer to the ideas or concept and improvement or advancement introduced by the member. Both attribute should be present. Enumerate and explain the initiatives and innovations, buy-in approach, significance of the initiative and innovation to the organization, expected outcome, Implementation processes, and actions to sustain adoption. Period should cover current JCI Awards year. 44. Contribution to public image of JCI This criterion shall refer to the positive perception of the public to the JCI organization. Explanations should include what process was undertaken to get the opinion or perception of the public, the selection of tools, the result of the process and conclusion or the specific perception.

45. Originality of course Originality of course shall refer to newly developed course with newly created training modules that are not within any official JCI national or international training. Explanation should include how the course is original / different. Indicate further in the explanation the organizational need or requirement, the approach in designing the module or program, the process undertaken to ensure quality and effectiveness, and other materials or tools associated to the roll out.

19 46. Role of program in overall training of Local/National Organization This criterion shall refer to specific purpose or function of the program to the overall training strategy of Local / National Organization. The course should conform to the local or national theme. Explanation should include how the program conforms to the local or national theme and how the purpose or objective plays a role in the local or national organization strategy. 47. Member involvement in development of program This criterion shall specifically refer to the process to which members were given opportunity to partake in the development of the program. Explanation shall include how the consultation was conducted, level of work provided by each member, significance of each work to the total value of the program, and how the quality is ensured. 48. Clarity of presentation which includes notes, presentation and documentation of program, including session notes This criterion shall refer to the level of simplicity and intelligibility (intelligence) in the construction of presentation. Explanation shall include notes such as ideas as you present, emotions and expression related, presentation and documentation of program, including session notes. 49. Clarity of construction in terms of achieving a positive result as a training course This criterion shall refer to how the training course was constructed to suit target audience. Explanation should include who are the target audience, choice of terminologies versus audience type, and wisdom or messages to supplement a positive result. 50. Distribution and marketing program This shall refer to the strategy in disseminating the program and the propaganda to propagate the use of the program. Explanation should include accessibility and availability of program, selection of medium to facilitate the dissemination, campaign approach, and level of coordination to concern body. 51. Involvement in own JCI Local Chapter affairs Involvement to own local organization affairs shall refer strictly to activities and event initiated by the local organization. Explanation should show type or kind of contribution, name and nature of activity or event, date and time spent, level of work provided. Period should cover current JCI Awards year.

52. Participation in Inter-Chapter, Regional, National and JCI affairs Participation in inter-chapter, regional, national and JCI affairs shall refer strictly to involvement in activities and event. Explanation should show type or kind of involvement, name and nature of activity or event, date and time spent, level of work provided. Period should cover current JCI Awards year. 53. Personal Growth, Contribution to Chapters Growth

20 This criterion shall refer to skills and know-how learned from JCI and how this benefited the local organization where the member resides. Explanation should site what are the new sets of skills or know-how acquired thru JCI, what and where provided by JCI, what skill and know-how were applied to benefit the local organizations and what instance the skills and know-how was applied. 54. Promotion utilized This criterion shall refer to what promotional campaign or materials were in use for the activity or event; and the manner of utilization. Explanation should include the activities, the materials used, system of use and how the system of use significant to the implementation of the activity or event. 55. Theme and Program This criterion shall refer to the idea or concept and the agenda or activities of the project or undertaking. The theme and program should be in line with local and national organization requirement. Explanation should include the approach in defining the theme and program, selection process, relevance or significance of theme to the program and relation to the local and national theme and program. 56. Benefit to own JCI Local Organization and National Organization Benefit to own local and national organizations shall refer to the tangible and non-tangible (quantifiable) gain accomplished. Benefit should be for both local and national. Explanation should include list of benefits to own local and national organization, how was the benefit recognized by both level of organizations and significance or relevance of these benefits. 57. Management ability Management ability shall refer to the strategy in undertaking the project and management processes implemented to achieve desired results. Explanation shall enumerate the strategies and how these strategies significant to the project, discuss each processes adopted to ensure the project success (See Survey, Analysis, Planning, Execution, and Evaluation), and how the strategies are related to the processes. 58. Active involvement in JCI affairs (local, national, JCI) Active involvement shall refer to personal and physical representation in a JCI activity or event whether local, national or international. Explanation should show type or kind of involvement, name and nature of activity or event, date and time spent, level of work provided. Period should cover current JCI Awards year. 59. Contribution to the growth of the JCI movement This criterion shall refer to tangible and non-tangible value provided to advance the JCI movement. JCI movement shall refer to the creed and 4 areas of opportunities. Explanation should enumerate the tangible and non-tangible value specific to each tenet and the 4 areas of opportunities how are these tangible and non-tangible values significant to the JCI movement. Period should cover current JCI Awards year. 60. Meritorious service received

