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Rex Bellator (Warrior Kings)

Wargame Rules for Mass Battles in the Medieval Ages 476AD to 1485AD

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................. 5 Warfare in the Age of Chivalry .................................................................................................................. 5 KEY CONCEPTS .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Army Structure........................................................................................................................................... 6 Command and Control ............................................................................................................................... 6 Combat ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 Regular versus Irregular Troops ................................................................................................................. 7 SCALE .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Ground Scale .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Time Scale ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Figure Scale ............................................................................................................................................... 8 TROOP TYPES AND CLASSIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................... 9 Troop Quality ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Troop types ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Troop Classification ................................................................................................................................. 10 Element Basing ........................................................................................................................................ 10 COMMAND AND CONTROL ........................................................................................................................ 11 Concept .................................................................................................................................................... 11 Commanders ............................................................................................................................................ 11 Command Rating ..................................................................................................................................... 11 Unreliable Allies ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Stratagems................................................................................................................................................ 12 SETTING UP THE GAME .............................................................................................................................. 14 Pre-Battle Set Up ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Army Selection ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Selection of Attacker and Defender .......................................................................................................... 14 Missions ................................................................................................................................................... 15 Mission Victory Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 16 Terrain selection ....................................................................................................................................... 18

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

3 | Page Terrain Sectors ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Weather Selection .................................................................................................................................... 19 Weather Effects ........................................................................................................................................ 19 Visibility .................................................................................................................................................. 20 Arrival and Placement of Forces ............................................................................................................... 21 SEQUENCE OF PLAY .................................................................................................................................... 22 INITIATIVE PHASE ....................................................................................................................................... 22 RALLY PHASE ............................................................................................................................................... 22 Rally Spears ............................................................................................................................................. 22 Enact Stratagem ....................................................................................................................................... 23 MOVEMENT .................................................................................................................................................. 24 Movement Phase ...................................................................................................................................... 24 Formations ............................................................................................................................................... 24 Movement distances ................................................................................................................................. 25 Terrain Effects ......................................................................................................................................... 25 River Crossings ........................................................................................................................................ 26 Types of Moves ........................................................................................................................................ 27 COMBAT PHASE ........................................................................................................................................... 28 Concept .................................................................................................................................................... 28 Combat Sequence ..................................................................................................................................... 28 Procedure for Combat .............................................................................................................................. 28 Combat Effects......................................................................................................................................... 28 ROUTE PHASE ............................................................................................................................................... 29 SIEGE RULES................................................................................................................................................. 30 Concept .................................................................................................................................................... 30 Tactics of the Siege .................................................................................................................................. 30 Phase 1: Entering the Region .................................................................................................................... 30 Seizing the Gate or Postern....................................................................................................................... 31 Investment of the Siege ............................................................................................................................ 31 Breaching the Gates or the Walls .............................................................................................................. 32 Storming the Walls ................................................................................................................................... 32 Supply Phase ............................................................................................................................................ 33

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

4 | Page CAMPAIGN RULES ....................................................................................................................................... 35 Concept .................................................................................................................................................... 35 Campaign Objective ................................................................................................................................. 35 Campaign Game Map ............................................................................................................................... 35 Sequence of the Campaign ....................................................................................................................... 36 Supply Season .......................................................................................................................................... 36 Campaign Season ..................................................................................................................................... 38 Victory ..................................................................................................................................................... 39 BATTLE OF CRECY ...................................................................................................................................... 40 Background .............................................................................................................................................. 40 Weather/ Time of Day .............................................................................................................................. 40 Terrain Selection ...................................................................................................................................... 40 Victory Conditions ................................................................................................................................... 40 COMBAT TABLES ......................................................................................................................................... 42

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

5 | Page INTRODUCTION Warfare in the Age of Chivalry Rex Bellator (Warrior Kings) was born from desire to develop a set of miniature rules which were fun to play, didnt require much brain power and avoided geometric play. The desire was to have rules which allowed a game that simulated the essence of medieval warfare, not a simulation of medieval warfare played as a game. The rules reflect the cultural nature of the day, where the power of the King or his main commanders determined the flow of the battle. The command rules had to reflect that some subordinate nobles could place the command in chief in an awkward position, undermining battle planning in the pursuit of their personal position. The Battle of Crecy, the scenario provided in these rules is a case in point. The King of France intended not to fight that battle on that day but was over-ruled by his nobles. The results speak for themselves. These rules are intended to be learnt within a few turns, and played in one night of three hours. The random elements of the setup, as well as uncertainty over the mission was designed to avoid some players desire to game the system. While this cant be avoided at least I hope it can be minimised. The intent from Black Mouse Games is to continue to improve the playability of these rules. Michael Callan Black Mouse Games 2012

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

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KEY CONCEPTS Army Structure The feudal and medieval army was not a homogenous beast. In fact it was more an amalgam of disparate personal troops working together under a liege lord as an Army commander. This is hard to simulate in any game but to get a close approximation the basic army is broken into three parts as a minimum. These parts, named Battles have pre-determined places on the battle field. Each of these Battles is made up of spears which are a loose approximation of the troop groupings. For example, a spear of knights represents not only the knights their retainers such as squires etc. The appearance on the battlefield and subsequent command of the battle rests on the ability of the commander to draw this loose amalgamation of competing interests into a functioning whole. Hence, another structure concept is social standing which may find the Army Commander being rolled by a more powerful subordinate who demands pride of place. This is simulated by a command roll in the setup phase which could see an unforeseen change of order of march and placement on the battlefield, even in some extreme circumstances loss of part of the force. Finally cultural and societal factors will also dictate how an army is structured and functions. This is borne out in the difference between a regular and irregular force, as well as tactical advantages given to some troops. For example Islamic troops excelled at strategic defence postures and the use of light troops. Hence, their troops have advantages in some circumstances. Command and Control Command and control aspects of the game are played out through the command rating, the command radius and command points. The one figure covers all of these aspects of the game, reducing the complexity of the issue while the use of points increases the complexity of decision making. Of course, rolling for a decision introduces an element of luck into the command system. The command structure requires at least four commanders, the Commander in Chief (Army Commander), and three battle commanders. Anything less leads to a breakdown of command. This chain of command also requires the Army Commander to exercise control over his forces through his commanders. To simulate this there is a command radius in which a commander can influence the battle by using flags, horns, signals and couriers. Outside of that radius the commander cannot influence or communicate with troops. Added to this complexity, each commander has to remain in line of sight of their subordinate commander to influence them. (No one can see a flag with a hill intervening. Hence, each player must weigh up the risks of sending flank attacks, troops though woods or out of sight against the reward. Like medieval generals this will sometimes pay off, sometimes not. Combat The aim of medieval combat was to place pressure on an opponents line until a breakthrough occurred in which case the light cavalry would exploit that breakthrough and the line collapsed. Combat is based on the combat value of the Spear. The system is simple in that all combat occurs in the combat phase and the outcome is simply the unit either loses all cohesion and is removed, it suffers a morale check or it is forced back by the weight of its opponents. The use of a combat table with a 2D6 roll simplifies the process and smooths out the statistics.

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

7 | Page Tied to combat is morale and this outcome may impact upon others around the Spear. A difference with the system is that units that fail morale and break will always be able to escape but Spears in their line of retreat have to check their own morale. The rationale is that even though the retreating Spear may affect other soldiers junior leaders may have a chance of holding their Spear together. Where it becomes dangerous is if the commander a Battle fails a morale check, leading to the entire Battle having to check morale. Advance after combat represents the continuing move forward of a Spear as it pushes or breaks its opponent. The advance is designed to produce a bow in the line until there are no Spears behind, at which point there has been a successful breakthrough. Otherwise the line keeps bending. Regular versus Irregular Troops Rex Bellator also distinguishes between regular and irregular forces through the command system and morale. Irregular forces could at time conduct themselves as well as regular forces but were brittle when facing formed bodies of troops who were better trained. Hence, they have a lower morale factor than regular troops. Under the command system irregular commanders have a lower command rating, and irregular troops suffer a penalty when conducting certain activities.

