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Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2008 SMTP Home Microsoft, Windows Server 2008 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2008 SMTP Server
By Glafkos Charalambous | 114 Comments Last updated: Thursday, November 20, 2008

Official Copyright 2008 2010 IT Solutions Knowledge Base Installing SMTP Server Feature on Windows 2008 is an easy process requiring only few steps to complete. On this article we will describe a step by step configuration and installation of the SMTP Server feature and how to enable the smtp to relay from local server. Step 1: Opening Server Manager Console and under Features select Add Features Friends: IT Support

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Your Current Security Settings Do... How to Enable Windows 7/Vista God... Error Access is deniedR... Bypassing Windows Server 2008 Pas... Sponsors Step 2: Selecting SMTP Server option DNS Tree See the delegation of you domain all the way from the root-servers Lookup | Free Site A Global Who Is Lookup for Domains. Search for Domain Owners Here!

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Step 4: Waiting for installation to finish and clicking on Close

Step 5: Opening IIS 6.0 Manager under Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services 6.0

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Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2008 SMTP Server | IT Soluti...

Step 6: Under [SMTP Virtual Server] second mouse click and properties

Step 7: Select Relay under Access Tab

Step 8: Select Only the list below and click on Add button

Step 9: Enter IP Address for relay

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Step 10: Sending a manual email through telnet to confirm everything working successfully. Telnet localhost 25 or telnet yourpublicip 25 and make sure you open the specific port on your firewall to be available to public.

114 comments 1. Glenn Gilcrest January 13, 2009 Is there a way to move SMTP from the default C:\Inetpub location. Would like to move to another drive and directory as I have in W2K3 / IIS6 [Reply]
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Jacob Kassema January 26, 2009 Its a good stuff .. [Reply]

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Vasudevan January 29, 2009 Many thanks to the author. [Reply]

hardeep banga Reply:

May 13th, 2009 at 6:29 am

it is very beneficial for me. Thanks you. [Reply]

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kishore February 5, 2009

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Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2008 SMTP Server | IT Soluti...

very good tutorialeasy to understand..thanks [Reply]

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OnHome May 5, 2009 I installed the IIS role, rebooted, and still do not see SMTP available in Features. Any ideas to resolve this would be greatly appreciated. [Reply]
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OhHome2 May 11, 2009 check if you have IIS6 installed. IF so, open , and enable virtual smtp server. [Reply]
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Babur Mansoor May 12, 2009 I have successfully configured SMTP server on Windows server 2008. I have created an account and able to send messages outside using telnet. Tell me where i will find incoming messages on this server. Do i have to configure inbox? or anything else. Please help. [Reply]

Glafkos Charalambous Reply:

May 12th, 2009 at 6:21 pm

Check c:\inetpub\mailroot folder [Reply]

Babur Mansoor Reply:

May 13th, 2009 at 9:59 am

Thanks! Sent a number of mails from three different accounts like hotmail to this account and all folders under mailroot are still empty. Is there any restriction on incoming mails? or i have to configure something to get incoming? [Reply]

Mathiau Reply:
September 30th, 2009 at 7:16 pm

This is only for the SMTP server, to receive email you need to setup a POP3 email server SMTP is really only for sending. [Reply]
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Amir Teimoortagh May 15, 2009 Thank you Glafkos for sharing this information.

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Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2008 SMTP Server | IT Soluti...

I have a server as a VM running under Hyper-V where it is a member of a local domain, say corp.contoso.local which is defined on another VM acting as AD and DNS server. I have followed the steps you described above and performed the email submission from my hotmail account to my gmail account and vice versa. However, my messages just end up in the queue and do NOT leave. I turned off the Windows Firewall on my SMTP server but it didnt help. Do you have any idea what possibly could be the cause for this behavior? Thanks Amir [Reply]
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Cristian Preda June 18, 2009 Excellent tutorial. Cristian [Reply]

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Adam July 1, 2009 Just wanted to say thanks for this. Very few articles about Server 2008 online and this worked perfectly. [Reply]
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MartinH July 31, 2009 Excellent walkthrough, could not be easier to follow [Reply]
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windows vista skins August 1, 2009 nice and very informative information [Reply]
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Ok August 24, 2009 Excellent, Very good ilustration [Reply]

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joseph September 22, 2009 mails stays in queue folder? i dont know why? im using at&t? anyone can help? i have a real IP and i want to know how to configure it too to sen email using my server [Reply]
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Vilda October 12, 2009

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Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2008 SMTP Server | IT Soluti...

