@dailydenouement: Ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by Feedback: How Can We Make Marking Make An Impact?

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ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


ukedchat dailydenouement dailydenouement Pauls_elearning t2uGiveItAGo SES_Stones dailydenouement Jivespin dailydenouement TeachNorthern OhLottie In2schools dailydenouement trisha_telfer FussyEngTeacher












20:02:32 20:02:46


It's 8pm and time for #ukedchat. Topic: 'Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?' with @dailydenouement. @FussyEngTeacher Just tweet using the #ukedchat hashtag - follow the hashtag Tonight's #ukedchat is about marking. How can/do we make our marking make an impact for our pupils. Please share & don't forget the hashtag. [Weekly reminder] #ukedchat is about to start on Twitter. You can watch the conversation & join in here: http://t.co/lmRpxs8n One of my key strategies is regular comment based marking only so students actually read the feedback #ukedchat RT @mattbritland: RT @mattbritland: Posters for my ICT displays http://t.co/nQFcg7bS #ukedchat #ictcurric #kgsict I need to know how to make my marking (which takes ages!) make an impact - love to hear people's ideas/experiences #ukedchat Sixth Form feedback and self-reflection sheet - an experiment in AfL http://t.co/grZbtEhH Trying this idea out tomorrow #ukedchat RT @t2uGiveItAGo: RT @t2uGiveItAGo: One of my key strategies is regular comment based marking only so students actually read the feedback #ukedchat #ukedchat Try to balance appreciation and challenge builds self-esteem and means you can be tougher! #thinkingenvironment 11 Reasons Teachers Should Make Their Own Videos http://t.co/yME57QFn via @zite #ukedchat RT @dailydenouement: RT @dailydenouement: Tonight's #ukedchat is about marking. How can/do we make our marking make an impact for our pupils. Please share &a ... What strategies do you use to make your marking meaningful? #ukedchat #ukedchat how can we make useful comments alongside marking when there simply isn't the time? #ukedchat Give pupils a target then follow up next lesson with an activity that teaches them how to achieve the target. Then...

1 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


dailydenouement ukcreativeed





HeidiTuuliaEk FussyEngTeacher dailydenouement t2uGiveItAGo dailydenouement Super_Work dukkhaboy ukcreativeed dailydenouement Jivespin JOHNSAYERS dandesignthink










20:05:57 20:06:06

The big question! RT @trisha_telfer: #ukedchat how can we make useful comments alongside marking when there simply isn't the time? Never underestimate the power of praise in feedback #ukedchat #canbeforgotteneasilyamongsthowtoimprove RT @MattFothergill: RT @MattFothergill: Are you a tweeting school? Let's get schools following schools. Add your details and RT https://t.co/dYYSECrl #ukedchat @HeidiTuuliaEk: Anybody who's familiar with Teaching revolution by Bender&Waller? http://t.co/fIQgTKjQ #edchat #ukedchat #ukedchat get them to re-do the task (or part of it) and peer or self-assess to see how they've improved :-) #ukedchat @mspennycrayon: I'm trying out the Lazy Teacher thing - getting groups to say how they want written work marked - & doing that >> Another good strategy is the homework doctor where I give students 'prescriptions' to make their work better and they re-do it #ukedchat True. RT @ukcreativeed: Never underestimate the power of praise in feedback #ukedchat #canbeforgotteneasilyamongsthowtoimprove Of course, I'd LOVE to get involved with #ukedchat right now, but I'm too busy counting out those crisp twenties, over and over again... i believe #Lazymarking helps pupils focus on their progress http://t.co/nOCW22pn #ukedchat @trisha_telfer for ks3 we have a bank of comments from spec&table of criteria (ticked if done) then write one personal comment to #ukedchat How do you encourage pupils to act on the feedback you give them? #ukedchat Feedback must be a two-way process to eb effective. Jim Smith's Triple Impact Marking is great for this. #ukedchat #ukedchat feedback read this summary of public critique by Ron Berger and Sadler feedback http://t.co/3mUeQpGG #ukedchat to help English marking across the curriculum we have developed these cool marking

2 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


dukkhaboy dailydenouement





TeachingTricks ethinking BrumPolitics










tmeeky Mr_SJS eslweb dailydenouement JOHNSAYERS



20:07:16 20:07:25

stickers http://t.co/CfxCZ0HH #ukedchat dont bother writing anything on pupil work that isnt near the grade you give. they wont read it Explain pls!RT @Jivespin: Feedback must be a twoway process to eb effective. Jim Smith's Triple Impact Marking is great for this. #ukedchat RT @ukcreativeed: RT @ukcreativeed: Never underestimate the power of praise in feedback #ukedchat #canbeforgotteneasilyamongsthowtoimprove #ukedchat give students criteria to assess against in self and peer assessment, link these to the task and ask for feedforward #SOLO ;o) #ukedchat may I just say that 2 stars and a wish is the way forward RT @ClasswatchUK: RT @ClasswatchUK: How to ensure you have evidence of teaching for your next #OFSTED visit http://t.co/mtQ1bvzq #ukedchat Please RT #ukedchat. A School I observed uses succinct stickers with constructive criticism and praise. Is also used for Peer assessment. V. Effective RT @TeachingTricks: RT @TeachingTricks: #ukedchat give students criteria to assess against in self and peer assessment, link these to the task and ask for f ... RT @EdwardTurner_: RT @EdwardTurner_: #ukedchat. A School I observed uses succinct stickers with constructive criticism and praise. Is also used for Peer a ... KS2: oral 'just in time' feedback is best. Never thought written feedback is really worth the effort. Looks gud in bks but useful? #ukedchat @dailydenouement Verbal Feedback has served me well and continues to do so. http://t.co/UFAmQCaO #ukedchat #ukedchat I don't give them their marks sometimes until they've self assessed. I tell them if I agree with them... #ukedchat RT @bekblayton: @dailydenouement give pupils a chance to respond #ukedcaht Also this tonight is a great overview of it by students of

3 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?




louisashenton myhanhdoan







day_tom BeingDoris








20:07:57 20:08:07

benniekara dailydenouement

@DKMead http://t.co/wCDsptpP #ukedchat this has really transformed progression RT @TeachingTricks: RT @TeachingTricks: #ukedchat give students criteria to assess against in self and peer assessment, link these to the task and ask for f ... @dailydenouement class activity out of feedback. Students go through, read & set smart targets for nxt test to get to nxt grade #ukedchat RT @dailydenouement: RT @dailydenouement: How do you encourage pupils to act on the feedback you give them? #ukedchat Thought-provoking blogRT @Mr_SJS: @dailydenouement Verbal Feedback has served me well and continues to do so. http://t.co/fRlnOLgV #ukedchat RT @TeachingTricks: RT @TeachingTricks: #ukedchat give students criteria to assess against in self and peer assessment, link these to the task and ask for f ... @trisha_telfer #ukedchat isn't it about being smart, not marking everything just picking a few key pieces. Self / Peer others? #ukedchat I'm trying to discourage my teachers from marking in maths, to talk about the learning instead and children sharing strategies. RT @JOHNSAYERS: RT @JOHNSAYERS: Also this tonight is a great overview of it by students of @DKMead http://t.co/wCDsptpP #ukedchat this has really transf ... @dailydenouement #ukedchat need a shared language that is improvement focused - alloes students to self assess RT @day_tom: RT @day_tom: @trisha_telfer #ukedchat isn't it about being smart, not marking everything just picking a few key pieces. Self / Peer others? #ukedchat I find that being absolutely honest helps pupils to engage. Formative marking filled with criteria speak often ignored! RT @CatherineRHart: RT @CatherineRHart: @dailydenouement #ukedchat need a shared language that is improvement focused - alloes
4 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


ethinking Jivespin ethinking Edutronic_Net smanfarr Fatfonzi Edutronic_Net dailydenouement Love2teach2012 TeacherPlanner CatherineRHart outdooradventu1 ieshasmall dandesignthink tmeeky Jivespin






20:08:41 20:08:42




20:08:49 20:08:50


20:08:55 20:09:04

students to self assess #ukedchat BOOM. 6 mins in and the first belief about feedback cited - damn - I had a fiver on 2 mins Triple Impact Marking - you provide feedback, place a sticker with 'Your Feedback' underneath it, #ukedchat ...... RT @dukkhaboy: RT @dukkhaboy: #ukedchat dont bother writing anything on pupil work that isnt near the grade you give. they wont read it I'm exploring improving speed of response by having the students present their work in individual blogs: eg: http://t.co/d4MqXRHX #ukedchat #ukedchat Robust AFL - meaningful targets with opportunities for pupils to meet them and time for you to check they have. @ethinking: #ukedchat may I just say that 2 stars and a wish is the way forward 2 farts and a piss you say?? I give verbal feedback but then ask the students to record the key points #ukedchat Do you have a school-wide marking policy? Is it effective? #ukedchat @ukedchat I have found verbal marking with my year 1 class to be an incredible way to make sure my marking is effective #ukedchat #ukedchat Sounds silly and simple but the one thing that gets a student's attention every time...Use their name in your marking... @dailydenouement @ukcreativeed #ukedchat #canbeforgotteneasilyamongsthowtoimprove has to be meaningful praise - some words mean nothing Give children time to read and respond to marking #ukedchat RT @ethinking: RT @ethinking: #ukedchat may I just say that 2 stars and a wish is the way forward #ukedchat make sure staff are on the same page with marking strategy, we introduced these punctuation tips for staff http://t.co/5D0Njthm don't mark for ofsted's sake. I worry too much marking for ofsted takes place and kills teacher's work/life balance #ukedchat ...... the students get their work back and write their