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

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SCALE Ground Scale Ground scale is represented as: 50 feet = 1" or 25mm 28mm - 50 feet = 2" This holds for all scales but if players wish to change this then they may use: The game is played generally on a board 6x 4 with models representing the relevant terrain. Time Scale Few battles will last for an entire day. Virtually all of the action takes place in the hours of daylight, from dawn to dusk. Night actions are rare, these usually being in the form of surprise raids on encampments or siege positions. Battles therefore tend to last for 8 to 18 turns, maximum, with each turn representing approximately one hour. Figure Scale Each element in play represents a Spear, with groups of Spears forming one of three or four battles. Each "spear" represents around 100 cavalry and 250 foot depending on type. A Spear must represent the troop type and be based accordingly. Base size is unimportant as long as the bases on both sides are the same. However, it is highly recommended that base width should conform to the standard of 40mm for 15mm or 60mm for 25/28mm. An example scenario using the above scales is at Annex A.

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

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TROOP TYPES AND CLASSIFICATIONS Troop Quality Troop types are based on experience and training. This experience and training will determine the quality and hence performance of your troops in battle. There are four levels of training and experience which troops may attain Quality A B C D Comments Elite Veterans with high quality equipment, training and morale. Seasoned Veterans with good quality equipment, training and morale. Unseasoned troops with average quality equipment, training and morale. If Knights or Sergeants, they are still in training and lack experienced. If Mercenaries, they are not dependable. Green or Poor or Disaffected Troops with poor quality equipment, training and morale.

Troop types Type Explanation LI MI HI HAI LC MC HC AC Light Infantry are foot troops with no protective clothing and without shields Medium Infantry are troops protected by armour but without shields or troops without armour but using shields. Heavy Infantry are troops protected by armour and shields Heavily Armoured Infantry are troops clad in full mail/plate armour and using shields. Light Cavalry are troops mounted on sturdy medium horses. They wear no protective clothing and are either without shields or are unable to use them. Medium Cavalry are troops mounted on sturdy medium horses. They wear armour but without shields, or they carry shields and wear no armour. Heavy Cavalry are troops mounted on large warhorses with mail shirts or breastplates and use shields, or scale or mail armour and do not use shields. Armoured Cavalry are troops mounted on large warhorses. They wear full mail armour and use shields.

HAC Heavy Armoured Cavalry are troops mounted on large warhorses protected by quilted, leather, or mail barding. They wear full armour and carry shields.

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

10 | Page Troop Classification All troops will be classified under one of the following headings: Skirmishers: LI or LC. Skirmish troops operate in a skirmish line and attempt to evade charges and advances directed against them. However, Skirmish troops fight at a penalty against Shock troops or Missile Troops in prepared defences. Missile Troops: Formations composed entirely of Archers or Crossbowman. Such troops will not employ are prone to retire or retreat when charged unless protected by Shock Troops or are in prepared defences. Only Type A and B Missile Troops or those in HI armour will charge an enemy. Shock Troops: All units armed with Shock and Melee weapons as their primary armaments are classified as Shock Troops. Skirmishers will always attempt to evade such troops.

Element Basing All figures must be combined into elements of several figures fixed to a thin rectangular base. Base size is not critical provided that all bases have the same frontage and both armies use the same conventions. Figures per base and Spear cost is as follows: Troop Figures Per Base A Light Infantry (LI) Medium Infantry (MI) Heavy Infantry (HI) Heavy Armoured Infantry (HAI) Light Cavalry (LC) Medium Cavalry (MC) Heavy Cavalry (HC) Armoured Cavalry (AC) Heavy Armoured Cavalry (HAC) 2 3 4 4 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Regular B 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Irregular B 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 C 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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De Re Militari Series

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COMMAND AND CONTROL Concept Command and control of a medieval army is difficult and relied on the level of training provided to troops involved. The better the commander the more influence they had on the battlefield, both prior to and during the battle. Poorly trained troops were difficult to manage and if poorly led the outcome could lead to disaster. The limitations of the communication systems also contributed to the confused nature of battle. Hence, a command radius based on the abilities of the commander, with a command rating tried to simulate the situation where commanders relied on line of sight, bugles and flags to pass on orders. Commanders Commanders can undertake a wide variety of tasks but the main ones are to rally troops or inspire troops in combat. Placement of commanders to bring a reserve forward, bolster the centre of a Battle or rally breaking troops is important. They are represented by a Command Spear. Command Spears can fight but cost more due to their command capability. Commanders come in four groups with associated costs added to the type of Spear they represent: Poor: (CR: 4-5) Unable to organise their disparate troops or react effectively to emerging conditions. These commanders are ineffective on the battle field. Cost +5/10 points. Average: (CR: 6-7) Able to manage their troops but will struggle in uncertain circumstances. Uninspiring this group is the major element of commanders in the period. Cost +15/20 points. Good: (CR: 8-9) Experienced or trained, these commanders are able to use troops, ground, and weather to effectively bring forces to bear. Cost +25/30 points. Inspired: (CR: 10) Experienced, trained and brilliant these commanders organise, train and fight their army without parallel. Their ability is so great they can manage the disparate personalities that make up the command elements of the army. Cost +35 points.

Command Rating The command rating for any battle commander is based on a variety of factors: The ability of the commander himself. The type of army The command and communication system Rallying troops: Less than the CR rallies the spear Changing orders: Less than the CR allows a change of orders or direction. Moving troops: Less than the CR allows a complex move by a Battle or spear. Inspire Troops: less than the CR reduces the die roll by one.

Command ratings are used for the following:

Command Radius is the distance at which a commander can send orders or rally troops. The command radius is equal in inches to the command rating. Therefore a leader with a command rating of 9 has a command radius of 9 inches. Black Mouse Games 2012 De Re Militari Series

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Unreliable Allies Any mercenary contingent or allied force that fails a command roll for any reason is now unreliable until the Army Commander has that Battle in his command radius. At this point a successful command roll from the Army Commander will remove the unreliable status. Unreliable Battles will not follow orders nor engage with enemy forces. If an enemy force comes within the command radius of a mercenary Battle the enemy Battles commander may make a command roll and apply the following outcome: A roll of 2: The mercenary battle goes over the enemy. The mercenary Battle will not go back to their original employer. A roll less than the Command Rating of the commander: The mercenary Battle will not engage with the enemy for the rest of the game, allowing free passage for the enemy forces to pass through them. The mercenary Battle will retire in the first route phase. A roll equal to the Command Rating of the commander: The mercenary Battle will not engage with the enemy for the rest of the game, but will not allow free passage for the enemy forces to pass through them. A roll greater than the Command Rating of the commander: The mercenary Battle will engage with the enemy if attacked and once attacked will recommence to take orders from its original employer. A roll of 12: The mercenary Battle returns to active status and will take orders from its original employer.

An allied Battle that becomes unreliable remains unreliable until the Army Commander brings them back over or they are attacked by the enemy. They never swap sides in De Re Militari. Stratagems Stratagems are in the command and control area as these belong rightly to the Army Commander and no one else. There are 36 stratagems in Chinese military law and over 500 in Western warfare. Most fall into the underhanded and sneaky category. Rex Bellator has six stratagems which cost 10 points: 1. Feigned Flight: Can only be carried out by regular A-C troops, or irregular A troops. In the movement phase of the opposing player one battle of the non-phasing player that is in contact or within the command radius of the phasing player may retire one full move back from the phasing players troops. Any troops in contact or within that command radius must pursue for the full distance. If they contact the opposing player they gain no tactical advantages. 2. Ambush: Can be carried out by any troop types. Six spears minimum must be placed in heavy woods or behind large terrain. Once triggered an ambushing force conducts missile fire or conducts close combat without taking any adverse outcomes for the first turn of the ambush. 3. Hidden Obstacles: Any infantry force in a defensive position may place out hidden obstacles to the front of its line but these must be within spear range. The effect on an opposing force is that it is held up for one movement phase while it finds a path through the obstacle.