21 Meritorious service received shall refer to recognitions or commendations relevant to the JCI Movement granted by any legitimate organized body. Explanation shall include enumeration of recognitions or commendations, relevance to the JCI movement and legitimacy of the organized body who granted such. 61. Continued interest in the JCI movement This criterion shall refer to the statement of commitment and evidences that supports the statement. Explanation shall discuss level of commitment to the JCI movement and proof that said commitment has been delivered and shall continue to true for a certain period of time. 62. Effectiveness of program Effectiveness of program shall refer to the usefulness of the set of project or activity against the need or requirement of the beneficiary. Explanation shall include how the need and requirement were assessed, use or value of the program against detailed need or requirement of the beneficiary. Statement shall include relevance of each activity and response of the beneficiary. Response should be well documented and means of collection of information is measurable. 63. Potential contribution to World Peace This criterion shall refer to possible effect of a project or undertaking to world peace effort. Possible effect should be enumerated and explanation shall be provided how the effect could contribute to world peace. Discuss how the project or undertaking ensured that the opportunity would lead to world peace. 64. Operation of Joint Body This criterion shall explicitly refer to equal involvement and degree of work of each partner organization. Explanation should site distribution or delegation of work, level of coordination, type or kind of work, name and nature of each activity or event, date and time spent, level of work provided. Period should cover current JCI Awards year. 65. Benefits of Project (short term, medium term, long term) Benefit shall refer to gain whether its tangible or non-tangible. In this criterion, explanation should be provided specifically the short, medium and long term gain from the project or undertaking, the differences of each gain, how the short moves to medium to long term, and how is this realized. 66. Quality of news content This criterion shall refer to relevancy and significance of the articles or write-up to the organization, community, national, social, business, individual, and international affairs Evaluation should include the grammar, spellings, editing, taglines, choice of titles, balance of information presented. 67. Appearance and layout (Layout and presentation) This criterion shall refer to the creativity and innovation to the look or form and the arrangement of presentation. Evaluation here should include logical arrangement or sequences, the placing of images / titles / taglines, the design, choices and combination of color, choice of paper size and cut, and value added miscellany.


68. Circulation and distribution (methods and figures) This criterion shall refer to effectiveness of medium or means of disseminating the information. Explanation shall include choices of medium, justification to the choices, the figures involved, target audiences and reach to these audiences. 69. Effective coverage (local, national, JCI activities) This criterion shall simply refer to the articles or write-up prepared for the local, national organization, community, national, social, business, individual, and international affairs. Evaluation shall include total presentation of coverage, intelligence in writing, clarity of content and essence of story. 70. Interactivity and services provided This criterion shall refer to features and functionalities that facilitate response or comments, participation, contribution, accessibility and availability of information required, and tools available. Evaluation shall include ease of use, logical sequencing of prompts, interface design, relevance of tools provided, completeness of information provided, performance of website response, and usability of features/function. 71. Program Program shall refer to set of activities that has a common goal / purpose / objective (More than one Activity) 72. Handicap As defined by the World Health Organization, a handicap is a disadvantage, resulting from impairment or a disability that interferes with a persons efforts to fulfil a role that is normal for that person. Handicap is therefore a social concept, representing the social and environmental consequences of a persons impairments and disabilities. Physical or mental disability - a person who has some condition that markedly restricts their ability to function physically or mentally or socially 73. Guide to Judging Best JCI Week Following all other requirement as explained herewith in the evaluation guide relative to specific criterion, Judges must consider the relevance of the Best JCI week entry to the current national theme and or directives of the present national board on specific thrust of the celebration and or how to celebrate it. I. AWARDING. 1. AWARDING CEREMONY MECHANICS. a. The Awarding Ceremonies shall be held on the second day of the conference or convention prior to the election of area or national officers as the case may be.

