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In order to construct a comprehensive lexicon of justice, to provide an original perspective of proper law and justice, the writer must disclose observations irrespective of previous paradigms, rather than reiterate what he has read in books or been told by others. First hand experience, combined with a deep understanding of the nature of reality as it is, is superior to thinking of things as it aught to be according to an artificial human nature, designed to force itself in a direction opposed to nature, its laws, and its tendencies. Therefore, without reference to any previous philosophers, and without their influence, the writer will compose an entirely new perspective of law and justice, in accordance with what is natural, rather than what is profitable, or beneficial to an ideological, or cultural construct. First in this dialogue, a fundamental understanding of reality must be disclosed rhetorically by the writer, and understood logically and intuitively by the reader. Fractals are a very relevant and powerful aspect of reality, observable in every aspect of natural forms and patterns. From a lightning bolt to a neuron to the super clusters observed in the ultra deep field, there is a pattern apparent in the uniqueness of every snowflake, every retina, every fingerprint, a pattern present in everything that can be known and observed in the universe, even thought and the evolution of society. Why is this pattern everywhere, why do mathematicians call the Mandelbrot fractal the thumbprint of god? The writer will not give much description of fractal geometry because this is not a book about geometry; however it is important to understand what a fractal is, and how it functions in nature to display infinity within finite boundaries. A fractal is a display of two fundamental concepts, zero and oneboth representing infinite values; zero is represented as the spaces between the actual fractal patter itself, both the pattern and the spaces are infinite within the set proper, and therefore the fractal displays feedback between those two natural values: consciousness and form. When the pattern is finished, this is the outcome:

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Understanding that every form composing the universe, from micro to macro scale, is made in the image of the universe itself through fractal patterns, it can be consequentially understood that everything, from matter to life to mind bares a trademark of itselfsimilar to how we might trademark a device of our own design with a logo or symbol, the Mandelbrot set is a logo, which stands as a sign of the nature of reality. The geometries of mankind stand in opposition to the beauty of nature and its laws, and are in opposition to mankinds innate freedom, forcing rigidity into law just as in architecture. The inescapable fractal is important in understanding Nature, its laws, and its justices, and therefore a more congruent society can be formed to replace this two dimensional one, in which real threats can be dissolved, and freedom solved. Gods word and language is creation, and it is important therefore to understand the narrative: a natural spirit of reality. Only by knowing trees by their fruits will a people thrive and surviveand ascend to enlightenment. Clearly the fruit of modern industry is poison, the tree itself a kind of cancer on the earth; and because there is no alternative known in the zeitgeist of recent history, a new and original solution must be agreed upon and realized. Benefited by the technological age, and all that that implies, one can learn an infinite amount of knowledge and communication potentially, yet still there is no source of wisdom to derive understanding, a true solution cannot be derived through study but through observation and attention to reality. The writer would suggest that the reader be open, not to what the writer says, and in fact it should be understood that the writer is composing this piece, not for the purpose of convincing the reader, but rather for the reader to be exposed to a greater truth, and therefore be instigated to discover for themselves the ambient intensity of reality around and within them. Based on an understanding of the fractal pattern, the writer has come to conclusions about law and justice that are original and truer compared to those contrived by the ancient philosophers of antiquity and the political philosophers of modernity. First, that not only humanity is a singular speciesthat we are all made in the likeness of god so to speak, but that everything is made in the likeness of god, and therefore everything deserves respect and care under the law in accordance with justice, which must transcend a neurotic focus upon our species, for our species depends upon the species of this earth to survive because we are all one Life, one Self. If one were to understand god as the universe itself, then we are the imagination of the universe, and expressions of that tendency for matter to form life, and life to form mind, and therefore the writer submits that everyone is an extension of the fundamental creative force of the universe: consciousness. Also important to note in the lexicon of contemporary physics is chaos theory and the butterfly effect: that if a butterfly bats its wings in Peru, it can ripple out and affect a hurricane in Florida. Using chaos theory as a basis for law and justice, the writer suggests that a new respect for the biosphere must be established in law, in order to preserve justice and therefore harmony in the biosphere. If we destroy too many integral species on this planet, the effects will not only be catastrophic, but terminal. Therefore a new set of laws for animals and plants must be constructed, which prevent the plunder and destruction of the biosphere by governments or corporations.

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Spiritual Law and Justice Irrespective of Institutional and Historical Doctrine

In order to establish just principles, irrespective of the conditioned response or zeitgeist of contemporary law and justice, the writer must first establish a foundation from which to grow the object of original law by establishing original spirituality, and to inform the reader of an original perspective that transcends the paradigm of institutions which the author considers oppressive and suppressive of human experience and expression. The subject of this object is love and gratitude, and therefore the nature of original law and justice reflects that intention. Awareness of ones place in the universe similarly reflects their perspective and identification of self with the universe. That relationship has a direct connection with society, and therefore the color of its laws and sense of justice. The first spiritual law is: there is no other. There are a vast variety of Selfrepresented incarnations, and there are potentially infinite varieties of avatars, through which Self may interact with an environment composed of Self. However, the variety and distinction between Self and self is a clever illusion, cast over our eyes from birth that we are conditioned to believe because of a culture immersed in falsehood and deceit. And similar to our spiritual ignorance our laws have reflected a linear limited mentality; for millennia this game of life has been played, but misunderstood, and by so many contrived into deeper illusion and in effect suffering. Original spirituality is a kind of pantheism, in which the universe is god, of which we are all made in the likeness, and from which we derive sense of character. Self, the original character or supreme player, is that which all beings are incarnations of, and is the source of all activity animating matter, life, and mind. The reader, as an individual, and as a part of the universe as a collective entity, are related to one another through internal feedback; the grass is green because there is a universe, and because there is an observer to give rise to its experience in the first place; without one or the other, reality as we know it would not exist, and therefore it is imperative to the fundamental creative force to gradually develop relationships that integrate consciousness into form, infusing the Self with the self. According to the authors original spirituality, a redefinition of sovereignty is obviously imperative, one which is not conventional by any means because it is truth rather than indoctrination, because it effects power to the individual rather than institutions, and because it gives rise to a new imperative of freedom, due to the shared quality of ones own incarnation as god, and because literally god is experiencing the universe through the individual; therefore, this engenders a necessity for recognizing the innate sovereignty of the individual, which transcends previous incarnations and meanings that were once exclusive and gave power to one tyrant or an institution of tyrants. Under this new definition, sovereignty must mean the inclusive divinity and sacredness of life itself, not just in a human being, but in all being as one innate sovereign. The biosphere itself is the true sovereign, which must be understood and respected, not as a god, but as Self. The struggle to understand self, which is the quest and pilgrimage of those critical enough to seek, is incomplete without a relationship and

Page |5 understanding of the Self. Because we are representations of the big picture, we must act and be attentive to our relationship with universal Self through our individual self; ultimately dissolving the egocentric identification with the self, replacing it with a relatively complete incarnation of Self in ones own body by immersing oneself in the Self, the responsibility and duty of one becomes selfless and universal. Whatever I do, I do to Self. Self is directly affected by your actions by way of the butterfly effect, therefore Self is what you eat, Self is what you drive, Self is what you buy, and Self is how you act. We are developing a world ignorant of Self, and it shows in the destructive and harmful ways it interacts with the collective Self, and how it affects the individual self. Cancer, diabetes, obesity, and mental illness are rampant in our current world, and not because of natural causes, but because we have ignored the greater reality of the biosphere; we plunder, and demolish lush rainforests in order to create paper or plastic, which we then use wastefully, and further destroy our environment with landfills, and clutter the environment with trash. That we can call this the human enterprise is a disgrace! If we were to make an analogy of the body to the biosphere, as far as industrial development is concernedbecause people are ignorant of the threat of oppressive institutionsit would be like the body not recognizing cancer as a threat, its immune response turned off or unresponsive to the disease. The destructive potential of that disease going rampant throughout the biosphere, or collective Self, is a symptom of that failure to recognize a legitimate threat when it comes. The environment shows signs of disease and deterioration from modern industry, the very integral Self of this planet has cancer, and cancer in the human species is only a symptom of a planetary disease represented microscopically in the individual. This is not a natural outcome of human progress, just as cancer is not a natural disease, and it should be recognized that the oppressive institutions of thought and action are indeed a kind of cancer on this earth, or at least a perversion from the natural order, and must be abolishednot from memory lest we repeat the mistakes of the past, but from practiceand recognized for the disease and disorder that they are and that they instigate. Cancer is a symptom of the bodys inability to recognize a foreign threat via its natural defense mechanisms. And similarly rampant disease, poverty, destruction of the environment; gray, concrete structures diametrically opposed to organic structures and systemsa completely foreign and unkind environment is a symptom of the peoples inability to recognize the threat of oppressive institutions. Instead, people have welcomed these institutions as a kind of god, a kind of savior, a kind of friend, that has instead eaten all of our food, burned all of our natural forests, and poisoned our water, making it undrinkable so that we are forced to buy from plastic bottles that later become more trash. Again, that we call this human enterprise is a disgrace, and a further symptom of an inept society, focused on dealing with the symptoms rather than the cause. A persons natural defense mechanism against tyranny is critical thinking, and when you take that trait out of the populous, which is not very difficult; you disable the body politic from recognizing a legitimate threat, making tyranny inevitable. And just as cancer ultimately takes over and destroys the body, so too despotism and corruption of society leads to its eventual downfall. It is obvious enough to anyone with half a brain