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

13 | Page 4. Flank Attack: A complete Battle remains off board and returns at a time designated without having to roll for a command roll. Can only be carried out by a Army Commander with a CR 8 or more. 5. Changing Deployment: Two battles can interchange locations after deployment ceases. This requires a command roll to implement. This must occur after all other set up activities have been completed. 6. Scouting: If an Army has light cavalry of more than three Spears it may conduct scouting. Scouting requires a command roll by the Army commander. If successful then one of the following have to be revealed by the opposing player: o Flank Attack o Ambush o Hidden Obstacles

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

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SETTING UP THE GAME Pre-Battle Set Up Preparation for the game revolves around determining what Army you intend to bring to the table. Army selection prior to mission is designed to simulate the uncertainty of battle planning and preparation. In addition the selection of terrain occurs after the selection of the army. Commanders took their armies forward without knowing exactly where battle would occur; hence the random selection of terrain injects further uncertainty into the game. Sequence for the Pre-Battle Set up is: 1. Army selection 2. Mission Selection 3. Selection of Attacker and Defender 4. Terrain selection 5. Weather Selection 6. Arrival and placement of forces Army Selection Players determine army points size and then select armies based on the Army Lists. Army selection must meet the following: At least three battles -Vanguard, Main and Rear Guard. This is the order of march for these Battles and therefore determines the order in which they are placed. Each Battle must have a commander which is a clearly visible Spear, with flag or identification. There must be more than four Spears in a Battle. Mercenary Spears cannot be mixed with any other troops but Civil Militia or Allies and is commanded by an Average Commander. Mercenary Battles are unreliable if they fail a command roll.

Selection of Attacker and Defender Unless determined by a scenario each player rolls 2D6 and the player with the lowest score chooses to be defender or attacker. This die roll also determines time of day. That roll from 20 gives the number of turns for the game. This can lead to some long games and players may decide to reduce that number by agreement.

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

15 | Page Missions There are 6 missions within the game. The attacking player rolls 1D6 and consults the mission table Die Mission 1 Army Destruction: Reduce the Opponent's army to the point it can no longer fight again 2 3 4 5 6 Seize Terrain: Hold vital terrain until end of the game to deny it to the enemy Delay: Buying time for the rest of the Army to prepare for combat Withdraw: The Defender must withdraw from the field of combat intact. Advance: The Attacker must cross the battlefield and exit the other side before the end of the game. River Crossing: The Attacker must seize a river crossing and hold it until the end of the game

At the end of the game players check the achievement of objectives and add them up. The final score is than checked against the table below to determine the level of victory. Points 81-100 61-80 41-60 31-40 21-30 11-20 0 - 10 Victory Level Decisive Victory Tactical Victory Marginal Victory Stalemate Marginal Loss Tactical Loss Decisive Loss

Notes on victory conditions: Highest point means either a natural or man-made feature Key terrain are such things as bridges, buildings and hills but not the highest point Held in means that no more than 30% of the opponent's force crosses into your set up zone In this case exits via the defender's base line

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

16 | Page Mission Victory Conditions Mission Army Destruction: Reduce the Opponent's army to the point it can no longer fight again Objective 60% or more of opponents Spears "killed" 40% or more of opponents Spears "killed" 20% or more of opponents Spears "killed" Army commander "Killed" Each Battle commander "Killed" Each opponent Spear "Killed" Highest point in opponent's set up zone taken and held until end game Key terrain in opponent's set up zone taken and held until end game Highest point in your set up zone taken and held until end of the game Key terrain in your set up zone taken and held until end of the game Army commander "Killed" Each Battle commander "Killed" Opponent's army held in neutral zone of battle field until end of game Opponent's army held in neutral zone of battle field until two turns before the end of game Your Army withdraws from the field with less than 30% losses Your Army withdraws from the field with less than 50% losses Army commander "Killed" Each Battle commander "Killed" Each opponent Spear "Killed" Your Army withdraws from the field with less than 10% losses Your Army withdraws from the field with less than 20% losses Your Army withdraws from the field with less than 30% losses Your Army withdraws from the field with less than 50% losses Opposing Army commander "Killed" Each opposing Battle commander "Killed" Each opponent Spear "Killed" Your Army exits the field with less than 10% losses Your Army exits the field with less than 20% losses Your Army withdraws from the field with less than 30% losses Your Army exits the field with less than 50% losses Opposing Army commander "Killed" Each opposing Battle commander "Killed" Each opponent Spear "Killed" Points 20 10 5 10 5 2 20 10 5 5 5 2 20 10 10 5 5 2 1 20 10 10 5 5 2 1 20 10 10 5 5 2 1

Seize Terrain: Hold vital terrain until end of the game to deny it to the enemy

Delay: Buying time for the rest of the Army to prepare for combat

Withdraw: The Defender must withdraw from the field of combat intact.

Advance: The Attacker must cross the battlefield and exit the other side before the end of the game.

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

17 | Page Mission River Crossing: The Attacker must seize a river crossing and hold it until the end of the game Objective You hold a main river crossing (bridge or ford) with 30% of your force on the opponent's side of the river You hold a main river crossing (bridge or ford) with 10% of your force on the opponent's side of the river You have 10% of your force across the river but do not hold the crossing The river crossing is contested either side has one Spear in contact on the crossing. No one holds the crossing Opposing Army commander "Killed" Each opposing Battle commander "Killed" Each opponent Spear "Killed" Notes on victory conditions: Highest point means either a natural or man-made feature Key terrain are such things as bridges, buildings and hills but not the highest point Held in means that no more than 30% of the opponent's force crosses into your set up zone Exit always means exits via the defender's base line Points 20 10 5 5 5 5 2 1

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

18 | Page Terrain selection The table is setup using a random system. There is opportunity for the defender to move some elements of terrain based on the Commander in Chiefs command rating. The Defending player rolls 2D6 for each sector of the board for terrain and consult the terrain table. The defending player must place the selected terrain anywhere inside the sector. Terrain in one sector must be placed in such a way that it does not touch terrain in another quadrant. However, a clever defender will place terrain in their sector and the attackers sector to their own advantage. The terrain selection table as below: Die 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Terrain Open Terrain Open Terrain Open Woods/orchards Dense Woodland Rolling Hills Small River High Hills Cliffs Large river Linear Barriers Marshes Explanation

One or two wood pieces Three or four wood pieces One level Hill A continuous river across adjacent sectors. Fordable at all points. Two level Hill Three level Hill with one face in towards centre and directly straight A continuous river across adjacent sectors Hedges, stone walls, gullies Ponds, swampy ground, small creeks.

Terrain pieces are 6 by 6 areas clearly identified or agreed by players. For the River Crossing mission a non-fordable river is placed in the neutral zone running across the table. Terrain Sectors Attacker 1 4 2 5 Defender 3 6

The attacking player may swap two sectors if they achieve a command roll. This is to avoid the Defender having too much of an advantage but also to simulate that the Defence would be unable to make terrain suit his purposes completely.