23 b. The panel of judges shall be introduced by the National Awards Committee Chairman only during the National Convention. c. The host JCI Local Organization of the National Convention shall present an award to the members of the panel of judges. d. The result of the Area Conference Award shall be announced by the AAC Chairman and the National Convention Award shall be announced by the NAC Chairman. e. Winners will be announced in no particular order. f. Members of the National Board headed by the National President shall hand out the awards to the winners. g. Any high ranking JCI officers present may be invited to hand out the awards as well. 2. NAME OF THE AWARDS PROGRAM a. The Area Conference Award shall be entitled AREA AWARDS NIGHT. Similar provision must be observed strictly, to wit: - The Area must not call their Area Awards night as Temiong Awards. - Plaques or trophy must not resemble the Temiong trophy of the National Awards Committee used during the National Convention. - Standard Area Awards Night Program as regards to the sequence in announcing the winners shall be followed across all areas as agreed by the National Awards Committee. b. The National Convention Award shall be named TEMIONG AWARDS where standard trophies are handed out during the program J. AWARDING GUIDELINES. 1. The Host JCI Local Organization of the Area Conferences shall provide the frames for the certificates and trophies for each area. The National Awards Committee will provide the merit certificates and the plates for the Major Award. 2. Except for the awards with sponsors, the JCI Philippines National Secretariat shall provide the plaques for the National Convention. The final form and design of the awards trophy to be given during the said convention shall emanate exclusively from the National Awards Committee. 3. All entry bids which fail to obtain/garner Awards or Certificates of Merit but substantially conform to the objectives of Awards Committee may be extended Certificates of Recognition, depending on the discretion of the National Awards Committee. 6. The element of surprise is essential to every successful awarding ceremony. In this case, judges are prohibited from divulging any information that would spoil the disclosure. 5. The text of the award shall be based on the description of the awards contained in the manual, if applicable.

24 6. Signatories of the award shall be as follows: a. Area Conferences: Area Vice-President, AAC Chairman, Area Conference Director, and the Host JCI Local Organization President. b. National Convention: National President and National Awards Committee Chairman


Group A: Awards to Local Organizations A.1 Best Community Development Program A.2 Best Business Development Program A.3 Best Individual Development Program A.4 Best International Development Program A.5 Best Environment Development Program A.6 Best Public Relations Program A.7 Best Membership Recruitment Program A.8 Best Fund Raising Program A.9 Best JCI Local Organization of the Year Award (Overall- National Convention only) A.10 New JCI Local Organization of the Year Award (Best New Chapter) A.11 Best United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UN MDG) Project A.12 Best Youth Activities Program A.13 Corporate Social Responsibility New award category started in 2010 Group B: Awards to Individual Members B.1a Most Outstanding JCI Chapter President (from 25 to 45 members) category 3 B.1b Most Outstanding JCI Chapter President (from 46 to 75 members) category 2 B.1c Most Outstanding JCI Chapter President (more than 75 members) category 1 B.2 Most Outstanding JCI Senator B.3 Most Outstanding JCI Trainer B.4 Most Outstanding JCI Member B.5 Joaquin V. Gonzalez Memorial Award (awarded at National Convention only) Group C: JCI Special Awards C.1 First Timer Programs (awarded at JCI international conferences only) C.2 Best of the Best JCI Local Organization Project C.3 Asia-Pacific Development Council Training Program Award Group D: JCI Philippines Special Awards D.1a Most Outstanding JCI Local Organization Award (from 25 to 45 members) category 3

25 D.1b Most Outstanding JCI Local Organization Award (from 46 to 75 members) category 2 D.1c Most Outstanding JCI Local Organization Award (more than 75 members) category 1 D.2 Most Outstanding New JCI Member D.3 Best JCI Week Celebration D.4 Best JCI Area Conference (awarded at National Convention Only) D.5 Most Outstanding JCI Project Chairman D.6 Best Sports Development Program D.7 Most Outstanding JCI Family D.8 Best Cultural Affairs Program D.9 Best Civic Involvement Program D.10 Best Public Health Program D.11 Education for Peace Award D.12 Award for Assistance to the Handicapped D.13 Best Joint Work by a Group of JCI Local Organizations D.14 Best JCI Local Organization Publication D.15 Best JCI Local Organization Web Site

Group A: Awards to Local Organizations

All entries submitted under this category SHOULD NOT BE admitted to other awards categories. Should judges come across two or more separate entries for the same project, ALL entries for that project shall be automatically DISQUALIFIED regardless of merit. If the project was between two or more local organizations. All local organizations concerned must submit a single entry for this event. They must decide as to who may submit the entry in behalf of all the JCI Local Organizations participating. If the local organizations participating are from the different Areas, they can each submit their entry for the even for the Area Conference awards ONLY. They must then decide whose entry will be submitted for the National Convention Awards. A.1 Best Community Development Program The Best Community Development Program Award is presented to a project or program that best promotes the sixth tenet of the JCI Creed which states that Service to Humanity is the Best Work of Life. This is presented in recognition of the best community development project or program of a JCI Local Organization. Criteria Points Survey Analysis Planning Action Evaluation Membership participation Benefit to the community Value to JCI (membership, Local, national, JCI movement) 10 10 10 10 10 15 25 10