Page |6 that this downfall is what is happening to the world; it is imperative that this fact be made clear, and that We give due scrutiny to oppressive institutions, of which has been steeped over and over for eons. Therefore, in order to transcend oppressive institutionstheir history, even history in generalWe the people must become aware of Self, aware of our innate sovereignty, aware of the intense reality that is ever presently around us, and re-cognize how powerful we are, how beautiful this planet is, how rare and how powerful it is, and that we are representations of IT, and the universe; and from that realization grasp the true purpose of civilization: paradise on earth. Husbandry of the earth is our true purpose, not the selfish stimulation of digital masturbation complimented by mental complacency. This modern life is NOT what we were put here to do, sitting in front of a television for countless hours, forcing ourselves and our children to work jobs we hate to consume products of an industry that doesnt give a damn about us, our health, or our future. Law that reflects this truth is as fractal as the individual and the reality they are representations of; original law holds potential for every situation, for there are an infinite number of natural laws, all fractal in nature (the writer will expose only a few in this dialogue, and describe in more depth the foundation for their discovery by the reader). No longer linear and generalized, but like a fractal frontier, ever expanding to accommodate the individual and the big picture simultaneously, law and justice must be forever evolving. By being controlled by law people are diminished, yet by controlling their laws a people are liberated, but truly they must be liberated firstfor a free society exists first in the heart. Because there is only one self, the key to understanding and religion in a totally original sense is know thy Self, to understand and appreciate the selfless-Self transcends institutional directives, dogmas, and doctrines of faith or other tarnish. However, because there is no other, there is no reason to warship or seek knowledge from outside, or from ones self, rather one must lose focus of the image of their self, and strive to see past the invisible glass, reflecting their person upon their mindand perceive a greater reality that exists past that program. The greater or irrespective Self is not fully knowable, rather like a painting, it is the apprehension of a creative sensitivity, a sense of unity with everything through creation, and in the human psyche transcends to a capacity for creation through imagination, a representation of our integral connection with the creator, ourselves little creators. Only the truth will set you freeonly freedom will flower love, and only love will coax ecstasy from Spirit to avatarthis is the second spiritual law. From this second rule, the path to critical thinking begins, and thus the path to discovering the first rule, that there is only one Self. This alludes to the third spiritual law: that lies or unreality will enslave and bond your mindnot your spiritto a lesser version of yourself. The more one becomes in tune with the spirit, intuitive but rational, the more things may seem to come together spontaneously, meeting people and having experiences that compliment and benefit ones life; the seemingly unconnected coincidences, which in effect cause inspirations and connections necessary for ones development. The term synchronicity has been used to describe those incidences, where archetypeseither symbols or incarnations of a fundamental force or happenstanceare repeated through individuals and groups of people.

Page |7 An aspect of synchronicity is the self-similar return of the macroscopic in the microscopic, which shares a direct connection to fractal principles, observable in the Mandelbrot set and other fractal patterns. The repetition of history is a perfect example, which occurs due to the structure of the oppressive institutions that have carried themselves into the lives of people for thousands of years. History, in other words, is a reoccurring pattern determined by the character of our society, and not by the inherent nature thereof; therefore, if you change the character of your societyyour relationship with others, and the perception thereofyou change the course of history directly through manifesting different synchronicities. Hence, the fourth spiritual law is that you must be the change you want to see in the world, as Gandhi said. By changing your perceptions and choices, you change the outcomes of your actions, and by affect the synchronicities that reflect in both the macroand microscopic self-similar returns of reality itself, thus performing a kind of alchemy, a form of magic unknown to contemporary thought. Changing one self alters the pattern of Self, and a shift large enough, by enough people, changes the character of Self to such a degree that even human nature can be similarly altered. With a change of public perception laws can begin to reflect the intentions and perspectives of persons, rather than those of a conglomeration, with no soul to save, and not body to incarcerate. There is no substitute for the will of the people; a nation governed by corporations is no nation at all, rather it is a prison, and a world governed by corporations is a planet behind bars. With that perceptionrather than complacency and blind cooperation with oppressive, destructive institutions for conveniencehumanity can save itself from damnation, reclaiming freedom from slavery, independence from dependency, and community from hostility. For instance, it is said in the Tao De Ching by Lao Tzu, that the more laws a government has, the more people it will have in prison, naturally; this is common sense. It is obvious that the American government, as a reflection of its society is morally corrupt and its laws are in drastic need of change, observable by the fact that there are so many incarcerated for non-violent crimes. Essentially life choices have been made a crime in this country; this is an abomination, and a sign of the inherent foolishness carried out by a supposedly democratic system. In reality it is as fascist, or corporatist, as it can be, and the laws reflect not the individual, but the corporate need to dominate and control our lives, from what we eat to what we imbibe to what we think By reclaiming our government from the grip of oppressive institutions, not only government but also society along with it, will reflect the thoughts and perceptions of rational human beings rather than the interests of corporations and the like. By doing so, and by further dissolving the role of corporations, the eventual modern renaissance of mankind can occur; one in which history is made irrelevant, not because it is ignored, but because those outlining factors that make history relevant will be taken out of the repeating pattern of history and humanity as a fractal branch on the tree of Self, thus changing the overall landscape of this moment, and Self along with it. By virtue of the butterfly effect, not only is the principle of mass effect true, it is imperative to understand. By altering the intrinsic pattern on the scale of the individual, a fraction of the big picture is altered, and with more and more of those alterations, ultimately more and more of the overall picture will alter to reflect that change.

Page |8 Therefore, the fourth spiritual law is one that can have a powerful influence on the course of humanities present state and course of action, and the course of the universe itself.

Spiritual Law Regarding the Biosphere, and the Relations of Justice with the Environment
Everything in the universe is Self, and by extension the biosphere is a unit that cannot be separated from the body politic of human enterprise; by separating nature from humanity, the potential destructive forces that conglomerates wield are allowed to wreak havoc without consideration to the harm of the individual, the public, and ultimately to the whole planet. Without recognizing the direct impact of our perception of nature, destructive plundering inflicts great strife, and forces humanity into a fearful position, rather than a peaceful one. Only once the biosphere is recognized, not as a separate force that must be dominated, but as an extension of every individual the kind of perspective necessary for justice to take place come into being, and the process of healing this planet begins. When one perceives animalsand the kingdom of natureas a plaything, the likelihood of conflict arising is unquestionable. By treating animals as slaves and as though they are of lesser importance, or still worse a nuisance, by extension the human race can be treated as such without much consideration, due to the fact that we too are animals, equally expressions of Self. When one perceives the aggregate human species as a dumb herd animal, the potential to dominate them in similar fashion to the animals is not a great leap, but an inevitable conclusion. Therefore, the domestication of animals through industrialization is a representation of the domestication of humankind, and a sign of the desensitization of the intrinsic value of life. If an animals life has no value except when it is turned into capital, and by extension a human life can have no value beyond the almighty market. Without full recognition of the intrinsic value of life, law or justice cannot rationally recognize the inalienable rights endowed by our creatorwhich is why so much effort has been made to reduce Us under absolute despotism. Mental disorders and psychosis are common today, and a lot of effort has been made to abate the symptoms, but not much effort at all has been conducted to discover why they occur. Without a relationship to nature, putting more emphasis upon the artificial world created by humans, the degree of satisfaction and happiness with life seems forced, and without substantial outcome. Relationships revolving around Facebook are not likely to be as fruitful as ones based on person-to-person interaction. By disassociating from nature, community, and otherwise the whole, and replacing that relationship with an artificial, inanimate, inorganic nature, the relationship to Self can be ignored, and once so isolated suffering is the inevitable result. And as C.G. Jung said, the foundation of all mental illness is the avoidance of legitimate suffering. Without acknowledging the true suffering of our generation, which has been divided and isolated so effectively, the meaning of justice is reversed, as with law, and government takes on attributes of tyranny. Accordingly, society under the dictum of oppressive institutions takes on attributes of the house slave, believing that life under an

Page |9 oppressive regime is safer and easier than to take matters into their own hands; a kind of Stockholm syndrome, the oppressed not only praises their oppressor, but believes that they are loved by the very iron fist that beats them into submission, telling them what to think, and how to feel. Education having been narrowed, a majority of the populous is only allowed to reach a developmental state of complacencynot unintelligent, just uninvolved. The complacent mind is content to know by second hand sources, whereas the critical mind, discontent merely knowing, seeks understanding through firsthand experienceand it is only through firsthand experience that one can be enlightened. By natural law, it is only just to have an education system that is founded in cultivating critical thought, rather than allowing complacency to fester in the hearts and minds of humankind. The result on the collective mind is a planetary consciousness, capable of recognizing the imperative of planetary homeostasis and cultivation, as well as technological advancement towards interstellar civilization. We are what we think about most of the time; this is the fifth spiritual law, which is governed by the natural fact that we are all incarnations of the universe, and that the universe didnt manifest as it has to be an elevator to nowhere. We are the sum total of our perceptions, the interpretation of our experiences, and the attentiveness of our mind; what we think about most of the time, we become or make into reality. Therefore if one can recognize the similarity between himself and the world around him, in the form of life, or of the elements of nature, or see himself in the universe, in the stars and especially in his fellow human beings, the transcendence of isolation and ignorance is instantaneous. Do not be fooled, enlightenment does not come with time, like knowledge or understanding, rather it is as instantaneous and as obvious as recognizing ones own parent or beloved. One cannot be educated into enlightenment, this is impossible, and similarly respect cannot be legislated, nor can love or gratitude, rather these things must be cultivated by the environment and embraced by the culture in order for enlightenment to be reflected in law and justice. Respect for the environment cannot be legislated, respect must come first, and then the legislation naturally comes into being. Without due respect for the jurisprudence of nature with regards to human industry, the plunder of this planet will continue to increase, the oil spills become more frequent, and the hunger pangs of this planets need for harmony will diminish. (Perhaps the shrinking of the planet via wireless connectivity is a sign of the planetary system shrinking under the pressure of the synthetic nature building up around it.)