5 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


dailydenouement MrsPTeach outdooradventu1 2SimpleSoftware 2SimpleSoftware outdooradventu1 padgewire kevbartle KNeash eslweb Jivespin ethinking benniekara ukcreativeed Monty_Math










20:10 20:10:04 20:10:08

20:10:10 20:10:14

response by the 'Your Feedback sticker ....... #ukedchat Like this. Time constraints though? RT @Edutronic_Net: I give verbal feedback but then ask the students to record the key points #ukedchat #ukedchat most useful feedback I've done this week is childn tell ME how they feel they got on in the lesson.Told me so much&they reflected. RT @ethinking: RT @ethinking: #ukedchat may I just say that 2 stars and a wish is the way forward RT @Butterflycolour: @marc_faulder @bellaale #ukedchat 2Simple have something for Early Years @2SimpleSoftware RT @Butterflycolour: RT @Butterflycolour: @marc_faulder @bellaale #ukedchat 2Simple have something for Early Years @2SimpleSoftware RT @Edutronic_Net: RT @Edutronic_Net: I give verbal feedback but then ask the students to record the key points #ukedchat #ukedchat the key is consistency whatever you decide to do, you need to stick with it & give it time to bed in for it to be truly effective Right. Ducking out as #ukedchat has started and my battery life can't take it if I get involved. Good luck tweachers. #ukedchat I think my marking's meaningful, identifies positives & ways 2 improve etc. But how 2 stop clock 2 mark 130 eng books regularly?! I also have a series of stamps, students love receiving a stamp of approval. It's also faster than stickers. #ukedchat ... this then helps you check whether students have understood your feedback and signposts a learning dialogue in ex books #ukedchat #ukedchat @dandesignthink brilliant #ukedchat also, we trialled standard assessment stickers across the school - www and ebi and grade but didn't work... @benniekara yes- agree- but that doesn't mean there isn't a set criteria- just has to be meaningful for students and relevant #ukedchat #ukedchat in y2 here. I set children tasks in marking

6 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


Monty_Math svenhall dailydenouement






dandesignthink benniekara CatherineRHart






t2uGiveItAGo eslweb tmeeky dailydenouement outdooradventu1 MrsPTeach




20:11:49 20:11:49

to ensure they act on advice given. Has had hugely positive effect. #ukedchat in y2 here. I set children tasks in marking to ensure they act on advice given. Has had hugely positive effect. RT @dailydenouement How do you encourage pupils to act on the feedback you give them? #ukedchat Mark with them and send to adjust RT @benniekara: #ukedchat also, we trialled standard assessment stickers across the school - www and ebi and grade - but didn't work... RT @svenhall: RT @svenhall: RT @dailydenouement How do you encourage pupils to act on the feedback you give them? #ukedchat Mark with them and send to ... #ukedchat cross curricular learning? Where does marking come into that! Are you marking for understanding of punctuation in an art class? #ukedchat English teachers in particular felt restricted. Also we kept running out - expensive and pointless! Important to get students to audit work against assess criteria before submission - I use terms edit and audit #ukedchat @dailydenouement peer assess short answerQs anonymously. Read them & ask why they awarded marks they did& how could be improved #ukedchat Students often complain that in marked work they are told to say, analyse more but then not advised how to #ukedchat @ethinking It's when they want them on your hand, you worry about the ink... #ukedchat I think genuine praise and appreciation of effort is best feedback. Make someone feel good inspires best #ukedchat Is there a difference in effective marking across the key stages? Can marking be one-size-fits-all? #ukedchat I colour code my remarks things they've done well in green. Next steps in black #ukedchat #ukedchat I love stamps but are they effective and

7 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


Jivespin dailydenouement Monty_Math bekblayton dailydenouement ICTwitz GoldfishBowl_MM










urban_teacher MrsPTeach tj007 smanfarr Jivespin dailydenouement




20:13:07 20:13:14

powerful?? Sometimes? http://t.co/FEIsUu8L Progress Champions - another way of interactive feedback and marking #ukedchat Interesting! RT @outdooradventu1: I colour code my remarks things they've done well in green. Next steps in black #ukedchat #ukedchat I actually enjoy marking now as feel it is impacting on learning. But so important to give children time to read, respond and do! I find stickers can become overpowering and quickly lose their 'wow' factor... #ukedchat RT @Monty_Math: RT @Monty_Math: #ukedchat I actually enjoy marking now as feel it is impacting on learning. But so important to give children time to re ... Marking, for the sake of marking, is pointless. Verbal, immediate feedback is crucial for pupils at all ages. #ukedchat #ukedchat I wrote this blog post about effective written feedback- and ideas to get pupils to engage with it: http://t.co/Zei14gkI RT @dailydenouement: RT @dailydenouement: Tonight's #ukedchat is about marking. How can/do we make our marking make an impact for our pupils. Please share &a ... One form of feedback never works! You need to use a range of feedback techniques so students understand how to progress #ukedchat #ukedchat Success Criteria is the key to good marking. It drives it and gives you a clear set of steps to mark against. Targeting is easy 2 RT @ICTwitz: RT @ICTwitz: Marking, for the sake of marking, is pointless. Verbal, immediate feedback is crucial for pupils at all ages. #ukedchat #ukedchat we ask students to summarise verbal feedback we give them. Lets us see they 'get it' also keeps SLT and Estyn happy. Win/win @svenhall @dailydenouement Your Feedback stickers and self-reflection sheets have helped promote students acting on feedback #ukedchat RT @smanfarr: RT @smanfarr: #ukedchat we ask students to summarise verbal feedback we give them. Lets us see they 'get it' also keeps SLT and Estyn

8 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


CatherineRHart ukcreativeed dandesignthink t2uGiveItAGo benniekara ethinking svenhall Love2teach2012 lefouque dailydenouement















ukcreativeed Jivespin


ha ... @dandesignthink #ukedchat rich assess tasks useful cross curric I give marking criteria out with the hwk.self assess&hand in their assessment sheet-good way of gauging how well know their level #ukedchat #ukedchat quick feedback, huge traffic light arrow next to the door. students pop a postit note on to show their understanding of the lesson I was in a school where all students record feedback given in a sort of journal which is checked..they actually seek out feedback #ukedchat @eslweb: I also have a series of stamps, students love receiving a stamp of approval. It's also faster than stickers. #ukedchat me too! #ukedchat the best marking is done with a mug of tea in front of eastenders - it will pass any marking scrutiny but is utterly meaningless 2 stars 1 wish overrated if put all time. Mark with chn and insist on upgrade there and then. #ukedchat #ukedchat here are my experiences with verbal marking and it's remarkable effect on my year 1 class: http://t.co/Okpks6ZQ Self-made hands http://t.co/E0VkEDUN #ukedchat #homeschooling #gifted RT @Love2teach2012: RT @Love2teach2012: #ukedchat here are my experiences with verbal marking and it's remarkable effect on my year 1 class: http://t.co/Okp ... #ukedchat the key problem is time: time to mark effectively, to allow students to absorb comments fully, engage with the criteria & redraft RT @dandesignthink: RT @dandesignthink: #ukedchat quick feedback, huge traffic light arrow next to the door. students pop a postit note on to show their und ... @dailydenouement @edutronic_net time SAVER for us practical subjects- we do it anyway do easier than writing everything too #ukedchat @MrsPTeach The key here is using mark schemes effectively. Student must be familiar with these from the beginning of any course #ukedchat

9 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?