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

19 | Page Weather Selection The players agree as to who will roll 1D6 for weather, checking the chart below which provides the weather and its effects for the game. For one off games rolls are always on the summer line of the chart for Warm climate. For scenarios or campaigns it will depend on the location and season.
Climate Season Winter Cold Spring Summer Autumn Winter Warm Spring Summer Autumn Winter Dry Spring Summer Autumn Winter Tropical Spring Summer Autumn 1 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 2 Mist Mist Clear Mist Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Mist Mist Clear Clear Clear 3 Light Rain Light Rain Clear Light Rain Mist Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Dust storm. Mist Light Rain Clear Clear 4 Heavy Rain Light Rain Mist Light Rain Light Rain Mist Clear Mist Clear Dust storm. Dust storm. Light Rain Light Rain Light Rain Clear Clear 5 Snow Heavy Rain Light Rain Heavy Rain Heavy Rain Light Rain Mist Light Rain Dust storm. Light Rain Dazzle Light Rain Light Rain Heavy Rain Mist Light Rain 6 Snow Snow Heavy Rain Snow Snow Heavy Rain Light Rain Heavy Rain Light Rain Heavy Rain Dazzle Light Rain Heavy Rain Heavy Rain Light Rain Light Rain

Weather Effects Weather effects are as follows: Clear: no effect Mist/Dust Storm: Visibility reduced, no missile fire Light Rain: Visibility reduced, no movement hampering, bows/crossbows range halved or limit of visibility Heavy Rain/Snow: Visibility reduced, movement halved, bows/crossbows range limit of visibility

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

20 | Page Visibility Visibility As long as line of sight is clear visibility is unlimited Open Woods Dense woods Fog/dust storms/Misty rain/Night (moonlit) Dusk/dawn/light rain Heavy rain BAU Distance Unlimited 6 2 6 24 2" 2"

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

21 | Page Arrival and Placement of Forces If a Battle is commanded by a Duke or equivalent, a member of the German Holy Roman Empire, or a mercenary captain then the player rolls one dice and implements the results: Die Roll 1-3 4-5 6 Outcome All Battles arrive on time and are deployed One Battle arrives late and a second die is rolled with that number being the turn upon which the Battle will arrive at the owning players rear edge of the battlefield. One battle does not arrive. A second die is rolled with that number being the turn upon which the owning player can commence to roll a command roll to see if the Battle will appear. A roll of 12 means the Battle is lost. For campaign purposes a second roll is taken and if the command roll is failed then the Lord and his Battle have gone to the other side.

The above represents vagaries of war where the King or his Princes are not available and as such could be quite challenging for a player. Players lay their armies out within 24of their edge of the battlefield. This leaves a neutral zone of 24 deep within the centre of the board. For all missions but the delay mission, players play with the 6edge as their base line. For the delay mission the game is played the length of the table with the 4edge as the base line, and defender deploys inside the neutral zone. Players lay out their Battles in the sequence: 1. Vanguard. If there are only three Battles, the Vanguard is placed on the right of the line. If there are more than three Battles, then it may be placed to the front or rear of the battleline. 2. Main Guard. The Main Guard is always placed in the centre. If the Main guard does not arrive or arrives late the Vanguard must be placed in the centre. 3. Rear Guard. The Rear Guard is always placed on the left. 4. Other Guards. Any other Guard is placed to the right if the Vanguard is to the front, or at the rear. If the players Army Commander has a command value of less than 6 the player rolls 2D6 for each Battle: A roll less than the Command Rating of the commander: The layout remains extant. A roll greater than the Command Rating of the commander: The Battle Commander with the highest command rating is now placed in the Vanguard position.

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

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SEQUENCE OF PLAY The game is played in sequence with the player with the initiative having the first sequence followed by the player without the initiative sequencing second. Noting that the initiative may change hands at the start of either turn and with a player possibly moving and attacking twice in a row. The sequence of play is: Initiative Phase Rally Phase Movement Phase Combat Phase Rout Phase INITIATIVE PHASE Each player rolls 2D6 and the player with the lowest score has the initiative. The player with the initiative has the first sequence. RALLY PHASE In the rally phase the player with the initiative may take several actions using their commanders. Each action comes at a cost. Hence, players need to think carefully of what they want their commanders to do in any given phase as they may be unable to be used to support combat or deal with routing units in the Rout Phase if the commander remain behind to rally troops. Rally Spears: Battle Commanders can attempt to rally broken spears within their command radius. Rally Commanders: An Army Commander can rally a broken Battle Command Spear. However, the Army Commander cannot rally any other Spear. Enact stratagem: The Army commander can enact a stratagem. The commander rolls 2D6 and the stratagem is enacted if the roll is less than the command rating of the leader. Give Orders: The Army Commander can give orders to other Battles to advance, retreat, withdraw or otherwise act in accordance with the army as a whole. The Army commander must be in line of sight to give such orders. Battles can make tactical decisions within a 2'x2' area but moves outside of that require an Army Commander roll.

Rally Spears Each Spear that is broken continues to retreat from combat in the movement phase until it has been rallied by a commander. An attempt to rally is conducted at the beginning of each sequence by the in-sequence player. The phasing player rolls 2D6 for Spears within its command radius and the results of a rally test are: A roll less than the Command Rating of the commander: The Spear rallies, ceases movement and turns to face the opposing players board edge. The Spear cannot move nor engage in combat in its sequence but can be engaged in combat by the opposing player in their sequence. A roll equal to the Command Rating of the commander: The Spear rallies, ceases movement and remains facing its own players board edge. The Spear cannot move nor engage in combat in its sequence but can be engaged in combat by the opposing player in their sequence. De Re Militari Series

Black Mouse Games 2012

23 | Page A roll greater than the Command Rating of the commander: The Spear fails to rally, remains broken and continues to retreat.

A "Broken" Spear that reaches the owning players long edge of the board is removed from play and is counted a kill Enact Stratagem The Battle undertaking the stratagem must be in line of sight of the Army Commander to be given the orders to commence the operation. Stratagems that occur before the beginning of the game do not require to be in line of sight but even so do come with a risk of failure. The Battle Commander enacting the stratagem on behalf of the Army Commander must achieve a CR to be successful Each stratagem a player pays for must have a command roll to determine success. These rolls are taken at the point at which a stratagem is enacted but in the main this will occur in the Rally Phase, prior to movement. Each stratagem, except off table movement, which is a set up stratagem is has its die roll in the first Rally Phase of the game The phasing player rolls 2D6 for each stratagem: A roll less than the Command Rating of the commander: The stratagem is successfully implemented. A roll equal to the Command Rating of the commander: The stratagem is delayed one turn but does not need to reroll. A roll greater than the Command Rating of the commander: The stratagem is unsuccessful and can be rerolled next turn. A roll of 12: The stratagem is unsuccessful and cannot be rerolled again for the game.

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De Re Militari Series

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MOVEMENT Movement Phase The active player moves their Battles or Spears. Any Battle or Spear within a command radius may move. Any Spear or Battle outside the command radius but in LOS of a commander requires a command roll. The Battle Commander rolls 2D6 and the Battle or Spear is able to move if the roll is less than the command rating of the leader. Knights will always continue to move towards any enemy formation in line of sight and visibility unless a commander rolls a command roll to make them stop. Movement occurs only in the movement and rout phase, except for: Horse archers (Missile Fire Phase); and Skirmishers (Melee Phase).

Formations All units are formed bodies of troops and must have a set formation. The following formations are possible: Battleline: All spears in the battle are facing in the same direction and are touching at least one other spear. The line may be two or more spears deep and at least two spears wide. The battleline will be relatively straight but can be bent to conform to terrain such as hills and woods in order to keep the entire unit within the confines of the terrain. Skirmish Line: A single rank of figures extending in open order. All figures in the unit are facing the same direction. A skirmish line is never used to attack close order troops and will fall back when attacked. Only LI and LC can form skirmish lines. Column: All figures are facing in the same direction. The column is deeper than the Battleline and always moves in normal order. Column of March: When travelling along a road a unit will assume a width to conform to the width of the track they are following. A Column of March will be one to three Spears wide and as deep as is necessary to maintain unit integrity. Defensive Square: All spears in the unit are facing outward from a common centre, with the lines not deeper than prescribed for a Battleline. Since a defensive square is used only in moments of grave peril or when facing an immediate attack by massed cavalry, a morale test is required by all infantry not of Type A or B status.