A.2 Best Business Development Program The Best Business Development Program Award is presented to a project or program that best promotes the third tenet of the JCI Creed which states that Economic Justice can best be won by Free Men through Free Enterprise. This is in recognition of the most outstanding JCI Local Organization program which promotes the concept of free enterprise. Projects that may be submitted include international business cooperation and investment, business and trade development, partnerships (public and private sector, including business associations and chambers), executive training, and development. Criteria Points Promotion of free enterprise Project Achievement/Impact Benefit to community / participants General planning and execution Benefit to Organization image/profile A.3 Best Individual Development Program The Best Individual Development Program Award is presented to a project or program that best promotes the fifth tenet of the JCI Creed which states that Earths Great Treasure Lies in Human Personality. This is in recognition of the most outstanding JCI Local Organization program in the field of personal and leadership development, either conducted for its own members or for non-JCI beneficiaries. Criteria Points General planning, execution and finance Participation Value to JCI (membership, local, National, JCI movement) Benefit to participating members Supporting material A.4 Best International Development Program The Best International Development Program Award is presented to a project or program that best promotes the second tenet of the JCI Creed which states that the Brotherhood of Man Transcends the Sovereignty of Nations. The award is intended to recognize outstanding projects or programs which advance global goodwill and international understanding. Criteria Points General planning, execution and finance Participation by membership Promotion of international understanding Benefit to community Value to JCI (membership, local, National, JCI movement) 20 20 40 10 10 25 15 25 25 10

25 25 20 15 15

27 A.5 Best Environment Development Program The Best Environment Development Program Award is presented to a project or program in recognition of the best contribution by a JCI Local Organization toward improving the quality of life in the local environment executed in the most original and efficient manner. Criteria Points General planning, execution and finance Participation Value to JCI (membership, local, National, JCI movement) Benefit to participating JCI members Supporting material A.6 Best Public Relations Program The Best Public Relations Program Award is presented to a project or program in recognition of the best project or program in the field of public relations by a local JCI Organization. Criteria Points Overall favorable public impact Participation by members Benefit to community Planning, execution and finance Value to JCI (membership, local, National, JCI movement) A.7 Best Membership Recruitment Program The Best Membership Recruitment Program Award is presented to a project or program in recognition of the most outstanding program incorporating membership extension, recruitment, induction and assimilation by a local JCI Organization. Criteria Points General planning, execution Membership participation Benefit to community Value to JCI (membership, local, National, JCI movement) Continuity of program A.8 Best Fund Raising Program The Best Fund Raising Program Award is presented to a project or program in recognition of the most outstanding fund-generating program incorporating project innovation, level of financial success earned from the project or program, and the degree of participation by sponsors and JCI members. Criteria Points General planning and execution Participation by sponsors and/or membership 20 20 20 15 15 30 20 40 10 15 25 10 25 15 25 25 10

28 Benefit to the organization Finance Supporting material A.9 Best JCI Local Organization of the Year Award (Overall) A trophy is given in recognition of the Best JCI Local Organization of the Year. Since this comprises the Best of the Best among the three (3) Outstanding Local Chapter winners from each membership category, the winner will be based on the following criteria: Criteria Points Local Management (Membership, Finance, PR, Planning, etc.) Individual Development Programs (Training, Competitions, etc.) Community Development Programs International Programs Business Programs 40 10 10

20 20 20 20 20

Because judging will be based on the previously-submitted entries of category winners, SEPARATE ENTRIES ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS AWARD. This award will only be presented during the National Convention. A.10 Best New JCI Local Organization of the Year Award (Best New Chapter) The Best New JCI Local Organization of the Year is presented to the most outstanding local organization which has been officially affiliated with JCI Philippines for not more than three (3) years and is currently an affiliate in good standing, in recognition of its meritorious accomplishments in the pursuit of JCI goals and objectives. Criteria Points Chapter Management (Membership, Finance, PR, Planning, etc.) Individual Development Programs (Training, Competitions, etc) Community Development Programs International Programs Business Programs