MrG_ICT kaffaroo





TeachingTricks t2uGiveItAGo Monty_Math PeteJeffreys AdrianWalker50 day_tom kaffaroo dailydenouement louisashenton benniekara








20:15:33 20:15:39

RT @MrsPTeach: RT @MrsPTeach: #ukedchat most useful feedback I've done this week is childn tell ME how they feel they got on in the lesson.Told me so m ... Mini plenaries etc - children self correct as go along. Much better tackle problems in lesson than mark afterwards. #ukedchat RT @ICTwitz: RT @ICTwitz: Marking, for the sake of marking, is pointless. Verbal, immediate feedback is crucial for pupils at all ages. #ukedchat RT @dandesignthink: RT @dandesignthink: #ukedchat to help English marking across the curriculum we have developed these cool marking stickers http://t.co/Cf ... #ukedchat feedback - praise what have you done well, feedforward - how can you improve? #SOLO is great for this. @trisha_telfer get a stethoscope as well when you hand the work back...students love the props #ukedchat #ukedchat. I feel it's important to be wary of anything in marking policies that can become more about process than impact on learning. #ukedchat Experience today, asked Y6 chd to give herself /10 mark for writing. She gave 5 so I gave it back and asked for 8. She improved! Apart from level of work, how do you monitor impact of feedback, i.e. student's progress - summative and formative? Do we need to? #ukedchat @svenhall #ukedchat RT 2 stars 1 wish overrated if all time - like anything, student respond to diff marking at diff times. Variety works RT @outdooradventu1: RT @outdooradventu1: I colour code my remarks things they've done well in green. Next steps in black #ukedchat I find my 6th form marking frustrating. Lots of pointers given how to improve then next assignment same errors. Solutions? #ukedchat @t2uGiveItAGo agree I always write 'in order to improve you need to...' then give specific egs also teach analysis & eval skills #ukedchat #ukedchat found speaking and listening feedback method with immediate impact - set group task, tune
10 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


dailydenouement TeachToAll ICTwitz CatherineRHart dailydenouement t2uGiveItAGo urban_teacher ethinking padgewire TeachNorthern PrimaryEnglish _jopayne benniekara Love2teach2012 SarahLearns Jivespin

20:15:42 20:15:45



20:15:59 20:16 20:16:03






20:16:23 20:16:30 20:16:36

in to discussion and type onto board... RT @PeteJeffreys: RT @PeteJeffreys: #ukedchat Experience today, asked Y6 chd to give herself /10 mark for writing. She gave 5 so I gave it back and asked ... RT @ethinking: RT @ethinking: #ukedchat may I just say that 2 stars and a wish is the way forward @Love2teach2012 That link isn't working for me :( #ukedchat I use peer feedback for drafting via EDMODO (allows discussion) - have yo have shared lang for peer feedback and beed to scaffold #ukedchat #ukedchat RT @Mr_SJS: @dailydenouement @outdooradventu1 Interesting to use red pen for good points, green for areas to improve. #psychology I agree that like lessons, feedback needs to be differentiated for pupils #ukedchat Stuck this up on my wall for AFL and effective feedback. #ukedchat http://t.co/GUJ2aJu9 #ukedchat @eslweb I'd love to stamp on your hand but they'd call it common assault #ukedchat allowing the students to take ownership & create own success criteria referencing the mark scheme tends to get better results @ethinking I try to do 3:1! According to John Gottman, 5:1 appreciation:criticism is optimum but I'm not that nice...#ukedchat @MrsPTeach yes, they need to know how to be successful #ukedchat We use Praise, Action, Response - students write response to our action point in green pen. Only mark targeted pieces #ukedchat #ukedchat for each group. Adjusts behaviours and skills as it is visible and can evaluate performance as a class. #ukedchat - here is are my experiences with verbal marking and it's remarkable effect on my year 1 class: http://t.co/mtewrafO Late to the party. #ukedchat Marking/feedback must be varied in methodology to grab student attention using the same 2 or 3 tricks will turn the students off #ukedchat

11 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?












DelFerg PrimaryEnglish Monty_Math trisha_telfer Bigkid4 dailydenouement ICTwitz dailydenouement








RT @dailydenouement: RT @dailydenouement: Tonight's #ukedchat is about marking. How can/do we make our marking make an impact for our pupils. Please share &a ... RT @dandesignthink: RT @dandesignthink: #ukedchat quick feedback, huge traffic light arrow next to the door. students pop a postit note on to show their und ... RT @dandesignthink: RT @dandesignthink: #ukedchat quick feedback, huge traffic light arrow next to the door. students pop a postit note on to show their und ... Do we think marking should be the same across the school? Policy for marking key, colour of pen and so on? #ukedchat RT @PeteJeffreys: RT @PeteJeffreys: #ukedchat Experience today, asked Y6 chd to give herself /10 mark for writing. She gave 5 so I gave it back and asked ... #ukedchat I use 2 stars and a 'next step'. Pupils copy their next step on to their progress chart - the involvement gives them ownership. RT @MrG_ICT: RT @MrG_ICT: Mini plenaries etc children self correct as go along. Much better tackle problems in lesson than mark afterwards. #ukedchat #ukedchat. traffic light system, stars & wishes can easily become done just for sake of doing them gimmicky if used as blanket approach. #ukedchat a lot of these seem like they are focused solely on upper school... What do you find works best for the early years? @ethinking #ukedchat give pupils red pens for self and peer assessment. Then write the odd comment where useful Good qu.RT @bekblayton: Do we think marking should be the same across the school? Policy for marking key, colour of pen and so on? #ukedchat Marking with the pupil there should be done where possible, although understand the lack of time sometimes!!! #ukedchat RT @trisha_telfer: RT @trisha_telfer: #ukedchat a lot of these seem like they are focused solely on upper school... What do you find works best for the ear ...
12 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement 20:17:44

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?

mrsulemanmaths davidhunter



pgceHYork bekblayton eylanezekiel dandesignthink ICTwitz t2uGiveItAGo dailydenouement RobsNiceLife



20:18 20:18:03









aurelagazel TeachNorthern day_tom

20:18:46 20:18:59

Just got home from open evening, what did I miss?! #ukedchat RT @PeteJeffreys: RT @PeteJeffreys: #ukedchat Experience today, asked Y6 chd to give herself /10 mark for writing. She gave 5 so I gave it back and asked ... RT @tesScience: RT @tesScience: Try this more exciting approach to Chromatography experiments by @RSC_EIC #ukedchat - http://t.co/MHLu5sWL @dailydenouement peer marking? Is that as effective for older students as it is lower down the school? #ukedchat RT @urban_teacher: RT @urban_teacher: Stuck this up on my wall for AFL and effective feedback. #ukedchat http://t.co/GUJ2aJu9 #ukedchat in the idea club we get students to give constructive criticism How about peer support? Anyone use this effectively, especially in primary settings? #ukedchat How do teachers generally give feedback to students who always get full marks in terms of improvement? #ukedchat Is there a difference in effective marking across the key stages? #ukedchat #ukedchat children need time to reflect on their learning and their targets or they are just there for the sake if it RT @TeachingTricks: RT @TeachingTricks: #ukedchat feedback - praise what have you done well, feedforward - how can you improve? #SOLO is great for this. MT @Monty_Math: #ukedchat I set children tasks in marking to ensure they act on advice . Next steps have great value when they're valuable RT @t2uGiveItAGo: RT @t2uGiveItAGo: How do teachers generally give feedback to students who always get full marks in terms of improvement? #ukedchat #ukedchat What's the best way to explain how to analyse? @bekblayton @dailydenouement #ukedchat I find peer marking takes time. Useless at first but gets

13 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


ukcreativeed Mark_Temple urban_teacher PrimaryEnglish CatherineRHart GeographyCarrie Heatherleatt padgewire damianainscough Jivespin bekblayton Love2teach2012 dailydenouement JOHNSAYERS williammonty aurelagazel




20:19:40 20:19:45 20:19:49








20:20:09 20:20:14

better as they do it more. @dailydenouement seems2work well- I also get them2type the 1st draft&do changes in red- if changes weren't made I can easily see #ukedchat @trisha_telfer I'm interested in this too as have to lead on 'detailed feedback' (Ofsted requirement) #ukedchat @outdooradventu1 get students to give feedback to their peers first, then i give feed back and write some down some objectives #ukedchat @dailydenouement @Mr_SJS @outdooradventu1 ah, tickled pink and green for growth. A few of our schools use that system #ukedchat @bekblayton #ukedchat I wldnt like that - lrnrs need to be able to interpret range if feedback from range of stakeholders @bekblayton @dailydenouement yes! #ukedchat #ukedchat need to set aside quality time to allow pupils to respond to comments for improvement, otherwise they read grade & move swiftly on @bekblayton in theory this is great in practice dire! Maths and English require different skills & marking #ukedchat Www.ebi may be better as www.ebi.ns - ebi looks back. Ns, next steps, looks forward #ukedchat Reflecting time must also be built into lessons so students can respond to feedback effectively. Sometimes this is rushed through #ukedchat @day_tom @dailydenouement lots of training is needed in Primary, we display rules and teacher models with own comments #ukedchat #ukedchat I try to mark a piece of work with the ch by my side atleast once a week the ch can see my pride and have opps 2discuss their work How do you encourage effective peer marking? #ukedchat The other gem for feedback has been Solo Taxonomy. The reason is simplistic differentiation in learning steps to deeper learning. #ukedchat @joduncs Have you seen the topic of tonight's #ukedchat its all about how to use assessment in schools, it is bang on teaching and learning RT @Heatherleatt: RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat

14 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


Love2teach2012 dailydenouement louisashenton t2uGiveItAGo ICTwitz CatherineRHart padgewire RobsNiceLife GeographyCarrie Mark_Temple ukcreativeed dailydenouement Heatherleatt Jivespin dailydenouement