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

25 | Page Movement distances The maximum distance in inches any single element can travel is: Type HAC AC HC MC LC HAI HI MI LI Baggage Train Light War Engine Heavy War Engine Terrain Effects Terrain Open Terrain Open Woods/orchards Dense Woods Small River Large river Rolling Hills High Hills Cliffs Effect on Movement No effect LI/LC no effect. All others 1/2 speed 1/2 Speed 1/2 Speed As per river crossing rules All combat troops move at 2/3 speed. Artillery and siege engines move at 1/2 speed. All Infantry move at 1/2 speed upslope. All Cavalry moves at 1/3 speed upslope. All transport and siege engines move at 1/4 speed All Light Infantry climb or descend at 1/3 speed. All Medium and Heavy Infantry climb or descend at 1/5 speed. Cavalry, transport and siege engines cannot cross this terrain Infantry deduct 1 inch from movement when crossing. Cavalry deduct 2 inches from movement when crossing. Artillery and siege engines may cross only at bridges and gaps. 1/2 Speed All terrain effects negated except Mud (unless all-weather road). Normal 4 6 6 8 10 3 4 6 8 10 10 5 Road 6 8 6 8 10 3 4 6 8 10 10 5

Linear Barriers

Marshes Roads

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

26 | Page Terrain Fortifications Sharpened stakes River Crossings Any large river as defined in the terrain tables can only be crossed via bridges or fords clearly represented on the board. If uncontested Spears may cross at these points without penalty. If contested Spears must fight their way across. To cross any large river at other points requires a command roll by each Spear. This represents the use of boats, skiffs or in the case of cavalry swimming their horses across. The sequence for a crossing such as this is as follows: First movement phase: move the edge of the Spear to the edge of the river. Spears must conform to the river. Next friendly movement phase: throw a command roll. If successful the Spear is moved in the direction it is facing across the river and placed with its rear edge touching the river bank. If there is an opposing Spear holding the far bank your Spear remains in the river in contact with the Spear and must win the combat to move forward. Any adverse result for your Spear destroys it. Effect on Movement All infantry deduct 2" at top of battlements. Cavalry, artillery, and siege engines may cross only through gates. All troops must halt one phase in front of the barrier then cross at 1/2 normal speed. Artillery and siege engines may cross only through gaps.

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

27 | Page Types of Moves A unit may perform one of the following functions: Action Change Formation Change Facing Advance Withdraw Rally Back Wheel Explanation A unit may change from one formation to another. A unit may change the direction it is facing. (Line to Column etc) A unit may advance to the limit of movement allowed. A unit may fall back its normal move distance without turning its face from the enemy. Cavalry fall back full normal move to regroup of a charge if repulsed in its previous attack. A unit may pivot on the end of one flank or another (or along any point in between if attempting to move around the flank of an enemy unit it is overlapping or to conform to terrain features). A Wheeling manoeuvre sees the pivot point remain stationary while the farthest flank moves up to its maximum allowable distance without breaking the line. Mounting or dismounting and deploying takes one-half the movement of a cavalry or mounted infantry unit to a maximum of 150mm (60m/yd). When mounting, cavalry are unable to charge or gallop in the same movement phase. A unit may choose to do nothing in the way of movement. An unformed or disordered unit may restore some semblance of formation to its ranks by standing and sorting out the mess. This is especially true of Type C and D troops which are not trained and drilled enough to reform on the move.


Stand or Reform

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De Re Militari Series

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COMBAT PHASE Concept The concept of combat is that missile and close combat occurs in the same phase. Both players fight combat with units in contact or in missile range with the active player rolling first. The dice must be rolled from left to right, front to rear, followed by the second player. The range and combat values for missile and other troops along with the combat charts are on the reference sheet at the end of these rules. In melee combat missile troops use the same combat value as for missiles. Combat Sequence The combat sequence is: Skirmishers move a half move from Shock troops if command roll is successful Missile troops fire (including horse archers) but only if not in contact with enemy Horse Archers withdraw by half move but only if not in contact with enemy Close combat occurs

Procedure for Combat Each element in contact follows the process below: Identify the Combat Value of the Spear in contact or firing Subtract the Combat Value of the opposing Spear Roll 2D6 and modify the roll with the combat and leadership modifiers Find the result on the combat table (Combat values of less than zero throw on the zero column) Add up the Combat Value of all the Spears in contact with the opposing single Spear Subtract the Combat Value of the opposing Spear Roll 2D6 and modify the roll with the combat and leadership modifiers Find the result on the combat table (Combat values of less than zero throw on the zero column)

Multiple elements versus single:

Combat Effects Combat effects are implemented simultaneously, including morale roll outcomes and before the rout phase. Thus units broken in the combat phase will move again in the rout phase. The results are: Kill (K): The Spear is removed from play. Morale (M): The Spear takes a morale check and immediately applies the results. If the Spear achieves morale it still must fall back one stand depth. The Spear must roll lower than its morale value. If the Spear fails its morale roll it is turned to face its base edge and makes an immediate full move back. Any Spears in between are ignored. Repulsed (R): The Spear falls back one stand depth. Spears behind it also fall back. De Re Militari Series

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29 | Page No Result (-): The element stands and remains in contact.

Results are applied simultaneously to both sides. However if a result means that both players have a flow on adverse result (A Spear forces the line to be repulsed back) then the sequencing player moves first. Missile fire is resolved exactly the same as close combat except if the target is unable to return fire then the firing Spear obviously will have no adverse outcome. ROUTE PHASE Spears that route must do so at the charge rate for the first turn, after which they move at the normal rate. They will move to the rear edge of the board unless stopped by an impassable object, in which case they will move using the shortest possible route to find a way of the board. At no stage can they move towards the opponents edge of the board. If a Spear is trapped and unable to seek the rear edge of the board it is removed from play in the next Route Phase and counts as a Kill result. Routing Spears that come in contact with other Battles will continue through them or around them. However, if they remain in contact with the new Spears or Battles at the end of the route phase then any Spear in contact must take a morale check.

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De Re Militari Series

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SIEGE RULES Concept Siege warfare was a long drawn out event which is not well simulated in the wargames environment. In many cases the siege can last months as opponents try and wear each other out. Therefore the concept of the siege rules is that the siege goes in phases in which sides rest, refit and repair at points in the battle. Indeed the siege is more of a mini-campaign Forces being besieged will run out of items to repair, feed and bolster forces, while the besieger will have the chance to be reinforced and steal off the land. However, all this is dependent on the setup phase of the game. If the besieged has been surprised then they may not be ready for a long siege, while if they have been forewarned they may have instituted a scorched earth policy much to the attackers chagrin. Tactics of the Siege Both sides engage in a series of tactics to bring the siege to a close. The siege itself is a series of battles that occur in sequence: 1. Entering the region 2. Seizing the gate or postern 3. Investment of the Siege 4. Breaching or storming the gates or the walls 5. Raising the siege by engaging the besiegers with a relieving force or a major sally from the castle. Phase 1: Entering the Region The attacker must enter the region and move towards the castle. The attacker will be trying to reach bow range of the castle undetected. In doing so the attacker therefore has a chance of seizing the gate or postern by surprise. The attacker rolls 2D6 and this number is the Entering the Region roll. The outcomes of this roll are A roll of 2 the attacking force has total surprise and has entered the region before the defender has had a chance to prepare and bring in supplies from the region. The attacker now has a -1 on all supply rolls for rest of the game. If this condition is met, there is a chance to seize the gate or postern A roll of 4-5 or less the attacking force has surprise and can approach to within bowshot of the castle. If this condition is met, there is a chance to seize the gate or postern A roll of 6-8 the defender has learned of the entry and has closed the gates. The attacker has no chance of seizing the gate or postern A roll of 8-11 the defender has had prior warning the approaching force and is prepared. The Defender now has a -1 on all supply rolls for the rest of the game. A roll of 12 treat as though an 8-11 roll but the Attacker now has a +1 on all supply rolls for the rest of the game.