Freedom Indomitable
It is a simple and easy thing to realize, that when you taste feces, you spit it out, even when it is amid food, it will be so obvious that your reflexive reaction is spit it out. However, it can be similar with a vegetarian, someone whos not eaten meat in years can taste meat even if its disguised by other food, instantly, and if they really are vegetarian, they will spit it out as though it were feces. Similarly, when a people are capable of recognizing tyranny, which means a people overwhelmingly possess critical thinking; they will be disgusted by negative thought, strife, and reject despotism instantly by being

P a g e | 10 in a world that is free and peaceful, as is the desired world that everyone, regardless of their culture, ultimately wants to have. However, do not succumb to the disguises of mainstream media and television, which attempts to cover up the taste of obvious tyranny by lying; and to anyone living independently from that train of thought, is used as an abuse and usurpation of the mind. It is only once government tells us the only way to have peace and liberty is through war and conformity, that both are made impossible and possible respectively. Only once society has cultivated the rational and critical thinking necessary to properly scrutinize their government and culture, does freedom indomitable occur, in which tyranny is recognized instantly in the body politic, and spit out as if by reflex. Indeed realization of freedom indomitable is comparable to the workings of any organism that is healthy and strong, because it is in a sense exactly that, a healthy strong organism. With all of our developmentjust as unconsciously as any cell in creatures large or smallwe are participating constituents of a super organism, of which the planet will reflect according to the character of its constituents: We, you and I. In other words, we make this world based on the choices we make, and the perspectives we take, we determine if it is a heaven or a hell. And accordingly, the immune system of the body politic of this planetary organism is critical thinking, agriculture its homeostasis, husbandry and appreciation of the earth its diet and exercise. Humanity inevitably betrays the auspicious gift, the divine providence of our very existence on this planet, in a universe as mysterious and sacred as this one, but only when the gift is taken for granted. Nonetheless for humanity to be guided by anything less than a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental and fractal nature of Kosmos is harmful to this planet. Because only with natural principles can organisms begin to form the kind of philosophical, communicable relationships with nature, as well as common sense and practical realistic guidelines that work to heal and cure industrial perversion and cancer; therefore we must abandon the artificial nature mankind as superimposed upon organic life. Evolution did not end with our opposable thumbs; it ends with our imagination, and for people to think that it should stop or perhaps never have existed in the first place, well they are just kidding themselves into oblivionif evolution does not occur in reality or in nature, what have we got to look forward to? What is the point of existence if nothing changes, and nothing gets better or worse, things just stay the same? We can observe very easily that things do the opposite; that things tend to mutate, just as naturally as our own DNA, just as naturally as the clouds in the sky. Nature is constantly changing, whereas artificial worlds that man has called a civilizationwhich the writer says is a false civilization, disharmonious and abusive to the earthmotheris stagnant, and therefore the lifeless creature must suck the life out of its symbiotic host, while simultaneously reshaping the world to fit into a square box. Well the truth is that the world is not a square, its a sphere, and until we can understand that, all humanitys industry and wealth creation is like trying to put a ball in the square hole. Trying to get people to conform to what it wants is what governments have been about since time immemorial; there is one thing we can easily discover about government, that it is selfish and reflects the worst tendencies of mankind, rather than its ideals. And yet somehow its a secret that our very government is in opposition of our liberties and rights as human beings. Any so called civilized government is going to be

P a g e | 11 determined not by its whole constituency, but by those constituents that can make them the most money, and it is for this reason that the people themselves cannot and will not solve the problem of government by working with it; its a broken system, its always been broken, and the only way to fix it is to fix ourselves first; fix education; and finally fix the overall systemic parameters of justice and law in society. It is not law that determines the character of society, but the character of society that determines Law. If a society is capable of reaching maturity, in such a way that they transcend; rather than remain stagnant, its laws will reflect the greater tendencies of our species, and a correspondence between the super organism and its constituents will emerge, one that is just and gives respect for the individual rather than institutions. Humanity has come too far to digress into industrial progress and development, and lose their sense of reality altogether for the sake of complacency, which is exactly what has happened to a majority of people that are complacent and conform to life unwittingly, unknowingly becoming a slavewithout conscious choice this is a tragedy. However, what may be most tragic is the compulsion to knowingly conform to an oppressive, artificial, unnatural world, because of a lack of options, and because you must. Once a society can break the bonds of money debt, the world can be freed from the psychopath and the mongers of hate, fear, and strife. These threats, relative to the planetary body are the cancer and aids, of which we cannot cure, but must attempt to prevent and destroy for future generations. Not nations or people, but ideas must be waged war upon, and given a new charge.

Planetary Organism, Planetary Consciousness

On the various scales of human and animal alike there are incarnations that are very interesting, and perhaps attractive to our personalities; however, there are people who are unpleasant to be around, someone you find distasteful, or rude, and everyone has a different opinion or taste as to what is or is not attractive or pleasant; this is the subtlety of taste, and it evinces the cultural boundaries that designate the various organs of the planetary organism. The contrast is what composes the general personality of society; what is the secret to finding all people as a friend, and not a joke? Only through choice can a community be actualized, realized by We the People. Choice is essential in life; it is through our choices that we are gifted and through our perspectives we are challenged. In order to create an effective and honorable order to mankind, the choice to participate must be the source of citizenship. That citizenship is the currency and wealth of observable human and ecological benefit. Government is potentially the same force as the production and dispersion of cells throughout the body, and it is only once that force has gotten out of control that it starts to become a force for destruction of both liberty and the environmentboth what its designed to protect. So when a government becomes destructive of its original intent, as Thomas Jefferson has written, it is time to throw off such government, and provide new guards for our future security. Choice therefore, puts the origin of power in the hands of the citizen, not in the government; for once choice is the essence of governments ability to function,

P a g e | 12 establishing individual sovereignty, continuity becomes fragile as smoke under scrutiny when corrupted. By organizing the powers in such a form as to force government to conform to the individual, change will be inevitable. Time must deliver change, and the flow of time is complexification rather than dystopian stagnancy of character. We have put such a price on the value of things, rather than the value of ideas, and of morals, and of things that have no monetary value, all of the things that are free have become ignored for those that can be easily replaced and therefore have little value compared to our body, our emotions, our mindwhich is so magical and so powerful that the human brain cannot comprehend its own existence. Only once true principles and common sense become common will the world start to heal its decay; however the dissolvement of government is the solution to cure this planet of this disease called oppression. To have indomitable freedom on a global scale, applied globally through principles like those of an MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), consisting of their own real life, one may be categorized by how beneficial to society they are; having people compete and collaborate to achieve the greatest results of success in any endeavor. By using a grading system (like the one described below) to determine their value as a contributor to the world rather than a debt, competition can be increased, but the nature of that competition redefined. Once such a game has been set up, the potential for life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness is unlimited. It has been because of the retarding effects of banking institutions, that the human species has been devoured and devolved from its original potential. It is only by replacing that diseased, dysfunctional system with something more stream linedwith simple, honest, and economical characteristics of a system that is organic, and has at its core an original ideologywill freedom indomitable be incarnated as a planetary organism. By replacing one ideology for another, the change will be instantaneous from slavery to sovereignty, but does not have to come quickly or without deliberation regarding life style or habitsa hasty movement that leads to disease and dysfunction of society. Do not be fooled by the promise of prosperity under a centralized banking system, a racket that controls the value of all things, and uses that control to create a profit for itself while ensuring your enslavement to it. This is the necessity of a new charge in the system of mankind, and for an original system to provide security and prosperity to everyone is a worthy ideal, one that can only exist within the parameters of planetary consciousness. For the individual to be liberated and self-actualized is of the essence. What is the value of an oppressive institution? Whether it is called democratic or republican, whether it is conservative or liberal, oppression is oppression; a prison cannot be considered freedom, regardless of the number of privileges, and distractions from thereof. Indeed a prison need not have any walls, as long as ones servitude is involuntary. As soon as work is mandatory, compulsory, the title sovereign no longer applies. Rather than trying to impose the human being into something it is not, or develop a world that is in opposition to natural principles, human beings can and must put the sphere into a spherical container rather than a box. Without the incongruence and strife of a strictly artificial, industrial, and capitalistic world, a planetary organism can thrive and its people can do far more than subsist. The promising future and evolution of governments and this global species called mankind must not be ignored or go unrecognized, for without one the other will subside into the disease of modern culture.

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Contrary to common opinion, the defeat of Oppressor is elementary, driven by the irrefutable reality of innate sovereignty. Innate sovereignty derives from the fact that an individual is the incarnation of divine reality; however one may interpret its existence is irrelevant, the fact that it exists at all is most importantindeed to get hung up on the contrived details of one religious doctrine or perspective over another is folly, because all of them are saying the same thing ultimately: you are, just as everything else, divinely incarnated. Once innate sovereignty is recognized by society at large, the kind of social system that reflects the ideal of mankind can come into being, rather than a system that reflects the worst tendencies of our species; the kind of organization of individuals that was originally intended liberally, for the person individually, can come into persistent and pervasive being, absent the oppressive institutions that propped up a false and superficial existence for them. Once liberty is reinstated, not only can a nation be free, but a planet liberated from the persistent clutches of tyranny. The reason for non-violence is simple, in every other revolution throughout time; there was never a real ideological change that one could point to the outcome, especially not one that was practical or practicable. The kind of change necessary for the world to achieve peace and prosperitydissolving the powers that be wherever they are, however we mayrequires an ideological change in equal measure to that of the changes in government and society organizationally; therefore, it stands to reason that by changing the method of transformation, the nature of the outcome changes from being a revolution to an evolution. The spirit of innate sovereignty engenders necessarily a comprehensive understanding of Self, of which mankind has been separated from by manifold oppressive institutions (religious, national, intellectual, and corporate). Nonetheless, spiritual truth makes the undeniable responsibility of an individual so immense that it reflects the power of the individual, and of groups of individuals, which once awakened stands more powerful than an atomic bomb, or any military force known to mankind. The power of humanity is unstoppable, and indeed that power comes with great responsibility and duty to throw off tyranny, and discover the strength to create fun out of adversity. The awakened individual is not more intelligent, but less ignorant than the common man; for to ignore the world as it is for the sake of convenience, is the greatest folly that anyone can commit; yet it is the most common of all. Simplicity is not easy, and it is the simplicity of experience that grants the instantaneous apprehension of a thing, rather than the complex education process that reduces the experience to a desk and a blackboard, handing them the answer in a sterile and removed form from what should be derived through difficulty, adversity, and struggle to achieve understanding. By awakening the individual, and by establishing organized societies of awakened individuals, and finally organizing the aggregates of society according to natural principles, rather than those contrived throughout history, a new reality, a new nature can come into being, which is not incongruent to actual nature, which is not artificial, but organic in the same way that life and other forms of organization are harmonious with the earth and its natural systems. This is not a brave new world, but rather an island of hope in a sea of darkness.