20:20:37 20:20:39









20:21:15 20:21:22

need to set aside quality time to allow pupils to respond to comments for improvement, otherwise they read g ... RT @MrG_ICT: RT @MrG_ICT: Mini plenaries etc children self correct as go along. Much better tackle problems in lesson than mark afterwards. #ukedchat #ukedchat RT @karen_macg: @dailydenouement Don't mark it. First return it and ask students to mark it against the criteria? @dailydenouement mine like having an individual target to get through to next grade then tick it off if they achieve and change. #ukedchat @louisashenton perfect..to often we engage in diagnostic assessment with students... #ukedchat RT @dailydenouement: How do you encourage effective peer marking? #ukedchat @day_tom @bekblayton @dailydenouement #ukedchat peer mrking takes time to scaffold skills but well worth it #ukedchat @MrG_ICT I agree taking the time to check understanding at regular intervals, aids the stragglers & stretches the most able @ICTwitz #ukedchat peer support very effective as long as it is modelled and used against clear success criteria @dailydenouement students need to be fully engaged in marking process #ukedchat Our sch. good at setting personalised targets for Literacy but what about Numeracy? What targets could we use in fronts of books? #ukedchat @CatherineRHart @dailydenouement just easily forgotten when te focus is on improvement #ukedchat Please remember to use the hashtag so your tweets are picked up in tonight's archiving process. Ta! #ukedchat #ukedchat a good strategy to try is to put a comments with step(s) for improvement and no grade - pupils then gave to focus on comments Should teachers use grade and comment or just one of these when giving feedback? #ukedchat RT @Jivespin: RT @Jivespin: Should teachers use grade and comment or just one of these when giving

15 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


outdooradventu1 damianainscough SarahLearns ICTwitz t2uGiveItAGo passionateaboot ukcreativeed


20:21:38 20:21:40





tj007 Monty_Math aangeli




dk33per dailydenouement ieshasmall





feedback? #ukedchat @urban_teacher Interesting I don't feel I use peer assessment enough, always run out of time. #ukedchat @dailydenouement Spend more time exporting reasons for the errors that have most -ve impact? #ukedchat @dailydenouement And can we think about it x-phase too? #ukedchat @RobsNiceLife What age is this taught from? KS2? Earlier? #ukedchat @trisha_telfer my daughters school uses steps for improvement..a set of steps with comments each one so she strives for the top #ukedchat @ukedchat This is how I facilitate feedback to ensure it is objective, evidence based & learnable #ukedchat http://t.co/p09h57VV @CatherineRHart @dailydenouement of course- and not only praise either- but praise. Most pieces have something worthy of praise #ukedchat RT @PeteJeffreys: RT @PeteJeffreys: MT @Monty_Math: #ukedchat I set children tasks in marking to ensure they act on advice . Next steps have great value ... #ukedchat is there really any point to grading? http://t.co/O3axuEL9 RT @Heatherleatt: RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat a good strategy to try is to put a comments with step(s) for improvement and no grade - pupils then gave to ... RT @bekblayton: RT @bekblayton: Do we think marking should be the same across the school? Policy for marking key, colour of pen and so on? #ukedchat RT @Monty_Math: RT @Monty_Math: #ukedchat is there really any point to grading? http://t.co/O3axuEL9 RT @benniekara: RT @benniekara: #ukedchat found speaking and listening feedback method with immediate impact - set group task, tune in to discussion and ... ICT P2P Assessment: Get students to mark each others work by using red text for grammatical errors and green text 2 add feedback #ukedchat

16 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


louisashenton davidhunter CatherineRHart GeographyCarrie svenhall dandesignthink Heatherleatt aurelagazel











dailydenouement MyersClaire day_tom louisashenton Pauls_elearning GeographyCarrie



20:23:06 20:23:10 20:23:10

@dailydenouement for some it may be 'use more sociological concepts' for others it may be 'provide a conclusion.' #ukedchat #Ukedchat the process of marking against success criteria should be learned by the chn.more effective and efficient. And it means a lot. @t2uGiveItAGo #ukedchat if studrnt always getting full marks are they being challenged? Diffetentiated assessment needed? @t2uGiveItAGo here's what to do next.... #ukedchat plus open ended tasks allow for 'never ending learning' RT @t2uGiveItAGo #ukedchat Give chn harder learning ops #ukedchat we also create teams to give feedback, so people don't feel they are being singled out. (Peer assessment) #ukedchat Pupils need to be taught how to give meaningful feedback in peer assessment and also when self assessing otherwise its missed opp. #ukedchat Students have started using green pens to mark their or peer work. They seem to take it more seriously RT @Heatherleatt: RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat Pupils need to be taught how to give meaningful feedback in peer assessment and also when self assessing oth ... RT @aurelagazel: RT @aurelagazel: #ukedchat Students have started using green pens to mark their or peer work. They seem to take it more seriously #ukedchat Sorry just got here. We are experimenting with cross college marking policy but finding hard to get whole staff buy in #ukedchat @CatherineRHart agree #ukedchat Helps students achieve more themselves - they see where others make mistakes and correct own RT @t2uGiveItAGo: RT @t2uGiveItAGo: @louisashenton perfect..to often we engage in diagnostic assessment with students... #ukedchat #ukedchat Rubrics: http://t.co/YDqPwWHH :) @dailydenouement I use more self and peer assessment the older the students get #ukedchat

17 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?








dailydenouement bekblayton GeographyCarrie ChrisLabrey Jivespin damianainscough TeacherToolkit dailydenouement padgewire





20:24:02 20:24:04 20:24:11






RT @MyersClaire: RT @MyersClaire: #ukedchat Sorry just got here. We are experimenting with cross college marking policy but finding hard to get whole sta ... #ukedchat I get my Y6s to mark work by 'my friend Bob' who makes a few mistakes. They mark it using same codes/pens as I mark their work. RT @MattFothergill: RT @MattFothergill: Are you a tweeting school? Let's get schools following schools. Add your details and RT https://t.co/dYYSECrl #ukedchat RT @EmSnaps: RT @EmSnaps: #ukedchat I get my Y6s to mark work by 'my friend Bob' who makes a few mistakes. They mark it using same codes/pens as I ma ... @CatherineRHart @day_tom @dailydenouement agree! They understand the process then #ukedchat RT @TeachNorthern: RT @TeachNorthern: #ukedchat What's the best way to explain how to analyse? Only a few days left of the 25% discount offer on the Olympic IST1 servers. Only 272 each. List 3k. #ukedchat only UK schools! Has anyone used @LearningSpy progress continuum in their marking? This is something I have been working on with colleagues #ukedchat Triangulate SELF then PEER then TEACHER marking. Saves T time, empowers Ss. #ukedchat #ukedchat what's the topic? RT @damianainscough: RT @damianainscough: Triangulate SELF then PEER then TEACHER marking. Saves T time, empowers Ss. #ukedchat #ukedchat getting students to sign their name against their peer marking often results in them taking it far more seriously RT @Heatherleatt: RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat need to set aside quality time to allow pupils to respond to comments for improvement, otherwise they read g ... @t2uGiveItAGo I think some think 'skills' can't be taught. I 'train' my students from Sept to xmas along with teaching curriculum! #ukedchat

18 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement 20:24:33

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?

dailydenouement MrsPTeach oldandrewuk ukcreativeed bekblayton Queen_Claire ICTwitz dandesignthink RobsNiceLife dailydenouement GeographyCarrie urban_teacher Heatherleatt SarahLearns DelFerg Kezmerrelda









20:25:26 20:25:28




20:25:41 20:25:44

How can we make marking have real impact. RT @TeacherToolkit: #ukedchat what's the topic? @EmSnaps #ukedchat Our class dog Nacho is a bit poor at his work too! ALways making mistakes in his maths operations! @TeachingTricks #ukedchat What's wrong with your subject knowledge if you need gibberish like SOLO to provide useful feedback? @benniekara yes has2sound like comes from human being at the same time as being fair&at least part objective so clear how2improve #ukedchat @ICTwitz @RobsNiceLife start peer marking in Year 2, by the end of Year 1 they can read to each other and look at success criteria #ukedchat Have a dedicated school email for Computing GCSE homework/key classwork. Kids can email drafts before deadline for feedback #ukedchat Is peer assessment a method of wasting Learning Time? #ukedchat #ukedchat remember to try and tie feedback to your level descriptors which should be on the wall for students to reference! #ukedchat pupils need teaching to give effective feedback this is a skill that can be applied - I teach this as a discrete skill What, if anything, are you doing differently in your marking this year? #ukedchat @dailydenouement I reward successful peer assessors #ukedchat Writing long boring feedback in a red pen is so out of date and touch..u need to come up with creative ways of giving feedback #ukedchat #ukedchat AfL also needs to be a two way dialogue. When pupils engage with teacher and ask qs important to them & task progress is better How about using teach-back (and variations). #ukedchat #ukedchat Stop mid-lesson and peer assess (to the target). It's an active reminder of target- pupils then check own work is on right track. #ukedchat getting in habit of children typing own targets. We stick to their desk and they give