Thanx, its really work [Reply]

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Amit October 27, 2009 Really good article, very useful. Thanks a ton [Reply]
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Shiv October 28, 2009 wow! This works perfects !!! [Reply]
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G November 2, 2009 can you create multiple smtp accounts for an office and use server 2008 as an internal mail server for sending mail out? IE: LAN mail routed across network and external mail sent out via smtp server? [Reply]
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Dean Warden November 9, 2009 Worked seamlessly, thank you. [Reply]

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Antin November 11, 2009 I have followed these steps very carefully and I still receive Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay when trying to run a php script and the same response when trying to run it through telnet. I have windows sbs 2008 with iis7. I know most of the work was in iis6, and have performed those tasks. When trying to test this using telnet, it does connect to the smtp server, but after entering the rcpt to it sends the relay error. Could this have something to do with port forwarding of my router? Windows firewall did generate an smtp exception in the exceptions list is this enough? I know this thread is pretty old, but could you please help me? [Reply]

JPineda Reply:
November 16th, 2009 at 9:51 pm

Instead of, enter the actual IP address of the server you are sending from, in the Relay screen. (Step 9 above) [Reply]
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Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2008 SMTP Server | IT Soluti...

December 4, 2009 Thanks for the article, you also need to add the Telnet Client feature. [Reply]

Glafkos Charalambous Reply:

December 8th, 2009 at 8:26 am

The Telnet Client future is only added to demonstrate that everything is working properly but thanks for pointing this out. [Reply]
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patty December 16, 2009 How I can set multiple emails account, can somebody explain me and really new in this [Reply]
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Thanos December 30, 2009 Clagkos, than for the detailed installation. Very good. In my case I encountered an error. The IIS 6 mgr shows the SNTP virtual server, but it has a red X on it and cannot start it. The Event log shows Error: Event 115, SMTPSVC, The Service could not bind instance 1. I run SBS 2008 with Exchange2007 and trying to get the PHP mail() function to work. My problem is that my WordPress registration does not work because the mail cannot be sent to the person who registers. In addition, I am running LSofts LISTSERV but I was able to get only the web interface to work but cannot deliver mail. Please contact me. We are a non-profit Hellenic organization. THANX! [Reply]

Glafkos Charalambous Reply:

December 30th, 2009 at 11:12 am

Hello Thanos, The service error you are getting is because port 25 is already in use by some other application. You cant run SMTP Server with Exchange, maybe that is your problem. To get the PHP mail() function to work you need to edit the following setting in your php.ini [mail function] SMTP = sendmail_from = Regards, Glafkos [Reply]
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Junaid January 11, 2010 Thanks for this simple guide to setting up SMTP service on Windows I would also add that you might need to have a suitable domain alias

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configured under the domain sub-setting if you try to test the email option through telnet, where you enter a series of commands into the command prompt like this: Start > Run > Type cmd then hit enter #### enter each line below and hit enter, one at a time, except for the email message body at the end. #### telnet localhost 25 HELO mail rcpt data (after you type data and hit enter, you enter the email message, i.e. mail test and to end the message and send it, you hit enter, type a period and hit enter again) {ENTER-KEY} . {ENTER-KEY} At this point the window will confirm the message has been queued for sending if everything went well, then you just check your inbox to see if the mail arrived. [Reply]

Mohinder Reply:
November 3rd, 2010 at 1:30 am

Mails are still in queue folder I am not able to receive them in my inbox. Pls help [Reply]
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ramu January 22, 2010 once enter in step 9 assing on internet ip address or server ip address [Reply]
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Fischer February 17, 2010 How do I make the smtp server start with computer? its installed and everything but I have to start it manually. [Reply]

raton Reply:
June 27th, 2010 at 10:21 pm

Same for me. Great article, VERY helpful and very well written. Any info about how to make the SMTP server start with the computer? [Reply]