P a g e | 14 World enlightenment is necessary if tyranny and oppressive institutions are to be whipped out, which may seem too daunting to the reader, but in these unique times, potentially anything is possible, because the truth is we do not know what is or is not. By enlightening the world, the world organism is simultaneously evolved, and consequentially the future of this planetjust as the future of our speciesis changed forever; and that is what this is all about, our species has a unique position as the captain, the prevailing force with regards to the future life of this planetwe must take care; we must transcend. Without enlightenment the avoidance of true suffering, combined with self ignorance, will result in generations totally cut off from anything real, only the artificial reality that is slowly falling over the eyes of mankind will be left; and there will be no empathy for others because of the degree of isolation created by modern comforts, no compassion because hate and fear will be so constantly propagated to everyone equally, and no unity because of a combination of the two. This is a tragedy because of the unknowing and unwillingness of this dissolvement of life, liberty, and happiness. What is good in life when it is so utterly controlled and sterilized? Human beings are not scientific test subjects to be controlled and regulated as so many in the elite sections of society believe; human beings are god incarnate, and must be respected and glorified as such; this fact must be recognized by law rather than reduced under monetary slavery and political influence. Every one of us is a sovereign, endowed by our creator with the same inalienable rights; the right to love and be loved; the right to speak and think freely; the right to live without contrived or arbitrary limitations; the right to defend ones self when threats of tyranny or oppression are beckoning; the right to dwell wherever one rightly desires; and the right to live however one sees fit as long as that does not include murder, theft, or any objective harm to the one Self. No human being has the right to coercively enslave another, regardless of the reason, regardless of the end, and no group of human beings has the right to destroy the environment or claim it as their own, thus depriving future generations a relationship with nature and Self. The role of human beings is not to dominate, but to cultivate; given the unique faculty of the mind, we have a tremendous gift, a great power that comes with equally great responsibility to benefit the world around usof which we are each productsand ultimately by healing the planet we heal our souls as well. The process of continual improvement and development of the environment is one that could be called husbandry of the earth; and once recognized as a personal responsibility towards inner spiritual growthfor as the spirit reflects the environment, the environment reflects the spirit society may transcend the limitations of previous civilizations and their divisive conflicts towards a significantly more organic system. When governments are pitted against one another, they are inherently designed to fail; a kill or be killed policy resultsif we were to give an example of the planet as an organismthe organs of the body are trying to kill one another. Consider please, how detrimental to the body that would be, and counter intuitive that must seem to any living mind. Rather than the perpetual retardation of society and sanity through warmongering, the nations of the world must come together as harmonious contributive factors of a planetary organism, and function as such rather than competing towards unattainable supremacy and dominion.

P a g e | 15 The truth is no one can dominate that which is one Self. As a Holon, a state can be a unit existing independently, and simultaneously act as a part in a greater Holonic state, composed of the whole-parts that are regional states of a far reaching world nation, which we would call planet earth. The world itself is the superholon, and must be recognized as such before the advancements of our species can take place. Indeed the fractal and holon simultaneously render the world incongruent if it is not based entirely in that notion, its principles and organization of powers founded in the context of this greater lexicon. There is an observable struggle that has existed since the beginning of civilization to found law, which is designed to administer justice, which is a foundation of rules for society to go by, but never have the laws been naturally founded, always a product of a ruler or an elite class, and therefore have never reflected the society itself. Further, surrounded by oppressive institutions and influenced by their desires, law grew into more of a representation of whatever was desired by the elite, the church, and the legislatures, rather than the People, and therefore law came to mean something that not only did not reflect reality, and the natural freedom inherent in all human beings, but came to be oppressive instead. Nonetheless, the eternal struggle of the People to engineer a more liberating system to cultivate happy, free, and prosperous individuals seems to have always existed, and probably always will. The pursuit of freedom inexhaustible is one that progresses slowly, but its gradualness speaks to the same evolution of consciousness that occurs in the individual; first from tribal, believing in blood ties; second to mythological, believing in religious ties; third to rational, believing in national ties; and it can be said that the future is transrational, believing in transnational ties, which consist of global society. The tendency to increase the scope of ones own identification is observable and makes sense with regards to evolution. Evolution does not end, it is a continuous process, and the evolution of thought is a faster and more volatile flux that carries more influence and power than that of tangible change. The evolution of the self is a microcosm of the macrocosmic evolution of the species. The evolution of the selfjust as the evolution of thoughtis not determined by the physical characteristics of the animal, nor are they passed down through the generations; they are impelled into existence through a relationship, the fractal complexities being generated by that feedback loop between the individual and the environment. The eventuality of gradualness, combined with the transcendent tendency of evolution would indicate that a new echelon of systems to organize society is to come, which reflect the transrational, transnational outlook, and it is for this reason that this document is being written. Indeed, history is being written at this moment, not by the author, but by the readerif he or she is willing to accept that responsibility, and I would hope that you are. Steadily, the oppressive institutions are tightening the noose, while simultaneously the people of the world are increasing the movement towards liberation, cutting the ropethe political bands that have connected them under fear, nationalism, ignorance, and propaganda. This dynamic results in conflict, and the fruition of that conflict will be similar in effect to that of the Vietnam era, once again history repeats itself, but in a much more intense and complex way. The conflict that will arise will not be so easily quelled, silenced, or confused as the interconnection and interaction of

P a g e | 16 information has increased so radically, and the people of this world have become aware of the matrix of control designed by oppressive institutions. However, what is most important in this movement of liberty, and conflict against oppression is organization, non-cooperation, and education. The ruling class will not relinquish that powerful position with indifference; and the rise of democracy, society, and in general the liberation of humanity will not be easy, but it is our right, it is our duty to throw off this international tumor; and only through love rather than fear will this evolution take place, because unity is the key to liberty, not disorder. Only when we can rationally discuss our rights as human beings rather than this or that faction will our freedom and prosperity be restored. When a government or nation is founded in war, conflict, and oppression, the continuity of that foundation is inevitable; therefore, it is absolutely imperative that whatever forms of organization the future founders of society design are uninfluenced by the poison of hysteria, and instead grow organically with principles of natural, rational laws, and justice not contrived artificially by a coercive elite, but by the people themselves through a democratic, social process that makes sense. With tools such as the internet, a process such as this can take place, and the writer would suggest that it must if the future of this species has any hope of survival and of reaching true civilization. Culture, community, and the rejection of consumerismthese principles are inherently more powerful than protest, voting, and being informed by mainstream mediums of information. Dissolving the influence of fear, replacing fear with love in the spirit of brotherhood is the true foundation of liberation, the golden seed of civilization. In the spirit of brotherhood with humanityrather than the spirit of disorder that has been propagated by a modern fear mongering campaign by mainstream mediaculture, community, and civilization are truer, more beautiful, and in general good.

Modern Spirituality: Consumerism

It is only to the detriment of this generation of mankind that their spirit has been interpreted as an expression of what they buy, and their character is based on what they watch on T.V. or discovered by the Discovery Channel. Experiencing through sedation, succumbing to addictions of the body and mind; the spirituality of modern consumerism is apparent in various subtle incarnations, representations, and symbols that all indicate false idolsidolatry for the stars of Hollywood creating shows that can be addicting while television is already so addictingdistracting one from reality, from life itself, to diminish one into a matrix of sedation. Without this matrix, the human mind can be: allowed to soar, unlocked from years of oppression. When a population ceases to read books, its civilization has given up on itself, and is in the realm of tyrannys corruption. Modern spirituality, a controlled science of consumerist culturea game of fuck you buddy, where no one is supposed to like each otherwhere we are all alone, and bound to make an attempt on one another for survival or convenience, capitalized upon, the product of a financial state. Today the individual is seen as a human resource, an item to be bought and traded. Indeed, it is a religion that has at its center materialism that translates to superficiality; in contrast original spirituality transcends the linear logic of a

P a g e | 17 scientific dictatorship. To break free from this prison, your mind you must transcend your previous misconception of what life is about. According to the modern religion, the mall, the supermarket, and really wherever you go to spend moneyis the church. Symbols of their supremacy scrape the sky; all that we are revolves around the megalomania of their commercial products. Industrial profiteering business professionals are dancing around the fire of our consumption; these gods are all an entire generation knows due to the catalyst of modern churches. The consumer outlet provides streamlines for the linear program of consumption and waste. Television, a more intense and prevalent source of limiting the mind and outlook of the individual than a product or outlet, is the preachera constant reminder of who you are as a consumer, a capitulated servant to the corporations. Always present in ones living room, its sermon sandwiched between commercials subtly influencing people to be interested in gum, soda, candy, and vodka. A greater outlet does not exist, which so easily manipulates and reduces the mind than television. He is the eye of the pyramid. The one dollar bill is the symbol for our currency system, is the holy cross a religious symbol of this modern religion of consumerism, compounded by the monetary system, our economy, and the industrial deluge that has occurred due to fractional reserve banking and Keynesian economics. Our money is the symbol of this poison, a symptom of the planetary organisms bodily sepsis. A green-white hue, the color reminds one of pus and of corruption; its symbolism originating from the pyramids of Egypt and beyond, a testament to the age at which this oppressive institution was first born, and a reminder that it continues to this day. The massive symbols for this leviathan have been always the tallest in the land; once the church reigned, but now we see financial institutions taking their place as our source of connection to self. We feed the monster that feeds on Self. Restrictions of liberty and over legislating causes only fear, incarceration, and unhappiness to rise, the individual cannot experience reality fully. In a world without adventure or spirit for life and invention, the videogame is the alternative to life, the proxy matrix that will make ones life more tolerable and even enjoyable without actual community involvement or interaction taking place. And while being enslaved by a monetary system that wants them to be whipped out for a new dawn of feudalism, the average person is unaware of the overall reality that is going on around them, so isolated theyve forgotten themselves in the sole pursuit of money, and lost a due respect for our unity or their rights. All of these factors make the world we experience, but they are not reality, they are not that holy attraction to reality, this modern religion is a distraction, a thought away from the transcendence of such things as videogames: meditation, philosophy, exercise, play. Life is the true videogame, each of us an avatar, an incarnation of the Selfa phenomena that begins and ends with itselfcreating infinity. What the modern religion does is isolate you from your community, your neighborhood, your friends, your family, loved ones are lost to you under the spell of the blue glow of television, life is less interesting than an artificial one that you live through vicariously. Television isolates us, the shopping mall reduces us, the dollar enslaves us, and ignorance blinds the planetary defense mechanism: critical thinking. Thus, shutting off all defenses from tyranny, oppressive institutions, and dangerous corporations, all harmful institutions have thrived, and will continue to thrive against the impetus of human benefit and planetary well being.