20 20 20 20 20

A.11 Best United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UN MDG) Award I. Background In September 2000, at the United Nations (UN) Millennium Summit, world leaders agreed to a set of time bound and measurable goals and targets for combating poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women. Placed at the heart of the global agenda, they are now called the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and are consisted of eight topics: 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and empower women 4. Reduce child mortality

29 5. Improve maternal health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 7. Ensure environmental sustainability 8. Develop a global partnership for development The MDGs provide a framework for the entire UN system to work coherently together towards a common end. In this context, the world is making progress toward the MDGs, but it is uneven and too slow. A large majority of nations will reach the MDGs only if they get substantial support advocacy, expertise and resources - from outside such as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) like JCI. Thus, as the result of the 2003 JCI-UN Leadership Summit held at UN Headquarters itself in New York, JCI took over the responsibility to also contribute to the efforts of UN and presented a resolution supporting the UN MDGs, which is the main program put into practice by the Office of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. II. The Eight Categories Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger: Reduce by half the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day Reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger

Achieve universal primary education: Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling

Promote gender equality and empower women: Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015. Reduce child mortality: Reduce by two thirds the mortality rate among children under five.

Improve maternal health: Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio.

Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases: Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS Halt and begin to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases.

Ensure environmental sustainability: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs; Reverse loss of environmental resources;

30 Reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water; Achieve significant improvement in lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers, by 2020. Develop a global partnership for development: Develop further an open trading and financial system that is rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory. Includes a commitment to good governance, development and poverty reduction nationally and internationally; Address the least developed countries special needs. This includes tariff-and quota-free access for their exports; enhanced debt relief for heavily indebted poor countries; cancellation of official bilateral debt; and more generous official development assistance for countries committed to poverty reduction; Address the special needs of landlocked and small Island developing states; Deal comprehensively with developing countries debt problems through national and international measures to make debt sustainable in the long term; In cooperation with the developing countries, develop decent and productive work for youth; In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries; In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologiesespecially information and communications technologies. III. Judging Criteria Criteria Points General planning, execution and evaluation Membership participation Public Relations Benefit to community Value to JCI (membership, local, National, JCI movement) UN agencies participation in the project 10 10 20 20 20 20

Note: Entries submitted to UN MDG Award may be also admitted to other awards categories. A.12 Best Youth Activities Program Award The Youth Activities Award is presented to a project or program in recognition of the most outstanding undertaking in the field of youth activities. Youth projects that may be submitted include those which include education, health care, civic or government involvement, and community development. Criteria Points General planning, execution and finance Membership participation Benefit to community Value to JCI (membership, local, National, JCI movement) 20 15 40 10

31 Continuity of program Supporting material 10 5

Note: Entries submitted to Youth Activities Award SHOULD NOT BE admitted to other awards categories. A.13 Corporate Social Responsibility Background-At the JCI World Congress in Vienna, Austria, in October 2005, JCI officers and several high-ranking political and business representatives signed the Vienna CSR Treaty," which sets out Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a principle of conducting business. At the JCI World Congress in Seoul, Korea, in November 2006, JCI passes a Resolution to Advance the CSR. At the JCI Leadership Summit at the United Nations in New York, USA, in July 2007, JCI deepens its work in the field of CSR. In 2008, JCI passes the JCI Commitment to Action to Advance CSR Through the UN Global Compact. Criteria Points Involvement of following stakeholders in the program: board, staff, community, members, government and the United Nations Global Compact Local Network (if present in the country) Implementation of one or more of the Ten Principles through concrete measures in the program Assessment of improvements Communication to the stakeholders on the improvements (communication on progress) Benefit to community Benefit to the Organization 20

20 20 20 10 10

Group B: Awards to Individual Members

All entries submitted under this category SHOULD NOT BE admitted to other individual awards categories. Should judges come across two or more separate entries for the same individual, ALL entries for that individual shall be automatically DISQUALIFIED regardless of merit. Major winners of similar individual awards of the previous National Conventions are not allowed to submit entries of the same category. B.1 Outstanding JCI Chapter President The Outstanding JCI Chapter President Award is given to a JCI Chapter President in recognition of outstanding leadership in promoting and contributing to the interests of his or her local organization in each of the following membership categories: B.1a 25 to 45 members; B.1b 46 to 75 members; and B.1c more than 75 members Criteria Points