19 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


OhLottie coolcatteacher damianainscough dailydenouement Jivespin oldandrewuk CatherineRHart oldandrewuk dailydenouement MyersClaire


20:25:51 20:25:52










CatherineRHart LGolton GeographyCarrie Pauls_elearning


20:27:06 20:27:10

themselves sticker when achieve - yr1 &2 Quick Math is an educational dream for kids... http://t.co/Ckoh08Pp via @zite #ukedchat RT @tesScience: Try this more exciting approach to Chromatography experiments by @RSC_EIC #ukedchat - http://t.co/039BukZK Explore use and development of 'rubric' grids - do a search #ukedchat Could you elaborate? RT @SarahLearns: How about using teach-back (and variations). #ukedchat @MyersClaire Yes that is what have come across - I find comments are best early on to get the students to reflect on progress #ukedchat RT @Fatfonzi: RT @Fatfonzi: @ethinking: #ukedchat may I just say that 2 stars and a wish is the way forward 2 farts and a piss you say?? @dailydenouement @TeacherToolkit #ukedchat interesting - res shows kids not interested in comments as much as mark - how to address? RT @ethinking: RT @ethinking: #ukedchat BOOM. 6 mins in and the first belief about feedback cited damn - I had a fiver on 2 mins RT @DelFerg: RT @DelFerg: #ukedchat Stop midlesson and peer assess (to the target). It's an active reminder of target- pupils then check own work is ... @oldandrewuk @TeachingTricks I was pretty sceptical at first but has really helped my teaching #ukedchat RT @GeographyCarrie: RT @GeographyCarrie: @t2uGiveItAGo here's what to do next.... #ukedchat plus open ended tasks allow for 'never ending learning' @oldandrewuk @TeachingTricks #ukedchat acronyms and systems for feedback can be powerful feedback tools #ukedchat. Doing much more selective marking, on time and peer or self assessed. Mini tests provide clear opps for feedback. Kids love them. @Jivespin formative comment is far more important than grade in building understanding of how to progress #ukedchat #ukedchat Also if you #moodle check out Workshop

20 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?

20:27:36 20:28:06 20:28:07

tmeeky jackieschneider CatherineRHart dailydenouement outdooradventu1 RobsNiceLife dailydenouement Monty_Math SheliBB Love2teach2012 urban_teacher GeographyCarrie davidhunter dailydenouement benniekara SciTeacherBrad PsqmTurner

20:28:09 20:28:09








20:28:34 20:28:41 20:28:44

20:28:45 20:28:56

activity for peer assessment: http://t.co/uP5KqAb9 :) teachers/parents... a year's worth of cheap but 'rich' adventure ideas here http://t.co/6lEmW890 . Pls share #microadventures #ukedchat Isn't most marking a waste of time? #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie @Heatherleatt #ukedchat yes - I use learming portfolios right up though senior school studnts can track progress Nearly half way through tonight's #ukedchat - how can we make marking make an impact? How do people use ICT to give feedback, have people used voice thread much? #ukedchat @ICTwitz #ukedchat I have done this with y1 and the use in early years too. we use this http://t.co/bCCwa8BR RT @outdooradventu1: RT @outdooradventu1: How do people use ICT to give feedback, have people used voice thread much? #ukedchat #ukedchat. How do people make chn aware of success criteria - ask as have seen SC used incredibly badly at times! (Copied into books) Little target cards with smily faces on are great, children can self assess #ukedchat With year 1s I do this verbally during morning task time @outdooradventu1: Give children time to read and respond to marking #ukedchat Its amazing how many students dont read feedback but rather copy exactly what advice you given them to improve their work #ukedchat RT @damianainscough: RT @damianainscough: Triangulate SELF then PEER then TEACHER marking. Saves T time, empowers Ss. #ukedchat @ICTwitz if teaching chn to identify good work and next steps inn learning is a waste of time, then I suppose it is #ukedchat Please remember to use the #ukedchat hashtag #ukedchat tried to use VLE for marking homework. Another system that was cumbersome. Has anyone used it's learning VLE marking mechanism? #ukedchat @LGolton My year 7's love a mini test. Smashing for keeping an eye on literacy too. RT @theASE: RT @theASE: We've now got the

21 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


mrsulemanmaths DelFerg JOHNSAYERS jackieschneider CatherineRHart mat_harte dailydenouement dailydenouement OhLottie ICTmagic bekblayton GeographyCarrie SarahLearns MyersClaire mikematthewsCDN











20:29:59 20:30

20:30 20:30:08

archive from Monday's #asechat session on primary science! http://t.co/YuJqYQ7x #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie @Jivespin A lot of the formative marking I use does away with grades and concentrates more on targets and process #ukedchat @dailydenouement #ukedchat Trying to make best use of time by using self/peer/teacher marking on a rota. Class divided into 3 mixed groups. App that has helped class critique each other and see improvements happen-vote on it is Socrative brilliant for feedback #ukedchat My son was told to "watch his spelling" every year of his school life. Guess what? It didn't help! #ukedchat @damianainscough #ukedchat yes and use shared language - terms that are meaningful and linked to assess criteria @ukcreativeed @benniekara given how ambiguous criteria wording can be, honesty= translating for learners & mking it mean something #ukedchat How do we engage parents/carers in our marking? Is this important? #ukedchat RT @DelFerg: RT @DelFerg: @dailydenouement #ukedchat Trying to make best use of time by using self/peer/teacher marking on a rota. Class divided into ... Writing On Surfaces In Learning Spaces http://t.co/tR0ovRWB via @zite #ukedchat @dailydenouement I started using https://t.co/Cqr0vair to provide verbal feedback on demand. Works well. Link sent by email. #ukedchat @outdooradventu1 we have taken work completed and then peer/teacher marked it verbally and instantly through explain everything #ukedchat @ICTwitz no, students can learn lots from each other and looking at each others work #ukedchat @dailydenouement ...supports deeper understanding. #ukedchat #ukedchat I sometimes do whole class feedback sheets for common errors then verbal 1:1 for personalised, saves time. A bit off topic but would love to hear views on this...3pm leavers anywhere? http://t.co/NrhjNJIy

22 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


Jivespin oldandrewuk benniekara dailydenouement davidhunter dailydenouement mrsulemanmaths Heatherleatt SheliBB dailydenouement
















#ukedchat #education #Gove #NoThreeForMe Progress Champions http://t.co/sxRIjORO This strategy gets the students to write down your feedback and promotes positivity #ukedchat @MyersClaire @TeachingTricks #ukedchat I just find this baffling. The question is not "is it useful?" but "is it true?". RT @jackieschneider: RT @jackieschneider: My son was told to "watch his spelling" every year of his school life. Guess what? It didn't help! #ukedchat #ukedchat RT @SarahLearns:It's something I've picked up from an HE colleague. Having students teach back concepts they are struggling with. #Ukedchat stamps and stickers oddly motivate young children.do they have a greater impact than written feedback? RT @davidhunter: RT @davidhunter: #Ukedchat stamps and stickers oddly motivate young children.do they have a greater impact than written feedback? @jackieschneider It depends. Marking for the sake of marking is. When you use it to inform planning it is brilliant #ukedchat #ukedchat annotating work when marking - with AFs/AOs/levels also helps to make assessment visible and meaningful. Children marking their own work using success criteria prompt sheets is effective and more immediate than teacher marking #ukedchat #ukedchat RT @CatherineRHart: @smanfarr @TeacherToolkit @dailydenouement marks hve a purpose too - need to value comments tho RT @Heatherleatt: RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat annotating work when marking - with AFs/AOs/levels also helps to make assessment visible and meaningful. RT @CatherineRHart: RT @CatherineRHart: @GeographyCarrie @Heatherleatt #ukedchat yes - I use learming portfolios right up though senior school studnts can ... @dailydenouement giving more time in lessons for students to reflect on marking/feedback and respond #ukedchat

23 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


RobsNiceLife davidhunter LGolton








t2uGiveItAGo GeographyCarrie RobsNiceLife aangeli mrsulemanmaths bekblayton dailydenouement MyersClaire Edutronic_Net bekblayton