P a g e | 18 To continue to cooperate with such a devilish model is insane, when physics and scientific laws, biological facts of observation, ecological discoveries, and the sum total of collective human thought are behind moving forward into a new millennia, rather than repeating the past. This age must be devoid of primal urges and acts of violence for the sake of national supremacy, financial supremacy, consumerist megalomania, and the overall neurosis of distraction. Mankind must be free from the money ties those financial institutions weave to harvest the life forces of humanity like a spider. The truest version of the religion of original spirituality is agriculture, rather than consumer culture. Agriculture promotes critical thinking, a direct connection with nature, life, and causes one to have more opportunities to see more attentively. Cultivation of life is our purpose as human beings, not to turn a wolf into a pug, a grass into a valued resource, a flower into a rose, but to husband the earth. This is our purpose, but when it is wielded instead of cultivated, it decays like so many plucked flowers, or fruits of divinity. Agriculture, education that has been combined with ancient eastern influence like meditation, acupuncture, philosophy, and the like, promotes critical, intense thinking indicative of a strong mind, flexible under pressure, but rigid without constraint integrity without compromise. Education that has been structured to cultivate the brain, and develop the mind can only increase the value of humanity and the human experience. A culture of community is the goal of any valuable system that can provide citizens whatever necessary and proper to cultivate life, liberty, property, and happiness. The present version of industrial society is not capable of providing any of the natural rights that mankind is endowed with by their creator: life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness are forgotten ideals under the pressure of these unholy distractions, the heart has become neglected. If we want a kind world we must be kind to ourselves and to each other, but if the reader can, so can everyone. If we do what we know is right, just, rather than what is good for us in the sense of self, we will be revolution. We are revolution, without the restrictions of legislation, government, and the predatory corporation; the human race is free to evolve. Evolving into civilization, wisdom will guide the body politic rather than the impulse of consumerism. The pace of transformation from what is profitable to what is good is instantaneous.

Original Spirituality
Spirituality is not a religion; it is not making a deliberate pose, and speaking a rehearsed phrase, unless religion is an interpretation derived from an institution; we make life a heaven or a hell based on the choices we make, and the perspectives we take. To make life the religion, where every day is church every moment attentive meditation, awareness completely uninfluenced by the world, that is original spirituality. In that state, time ceases without a whisper, and life moves without a care. Spirit is not a notion that one can learn or be taught, it is something felt and can only be realized without self. By losing self one understands act Selfish; by being conscious, one understands self as a product and representation of one, where zero is (Consciousness) Self. The world is no longer divided; this reality is a relationship

P a g e | 19 between fractal relationships. Each of us is a black hole sun composed of essential phenomena, composing the world to our desires, consuming its essences to survive. The distraction of mind is the final unholy distraction, finding identification with the persona, and indulging in the pleasures of the body to an excessive level. Compared to exercise, how many minutes a day spent masturbating? How many minutes a day behind a television compared to living wild and free? Finding spirit is the key to surviving and letting go of the past. Critical and intense thought is thus manifest by the rejection of the self and acceptance of the responsibility of god. The realization that transcends the influence of any institution and guided instead by the heart of wisdom, the wellspring of truth, cannot be defeated or institutionalized. In total silence the mind comes upon the eternal. Experience and history can teach much, but they cannot replace conscious dignity of responsibility, acceptance of ones own existence as a representation of the planet and indeed a representative of the universejust as anything or anyone else. Owning that fact whole heartedly, is the single most left over thing, which if attended to would immediately emancipate through righteous action accompanied by that sacred apprehension. No thing is sacred witnessed by the observer; the observer is composed of what witnessed it, and what it witnesses. To create your own trains of thought (which lead to conclusions or to tangents of thought of their own) is a symptom of critical thinkingintelligence squared. Thinking about your own ways of thinking, and coming to your own conclusions about your thoughts so that you can start to manipulate your own ways of thinking and changing them at your will to suit a particular purpose is intelligence squared. The function of the brain and of the mind, just as much in the body, is to attempt to adapt. Therefore we can train our minds to suit our will if we only spend time thinking, and really just being attentive to reality, the future, and how we live our lives. Whether or not we are happy with the way things are going, we must admit that we believe we can survive. However, this is imperative: monetary institutions rule the world, and are tools for enslavement of mankind by elite families that govern international banks, and money dynasties of antiquity that compound the monopoly game. The fact that they exist today is a testament to their power. Therefore it must be understood that the only cure for this corruption of humanity is the unification of all people towards an alternative method of existence economically, culturally, relationally, and governmentally. With the readers participation, the people of the world emancipate from financial tyranny. If humanity is to look forward, it must disassociate from all oppressive institutions, restore community, restore interdependence, and reinvent the wheel of its own mind. The continuation of nationalism, materialism, commercialism, and ending liberty, education, and understanding are all results of a darkening of civilization, and are the result of less critical thinking. To realize this not as an idea but as a complete truth, you will see that our purpose is not to be a slave, not to be a worker or a dollar sign, but to be aware, and to come closer to our self, closer to Self, and that no idea can contain We the People. We are the human species, our natural right: indomitable freedom! Come closer to your destiny my fellow pilgrim, and be one with no one, everyone, silently but surely this is the spirit of a most profound origin. The universe unveils itself with every silent breath, without sense to confound one is closer to the spirit, the quintessence (fifth element) of life. The door to wisdom is to know Self.

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Indeed, wisdom is far more valuable than gold, and far more important than the economy. However, because wisdom has become a lost art, which people have further neglected, it has become unrequired in society and a distraction from toil. To change the world, wisdom first must be reintroduced, and revived in the culture of the world. Without wisdom, without sensibility, without critical thought, and without communication, community cannot exist, and neither can a culture be happy and healthy and able to contribute to itself without love. Love for my fellow pilgrim is the gum that binds everything together, causes movements to rise and fall as fickle winds. Without love, wisdom is not wise, it is isolating as winter; love without wisdom is not love, for it is as isolated, yet from an endless night, a blindness that pervades ones personality. To see without blinders, to embrace without limitation the world, you are free. To secure freedom in the world, true intelligence must populate the world from grandmothers to first graders, not as an ideal but as a reality. To be aware, to poses thought, to actively inquire upon the self, and upon realityone step closer to intelligence squared. It means rediscovering the dimension of awareness always present in your being, a phenomena that you are and always continue to be. Unifying the crystallization of the universe called humanity by educating everyone with a new kind of education style and system, which cultivates the brain rather than creating obedient workers or profitable slaves, is a key to peace on earth, the other is a willingness to break the bonds of conformity and stagnancy. Humanity united for indomitable freedom cannot fail; humanity must inherit life, liberty, property, and the pilgrimage for not just human happiness. The spiritual reality of life, like the ice burg, has only so much to show on the surface, but once observed in its entirety evinces a greater guiding system, the lower currents of the oceanthe natural lawsdisclose a greater objective understanding of reality, a perspective related to wisdom through curiosity. The perspectives we take determine the character of our reality as it comes into us, and the choices we make determines the nature of how reality reacts to us by what we give out. Remember, reality is not something outside of you thats going on with or without you; it is you, and you are a part of it, a participating member of the greater reality that you mimic with every nuance. To be an avatar implies the most awesome freedom and responsibility that one could imagine, and the more one pays attention to one or the other, adaptation will be noticeable. Similarly, when a government does the same thing, the adaptation is equally noticeablefrom responsibility to freedom, reflecting the very same inner selfishness of the individual. Always the aggregate is self-similar to the individual that composes it. The average American is a wasted shell, a mind composed of titillation and dead ends. To restore America, the American must be enlightened. However, a revolution for evolution must be waged, which cannot be a violent or militarized, but rather an ideological and spiritual war of cultural and societal independence; to herald the new enlightenment of the world proper, first scientists, physicists, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, historians, and in general scholars must unite under the premise of human progress to enlighten the entire world. It is the right of all humans to be enlightenedit can no longer be a secret held by the most high for purposes of dominion and manipulation, rather the glorification of natures god must take precedent. It is the duty of the modern scholar and intellectual to

P a g e | 21 inform those around them to the reality of their own enslavement and the cause of their own suffering. The world is not safe without the power of intelligence guiding it, finding instead that it is the compulsion of fear wielding our lesser tendencies, propelling us into damnation. Integrity, tyranny can never be created as long as a people have integrity, and realize how powerful their movements are, as well as their thoughts; and once the activities and motives of human kind are based on their understanding of god, rather than their interpretations of manmade laws, tyranny cannot come into being. Indomitable freedom is the result of humanities spiritual pilgrimage realized to its outstanding conclusion. The human journey has not ended because of the invention of portable computers with phones in them, but rather this is but a new tangent of distraction from inner understanding by outward fixation. Discovering everything about the surfaces of the world will never get you closer to a fundamental understanding of your self, which rests inwardly, in no particular direction, and with no particular destination. Choosing to let go of these distractions is far more fruitful than choosing to fully embrace them, because with the ignorance of the one, and embrace of the other, a total blindness takes over the perception of the individual, and critical thought is reversed or prevented. Coming together in the pursuit of healing the planet, our inner self, and the societal structures that govern, we liberate and spiritually enlighten the human race; and it is this process that needs to be focused upon, not an electoral process of the already existing paradigm that acts as a bag over our head, or blinder to interrupt the reference of reality for so many human beings. With the convergence of human effort for bettering the ecology and principle of activity for our fellow pilgrims, the human enterprise can be redefined and restored to pursue a more perfect union. In the human race, the strongest urge is to be accepted, to be a member of the greater organism called society, and when either society becomes isolate, or the individuals life becomes isolated, the human race is retarded, happiness diminished, and prosperity halted. Without the heart of mankind being fulfilled by daily action, both life and liberty are not worth having, the cycle of days becomes monotone, and the interactions between individuals is disjointed and mechanical rather than organic. Indeed, without original spirituality, original thought, and an open community to express those values, the individuals life becomes hollow regardless of their inner growth, and cold regardless of inner happiness. The feeling of unity is today relegated to the counter culture, and indeed it is in that counter culture that you find a potential for original community. However, due to the attachment of drugs to this movement, it is misguided in the direction of rebellion rather than originalityby being opposed to one side of an issue, the direction of the movement is predetermined, and therefore unoriginal, influenced by the train of thought it seeks to avoid influence from. Were a movement to form that stepped out of that game of conditioned or critical response, the mind can find its place outside of influence, and the flow of ideas residing in wisdom would carry mankind into the next age of its evolution both inward and outward. By discovering ones own spirituality, irrespective of the institutions of their respective region, the world can begin to be shaped not by institutions, but by the

P a g e | 22 inherently mortal human being that is as inconsistent as the seasons, and free as the flying bird or the roaming bison. We can appreciate that an animal is sacred and should be protected, but we cannot see how our own species is equally sacredespecially when uninfluenced, untainted by modern culture, and how important it is therefore to liberate rather than to constrain. The inherent beauty of the human being is something to be admired without the conflicts of contrived, artificial, synthetic paradigms. Nowhere in the lexicon of contemporary law and justice does the word love enter the conversation; nor does this word enter the scientific zeitgeist, or the political rhetoric of modern jurisprudence. However, this does not diminish the awesome value and importance of lovethe immense power that unity with one Self can achieveand the resulting gratitude that inspires respect for duty and responsibility. Culture that is founded on principles derived from philosophers pondering love, the nature of unity consciousness, and the constant transformation of creativity into higher states of creative forces, is bound to discover a higher state of consciousness transcendent of selfishness and materialismthis too is the spirituality of an original character. Once the fervor for objects is broken, community restored into balance, and the object of every human being the benefit of their fellow pilgrims in accordance with an understanding that they are one; the kind of society that is most healthy and beneficial to Self is inevitable. Like the rhythm of a song, the ebb and flow of life demands that for so much oppression, a time of unending liberation must snap back at the end of its present order. One natural law known to many states: for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction; this truth evinces an era devoid of the tyrannical influence, emancipated from the oppressive institutions that plague the earth, and truly free from the conditioning of so many controlling factors that rule human life rather than the humans themselves. It is a self fulfilling prophecy to say that human kind is too stupid to be independent of these institutions, when these institutions have limited the scope and available knowledge of the individual, thus causing the ignorance that the elite so detest. Blaming the victim is a symptom of psychopathy. Indeed it is a harsh reality to consider, that the world is ruled by psychopaths. However, it is essential that this reality be confronted rather than run away from. Peering into the skeletal face of death head on is more courageous than to hide in fear or reside in ignorance, blissful as the world burns.