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

31 | Page Seizing the Gate or Postern The Gate or Postern may be open if the alarm has not been sounded. However, if the alarm has been given, proceed to Investment of the Siege. If the attacker has achieved a chance of seizing the gate or postern the attacker rolls 2D6 and this number is the Seizing the Gate or Postern roll. The outcomes of this roll are: A roll of 2 the attacking force has not only seized the gate but achieved total surprise and has entered the fortification before the defender has had a chance to prepare. The attacker may now place 1D6 Spears inside the fortification. These must be placed with one spear in contact with the gate or postern. A roll of 3-5 the attacking force has surprise and has entered the fortification before the defender has had a chance to prepare. The attacker may now place 1D6 (halved) Spears inside the fortification. These must be placed with one spear in contact with the gate or postern. A roll of 6-8 the defender has learned of the entry and has defended the gates. The places a spear at the entry but the defender cannot close the gates and combat is played out as though it is clear terrain A roll of 8-12 the defender catches the attacker in time and closes the gates. However, there is no time for the defender to make other preparations and therefore the attacker may attempt to break the gate and force entry without defender interference for that turn.

If there is more than one entry to the fortification then the attacker may choose which entry is seized. Once declared the other gate or postern is now closed and must be broken through normally. Investment of the Siege The investment of the siege occurs when the attacker either fails to achieve surprise or loses the seizing of the gate or postern (in other words forced from the castle). In this phase the attacker must declare a Battle out of combat to simulate seizing nearby villages, crossroads and lines of communications or troops foraging. This Battle returns in time but remains out of the game for the phase only. In this phase the defender may conduct the following: 1. Sorties from the castle 2. Hindering or destroying foraging parties The Defender may declare a Battle out of combat to simulate the above and rolls 2D6 for the following results: A roll of 2 the Defenders sortie has caught the Attacker totally by surprise. The Attackers Battle remains out of combat for a further Phase and loses 1D6 of its spears. A roll of 3-5 the Defenders sortie has caught the Attacker surprised. The Attackers Battle remains out of combat for a further Phase. A roll of 6-8 the Defenders sortie has caught the Attackers foraging party. The Attacker throws +1 on the supply roll for one Phase only. A roll of 8-11 the Defenders sortie is repulsed. The Defender can make no further sorties for the rest of the siege and that Battle remains out of combat for a further Phase. A roll of 12 the Defenders sortie is caught by the Attackers cavalry and dealt a blow. The Defenders Battle remains out of combat for a further Phase and loses 1D6 of its spears.

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

32 | Page Breaching the Gates or the Walls To breach the gates of a castle requires a battering ram or artillery. The attacker has one battering ram per phase. A battering ram moves at the speed of heavy artillery. The Spear moving the battering ram is placed behind it but is considered for missile fire purposes to be level with the front of the ram. The ram provide +1 to the combat value of the Spear. Once the battering rams front edge reaches the front edge of the gates it may commence combat, in the combat phase. The battering ram throws on the Zero column of the combat table with no modifiers. The results are as follows: K = One point of damage to the gate. M = point of damage R = no effect

Once the ram has inflicted three points of damage to the gate it is breached and the battering ram is removed. The Attackers Spear is moved into position at the gate and if there is a Defenders Spear in place combat occurs again. If there is no Defenders Spear behind the gate the Attackers Spear exploits forward its base depth. In the combat phase if there is a Defenders Spear above the gate or to one side then the Defender throws on the +1 column, and the results are as per normal. While, the Defenders Spear cannot take an adverse results from the battering ram it can be engaged by missile fire if possible. The same process can be used to breach a wall but the battering ram must inflict 5 points of damage before a breach occurs. Heavy Artillery follows the same procedure as the battering ram but the difference is that it does so from a distance, and can only be engaged by missile fire or close combat from a sortie. Light Artillery cannot breach a gate or wall but can engage Defenders as missile fire. Storming the Walls There are two methods of storming the walls: Ladders Siege Towers

The Attacker receives one ladder for every six Spears. These are replenished in the Supply Phase of the siege. The procedure for storming using ladders is that the front Spears of the assault have ladders (remembering 1 in 6 rule) which if their base successfully reaches the base of the wall are then considered to have been raised up on to the wall. In the first combat phase of reaching the wall the Defender rolls on the +1 column and combat results are applied with a K result destroying the ladder. The Attacker only rolls for missile fire not close combat. In the next turn combat is conducted normally with modifiers for combat applied. The results are as follows: If Defender: K = Spear removed. Attacker advances onto the parapets. M = if the defender fails morale and retreats then the attacker advances onto the parapets.

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De Re Militari Series

33 | Page R = The Defender moves directly back one base depth. Attacker advances onto the parapets. K = Attacker Spear removed. Ladder destroyed. M = if the Attacker fails morale and retreats then any spear behind moves forward to fill the gap if possible. R = the attacker moves directly back one base depth.

If Attacker:

Once the Attacker is on the parapets then successive Spears may use its ladder to enter the castle at that point. The procedure is that the Spear moves to the base of the wall in the movement phase and advances up to the parapets if possible in the combat phase. This means that if the Attackers Spear in the breach does not move out of the way in the movement phase then the follow on Spear will not be able to advance up the ladder until the next turn. Siege Towers are major constructs which allow the Attacker to move over moats and walls. The movement is the same as battering rams but the Spears inside the tower are placed in sequence behind it. Once a tower is either at the edge of the moat or wall it may drop its drawbridge and the first Spear is placed in contact with the Defenders Spear. Combat occurs normally. Siege towers may be destroyed by Defenders prior to reaching the wall by artillery, or missile fire. The CV and damage points for a siege tower is 5, and combat while it moves forward is conducted normally with no adverse outcome for missile troops from that combat with the tower. Siege Towers are never replaced if destroyed. Supply Phase Every 6 turns or as declared by players the Attacker withdraws from combat unless there are more than 6 Spears and a Commander inside the castle walls. At this point the fight is to the death and is played on. At this point both players retired and commence resupply. For the Attacker this means more foraging, but for both sides this means stitching up the wounded, fixing breached walls and gates, repairing weaponry and rebuilding siege equipment. Both sides roll 2D6 every supply phase and apply the following results: A roll of 2 means supply is excellent. o If a Defender all breaches in walls and gates are repaired enough to require the Attacker to rebreach. 1/3 of Killed Spears and of lost spears due to retreat are recovered. o If Attacker 1/3 of Killed Spears and of lost spears due to retreat are recovered. A roll of 3-5 means supply is good. o If a Defender all breaches in walls and gates are repaired enough to require the Attacker to rebreach but with walls having only 3 points and gates on 2 points. 1/3 of Killed Spears and 1/3 of lost spears due to retreat are recovered. o If Attacker 1/3 of Killed Spears and 1/3 of lost spears due to retreat are recovered. A roll of 6-8 means supply is average.