20:31:57 20:31:58


20:32:07 20:32:09





#ukedchat involving parents is important, not managed this successfully yet, targets that go home aren't useful as they are in app speak! @ethinking why not the stars and a wish then? Or two stars and two wishes? #ukedchat #justsayin @jackieschneider @benniekara bet he looked at those letters all the time and they never moved :o) #pointlessfeedback #ukedchat RT @RobsNiceLife: RT @RobsNiceLife: #ukedchat involving parents is important, not managed this successfully yet, targets that go home aren't useful as the ... @dailydenouement @davidhunter #Ukedchat EDMODO badges motivate my 15yr old boys certainly have a purpose RT @MyersClaire: RT @MyersClaire: #ukedchat I sometimes do whole class feedback sheets for common errors then verbal 1:1 for personalised, saves time. @Kezmerrelda I do this with yr 7,8 and 9! Still works at secondary!! #ukedchat #ukedchat parents need targets they can work on with their child at home RT @OhLottie: RT @OhLottie: Writing On Surfaces In Learning Spaces http://t.co/tR0ovRWB via @zite #ukedchat @davidhunter I have found that AS students get more excited about them than y7 students! #ukedchat Highlighting when achieve learning objective, makes scanning books for gaps very easy! #ukedchat #ukedchat RT @RebeccaRcuree: @ukedchat @dailydenouement Yes and involve students in marking their own and other students' work @oldandrewuk @TeachingTricks students can see and articulate their progress which works for me! #ukedchat @RobsNiceLife I'm working on getting parents to comment on online blogs. #ukedchat RT @GeographyCarrie: RT @GeographyCarrie: @dailydenouement giving more time in lessons for students to reflect on marking/feedback and respond #ukedchat

24 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


dailydenouement outdooradventu1 dandesignthink CatherineRHart t2uGiveItAGo


20:32:31 20:32:33



JOHNSAYERS dailydenouement SheliBB barton1875 urban_teacher Mark_Temple benniekara Edutronic_Net Queen_Claire TeacherToolkit









RT @bekblayton: RT @bekblayton: Highlighting when achieve learning objective, makes scanning books for gaps very easy! #ukedchat Put next steps on a post it note' so children can move it to the page they are working on' until it is achieved #ukedchat #ukedchat before parents can engage in marking they need to be on board with what's been taught and how @MyersClaire #ukedchat yes - and make avail online for future ref RT @GeographyCarrie: RT @GeographyCarrie: @dailydenouement giving more time in lessons for students to reflect on marking/feedback and respond #ukedchat What is most important with feedback is a comment to feed up and give enough time to feed forward Plus redraft time to perfect #ukedchat Good idea! RT @Edutronic_Net: @RobsNiceLife I'm working on getting parents to comment on online blogs. #ukedchat @Kezmerrelda can't do that.My children never sit in the same place twice! #ukedchat I have to hand out each time,which can be time consuming @RobsNiceLife how many of those parents use or even read those said targets #ukedchat @benniekara Vle works when it allows u 2 create and edit various document types within without separate downloading and uploading #ukedchat Our HA kids usually act on feedback, but other children are more hit and miss. #ukedchat #ukedchat Ofsted obs criteria states progress over time taken into account - we've incorporated Feedback Focus to show response to marking We publish annotated samples online - to inform parents and students of criteria and standards #ukedchat I've just told everyone on FB to get to #ukedchat now. This is the best one yet! @oldandrewuk @myersclaire @teachingtricks I suppose #SOLO has been around a little bit longer than a school marking policy... #ukedchat


25 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


dailydenouement Jivespin CatherineRHart Monty_Math GeographyCarrie dailydenouement thought_weavers jackieschneider mrsulemanmaths DrSpenny RobsNiceLife dailydenouement Jivespin barton1875 CatherineRHart thought_weavers




20:33:54 20:33:55 20:33:58








20:34:39 20:34:45

So how do we engage them? RT @Mark_Temple: Our HA kids usually act on feedback, but other children are more hit and miss. #ukedchat For older students I have found tutorials highly effective and perhaps the key way of giving personalised in-depth feedback #ukedchat @dailydenouement #ukedchat parents/carerd important - rolling feedback via Desire2Learn at my school RT @dandesignthink: RT @dandesignthink: #ukedchat before parents can engage in marking they need to be on board with what's been taught and how #ukedchat use post-it notes to ask questions and extend learning http://t.co/qaVEzRf0 Fab! RT @Queen_Claire: I've just told everyone on FB to get to #ukedchat now. This is the best one yet! @SheliBB #Ukedchat and owned by the children, developing their own self reflection @davidhunter - highly recommend "punished by rewards" by Kohn http://t.co/LOVQShZJ - you will look at those stickers differently! #ukedchat @dandesignthink I think it is a case of having both. I have a permanent display for KS3 and 4 already! #ukedchat Funny Chris Woodhead who has an opinion on most things has been quiet about teacher/pupil relationships #ukedchat http://t.co/zqrCGCjj @Edutronic_Net I use our blog/leaning platform and twitter to share learning but need to involve parents in moving children on #ukedchat Yes. How? RT @dandesignthink: #ukedchat before parents can engage in marking they need to be on board with what's been taught and how Such tutorials shows students that you take an interest, invest time and actually care about the feedback you are giving #ukedchat #ukedchat daughters books at secondary school not even marked. Is this common? @jackieschneider #ukedchat feedback cant just highlight errors needs to provide avenue for improvement @bekblayton such a simple idea, great for

26 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


dailydenouement t2uGiveItAGo benniekara Heatherleatt mrsulemanmaths






dailydenouement thought_weavers karlosjnr




dandesignthink johndcotter Love2teach2012 mrsulemanmaths Jivespin dailydenouement GeographyCarrie





20:35:53 20:35:56

assessment, really like that one #Ukedchat No! Perhaps have class book/assessment book? RT @barton1875: #ukedchat daughters books at secondary school not even marked. Is this common? @JOHNSAYERS 100% agree..re-drafting is a essential strategy #ukedchat @urban_teacher #ukedchat problem with VLE marking comes when IT systems not set up to cope. Needs expertise. #ukedchat whole school marking policy that all sign up to effective. Pupils get consistent marking and feedback and know what to expect. @davidhunter Stamps in their books. Sometimes they like to stamp themselves on the cheek/forehead! #ukedchat RT @Heatherleatt: RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat whole school marking policy that all sign up to effective. Pupils get consistent marking and feedback and kn ... @outdooradventu1 another great idea, lots of inspiration in here tonight #Ukedchat RT @TeachNorthern: RT @TeachNorthern: #ukedchat Try to balance appreciation and challenge builds self-esteem and means you can be tougher! #thinkingenvir ... #ukedchat marking gamerfication? Do we challenge students to improve by offering them scores? Score boards Our y5s use objects/icons linked to txt features. Target for each text type have an object that helps remind them of a feature. #ukedchat @davidhunter used alongside verbal marking yes, but if used on it own would there be evidence of next steps set and feedback? #ukedchat @Heatherleatt But sometimes it can be hard to get all staff buy in #ukedchat If the students see that you care about the feedback and it is persoanlised they respond so much better but time is key here #ukedchat Anyone have a good whole school or dept marking policy they could share? #ukedchat Target sheets help to track progress and focus

27 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


MyersClaire davidfawcett27 urban_teacher CatherineRHart KempsterD Mallrat_uk t2uGiveItAGo Dunfordjames thought_weavers DelFerg LGolton dailydenouement Heatherleatt rlj1981 Love2teach2012










20:36:32 20:36:33 20:36:37



children on what they need to do. #ukedchat http://t.co/H1f2rx01 @Jivespin Yes, use as much 1:1 and small group as I can with 16-18 yr olds but v time consuming #ukedchat Just some personal reflections on feedback http://t.co/BpF8KE03 and http://t.co/82gUVDrw #ukedchat @benniekara When Vle works and technicians are competent its the best way of giving feedback #ukedchat @RobsNiceLife #ukedchat involving parents important but need to help parents develop skills to assist their kids #ukedchat The word marking send shivers down the spines of most. There must be a better way. Supportive assessment. Don't mark, support. Anyone have links to foreign schools? Our MFL dept looking for links for good old fashioned pen pals. #ukedchat #MFLTwitterati RT @bekblayton: RT @bekblayton: Highlighting when achieve learning objective, makes scanning books for gaps very easy! #ukedchat @dailydenouement: How do you encourage effective peer marking? #ukedchat use child friendly rubrics to teach accurate peer/self assessment #Ukedchat also giving feedback for effort - Mindset by Carol Dweck worth a read @Monty_Math #ukedchat Pupils agree 'steps to success' (criteria) with teacher, then print+paste. What do you suggest? :-) @SciTeacherBrad not old fashioned.. They do that in primary. Do what works #ukedchat How do you manage your marking load? Any top time saving tips to share? #ukedchat #ukedchat share a marking policy as widely as possible, including to parents/carers. RT @dandesignthink: RT @dandesignthink: #ukedchat make sure staff are on the same page with marking strategy, we introduced these punctuation tips for staff ... @RobsNiceLife #ukedchat at parents evenings I give

28 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?