32 General management Leadership Participation of members in activities and programs Achievement of projects Value to JCI members B.2 Most Outstanding JCI Senator The Most Outstanding JCI Senator Award is conferred in recognition of outstanding personal contribution and achievement of a JCI Senator who may be within or beyond the age limit for Junior Chamber membership whose activities during the current JCI award year and since becoming a Senator have furthered the interests of the Junior Chamber movement. Criteria Points Civic and governmental involvement Evidence of continued adherence to the JCI Creed Personal involvement in programs to develop young people Evidence of continued support for the JCI movement B.3 Most Outstanding JCI Trainer The Most Outstanding JCI Trainer Award is bestowed to a JCI trainer (PRIME Graduate, CLT, CNT, NG, IG, ITF, as well as JCI-certified trainers for various JCI Programs), in recognition of his or her outstanding work in uplifting the programs of JCI Training and the JCI Philippines National Training Commission. Achievements in this field should primarily involve training as it relates to JCI, although non-JCI training may also be cited, for as long as it contributes to the overall public image of JCI. National Training Director/Chairman and JCI Training Commissioner/Coordinator of the current year are disqualified to participate in the awards program of the current year. Criteria Points Innovation in Training Program concept developed Scope and relevance of Training as it relates to JCI Quality and appearance of Training Program Outlines Technical Merit of the Presentation Techniques Furtherance of the aims of Individual Development Participation of, and benefits to members, Local and National Organization Contribution to the public image of JCI Leadership B.4 Most Outstanding JCI Member 20 15 15 15 10 15 10 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 20

33 The Most Outstanding JCI Member Award is presented to a JCI Member who has been affiliated with his JCI Local Organization in good standing with JCI Philippines for not less than eighteen (18) months, excluding currently elected national officers of JCI Philippines, appointed national officers of the JCI Philippines Executive Committee, and currently elected and appointed officers of Junior Chamber International, who has done the most to promote the organization by making an outstanding contribution toward its development internationally. Criteria Points Support to own Local and National Organization Extension of Local and National Organization Training and orientation programs conducted Initiative and innovation Contribution to public image of JCI B.5 Joaqun V. Gonzlez Memorial Award The Joaquin V. Gonzlez Memorial Award, created in honor of the 3rd JCI Philippines National President and first JCI Senator who gave his life in the service of JCI, is awarded posthumously to an individual upon the recommendation of the JCI Philippines National President. The plaque is presented to the chief delegate representing the national organization to which the individual was affiliated. This award will be presented ONLY at the JCI Philippines National Convention and the JCI World Congress. Judging: In this category, judging will be based upon the recommendation of the JCI Philippines National President. 20 20 20 20 20

Group C: JCI Special Awards

C.1 First-Timers Program The First-Timers Program Award is conferred exclusively to new JCI Members from National Organizations in good standing with JCI, who are attending as official delegates to National Convention for the first time. The mechanics of this award varies from host chapter to host chapter and is only conducted during international conferences. Entries are not required for this award. C.2 Best of the Best JCI Local Organization Project The Best of the Best JCI Local Organization Project Award is awarded in recognition of the best local project, among the award winners of the year. Entries are not required for this award. Upon completion of judging of all awards under Group A, C, and D, a committee comprised of at least one judge from each subcommittee, shall review the award-winning entries to select the "Best Local Project of the Year." The winners of all awards listed for this year will automatically become the entries for this award. The entries will be judged on the following: Criteria Points General Planning and Execution Financial Management and Budgeting Participation by members

20 20 10

34 Benefits (based on objectives of the project) Supporting Material 40 20

C.3 Asia-Pacific Development Council Training Program Award At the JCI Asia-Pacific Conferences, the Asia-Pacific Development Council Training Program Award is presented by the JCI Asia-Pacific Development Council in recognition of the most outstanding National Organization project in the area of training. At the JCI Philippines National Convention, a similar award with the same name is conferred to a JCI Local Organizations outstanding ORIGINAL training program, with the purpose of either assisting new JCI Local Organizations (or foreign National Organizations), or reviving fading JCI Local Organizations (or foreign National Organizations). Criteria Points Survey of need and pre-course preparation Originality of course Role of program in overall training of Local/National Organization Member involvement in development of program Clarity of presentation which includes notes, presentation and documentation of program, including session notes Clarity of construction in terms of achieving a positive result as a training course Distribution and marketing program 10 10 15 10 20 25 10

The winning entry shall be adopted by JCI Philippines as an official entry of the same category to the JCI Asia-Pacific Conference.