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a friend Reply:
February 24th, 2011 at 6:41 pm

change the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service to start automatically. (Administrative Tools -> services) [Reply]
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Volker February 20, 2010 Great! Works on first try. Thanks. [Reply]
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qui March 22, 2010 Great! Works on first try. Thanks. [Reply]
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Yunus Emre YCE April 11, 2010 Thanks a lot. i will send mail from php script with out any error. but i have another issue atm. when i check my inbox also spam folder there is no have any mail ? any suggestion ? [Reply]
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April 19, 2010 thank you, but my windows 2008 server does not contain smtp feature [Reply]
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Jens May 5, 2010 It works perfectly and save me the day. Thanks a lot for this article. [Reply]
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Andy Capp May 21, 2010 Works like a charm Thanks [Reply]
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BigJonMX May 25, 2010 in Server 2008 you have to use Add Features, not Add Roles. Server Manager will also add the IIS6 Components needed. (stupid thing asks if you want them you HAVE to, else it wont work) Dont forget to get the Security Updates from Microsoft (which require a reboot). Good Article.

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CocodriloSV May 26, 2010 Works Fine!! Thanks !! Any Recomendation for a POP3 server??? [Reply]
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james May 31, 2010 fantastic article.. thanks mate for spending time and writing a great piece [Reply]
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Frank August 5, 2010 How would I set up the SMTP so that it relays messages out to another SMTP server? [Reply]
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Gladiator August 6, 2010 You the man now dog! Great article, thanks for posting it! [Reply]
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Adrian August 20, 2010 I having problem with the Smtp server. I host a personal server behind my company firewall. I use this server to test the Gemini function. I fail to send email out from the server cause all the port is block by my company firewall. Anyway that i send the email within my company LAN? so I able to test the email is functioning? [Reply]
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GregTampa September 22, 2010 at&t blocks port 25 [Reply]

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vighnesh p p September 29, 2010 THANK U THANK U THANK U THANK U.. man at last it worked .. [Reply]
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Paul Klinker October 14, 2010 Worked perfectly, thanks.

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ECG October 20, 2010 The smtp services does not start with iis 6.0 on Win 2008 svr. 1721 error not enough resources . I tried to edit the registry to change the vaule under internet; but could not locate the internet folder . Is there any other way to troubleshoot the same ?? [Reply]
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Abid Rafiq October 26, 2010 I am using powerMTA as an SMTP server, where i have to configure at my windows 2008 server as a my default SMTP server. or configure it any where else and how [Reply]
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Nick November 4, 2010 I found Id left out steps 7-9 until I read this guide thanks very much! [Reply]
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Shane November 25, 2010 mail reside in queue?? in c:/inetpub/mailroot/queue ?? any idea to solve it?? [Reply]
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Dale December 8, 2010 How do you setup an account for authorized domain users to send email from this SMTP 2008 R2 Server? I only want domain users to be authorized to use the SMTP Server. How do you do that? Please advise. Dale [Reply]
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patrick December 11, 2010 well done [Reply]

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robotic January 14, 2011 thanks lot for the tutorial, it works on me when im try to send message the status send is done theres no problem but when i check my inbox for a day theres no message at all. [Reply]
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blkhk1up January 26, 2011

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im am trying to get PHP Mail to work on IIS7/Server2008 i installed SMTP however nothing with Mail works. PHP.ini is there and working, PHPinfo.php works. please help me 3 1/2 weeks im ready to cry [Reply]
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50. Hi,

Semih February 18, 2011

First, thanks for tutorial. Actualy, i can send mails from telnet, but i cant send using php. i tried to enter my SMTP ip to php.ini file, but it didnt work. What can i do now? Thanks. [Reply]
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Mike February 18, 2011 I have successfully installed SMTP Server Feature on Windows server 2008, and mail server works well. However when I reboot computer, all email cant be send out, the email message files are all staying at C:\inetpub \mailroot\Pickup directory. When I uninstall SMTP server and re-install it again. Mail server function can be back to normal. Does anyone know how can I solve this problem? It is painful every time reboot computer, I will have to re-install SMTP. [Reply]
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Akbar Ali February 22, 2011 i installed SMTP server but i am unable to send mail vis send mail form (HTML) i think its have some prob. but tell me how i check it on my end [Reply]
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Maria February 22, 2011 Already set the above instructions. But I didnt get the mail, Any Solutions Thanks [Reply]
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suraj March 27, 2011 Worked perfectly, thanks. [Reply]