parents writing, reading and numeracy targets which are re-worded app targets I used to have writing targets (according to levels) laminated so that the children could see next steps #ukedchat is that overkill? Please add voice to the outcry re: #GCSEfiasco: Now 10K+ ePetition signatures - http://t.co/xLZB3NO7 Lets give #Gove feedback! #ukedchat Think this is v good idea. RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat share a marking policy as widely as possible, including to parents/carers. RT @GeographyCarrie: RT @GeographyCarrie: Target sheets help to track progress and focus children on what they need to do. #ukedchat http://t.co/H1f2rx01 I teach music so my "marking" is immediate and shared straight away. #ukedchat @Love2teach2012 @davidhunter But isnt it a negative when marking just to show evidence. Shouldn't be the primary reason to mark #ukedchat #ukedchat I've just started using codes for comments that ch then have to write into their books. 1st time I've seen them look at marking When assessing their own work or their peers,children will use icons linked to objects for each feature.Text targets feature them #ukedchat #ukedchat. Good to see Alfie Kohn being mentioned in this discussion - He has made me rethink the whole area of rewards / feedback @RobsNiceLife @Edutronic_Net #ukedchat school as village - parent lng part of it #ukedchat use marking to inform planning in future. #ukedchat 'Tickling' pens (gel pens or good quality biros) for the class to make their own improvements work well #ukedchat Marking? Difficult to conclude anything. However, we should recognise that the issue is usually "when" not "how". @MyersClaire Sometimes, I have to set independent learning tasks for tutorials to be completed. Guilt creeps in here #ukedchat




tj007 jackieschneider mrsulemanmaths Langnut johndcotter Monty_Math CatherineRHart Dunfordjames DarlingMark99 oldandrewuk Jivespin






20:37:22 20:37:30 20:37:30



29 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


thought_weavers DrMeganCrawford nicoladarling78 LGolton thought_weavers






mrsulemanmaths oldandrewuk ICTwitz davidhunter GeographyCarrie jackieschneider dailydenouement bekblayton Langnut Love2teach2012


20:38:05 20:38:05







@Jivespin this is very true, just consulted on a new home-learning policy and that was a constant theme #Ukedchat RT @Queen_Claire: RT @Queen_Claire: I've just told everyone on FB to get to #ukedchat now. This is the best one yet! @outdooradventu1 I LOVE this idea and wonder how this would go down with #ofsted #hmi... although is is FOR the children #ukedchat Marking schedule that I stick to. Only way to keep up #ukedchat RT @dailydenouement: RT @dailydenouement: Think this is v good idea. RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat share a marking policy as widely as possible, including to p ... @dailydenouement Mark around 5 books per class per day. LEss daunting than looking at a pile of 30 books at a time! #ukedchat #ukedchat We should note that almost any given marking policy is without a firm evidence base of any description. How much marking to primary colleagues pass over to Teaching Assistants? #ukedchat @CatherineRHart @dailydenouement condition them into rearming a salary ;-) #ukedchat @t2uGiveItAGo really well, gives students opportunity to celebrate their successes and identify the next steps in their learning #ukedchat Does your school still issue stickers like confetti? #punishedbyrewards #ukedchat #ukedchat RT @mrsulemanmaths: Mark around 5 books per class per day. LEss daunting than looking at a pile of 30 books at a time! #ukedchat @dailydenouement have done a few whole school marking policies.. The work best when done in consultation with staff, at an inset #ukedchat RT @Mallrat_uk: RT @Mallrat_uk: Anyone have links to foreign schools? Our MFL dept looking for links for good old fashioned pen pals. #ukedchat #MFLTwit ... @bekblayton #ukedchat defo! In year 1 I put stars next to bits I like and have met the obj and pick up on it when I discuss it with them.

30 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement 20:38:27 20:38:31

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?

CatherineRHart mrsulemanmaths jamesdhobson GeekPeter Kezmerrelda louisashenton Queen_Claire KempsterD davidhunter oldandrewuk










dailydenouement MrsPTeach DarlingMark99 CatherineRHart Edutronic_Net nicoladarling78 Jivespin

20:39:01 20:39:12 20:39:14 20:39:15 20:39:17 20:39:17

@barton1875 #ukedchat depends what marking book is assessing RT @Dunfordjames: RT @Dunfordjames: #ukedchat use marking to inform planning in future. I have a 60% timetable and still teach 190 children a week. Feedback aspirations need to be as modest as the modest resources #ukedchat @lauraannesimons #ukedchat now is about marking, you following it? Its all serious teacher stuff this week so nothing for me to contribute! @Edutronic_Net @robsnicelife #ukedchat we do elearning stories complete with next steps developing elearning logs at ks1 to inc targets @benniekara @urban_teacher VLE ok for small grps where lots opportunity for verbal FB too but colleagues find hard with large grps #ukedchat @dailydenouement I keep it in a way that if I have short amounts of free time I can chip away at a few #ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat We should note that almost any given marking policy is without a firm evidence base of any description. RT @davidhunter they do in creating children who are overly focused on external rewards #ukedchat #ukedchat We should recognise the value of monitoring work, even without feedback, for dealing with "hidden" classroom issues. RT @Queen_Claire: RT @Queen_Claire: @dailydenouement I keep it in a way that if I have short amounts of free time I can chip away at a few #ukedchat @ICTwitz #ukedchat only the group they have been working with! #ukedchat Self assessment = highly effective and cuts down teacher marking @dandesignthink #ukedchat would work well with boys - am at boys school I see marking as like coaching - praising strength, identifying weaknesses, giving direction. #ukedchat @DelFerg This is something I am working on this year! It makes much more sense! #ukedchat @thought_weavers To often the intent is there but

31 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


Heatherleatt ethinking padgewire dailydenouement oldandrewuk dandesignthink GeographyCarrie michaelwoodcer bekblayton nicoladarling78 Xris32 Heatherleatt davidhunter ethinking dailydenouement Kezmerrelda KempsterD




20:39:41 20:39:44



20:39:55 20:39:57 20:40 20:40:04 20:40:07


20:40:18 20:40:19 20:40:35

pressures, time and stamina come into play #ukedchat @dailydenouement you're assessing, why and how #ukedchat @Heidimo: @ethinking I thought feedback was just an irritating high pitched whining noise to be dealt with by burly roadie? #ukedchat @oldandrewuk #ukedchat absolutely! Finding the time is a major issue, though admittedly I could be marking not tweeting now! #ukedchat RT @Lucyd1237: wherever possible, I take my highlighters around the classroom with me; instant feedback. Peer-assessment too. #ukedchat We should ask the moral question about feedback: Is it actually true or just a convenient lie? #ukedchat rewards for most improved? Taking on feedback? RT @Edutronic_Net: RT @Edutronic_Net: I see marking as like coaching - praising strength, identifying weaknesses, giving direction. #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: RT @ukedchat: It's 8pm and time for #ukedchat. Topic: 'Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?' with @dailydenouement. @Monty_Math self evaluation at the end where they choose/write a SC they really achieved. Mini plenaries to check progress #ukedchat @LGolton mini tests? #ukedchat #ukedchat I have some ready made tip sheets on aspects like sentences. Students then stick in sheets and redo paragraph. @dailydenouement you're welcome! #ukedchat @jackieschneider I don't use them. I oppose extrinsic rewards as a general rule.however they have an impact on work #ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat We should note that almost any given marking policy is without a firm evidence base of any description. Please remember the #ukedchat hashtag or your tweets won't be collected in the archive process. @SheliBB they have same literacy place & maths place. R yrs everywhere?! #ukedchat #ukedchat How many take marking home? Terrible to

32 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


dailydenouement benniekara t2uGiveItAGo oldandrewuk ethinking dailydenouement t2uGiveItAGo outdooradventu1 Edutronic_Net Jivespin ICTwitz nuthinbutsmack QueenyPrior urban_teacher Love2teach2012















assess work in isolation and not with children. RT @Xris32: RT @Xris32: #ukedchat I have some ready made tip sheets on aspects like sentences. Students then stick in sheets and redo paragraph. RT @Edutronic_Net: RT @Edutronic_Net: I see marking as like coaching - praising strength, identifying weaknesses, giving direction. #ukedchat RT @Edutronic_Net: RT @Edutronic_Net: I see marking as like coaching - praising strength, identifying weaknesses, giving direction. #ukedchat #ukedchat About the only thing we really know about assessment and feedback is that self-assessment is a terrible idea. #ukedchat @Heatherleatt how delightfully functional does impact on learning feature? Hard not to though! RT @KempsterD: #ukedchat How many take marking home? Terrible to assess work in isolation and not with children. @Edutronic_Net I agree...too often it's the 'giving direction' that's lacking in assessment #ukedchat @dailydenouement Mark at the end of the day, daily at school, be disciplined about it and leave your evenings free #ukedchat I even wrote about this coaching idea: http://t.co/tPkQPns4 #ukedchat I have found Tweet my Lesson plenary strategy as a good way of provoking feedback and discussion #ukedchat @oldandrewuk You always have in mind that the parent might read it one day!!! Or the pupil if/when they look back as adults :-) #ukedchat #RoomServiceHotelGB #FilmsIGrewUpWith #XFactorUSA #emmerdale #MichaelShaw #ukedchat #FIFA13.....http://t.co/fvmJ7S17 How can I follow the #ukedchat after the event? I want to read all the tweets. @louisashenton @benniekara Yeah too much typing! have u seen the way students give each other feedback using fb statuses.Amazing #ukedchat @mrsulemanmaths #ukedchat and gives them next steps. I write them then tell ch the next day. These comments act as a starter for discussions

33 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?