Ideological Revolution Birth of the World Citizen

Unless we are able to rest the responsibility of our salvation upon our own shoulders, rather than expecting it to come from outside forces, be it god, aliens, or Chuck Norris, there will be no change worth remembering in our lifetime. Without progress worth remembering, the first years of this new century have been wasted and display a design contrary to progress, a regression into the latent tendency of government to turn tyrannical, and for money and power to corrupt absolutely. History repeats itself while the complacent continue to ignore the world going on around their resident isolation. With a new ideology comes a shift in the globular consciousness that evolves individuals. Organized thought with the object to construct a better world can be effective

P a g e | 23 in achieving progress worth remembering, but only if the world is ready to expose itself to its own mangled face, and begin to work towards reforming its bigger picture. With the tragedy of repression recognized, that it could get worse, it is incumbent upon the individual to reshape his or her life to compliment the face of humanity, reshaping it to reflect a more graceful and beautiful, but hidden reality. Until a solution manifests, a problem does not exist; in other words until a solution exists, a problem is invisible. It is the responsibility of the author to disclose to the reader, not vague intrigue of philosophical thoughts, but practical solutions to the problems that shape our world. Without this notion, there is nothing but idealism and pointless words strung together in a floral display. Therefore, by disclosing the solutions, by disseminating the cure to planetary cancer, the author makes a promise to the reader that this movement rests upon our shoulders that the illusion fades with our choices and perspectives resulting from this disclosure. The concept of a world government may seem daunting at first, and it is something that may even seem intrinsically evil to a persons first glance, but it is something that requires context to comprehend, and a developed explanation to understand. In the context of the status quo, world government means financial coalescence, global financial oppression via centralized banking consortium. In the context of original perspectives, world government means global civilization, albumen of spiritual and legal trust, which exists not to regulate or deregulate the lives of humans, but to liberate them from poverty, slavery, and corporate conditioning. Indeed, counter to the common sense of today, the true hero is not an athlete necessarily, not an actor, and not a star in the sense of notoriety, but rather the hero is the unknown; the true hero is a person who starts to notice and pay attention to the way things work; a true hero or heroin is someone that has seen the world in its full ugliness and has become determined to change it. The true hero is you; the true salvation of our race is each and every person that has been awakened by the dire straits that surround us. With every moment more and more people are becoming awake to this sick reality, but are in a state of stagnancy, residual to their life as a conditioned being, carried on by the current of complacency. Still, it is necessary for the reader to understand that with organization, and with communication to the effect of changing the regularity and monotony of life, there can be salvation from the depression and stagnancy of life. The river represents a natural state of flux, a constant flow of change that both represents and determines our lives. We try to create blockades along the estuaries of our lives, but the stream of thought and habit that governs them is only interrupted, influenced, and this creates consternation, and constipation of life energy, thought, and will. The perversion of habits into monotony through conditioning, replaces habits as being potentially a healthy pattern that delivers the expression of life energy to its original and various ends, to a sewer duct, or a stagnant pool of decay made by linear, repetitive tasks. Only in that state of monotony does death truly exist, and only in stagnancy does death truly take place. When one stops participating in their won existence, they succumb to stagnancy and true death; their development has ceased and their decay has begun. To quote Bob Dylan, He not busy being born is busy dieing. Individual progress towards a goal is what determines success and a sense of successfulness. Whatever the goal, whatever the

P a g e | 24 means of achieving it, the dancing song of life cannot be wrong as long as it has that simple measure grasped, and life, liberty, and happiness are allowed to take place regardless of expectation. Growth and development of self is intrinsically valuable to the quality of Self. Similarly, stagnancy of government and society is perpetuated by the lack of concern for the average person by the average person. Because people have been so isolated by various mediums of entertainment, they forget that the otherunder the law is in fact they themselves, and that it is necessary to consider the laws and justices that are surrounding them when they have malice for the other. Without a sense of unity, not only will law be stagnant, society itself rests, unmoved by political fervor and grass roots activism. Only when these things are capable of moving the heart, will the necessary changes come like a tidal surge of righteous conclusion. A government of world citizenship, democratically functioning with the benefits and privileges of modern technology, does not imply bondage to a federal, planetary head that controls our lives, neither does it imply warship of a planet to which we are all enslaved, rather it implies the choice to be a benefactor of human progress, as well as a beneficial aspect of planetary complexification and homeostasis. Truly, if there is one purpose everyone and anyone has innately to perform it is complexity, to complexify the lives and experiences of others to increase the human experience. The most important principle of a just society is choice, that to be a citizen of this world, one must chose to do so, rather than being compelled at birth through paperwork filed by their parents or other authorities, and brought up believing that a citizen of this or that place is what they are before all else. The point is; choice to be a citizen is more just and more realistic than compelled citizenship from cradle to grave. As arbitrary as citizenship is, it is only as illegitimate as the lack of choice. To institute a legitimate social order, choice must be the first and most important currency, in fact the lifeblood that lubricates the flow of society, law, and justice, redefining the organism entirely. Once choice is secured as the foundation for society, not only does society change its innate structure, its laws change to fit a more natural paradigm. The design of future systems of organization will be determined by the participants, rather than a select few that sit in offices, secretively deciding the fate of the world behind masks of diplomacy. In fact civilization means that the people control their own legislation, rely upon themselves not lawyers and politicians to guide their impetus, but also the council of wise men and women, scholars and great thinkers advising the people. This is what freedom indomitable means. Only when society is the governing principle, rather than an elite or corporations, will civilized programs affect a legitimate political climate. Once the stifling cold of oppression has transitioned into the spring of critical thought, liberty once again flowers and prospers. And once choice is a part of society, a new currency called reciprocism is a key to forming civilization. Rather than rejecting the previous stages of consciousness, the next stage of human evolution must include the integral aspects of its previous generations, transforming them into a mind of itself. Integrating the previous sensibilities of

P a g e | 25 generations past is essential to sustaining and perpetuating a terrestrial and unified system of society. By doing so, the next generation can prevail by embracing the knowledge and experience of the previous one. However, the critical distinction between reiterating and transcending the previous generation is the way in which left over traits are interpreted. For instance, the profit motive, if redefined can change human industry from plunder to husbandry. By changing the definition of profit from expenditures over returns to human and ecological benefit, the purpose has changed so radically that human enterprise itself is redefined. Rather than rebelling from previous paradigms, transcending implies incorporating and recognizing the necessity of previous stages, and reorganizing them with additional input to improve the overall principle thereof. By doing so, the evolution of an entire species can take place, and without the influences of oppression that previous generations have conserved, like that of the united States. By including certain principles of human life, which transcend time and ideological lines, the wisdom of our species can be integrated, and compounded by our technology and collective human knowledge. Utilizing the privilege of the present, we live in the environment of potential, not in the realm of human nature, synthetic and inorganic. We live beyond even the natural order of things, yet when we transcend the pervious limitations of a stage of our development we include them in the next, incorporating but redefining them to unleash their greater potentials. Invariably in our society one must be broken from their natural fluency, forcing them to try, to contrive a normal life. The inherent flow that pervades humanity is ignored when we try or make attempts to live as others do. When we recognize our own inherent value as a variant, as a sacred being, the complete picture can be recognized. It is incomplete without the attention of the mind to the observer, and it can be said that we are as valuable as the big picture because of that most obvious infusion of the observer into the human body, that everything around us is as valuable as the big picture because of that necessary infusion of the observer in everything, and for no other reason does it exist than for you and I to be different. For a government to be different compared to the previous versions thereof, the implications can only be far greater than rebellion or even simplification. To be greater than simplification, a people must harness and control their government, rather than government harnessing and controlling them. It is simple and more difficult to be honest with yourself than to let an institution govern and control your lifebe original and able to form opinions of your own. Nonetheless, the importance of individualism, of originality rather than conformity, is such that the author must reiterate its importance with every article of this document, and makes originality the sole message in this dissertation on freedom and relationship. By establishing an education system that takes seriously the liberation of mankind from day one to its conclusion, a totally new paradigm and practice of education shall be instituted, which includes the best of classical education, and brings it forward with technology and the razors edge of human knowledge. By not withholding any information known, the youth and the middle aged can be enlightened as never before, and a revival of that spark in our species can begin to take flight and illuminate the face of humanity forever.

