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Education Phrasal verbs

By Christopher R. Martin

I. Reading. Read the following sentences and see if you can think of the meaning of the following phrasal verbs. 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6] Sally was kicked out of school, because she cheated on her exam. Havent you heard, John dropped out of University? We shouldnt put off studying any longer, should we? I once studied under Jean-Luc Marion(!). Since Susan was absent, she had to make up the test the next week. I really need to catch up on (with) the reading for class! (Im nearly 200 pages behind!) 7] Always read over your work to make sure there are no grammatikal or spelllling mesteakes. II. Gap Fill. Complete the following sentences with the correct phrasal verb. 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] If you could . any famous historical person, who would it be? Do you know anyone who was so bad in school the school . them .? Have you ever . an exam? How many times do you . your written work? Have you ever thought about . of school?

III. Discussion. Answer the questions from II. IV. Writing. Rewrite the following sentences so that they include a phrasal verb. 1] After her holiday, Sally had lots of emails that she had to check. 2] I really hope that Chris is my teacher! 3] I absolutely hate school at the moment; its awful. Im really thinking of leaving from my course. 4] Before you give the teacher your essay, make sure there are no mistakes in it. 5] No, Susans not here. Shes in the other room taking the test that wed taken yesterday.

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