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raju March 27, 2011 Many thanks to the author. [Reply]

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Shild90 April 8, 2011 Thanks! But I cannot send an email in telnet. when i do rcpt to:[mail address] then he does nothing. I have disable Firewall, and on the modem all outgoing messages do have acces. What i do wrong? [Reply]
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uday April 11, 2011 i done the installation as u have insturcted .everything is goig smothely but when i use telnet . The mail is going to sify and office webmail ,but not gmail and yahoo mails. its going into the queue how can i resolve the issue [Reply]
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Suresh April 18, 2011 Really a nice walk thru. [Reply]

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email archiving solution April 18, 2011 Thank you for the info on Installing and Configuring this. I find it very helpful. Mark [Reply]
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ajeet April 27, 2011 thanks sir [Reply]

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Ajay PAndey May 19, 2011 hello i Have configer php.ini (smtp server ) Is Not Working Pls Help Me [Reply]
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Ed May 20, 2011 The first part of your instructions pertains to Windows Server 2008 where you talk about adding the SMTP server feature. This I have done. However on step 5 I am instructed to open IIS 6 Manager. IIS 6 is not included with Windows Server 2008. In my (IIS7) Manager there is no option for server properties on the context menu and SMTP virtual server is not mentioned anywhere.

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How do I configure the SMTP service in IIS7 on Windows 2008? [Reply]

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DanC May 24, 2011 Thanks! Worked like a charm [Reply]

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maya May 25, 2011 first of all thanks for this tuto but i did everythings in this tuto for install my smtp server but when i want to check it whit telnet i have this message could not connect to localhost on port 25: connection failled someone help me. [Reply]
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Chobbyg May 26, 2011 Gracias, muy buen tutorial [Reply]

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66. Hi,

bamse June 7, 2011

I made everything like is described and send e-mails, but only with Thunderbird, and Ability mail server. My problem is a user registration in PHPBB3 forum system, wich do not send confirmation e-mails. The server is a virtual machine with Windows Server 2008 / XAMPP / IIS /PHPBB3 that is all on the server. SMTP are started on the server. Ports 465, 110, 25 are opened. Please tell me how to send confirmation mail for PHPBB3 registration? Kind regards [Reply]
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Matt July 1, 2011 Big Thank you, sorted in minutes with this. [Reply]
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seo company jaipur July 20, 2011 The mail is going to sify and office webmail ,but not gmail and yahoo mails. [Reply]
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Paul July 20, 2011 I have the exact same problemthe mail messages are ending up in the queue directory and never leaving. Did you ever resolve this problem? Does anyone have a solution? How can I get the emails to leave the queue and go to their intended recipients?

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klotom Reply:
September 15th, 2011 at 5:53 pm

Did you get this figured out. I have moved my SMTP relay from IIS 6 to 7 and have the exact same problem. internet mail builds up in the queue folder [Reply]

Edgar Reply:
February 1st, 2012 at 6:48 pm

I had the some problem, because I config the name of Domain equal at institutional domain, simply I changed smtp domain to any else and now all works [Reply]
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shahid August 8, 2011 it good one and its saves my time [Reply]
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Charanjit August 10, 2011 I had done the same. I had entered the IP of local PC from where i want to send email through sql server, However my SMTP actual server is different. So could you confirm which server IP i have to given in relay part, Also i am not able to telnet actual SMTP server on port 25 [Reply]
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suraj August 17, 2011 Its a good stuff . [Reply]

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maambeau August 25, 2011 Brilliant! Thanks for the post! [Reply]
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Mark den Elzen August 26, 2011 Thx fot these clear instructions. Where do I configure a different REPLY_TO adress? Since I have no pop3 configured people cannot reply to the from adress. (From adress in my case cannot be the same as the reply to adress, because of firewall restrictions of the reply to domain). [Reply]
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ramparamesh October 4, 2011

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Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2008 SMTP Server | IT Soluti...