Group D: JCI Philippines Special Awards

As part of the National Awards Committees goal in aligning JCI Philippines Awards to JCI Awards, Merit awards WILL NOT BE GIVEN to ALL entries under Group D. JCI PHILIPPINES SPECIAL Awards. This is to give distinction to the awards under this category which is only recognized in JCI Philippines and not internationally. All entries submitted under this category SHOULD NOT BE admitted to other awards categories. Should judges come across two or more separate entries for the same project, ALL entries for that project shall be automatically DISQUALIFIED regardless of merit. If the project was between two or more local organizations, All local organizations concerned must submit a single entry for this event. They must decide as to who may submit the entry in behalf of all the JCI Local Organizations participating. If the local organizations participating are from the different Areas, they can each submit their entry for the even for the Area Conference awards ONLY. They must then decide whose entry will be submitted for the National Convention Awards. D.1 Most Outstanding JCI Local Organization

35 The Outstanding JCI Local Organization Award is given to a JCI Local Organization in recognition of in recognition of the most outstanding JCI Local Organization of JCI Philippines in each of the following membership categories: D.1a 25 to 45 members D.1b 46 to 75 members D.1c more than 75 members Criteria Points Chapter Management (Membership, Finance, PR, Planning, etc.) Individual Development Programs (Training, Competitions, etc.) Community Development Programs International Programs Business Programs D.2 Most Outstanding New JCI Member The Most Outstanding New JCI Member Award is presented to a JCI Member, who has been affiliated with his JCI Local Organization in good standing with JCI Philippines for not more than eighteen (18) months, excluding currently elected national officers of JCI Philippines, appointed national officers of the JCI Philippines Executive Committee, and currently elected and appointed officers of Junior Chamber International, who has done displayed exemplary and meritorious performance in furthering the interests and ideals of the JCI movement. Criteria Points Initiative and Innovation Involvement in own JCI Local Chapter affairs Participation in Inter-Chapter, Regional, National and JCI affairs Personal Growth, Contribution to Chapters Growth Benefit to the Community D.3 Best JCI Week Celebration The Best JCI Week Celebration Award is presented in recognition of the best program by a JCI Local Organization toward promoting the positive image of JCI during the annual JCI Week Celebration held every 2nd week of April (or a date upon the discretion of the National Board). Criteria Points General planning, execution and finance Promotion utilized Evaluation Participation by JCI Members and/or Public Value to own JCI Local Organization 30 20 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

If the project was between two or more local organizations, All local organizations concerned must submit a single entry for this event. They must decide as to who may submit the entry in behalf of all the JCI Local Organizations participating. If the local organizations participating are from the different Areas, they can each submit their

36 entry for the even for the Area Conference awards ONLY. They must then decide whose entry will be submitted for the National Convention Awards. D.4 Best JCI Area Conference The Best JCI Area Conference Award is presented to a host JCI Local Organization (or a group of JCI Local Organizations) in recognition of the Most Outstanding Area Conference program with a well-balanced curriculum of activities for its constituent JCI Members. This category is exclusively conferred during the annual JCI Philippines National Convention. Criteria Points General planning, execution and finance Theme and Program Promotion Utilized Participation by JCI Members, delegates, JCI Senators and Spouses Benefit to own JCI Local Organization and National Organization Evaluation (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, strengths) Supporting materials 20 20 10 15 15 10 10

If the project was between two or more local organizations, All local organizations concerned must submit a single entry for this event. They must decide as to who may submit the entry in behalf of all the JCI Local Organizations participating. If the local organizations participating are from the different Areas, they can each submit their entry for the even for the Area Conference awards ONLY. They must then decide whose entry will be submitted for the National Convention Awards. D.5 Most Outstanding JCI Project Chairman The Most Outstanding JCI Project Chairman Award is presented to a JCI Member of a JCI Local Organization who is in good standing with JCI Philippines, in recognition of his or her outstanding personal participation and management of a project undertaken by his or her own JCI Local Organization. Chairman or Director of National and Area Projects and Programs are not qualified for this award. Criteria Points Initiative and innovation Involvement in own JCI Local Organization affairs Management ability Benefit of project to community Value to JCI (membership, local, national, JCI movement) 20 15 30 20 15

Note: Entries submitted under this category SHOULD NOT BE admitted to other individual awards categories under Group B. Should judges come across two or more separate entries for the same individual, ALL entries for that individual shall be automatically DISQUALIFIED, regardless of merit. D.6 Best Sports Development Program

