"Concrete, Abstract and Collective Nouns": Reading: Writing: Speaking: Listening

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LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH 5 (LANGUAGE) LESSON 1.2 I.Objectives Reading: Writing: Speaking: Listening: II.

Subject Matter References:

JUNE 6,11, 2012 TUESDAY 2 DAYS

Recognize concrete and abstract nouns in a sentence. Write with correct subject verb agreement using abstract and collective noun. Construct sentences using correct collective terms of a certain group . Classify nouns whether it is concrete or abstract noun.

Concrete, Abstract and Collective Nouns

English Encounters: Language 5 by Ma. Christina P. Ibarra, Et al., pp 5 10 Materials: Flash cards,table chart, and textbook Value Focus: Perseverance III.Procedure (Learning Activities) A. Review on proper and common nouns. - Give examples of a common noun and its corresponding proper noun. B. Motivation (Group dynamics) 1. Solve the following word riddles eg eggs egg ggs noon lazy gs eggs e 2. Synonyms VS Antonyms g In 5 minutes the group will write an antonym synonym or vice versa of names of ideas, feelings or qualities as many as they can. bana na stand I


3. Unlocking of difficulties Define the following 1. cache 2. optimism 3. scourge 4. shoal 5. gaggle C. Presentation Use table chart: Give the antonym & synonym of the following abstract nouns. Synonym Abstract noun Antonym love adore, like hate cruelty harshness, brutality kindness sadness sorrow, grief happiness beauty lovely, attractiveness ugly D. Discussion (Grammar Points) a. Concrete nouns Nouns that can be seen, touched, heard or smelled - Ex. school, relatives, parents and friends b. Abstract nouns - Names of ideas, feelings or qualities that have no physical existence more general categories/ names of people, places and things. c. Subject Verb agreement on abstract/ common nouns When abstract noun is used as a subject in a sentence it is just one idea and is therefore singular and will use the s form of verb or will use linking or copulative verbs.

When two or more abstract nouns are used as a subjects in a sentence, there are several ideas being expressed and they are therefore plural and will use corresponding verb that agrees its subject. d. Collective nouns - Name a group of people, things or animals - Usually considered as singular when it describes one unit or a collective - It only becomes plural when it refers to members of the group considered as an individual. E. Drill 1. Read the incomplete sentences. Using context clues from each sentence and the given letters on the blanks choose the best abstract noun to complete each sentence ( Textbook p.7, items C). 2. Write the best collective noun to describe the group as a unit. Textbook p.7, items D). F. Generalization a. Make sentences using correct collective terms of a certain group as a unit. . b. Construct a sentence using an abstract/ concrete noun. G. Application a. Choose the verb that should follow the abstract or the collective nouns. ( Textbook p.8, items E). IV.Evaluation A. Identify and underline the abstract/ concrete nouns in the sentences, write AN if it is an abstract noun and CN if it is concrete noun in the space provided before the number. _______1. Love is a many splendored thing. _______2. Your faith heals your sorrow. _______3. Our friends will visit the orphanage on Monday. _______4. These fruits are for the visitors. _______5. He had to have patience as he waited in the long line. B. Verbal Analogy: Give the missing word to complete the comparison. 1. Colony: Ants :: _______: Caterpillars 2. Bouquet: Flowers :: Cache:____________ 3. Pride:_________ :: Leap: Leopards 4. _______:sheep :: Drove: Horses 5. Company:________ :: ________: Chickens C. Choose the verb that should follow the abstract or the collective nouns. Circle your answer. 1. The team (is, are) heading for practice this afternoon. 2. Our staff ( meets, meet) on Tuesday morning to discuss our plans. 3. Determination and purpose (move, moves) the spirit. 4. The band (play, plays) songs, while the crowd (cheers, cheers). V.Assignment 1. Answer express yourself on your text books at page 9. 2. Read Losaida and Her Music of Life pp 2-3 in your English Encounters: Reading textbook.
Prepared by:

LYNARD BOBBY L. ASIRIT Teacher Checked by: Pastor Alexander I. Yec-yec Principal


JUNE 6,11, 2012 TUESDAY 2 DAYS

Concrete, Abstract and Collective Nouns

Learning Objectives Reading: Writing: Speaking: Listening: Recognize concrete and abstract nouns in a sentence. Write with correct subject verb agreement using abstract and collective noun. Construct sentences using correct collective terms of a certain group. Classify nouns whether it is concrete or abstract noun.

A. Identify and underline the abstract/ concrete nouns in the sentences, write AN if it is an abstract noun and CN if it is concrete noun in the space provided before the number. (day 1) _______1. Love is a many splendored thing. _______2. Your faith heals your sorrow. _______3. Our friends will visit the orphanage on Monday. _______4. These fruits are for the visitors. _______5. He had to have patience as he waited in the long line. B. Verbal Analogy: Give the missing word to complete the comparison. (day2) 1. Colony: Ants :: _______: Caterpillars 2. Bouquet: Flowers :: Cache:____________ 3. Pride:_________ :: Leap: Leopards 4. _______:sheep :: Drove: Horses 5. Company:________ :: ________: Chickens C. Choose the verb that should follow the abstract or the collective nouns. Circle your answer. (day 2) 1. The team (is, are) heading for practice this afternoon. 2. Our staff ( meets, meet) on Tuesday morning to discuss our plans. 3. Determination and purpose (move, moves) the spirit. 4-5. The band (play, plays) songs, while the crowd (cheers, cheers).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Prepared by:

ANSWER KEY Love AN Faith, sorrow AN Friends, orphanage CN Fruits CN Patience AN

Frequency of Error

army jewels lions flock parrots brood is meets move plays - cheers

LYNARD BOBBY L. ASIRIT Teacher Checked by: Pastor Alexander I. Yec-yec Principal

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