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De Re Militari Series

34 | Page o If a Defender all breaches in walls and gates are repaired enough to require the Attacker to rebreach but with walls and gates only having 1 damage point to breach. Only 1/3 of lost spears due to retreat are recovered. o If Attacker 1/6 of Killed Spears and 1/3 of lost spears due to retreat are recovered. A roll of 8-11 means supply is bad. o If a Defender no breaches in walls and gates are repaired. No killed or lost spears are recovered. o If Attacker no siege equipment is replaced, and 1/6 of lost spears due to retreat are recovered A roll of 12 means supply is atrocious. o If Defender the entire garrison must take a command role. Failure of command role means no sorties, no repairs made, no spears are recovered and all die roll comes with a +1 until supply moves back to average. o If Attacker the entire force must take a command role. Failure of command role means no siege equipment is replaced, no spears are recovered and all die roll comes with a +1 until supply moves back to average. Winning the Siege Once a siege commences there is only one result: Death or Glory. There is no retreat for Defenders and once the walls are breached and fighting occurs inside the castle the outcome is dependent on the number of Spears killed. Victory is determined when the Defender can no longer hold the walls or the keep. Victory conditions are: Objective Castle remains in your hands. The walls have been breached but there are no Attackers Spears inside the Walls Castle is in your hands. There are no unbroken Defenders Spears inside the walls Castle is in your hands. There are no Defenders on the walls 40% or more of opponents Spears "killed" 20% or more of opponents Spears "killed" Army commander "Killed" Each Battle commander "Killed" Each opponent Spear "Killed" Points 20 20 10 10 5 10 5 1

Defender Attacker Attacker

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

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CAMPAIGN RULES Concept Military campaigning was limited to the length of feudal service required by the King or overlord for feudal armies. Hence, campaigning seasons were short and involved posturing as much as battle to seek advantage. Some wars took many years but the campaigns themselves were in relatively short periods of time where the weather was good enough to allow movement and living off the land for foraging armies. For Rex Bellator campaigning is therefore conducted in turns spanning seasons. For the purposes of the game there is a campaign season and a winter season. The campaign season runs for nine turns ( one month per turn), and the winter season lasting on turn (three months per turn). Campaign Objective A campaign is an attempt by one player to bring about an objective using a variety of forces and capabilities. There is only one objective and this can be either randomly selected or chosen by agreement between players. there can be more than two players in a campaign and each may have separate objectives. To randomly select a campaign objective each player rolls 1D6 and consults the table below. Die 1 Objective Seize the throne. You are a claimant to the throne and are backed by a faction who is supplying forces to you. You must defeat the other claimant's army and seize his capital to declare victory. The pretender must stop you from doing so. Recover lost lands. You have claims on lands held by your opponent. You must recover these through force by capturing the local castle in each region and holding it until the end of the game Defend your Crown. Each player must defend their crown and their lands from being seized by their opponents. The winner is the one who has seized either the crown of another player or the most regions. Rebellion. A rebellion has been started on your borders. Several regions have fallen to the rebels who are well organised and well led. You must defeat the rebel army and recover the lost regions before they secede from your kingdom. Conquest. You intend to conquer a land for economic reasons You must defeat the opposing army, and seize all your opponent's cities. Civil War. All players are at each other's throats in a game of shifting alliances. You must defeat your opponents completely, holding cities and castles finally claiming the throne.

2 3 4

5 6

Campaign Game Map The campaign game map can be any type of country or region but it should be hex gridded to allow movement. Players may wish to us a region by region approach but they will need to determine their own movement allowances. For a hex map it must also be divided into regions in which there is one walled city and one castle. Smaller towns and built up areas will be represented on the map but do not affect play. The map should be divided into hexes which display what type of terrain. The main terrain types are: 1. Clear. Normal die roll on terrain chart for combat.

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36 | Page 2. Roads: Normal die roll on terrain chart for combat but a road must be placed running from one battle edge to another. 3. Hills: Two of the six sectors must have rolling hills in them. The remaining sectors roll normally on the chart. 4. Woods: Two of the six sectors must have dense woods in them. The remaining sectors roll normally on the chart. 5. Mountains: Two of the six sectors must have high hills or cliffs in them. The remaining sectors roll normally on the chart. 6. Rivers: If the hex has a river in it then a rive must be placed lengthways across the board. If there is a bridge and road in the hex these must also be placed on the board. If there is no bridge or road then a ford is placed randomly along the river based on a die roll aligning with a sector. All other terrain is determined on a normal roll on the terrain chart. Any hex with a castle or city or small town or BAU must have this represented on the board as well. Sequence of the Campaign A campaign occurs in sequential seasons: 1. Supply Season: o Withdraw to Winter quarters. o Determine Supply Season Weather o Determine Political State o Determining Supply State o Rebuild of forces 2. Campaign Season (Nine Turns) o Initiative o Movement of forces o Combat (A tabletop battle) o Reorganisation Supply Season The supply system requires players to reorganise and reinforce forces for future campaign seasons. The process for the Supply Season is: 1. Withdraw to Winter Quarters: All forces in the field are moved back to the nearest town or fortification under their control. If players choose to retain armies in the field they then undergo attrition at the 10% per month rate depending on the weather. 2. Determine Supply Season weather: Players roll for weather on the weather chart on the Winter line depending on the climate.

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37 | Page 3. Political State: Player enter into alliances and agreements as they see fit. However, within their own kingdoms their political strength will rely somewhat on their success in battle. Players roll 2D6 to determine their political state: a. A roll of 2: Your nobility and the people are behind this just war. Extra reinforcements and supplies are forthcoming. -2 on your supply roll and an extra 10% reinforcements. b. A roll of 3-5: Your nobility is behind you in this political struggle. Extra reinforcements and supplies are forthcoming. -1 on your supply roll and an extra 5% reinforcements. c. A roll of 6-8: Your nation agrees with this war but can see no distinct reason to be behind it. Some of your nobles are waiting to see the outcome before backing you. d. A roll of 8-11: Your nobles and people see this war as a massive waste of life and are becoming disenchanted with your ways. Reinforcements and supplies are slow in coming. +1 on the supply roll and you receive a -5% on your reinforcements. e. A roll of 12: Revolt at home! You have had to take your reinforcements and use them to quell rebellion across the kingdom. +2 on your supply roll and you receive a -10% on your reinforcements 4. Die roll modifiers for the political state are cumulative: a. -1 for each Victory b. -1 for each enemy castle or city held by friendly forces c. -2 for holding the enemy's capital d. + 1 for each of your castles or cities held by the enemy e. + 1 for each loss f. +2 if enemy holds your capital 5. Determine State of Supply: Each player rolls 2D6 and the results are implemented as follows: a. A roll of 2 means supply is excellent. Forces recover at the rate of 1/3 of Killed Spears and 1/3 of lost spears. Reinforcements are 20% of total forces. b. A roll of 3-5 means supply is good. Forces recover at the rate of 1/3 of Killed Spears and 1/3 of lost spears due. Reinforcements are 10% of total forces. c. A roll of 6-8 means supply is average. Forces recover at the rate of 1/3 of lost spears. Reinforcements are 5% of total forces. d. A roll of 8-11 means supply is bad. No killed or lost spears are recovered. 1D6 is rolled and that number is the number of Spears per army who desert and are lost for the next campaign season. e. A roll of 12 means supply is atrocious. No killed or lost spears are recovered. 1D6 is rolled and that number is the number of Spears per command who desert and are lost for the next campaign season. 6. Die roll modifiers for supply are cumulative: a. -1 for each Army Commander with a rating over 7 (CR7+). b. -1 if in friendly territory but not in a city or castle