Thanks a lot..Its helpful [Reply]

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celik proje October 8, 2011 I can not get real mail. could not figure out the problem [Reply]
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Doug November 2, 2011 Man, 3 years later and this article is still helping people. You can tack another Thanks on your wall from me. [Reply]
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jerry November 2, 2011 telnet is not recognized command.. what shall i do next? [Reply]

Mike Reply:
February 8th, 2012 at 9:56 pm

Jerry, You have to install the Telnet Client feature in the Server Manager console. Administrative Tools > Server Manager > Add Features > Telnet Client [Reply]

Jerry Reply:
May 17th, 2012 at 9:56 am

Thank you so much for replying back. Even it takes long time I still appreciated it so much. Now I can finished installing SMTP to my server. [Reply]
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HurrleNeese November 4, 2011 hi!,I love your writing very a lot! share we keep up a correspondence more about your post on AOL? I require an expert in this house to resolve my problem. Maybe that is you! Taking a look forward to peer you. [Reply]
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Utkarsh November 4, 2011 Thanks for the steps. I was able to setup a SMTP server. But I am finding some issue and that is if I am sending a mail to any of my gmail or yahoo account I am able to do so, but if I send a mail to my official email ID it will fail. I will receive a message like Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 Access denied Invalid HELO name (See RFC2821

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Why so? What could be the problem? Please help [Reply]

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Melbourne Computer Service November 6, 2011 Great blog right here! Also your site lots up fast! What host are you the usage of? Can I am getting your associate link to your host? I desire my site loaded up as quickly as yours lol [Reply]
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hosting afghanistan November 7, 2011 That is very interesting, You are an overly professional blogger. I have joined your rss feed and look forward to in quest of more of your wonderful post. Additionally, I have shared your website in my social networks [Reply]
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Roger November 8, 2011 Your post got it working for me, thanks! I am having some issues understanding and configuring relaying. I can send emails to one external email account, but not to some others. For example, sending emails to hotmail accounts always fails. Any ideas? [Reply]

Glafkos Charalambous Reply:

November 8th, 2011 at 4:01 pm

Make sure your IP Address is not blacklisted or has a bad reputation and also u need to have a reverse PTR record [Reply]
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Flo November 16, 2011 This will do the same thing: dism /online /enable-feature /FeatureName:Smtpsvc-Admin-Update-Name dism /online /enable-feature /FeatureName:Smtpsvc-Service-Update-Name dism /online /enable-feature /FeatureName:DirectoryServices-ISM-Smtp [Reply]
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James Watt November 19, 2011 Worked perfectly. Now all of our network services can send me email alerts when things break. Thanks! [Reply]
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Eduardo Ramos November 25, 2011

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Thank U! [Reply]
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Jay December 31, 2011 very good & detailed post.. [Reply]
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amrco January 11, 2012 Works perfectly! Thanks [Reply]

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John January 27, 2012 Thanks, very clear and helpful! [Reply]
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Jasbir February 2, 2012 Thanks. This was most beneficial. [Reply]

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Shailendra February 3, 2012 I know its a really old post however it helped us like anythingthanks a tonvery nicely donen its QEDthanks Glafkos Charalambous [Reply]
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Boris February 9, 2012 Spelling correction hate this interfaceFor those who are able to send emails externally but not internally. You need to add a domain in your IIS6 SMTP Relay choosing remote pointed to corp-exch1 (do a netstat to find the real name) which will then intercept those internal corporate email addresses. [Reply]
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Slava March 21, 2012 Thanks!!! [Reply]

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JustTo See March 24, 2012 That is really interesting, Youre a very professional blogger. I have joined your rss feed and look forward to searching for more of your fantastic post. Additionally, Ive shared your web site in my social networks

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Gustavo April 13, 2012 Thanks man!! [Reply]

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Tony May 2, 2012 Thanks heaps. Helped out a lot! [Reply]

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Jayded May 10, 2012 Thanks, great stuff. Worked first try. [Reply]
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Bubble20000 May 11, 2012 I have never thought it would be that much easy. Thanks ! [Reply]
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MUNNA May 14, 2012 very helpful thanks a lot [Reply]

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