37 The Best Sports Development Program Award is presented to a JCI Local Organization who is in good standing with JCI Philippines, in recognition of the most outstanding and well-rounded program in the field of sports development, which either benefits its own individual members or the community at large. Criteria Points General planning and execution Participation of own JCI Local Organization Members and public Value to Members Value to JCI (membership, local, national, JCI movement) Benefit to the community D.7 Most Outstanding JCI Family The Most Outstanding JCI Family Award is presented to a group of JCI Members belonging to the same consanguine family (regardless of paternal or material lineage), whose outstanding contributions and active involvement in the JCI movement have enhanced the positive public image of JCI for that award year. Family members who are beyond the age limit for Junior Chamber membership are eligible for as long as there is at least one currently active JCI Member within the said age limit included in this entry. Criteria Points Active involvement in JCI affairs (local, national, JCI movement) Contribution to the growth of the JCI movement Meritorious service received Continued interest in the JCI movement D.8 Best Cultural Affairs Program The Best Cultural Affairs Program Award is presented to a project or program in recognition of the most outstanding undertaking in the area of cultural heritage preservation. Criteria Points Survey and analysis General planning and execution Continuity of Program Benefit to the community Value to JCI (membership, local, national, JCI movement) D.9 Best Civic Involvement Program The Best Civic Involvement Program Award is presented to a project or program in recognition of the most outstanding JCI program of government involvement or cooperation with other agencies or groups. Projects that may be submitted could include joint programs with government agencies and/or non-governmental organizations, specialized civic groups, or associations espousing special advocacies. 5 15 20 30 30 25 25 25 25 20 25 20 20 15

38 Criteria Points General planning and execution Effectiveness of program Benefit to the community Participation of own JCI Local Organization Members and public Value to JCI (membership, local, national, JCI movement) D.10 Best Public Health Program The Best Public Health Program Award is presented to a project or program in recognition of the most outstanding JCI local organization endeavor conducted in the field of public health. Criteria Points Survey and analysis General planning and execution Participation of own JCI Local Organization Members and public Benefit to the community Value to JCI (membership, local, national, JCI movement) D.11 Education for Peace Award The Education for Peace Award is presented to a project or program in recognition of the best educational program conducted outside the classroom for children between the ages of 6 and 12. Criteria Points Survey and analysis General planning and execution Benefit to participants Benefit to the community Potential contribution to World Peace D.12 Award for Assistance to the Handicapped The Award for Assistance to the Handicapped is presented to a project or program in recognition of the most outstanding undertaking by a JCI Local Organization in rendering humanitarian assistance to the physically and/or mentally-challenged individuals or groups. Criteria Points Survey and analysis General planning and execution Participation of own JCI Local Organization Members and public Benefit to the community Value to JCI (membership, local, national, JCI movement) 4 16 30 30 20 3 17 30 30 20 5 20 25 25 25

15 40 20 10 15

39 D.13 Best Joint Work by a Group of JCI Local Organizations The Best Joint Work by a Group of JCI Local Organizations Award is presented to a joint undertaking planned and implemented by more than one JCI Local Organization. The activity may be any JCI activity but should emphasize cooperation to meet some national or global need. Criteria Points General planning and execution Operation of Joint Body Benefits of Project (short term, medium term, long term) Participation of JCI Local Organization Members D.14 Best JCI Local Organization Publication The Best JCI Local Organization Publication Award is presented to a JCI Local Organization in good standing with JCI Philippines, whose regular publication embodies the spirit of an outstanding organ that promotes the best value to JCI. Criteria Points General planning and execution Financing Quality of news content Appearance and layout Circulation and distribution (methods and figures) Effective coverage (local, national, JCI activities) Benefit to community Value to JCI (membership, local, national, JCI movement) D.15 Best JCI Local Organization Website The Best JCI Local Organization Website Award is presented to a JCI Local Organization in good standing with JCI Philippines in recognition of the most outstanding JCI Local Organization web page. Criteria Points General planning, execution and finance Layout and presentation Interactivity and services provided Value to Own JCI Local Organization Members 25 25 25 25 15 10 15 15 10 15 10 10 25 25 25 25

Useful tips to remember in making the bids

Register EARLY! Dont wait for the deadline Making a bid is not an easy task! A winning bid cannot be done overnight or even a week Make the JCI Brand promise as your mindset Balance

40 Know your projects strength and weaknesses Know the difference between a PROGRAM and a PROJECT Learn the rules and regulations Understand the guidelines Know the categories be familiar with the criterias! Pictures are worth a thousand words!!! Documentation is KEY!!!


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