P a g e | 26 At birth, children will go to day care, and be held by four different grand mothers, who speak four different languages, and who would switch holding the children every hour so that they could hold and speak to all of them through the course of the day, making sure that every child got to be held, and heard at least two different languages in one day. Alternating the language the next day would then create a perfect balance of all four languages throughout a week. The grandmothers, essentially the first teachers, would be potentially as old as eighty or as young as fifty, really what matters is that they speak an alternate language to what is the first in a given area. By doing so, an entire generation will commence the fluid process of serious brain development. Once a child reaches the first grade, having at their command at least five languages, they will begin the trivium (first grammar, then logic, and finally rhetoric), combined with recesses that will consist of play, meditation, martial arts, and agriculture. Once a child reaches the sixth grade, they will begin learning the quadrivium (math geometry, music, astronomy; not only will there be a sixth day added to education, which will be devoted to their usual subjects and philosophy, but they will begin to have more options for recess like culinary art, acupuncture, and music. Once a student reaches the ninth grade, classes are no longer guided by teachers, recesses can be taken at will, all study is sought by the student, and teachers will act more as librarians, or a facilitators of that study. Because the first days of education will be seven hours long, and span the duration of nine months, recesses are inherently necessary to balance the intensity of a system that the author is about to describe. When each day is devoted to a single subject, one of a set of five subjects, and each day of the week is devoted to a different subject, it is necessary to break up that intensity with recesses that are equally long in duration. The resulting rhythm, of work and play, combined with the inherent learning that things like meditation, martial arts, and agriculture, will not only make a day seem less constrained and confusing, but it will subtly make work and learning fun. Teachers of first grade would necessarily be well versed, if not professors of their field, and be capable of taking the questions of childlike curiosity to their terminus rather than getting frustrated. To accompany teachers will be a child psychologist, who will act as a catalyst for communication between the teachers and the children. The mind of a young child is a labyrinth of different quirks and nuances due to its underdevelopment, and requires therefore a translator or a guide to be able to communicate to effectively; concurrently, for a child to feel confident and capable of communicating an idea to an adult is immensely important in these formative years. The role of the teachers and the psychologists will be to communicate and educate, and the role of the recess facilitators and instructors will be to cultivate effluence, and develop discipline. Intermingling education and effluent discipline, and creating a positive and encouraging environment will establish the process of cultivating the mind. From cultivating the brain to cultivating the mind, education gradually increases as it goes on, from the trivium to the quadrivium, from the mind to the spirit, the next stage of education. The start of the quadrivium will also be the start of philosophy. And once one has graduated from the trivium, they have mastered language and communication; and therefore philosophy is a natural and logical step forward. Making philosophy as exciting as possible will be on the teacher, but it is perhaps advisable that contemporary readings

P a g e | 27 and interpretations of philosophy through video as the introductory step, followed by reading and writing. Using the Internet for this purpose is a privilege that no previous civilization has ever had. By high school, a student possesses critical thought like a torch to guide them through life, and a sturdy foundation of philosophy, and classical education for them to stand firmly with integrity. At this stage the only mandatory learning will be cars and motor vehicles, how to drive them and how to repair them. Other than that everything is on the students, from study to testing themselves. Once this kind of an education system is established, not only will entire communities develop around that system, but an entirely new ideology will be founded around that community. A generation of geniuses comes into being, and the village itself will be involved in the process of its own movement towards civilization through that generation and the free education of the village. Having a greenhouse or farm on the premises of schools, that are free to use and produce free food, would not only increase the overall value of that area, but would act as a step towards healing the earth rather than turning it into shopping malls and sports arenas. By culturing society that no longer eats packaged and processed foods, not only is waste and pollution reduced, but also waste and pollution of the body is reduced. Instead of reducing a persons employment, an increase in available hobby employments must replace television and overindulgence that spoils. Instead of being pampered, the individual must seek to be active and involved in their community. Without incentives and available resources for fun, television seems like the only alternative. Be positive and accepting of life, rather than giving in to the inactivity that comes with intoxication, hypnosis, and habit of lethargy. You are only spoiling yourself. Consider the world outside a realm of play and excitement, to affect it as you would a beloved dream. Life, exciting and worth living, is what we are all entitled to as a natural right, and it is our duty to secure it in the world around us. It is apparent that when one comes closer to nature, they become closer to the soul, and to the peace that comes with the soul; disorder is caused by the synthetic nature that is created by shopping malls, supermarkets, and television, and the denial of nature and inner depth. Because of selfishness that is devoid of empathy, and lack of selfesteem, men and women are both dependent and imbalanced. The independence of people and society is determined by economy; the more honest and simple the economy is, the more natural and healthy the pursuit of happiness. A system of income based on reciprocal return, earning citizenship with the choice of active participation in the beneficial activity of people, is possible today with the privilege of technology. Under these circumstances it is not hard to recognize the importance of engaging a transformation of the economy and society. Following the principles of simplicity, honesty, and economy, reciprocism can be applied anywhere, and under any circumstances where individuals are benefiting others or the earth. Resources are then allocated to creative and beneficial people, resulting in a community driven to prosperity through the recognized choice of citizenship. In rural areas the program of reciprocism will be simpler than industrialized areas, with a lower

P a g e | 28 population fewer systems of organization are necessary, and in tribal areas this system may already exist through bartering. By integrating the previous methods of currency, creating one based on physics and natural law, and original spirituality that states every action I perform makes ripples outward into the world, affecting potentially everyone. That interaction causes the world to flow, to become less stagnant and more alive, and it is the true lifeblood of this planet and of our species. The peaceful human being is capable of greater things than shopping malls and footballs. Money that is no longer tied to debt is finally free, and currency that recognizes effort and performance of employment is totally honest, simplified and economical in more ways than just an end to paper trails. By redefining citizenship, the individual must commit to the government agency their employment to society, and request evaluation for their contributions, earning them the privileges of free food, clothing, shelter, transportation, information, medical care, and entertainment like music or art, etcetera. The incentive to be a citizen is great, and the better one performs and employs him or her self, the more one can be reciprocated by society, earning them capital liberties for purchasing frivolities. The complexity of this system will be determined by the development of the area to which it is applied. Inner satisfaction is the foundation of this system, and intends to foster a culture that is based on inner satisfaction, rewarding based in proportion to service. By cultivating a tendency to do more, the economy of interdependence and empathy will also shift the ideology from competition to collaboration and from isolation to inclusion. The idea keeping us from liberating, and which is at the core of this society that has grown up around us, is that you are alone, that you are in competition with me, and that we must fight for the scraps on this abundant table we call earth. There is however, no reason to believe this, it is only true in so far as you believe it; there is no legitimacy to fiat money until you believe there is, and so it is with everything else that is propped up in order to coercively control our lives.

Progress through Wisdom

A government that is composed of scholars, scientists, technicians, and the like, working in concert with the people, will inevitably reflect the best of mankind rather than the worst primal tendencies of mankind to achieve its goals, deriving its goals and projects from the heart of mankind and not its lower primal urges for security and largess. Rather than materially pampering humankind, a system of employing them with the intent of fulfilling their lives will utterly change the face of our species, and the content of its culture. By making new hobbies available to everyone to help them to self-actualize will result in the freest and most prosperous society ever known. It is beyond a doubt that if you enhance the life of an individual you not only further his or her desire to be involved in realty, you spark the passion for life in them that cannot be quelled or conformed, it pushes on with curiosity and intensity towards its eager goals like a child. The energy, the originality from within causes an individual to

P a g e | 29 clear off the many shades of conditioned perception, reaching to the heart and simplicity of direct understanding and awareness; from this stems thought that is constructive and instructive as to how to act to live more honestly and passionately. When there is an organized relationship between the thinkers and the average person, society can further organize more effectively and harmoniously with the earth and with itself. With a council to guide and facilitate human affairs through democracy, congress (a deviation from progress) is obsolete, and becomes unnecessary at the federal level, functioning only at the state level if at all. In fact it is the opinion of this one that in most communities and city regions all there need be is a council of thinking minds rather than politicians and corporate interests. A wise council in the dual executive, with the power and ability to create offices necessary for the people to have a functioning economy and culture; to organize, and facilitate the establishment of institutions of community and agriculture. Having core responsibilities for the quality of education, infrastructure, and the promotion of public projects and events for communal and civic participation; a wise council will act as the key to changing the ideological programming of society and its organizations. Having core principles of purpose, legitimacy, and brotherhood, reducing the potential for bribery or greed to influence figures of responsibility, such councils will be dominated by public opinion, and yet capable of ruling against it with proof of legitimacy; however, when the people dissent, the council will have no jurisdiction to protect itself under law. A police force, established by the participants in a city or state, will establish their own sheriff office, and can chose to do so with the help of the council. Because the quality of its offices are directly accountable to the people, the voice and the power of the people is optimal above all authorities. Because innate sovereignty is imbued in all living beings, whatever governs mankind must obey and be reigned into what is right rather than commercial. And because we are sovereigns that posses a mind capable of realizing it, we have an obligation to be involved in the world around usto a greater extent than knowing who won last nights game. To have balance in powers requires an understanding of how the systems of government work in concert. No system is perfect, and no system is well enough defined to be perfectly practicable; however despite this fact it is imperative that people come together to give due respect for their rights. Creating and establishing a new paradigm can be difficult if the new paradigm is too out of synch with what is presently available and common. Nonetheless steadily that system will erect itself with new experiences and more available to employ the individual. When the people are in more direct control of their society, democracy is in effect, and it is by giving the people this more direct control that a revival of liberty can be made, so that a plan for restoration of justice and law may be established. With more opportunities to explore spontaneous employments and hobby-like experiences due to free travel, eventually civilization will blossom. When the human experience, rather than expenditures over returns, is more valuable than capital, the world can begin to refine its complexity, and replenish its constituents. Without the ideology of disorder that governs our current so-called economy, which in change governs the government, an economy of neither conservation nor thrift exists; by not hiring the right

P a g e | 30 people for careful management of resources, avoiding waste is impossible, because waste too is profitable to a pit of greed. When there is too much of anything there is imbalance, and it hurts the natural harmony that is best for life and creativity to flourish. For this balance to be carefully studied and consequentially kept by an enlightened society, via scientific and technical applications of husbandry to cultivate and compliment the natural systems of the earth with no synthetic or artificial creations like genetic modifications or nano technology. Establishing communities that focus on cultivating balance in the environment and their own lives is both progressive and regressive, and therefore balanced. Utilizing wisdom as the foundation for society rather than government or bureaucracy ensures that fundamentally living conditions are fair and decent. Justice is not directed to the limitation of mankind, but towards its development. When principles of discovery are met, uninfluenced by either religion or science, the inclusion of both breeds balance. When people govern themselves all forms of influence matter a lot less; its only when we stop governing our own lives instead of letting someone else that we lose hold of our governments reigns, and it begins to turn on us like a rabid beast that it becomes once corrupted. Once the standards of intelligence are adjusted by a comprehensive education system that cultivates the mind, wisdom can be found in greater number due to critical thought, even in the generations that produce the genius generation. By including adults for free education an enlightenment period will occur, consequentially this change will be balanced by the dissent to remain as we once were, obsessed with television and distractions, but eventually a new balance will take place from a diversity within the perspective of enlightened young adults, taking precedent over the passing generation, but not yet a passing history. To predict the weather, like to predict the psychology of society, one can only speculate. However, to give a glimpse into ones own imagination, the paradise of such exotic flora and fauna, creativity of a new frontier of frontiers, compounded by their own interactive existence, interchanging their complimentary qualities to form a super organism. An evolving planet coalesces, birthing planetary consciousness. Introducing wisdom or shamanism to the planetary consciousness would be beneficial and logical for a mature and dignified organization of this species today and any other time. Nonetheless there are vested interests to prevent, and reduce the likelihood of that happening for money or sale. By turning off the television, getting out of the house, and changing the world one inner step at a time, change does come at a bigger scale. Positive realist, the writer sees reality for what it is, perceives Self in everything, deriving a subtle sense of ecstasy, evinces the question, who am god? Who am god? Self: the source of wisdom, the fountain of thought and origin of energy, life, and mind. To be intelligent simply know thy self, to be wise know thy Self. In perceiving Self in all beings, a sense of empathy emanates from the core of that understanding of reality through perception. By unifying the resources of the world, not through nationalism, or religious fervor, but through wisdom, through an objective authority of intellectuals whos efforts