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38 | Page c. -2 if in a friendly city or castle d. + 1 if in an enemy captured city or castle e. + 2 if in enemy territory but not in a city or castle f. +1 if the weather is Snow or Heavy Rain 7. Rebuild Forces: Players may now move commands around the map and place reinforcements as they see fit. A command may be moved to an adjacent region only. An Army cannot fall below two commands. Reinforcements may be grouped into a single command which must be placed into a city, otherwise reinforcements may be placed as Spears into existing commands across the armies. Campaign Season The campaign season comes in nine turns of a month each. Players forces move and fight on a monthly basis with a reorganisation phase at the end for housekeeping. There is the possibility of nine battles within a campaign season depending on the strategy. Sieges are treated in accordance with the siege rules and each supply phase represents the end of a month. Initiative: Players make a command roll and the lowest command roll has the initiative. The player with the initiative moves first and also rolls for weather for that turn. Weather effects movement and battles. Hence within the campaign setting weather is not rolled for in battle settings. Movement and Combat: Players move forces in sequence with the phasing player moving one of his armies, and then followed by the next player moving one army and so on. When a players force moves into contact with another player's force then combat occurs. The outcomes of that battle are then applied. Movement is hex based and armies have 24 movement points. Costs for movement are as follows: 7. Clear: 1 point 8. Road: 1/2 point 9. Hills: 2 points 10. Woods: 2 points 11. Mountains: 3 points 12. Combat: 3 points To represent the lost time of preparing and then reorganising after battle 13. Rivers: +1 point if not travelling along a road Combat is conducted in accordance with the rules. Post battle each player recovers some of their losses. Victor: Recovers all Spears voluntarily or involuntarily moved off the field of combat and no Killed Spears. Defender: Recovers all Spears voluntarily moved off the field of combat and no Killed Spears.

The phasing player continues with movement until all movement is expended for that Army. The next player then starts their movement phase.

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De Re Militari Series

39 | Page Reorganisation: Players stop and reorganise forces. 1/3 of Killed Spears and 1/3 of involuntarily moved off 1 the field of combat are recovered for each Army. Baggage trains may be moved forward to enhance supply. Victory Victory in a campaign is based on the objective. The campaign can go on for as long as players agree or one player achieves a decisive victory. Campaign Victory conditions are Objective Seize the throne. Condition Hold the capital (only one capital in this game) Destruction of opponent's army Every battle won Recover lost lands Hold three castles Hold Three cities Destruction of opponent's army Every battle won Defend your Crown Hold the capital Seize a region Destruction of opponent's army Every battle won Rebellion Destruction of opponent's army Seize a region Every battle won Conquest Destruction of opponent's army and seizing all cities, castles and regions Points 20 20 5 20 10 10 5 30 20 10 5 30 20 5 No points only one outcome No points only one outcome

Civil War

Destruction of opponent's army and seizing all cities, castles and regions

This relates to those Spears involuntarily moved off the field when the player lost the combat and did not recover them directly after combat. This represents where their troops flee and desert after losing the battle. Victors have already recovered their involuntarily moved Spears and therefore do not get an extra 1/3 back!

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

40 | Page ANNEX A BATTLE OF CRECY (26 August 1346) Background Having been informed that his Flemish allies had been driven back from their siege of Bethune, Edward III of England decided to cease movement and do battle with the French Army under Philip VI of France. Drawing up three battles between the towns of Crecy and Wadicourt with his longbowmen on the flanks using the terraced land to funnel the French attack into the English dismounted men at arms. This battle saw the French with a 3:1+ advantage taking 5,000 casualties to the English 300. Weather/ Time of Day Light rain (On the day it was clear but intermittent heavy rain). The battle commences at 4pm and continues for 10 turns. Terrain Selection Terrain is as per the map. Victory Conditions Both sides mission is to destroy the other's Army. Victory conditions are as follows: Mission Army Destruction: Reduce the Opponent's army to the point it can no longer fight again Objective 60% or more of opponents Spears "killed" 40% or more of opponents Spears "killed" 20% or more of opponents Spears "killed" Army commander "Killed" Each Battle commander "Killed" Each opponent HAC/HAI Spear "Killed" Each opponent Crossbowmen Spear "Killed" Each other opponent Spear "Killed" Points 20 10 5 10 5 5 3 1

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De Re Militari Series

41 | Page Forces English Commander in Chief (Army Commander): King Edward III Type Commander Quality Vanguard Edward of Woodstock (the Black Prince) CR: 9 Longbowmen Spearmen Men at Arms Welsh Spearmen Cannon HAC MI HI HAI HI Lt Arty A B B A B C 1 9 2 9 2 1 1 5 0 5 2 0 1 4 0 7 0 0 Battle William d'Bohun Earl of Northumberland (Lord High Constable of England) CR:8 Rearguard Edward III


French Commander in Chief (Army Commander): Philip VI King of France Kingdom of Type Quality Vanguard Battle Battle Battle France Commander Huart Philip VI d'Autel Charles II Louis II King of (Marshal d'Alencon d'Blois France of France) CR: 7 CR:5 CR: 5 CR:7 Command HAC A 1 1 1 1 Spear Crossbowmen MI A 19 0 0 0 (elite) Spearmen Men at Arms Mounted Men at Arms Common Foot and Town militia HI HAI HAC LI B B B D 0 10 3 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 40 0

Rearguard Unknown CR: 7 1 0 0 0 0 56

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Combat Table Tactical Factors

Die Roll/CV 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

0 K M R R -

1 K M M R R -

2 K K M M R R -

3 K K M M R R R -

4 K K M M M R R R -

5 K K M M M M R R R -

6 K K K M M M M R R R -

Tactical Factors Flank Rear Facing Shield Wall Charging (First Phase) Charging Cavalry (First Phase) Facing Broken Cavalry Facing Pikes Type English Longbow Composite Bow Short Bow Heavy Crossbow Light Crossbow Hand-Hurled Missiles Light War Engine Heavy War Engine

DM -1 -2 2 -1 -1 -1 1 Range 12' 8' 6' 12' 8' 2' 12 24 CV 6 4 3 6 5 2 8 10

Combat Values Type A HAC 9 AC 8 HC 7 MC 6 LC 5 HAI 7 HI 6 MI 5 LI 4

B 8 7 6 5 4 6 5 4 3

C 8 6 5 4 3 5 4 3 2

D 6 5 4 3 2 4 3 2 1

Morale Type Regular A 9 B 8 C 7 D 6

Irregular 7 6 5 4

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

43 | Page

Reference Sheet Type HAC AC HC MC LC HAI HI MI LI Baggage Train Light War Engine Heavy War Engine Terrain Open Terrain Open Woods/orchards Dense Woods Small River Large river Rolling Hills High Hills Cliffs Normal 4 6 6 8 10 3 4 6 8 10 10 5 Road 6 8 6 8 10 3 4 6 8 10 10 5 Sequence Of Play Initiative Phase Rally Phase: Rally Spears Enact Stratagems Change Orders Movement Phase Combat Phase Skirmishers Evade Missile fire Horse Archers withdraw

Close combat occurs Rout Phase

Linear Barriers

Marshes Roads

Effect on Movement No effect LI/LC no effect. All others 1/2 speed 1/2 Speed 1/2 Speed As per river crossing rules All combat troops move at 2/3 speed. Artillery and siege engines move at 1/2 speed. All Infantry move at 1/2 speed upslope. All Cavalry moves at 1/3 speed upslope. All transport and siege engines move at 1/4 speed All Light Infantry climb or descend at 1/3 speed. All Medium and Heavy Infantry climb or descend at 1/5 speed. Cavalry, transport and siege engines cannot cross this terrain Infantry deduct 1 inch from movement when crossing. Cavalry deduct 2 inches from movement when crossing. Artillery and siege engines may cross only at bridges and gaps. 1/2 Speed All terrain effects negated except Mud (unless all-weather road).

Black Mouse Games 2012

De Re Militari Series

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