P a g e | 31 and projects are guided by the people directly, but ultimately carried out skillfully and without the limitations of money by their offices, relying strictly on the principle of conservation as their doctrine of virtue. In an economy based on reciprocation, the better ones performance is, the more privileges and entitlements they will be able to access freely. Tapping into the neural network of the planet, connected activity is wireless, alteration, and complexification inevitable. By using a card system that tracks and tallies your good deeds like working as a taxi, or working at an ice cream factory, the difference would be in software, not in the actual means of exchange that we use. Further, this would greatly simplify transactions; frivolities like food that comes in a box will be highly expensive, but still purchasable until their producing corporations are trimmed from the overgrown cancerous body that is conglomeration industry; however, the good and natural food will be risen to a level of abundance that it will secure free food within seven years of this program being introduced to society. By establishing a public corporation that sets up green houses, and does so with liberal resources, its motive to benefit human beings and the ecology by simplifying and reducing the energy output to feed more and spend less. The praxis of market then broken, must be replaced by a more natural and interwoven, comprehensive digital catalogue, which will be computed by a supercomputer to help the decision making process of economy, and resource management, as well as where to build a structure etcetera. Having as its currency collective human will, to participate in society and the interaction and exchange of resources occurs organically. The economy of a world civilization distributes wealth simply by recognizing effort individually and collectively, with direct observation via an office of oversight established by the wise council. This office will work to observe and evaluate the value of contribution, which is a factor for frivolous purchases once someone becomes a citizen. However, because observed contributions are made to society at all, the flat rate of privileges include food, clothing, shelter, transportation, information, medical care, and so on. By providing everyone with the opportunity to have the essentials for free, the incentive to be a contributing member at all is significant, and because the potential combined activities one can do to contribute to society is virtually infinite and so is their recognized scale for purchasing above that standard. For instance, one can chose to drive a car that can be a taxi by sliding his I.D. card into its computer, and find someone to pick up to be compensated for it, and the compensation will apply to everything and everyone around him. Businesses will be able to recognize this via your name and identification card, because you will have a public rating, which will fluctuate and means very little in point of fact. However, because these two streams of potential, minimal line, and the optimal value, allowing you to purchase higher quality resources for projects or personal pursuits. This will not only guide human activity into a higher level of complexity and reduce the limitations of the previous age, not only does this economic premise allow for free music, it allows for free markets to establish spontaneous organizations and projects, and inevitably increases the productivity of mankind. Without the constraints of a profit

P a g e | 32 motive, the style of industry and quality of their products will reflect the best rather than the worst, deleting designed obsolescence from their vocabulary. Because the profit motive redefines itself as observable human or ecological benefit, the character, the essence of industry is changed, its purpose altered to reflect a more healthy and practical goal, which is to increase the quality of life. Wisdom helps with the founding of responsive and synergistic dynamism in society, as well as its organizations. Following wisdom and common sense with realistic goals that can be practiced by average people, a return to simplicity without reducing a core of complexity, rooted in communication and automation will lead to an untapped wealth of potential. Once people stop watching television, and begin to regain their humanity from its perversion through behavior modification, against the train of the brain drain, and restore order in society, humanity heals naturally. Once a world where television exists but is limited and free, and where you can buy more with your entitlements, a healthy relationship with television can exist, where basic is limited, but for entitlements television is unlimited. Television has promise, but has become pointless due to commercialism, and must be reformed with everything else. Once again, we must redesign the wheal of our mind.

A New Dispensation of Time

By abandoning popular ancient cultural traditions and rituals, and inhabiting the cycle of reality beyond them, this planet, their idiosyncrasies, and integrating the spirit of truth, beauty, and goodness of the universe, to inhabit an original spirituality; to seek community unlimited by exclusivity and closed minds, a new world order will begin a whole new civilization. NOVAS ORDO SECLUROM For instance, by regulating the scheduled week for blue-collar jobs to be every other day, not only will people have more days off, but also a business would be able to hire twice as many people to work; further, having no weekends causes work to go uninterrupted, improving the time it takes to make a structure, or build a road. Those who perform these services would be well informed as to how to do these things so there would be no hiccup in their minds what to do or where to begin. By instituting this new work schedule, and perhaps modifying different occupations and their work schedule based on what is most effective and makes sense. It makes sense to give people a common day to be unemployed, to be at their own liberty, and those days can and should be decided upon, perhaps based on what ancient cultures used, the seasonal equinoxes, and therefore certain holidays, as they are called, could be preserved, but used as an open community event rather than a religious ritual, although some may make their own while attending. However, by fixing to organize such changes a more flexible world, one that is unbound by the constraint of where will we get the money, and can finally transcend to a level of decency and humanity that proves the present version a shadow of its truth, and less than a shadow of its potential. With an end to the standard, and stagnant governmental structure, and a beginning of something transcendent but simpler than government, civilization can form, and

P a g e | 33 naturally does when proper education has taken place. To apply a new education system for a few years, and then an application of this form of government could be applied in thirty to forty years, and could do so globally. This would of course have to take place with an agreement of the people of the world to a new economy of trust through citizenship. What the writer means by trust through citizenship is reciprocism. Reciprocism, according to the writer the merits of reciprocism, is a social and political system in which a cooperative interchange of favors, goods, or privileges, is the foundation of human activity, and its economic orderrather than moneys, debt, or fiat. We are the currency of reciprocism, and not the debt to a bank that has been the plague of human kind. Hell shall end with our recognizing it, its frivolity. Scrutiny, rather than accepting that there is no real news, that it is all a big joke. We are being lied to without question; therefore this largess is in every way a festering unnecessary manifestation of largess and decadence. This game has become beyond ridiculous, hysterical. The division of science from spirituality, and politics as well, is a mistake, but only if it is an attempt to merge institutions, because that truly is a beast that cannot stop, a black hole of horror. Therefore it is important to understand that it is only through the original spirituality within each of us that the invention of a civilization of the next level can come into being. And by a pruning of those institutions a foundation for wisdom can be made sufficient for a radical shift in consciousness. Just as the illusion of culture is a deceit upon our minds to control our activity, in effect laws are an infinite illusion just as the one we get caught up in our lives, an illusion of interpretation, misread. Without fear, its many expressions, when we open our minds to the true self: consciousness; we abandon the closed system, by consciousness blindness, mere software running the machine rather than the creator. Just as there are infinite personalities there are infinite laws, with infinite possibilities, a prismatic color of character. Without recognizing a fractal foundation to law, that pruning the branches of it through time rather than letting it grow out of bounds, which we as a definite aggregate are responsible to give scrutiny. Attention to these institutions, rather than impulsively giving our lives to them, is a far more correct responseto seed the prevention, abolishment, and refinement of frivolity, decadence, and largess. Having freedom in the heart, one recognizes his or her own sovereignty, and the sovereignty of everyone. That being the case, the corruption of society is a great sin, which has been exploited for centuries, but which cannot be faced for the severe tragedy that has taken place. However, it is through the same will and force to persevere beyond the elaborate plans of the artificial controllers. Nonetheless, the trend is towards liberty, and so that trend will transpire until its ultimate conclusion, the transcendence of the people into a higher tier of consciousness than those of the artificial controllers. In this way the dominance of the human race over its own cancer will be transformed into a butterfly, for truly we have been in a chrysalis for thousands of years, controlled by institutions of power, fused with both politics and religion. These two subjects, which can command power, are refused by modern culture, and respectfully

P a g e | 34 denied in subjects, and if at all must be reduced and laughed at. The truth is too difficult to respect. Therefore it is imperative that we pay much attention to politics, not because we should passively observe a process, but to become a participant, and that religion in an original sense calls you to participate in the worlds beautiful evolution, for you are IT, and IT is you. Your decisions will ripple and reflect in the greater society that is formed out of struggle, love and gratitude. But this does not require genius or greatness, but love compassion and empathy for thy fellow pilgrim. Spiritual discovery, recognition of the Self in you that is in everything holds the promise of enlightenment, as well as that comprehension relative to everything else. Laws that forbid the dispensation of natural organisms are a form of theft and a degree of despotism. To take a plant, make it illegal to grow is insane, let alone that it is also illegal to poses, which is a deeper insanity that shakes the foundation, and repels human ascension into civilization. Using the mask of morality, violence is used to do so against the average person, and even potential human enterprise. The dispensation of human thought and effort is what will determine the world, and that as the foundation and the ultimate wind that carries this ship called enterprise. What will the new thought be along with the new effort? To the writer Love and Gratitude is simple enough for a child to understand. This new dispensation of time must be a chosen rout to heaven, not a contrived dolling out of laws and no wisdom. For the new founders, the time of thought will be over; thinking will be a background noise to the chatter of voices and activity of the sea. Rather, the perception of information and knowledge shall convert intuitively to correct action, and the lag between, which occurs because of analysis, will be corrected and transcendence of logic will be the result. With this new dispensation of time, a new generation of human beings can begin to culture civilization unbound by linear logic, compounded by dynamic dimensional comprehension, and planetary consciousness. Under such conditions, things like greed, lust for power, and competitive ambition are reduced by spontaneity. Without a culture that is reordered to cultivate spontaneity, not only will novelty and complexity be reduced, but also the individuals potential is reduced as well as their ability to cope with a gradually complexifying world. Without the capacity to adapt spontaneously to a problem the future of human beings is lost. Therefore it is imperative that new dispensations of time affect an increase in right brain activity, as well as an overall increase in critical thinking.

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