20:41:43 20:41:50 20:41:51

t2uGiveItAGo ethinking Queen_Claire barton1875 dailydenouement day_tom dailydenouement Jivespin OhLottie Heatherleatt





20:42:15 20:42:17





KempsterD dailydenouement Xris32 dailydenouement GeographyCarrie



20:42:42 20:42:45

RT @KempsterD: RT @KempsterD: #ukedchat How many take marking home? Terrible to assess work in isolation and not with children. #ukedchat how do you give feedback on colouring in? In my SoWs I have key pieces of work that must be marked and feed back given. It helps us prioritise #ukedchat #ukedchat I always have a highlighter and pen with me. Good to mark as you go round the class. RT @Queen_Claire: RT @Queen_Claire: In my SoWs I have key pieces of work that must be marked and feed back given. It helps us prioritise #ukedchat @louisashenton @benniekara @urban_teacher I like VLE as can use copy and paste. No point writing same thing x2.Find it timesaver #ukedchat RT @barton1875: RT @barton1875: #ukedchat I always have a highlighter and pen with me. Good to mark as you go round the class. @oldandrewuk Definitely - self-reflection based on feedback is so much more effective #ukedchat Atmosphere of Innovation: Whats Your 20% Project? http://t.co/rOif90gw via @zite #ukedchat #ukedchat I am a great fan of APP in English. The bullet point for each AF are clear path for progress & can be shared with pupils & parents RT @GeographyCarrie: RT @GeographyCarrie: Target sheets help to track progress and focus children on what they need to do. #ukedchat http://t.co/H1f2rx01 "@ethinking: #ukedchat @Heatherleatt how delightfully functional - does impact on learning feature?" :-) RT @Heatherleatt: RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat I am a great fan of APP in English. The bullet point for each AF are clear path for progress & can be sh ... #ukedchat Effective marking needs time in the classroom. Reflection. Questions. Revision. Improvement RT @Xris32: RT @Xris32: #ukedchat Effective marking needs time in the classroom. Reflection. Questions. Revision. Improvement @oldandrewuk all the time? #ukedchat

34 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


t2uGiveItAGo davidhunter johndcotter day_tom ieshasmall LGolton oldandrewuk outdooradventu1 kvnmcl AdrianWalker50 KempsterD t2uGiveItAGo dailydenouement ethinking ICTwitz bekblayton










20:43:20 20:43:20


20:43:31 20:43:35


I think it's important to have 'clinics' where you can assess work with students..very powerful especially for essay work #ukedchat @mrsulemanmaths @Love2teach2012 the main point is that child knows where they've succeeded and failed #ukedchat Love the idea of triangulated assessment. Self, peer and teacher. #ukedchat @KempsterD #ukedchat surely depends what marking doing at home. test / exams / controlled assessments ok to do at home? If focused, immediate verbal feedback is given is any marking required? #ukedchat #wondering @nicoladarling78 end of topic, every two week max they have past exam qu then self mark. Instant feedback and self assess #ukedchat #ukedchat I think, & this is just personal opinion, that marking is made worse by universal rules/policies about how it should be done. RT @barton1875: RT @barton1875: #ukedchat I always have a highlighter and pen with me. Good to mark as you go round the class. #ukedchat The most useless, time consuming feedback I know of - detailed marking comments and traffic light highlighting systems what about older students txting feedback to each other after peer assessment? would make them read it? #ukedchat "@ethinking: #ukedchat how do you give feedback on colouring in?" That's nice colouring in. :-) @GeographyCarrie like all the best teaching and learning strategies #ukedchat How do you fit this in? RT @johndcotter: Love the idea of triangulated assessment. Self, peer and teacher. #ukedchat #ukedchat @Edutronic_Net I see coaching as nauseating therapy devised by neoliberal totalitarians @ethinking "You kept your colours within the lines beautifully Peter....well done"! ;-) #ukedchat @outdooradventu1 @dailydenouement all adults in class have responsibility... Highlighters/stars next steps using success criteria #ukedchat

35 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


trisha_telfer mrsulemanmaths dailydenouement jackieschneider mrsulemanmaths


20:43:49 20:43:50 20:44:04


jackieschneider Monty_Math jackieschneider EDLounge Geographer84 GeographyCarrie Edutronic_Net SarahLearns ethinking jackieschneider Kezmerrelda PrimaryEnglish







20:44:27 20:44:33 20:44:33 20:44:35 20:44:41

RT @johndcotter: RT @johndcotter: Love the idea of triangulated assessment. Self, peer and teacher. #ukedchat @Love2teach2012 I'm that case it is effective. Best classroom atmosphere from informed lesson plan based on timely feedback. #ukedchat Why?RT @kvnmcl: #ukedchat Most useless, time consuming feedback I know of - detailed marking comments and traffic light highlighting systems So no random ticking then? #ukedchat @davidhunter @Love2teach2012 As long as the child is the focus of the assessment, cant go too far wrong. #ukedchat RT @kvnmcl: RT @kvnmcl: #ukedchat The most useless, time consuming feedback I know of - detailed marking comments and traffic light highlighting systems @oldandrewuk someone should tell HMRC! #ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat I think, & this is just personal opinion, that marking is made worse by universal rules/policies about ho ... @KempsterD and #ukedchat been told today that staff wont mark for students work on our online resource. Fell off my chair! RT @Edutronic_Net: RT @Edutronic_Net: I see marking as like coaching - praising strength, identifying weaknesses, giving direction. #ukedchat RT @barton1875: RT @barton1875: #ukedchat I always have a highlighter and pen with me. Good to mark as you go round the class. @ethinking I don't mean emotional coaching! I mean sport coaching. #ukedchat RT @johndcotter: RT @johndcotter: Love the idea of triangulated assessment. Self, peer and teacher. #ukedchat #ukedchat @KempsterD you are leaving gaps my boy @oldandrewuk - AGREE! #ukedchat #ukedchat we do elearning stories with next steps. 2 way comm with parents. Developing ks1 learning logs to Inc targets in child speak RT @Xris32: RT @Xris32: #ukedchat Effective

36 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


jamesdhobson ethinking ICTwitz Gwenelope





DelFerg padgewire dandesignthink CatherineRHart dailydenouement RealMGHarris oldandrewuk jackieschneider









Fatfonzi dailydenouement


marking needs time in the classroom. Reflection. Questions. Revision. Improvement The desire to improve needs to actually exist before any system. This desire comes from enthusiastic+relevant teaching on our part #ukedchat RT @ICTwitz: RT @ICTwitz: @ethinking "You kept your colours within the lines beautifully Peter....well done"! ;-) #ukedchat Ok, what about SLT :marking" your teaching? How is this done? Red pen? #ukedchat RT @passionateaboot: RT @passionateaboot: @ukedchat This is how I facilitate feedback to ensure it is objective, evidence based & learnable #ukedchat htt ... #ukedchat Handwriting practice: simple + / - / = on each page, indicating neater or messier than last practice. Pupils mark their own! @oldandrewuk #ukedchat I agree #onesizefitsall doesn't work, each department or indeed professional should be left to decide what works. #ukedchat we need to encourage students to re-read their work. They would pick up most of their own mistakes. @trisha_telfer @johndcotter #ukedchat In VIC (Australia) we call it assess for, of and as learning For secondary colleagues: do you mark spelling, punctuation & grammar in all subjects? #ukedchat @oldandrewuk saw a terrific 'attitude/effort' ladder at meeting today. Surely it helps kids to have targeted, specific feedback? #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie #ukedchat One thing we know from psychology that people are truly bad at judging is their own ability. @ICTwitz @ethinking - hmm my assessment would be WHY ARE YOU WASTING TIME COLOURING IN? - go learn #ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat We should recognise the value of monitoring work, even without feedback, for dealing with "hidden" classroom ... #ukedchat RT @kvnmcl: @dailydenouement Detailed

37 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


Jivespin jamesdhobson davidhunter mrsulemanmaths Mallrat_uk CatherineRHart tj007










Mark_Temple GeographyCarrie outdooradventu1 oldandrewuk Schools_Health ICTwitz




20:46:34 20:46:41

feedback is better given verbally not written, traffic light highlighting is nonsense @jackieschneider We have been asked to sign the bottom of the page rather than tick. Very Henry VII! #ukedchat The great plethora of systems on show tonight shows the difficulty of individualization in a mass production school system #ukedchat "@barton1875: #ukedchat I always have a highlighter and pen with me. Good to mark as you go round the class." Best time.immediate! @Mallrat_uk @dailydenouement but I'm piles of 5 at different times it feels a lot less! #ukedchat #ukedchat give students time in lesson to read the feedback. When marking for literacy get them to make glossary in back of misspelled words @AdrianWalker50 #ukedchat try EDMODO or Learnist - online class community to share feedback RT @davidhunter: RT @davidhunter: "@barton1875: #ukedchat I always have a highlighter and pen with me. Good to mark as you go round the class." Best time ... RT @Mallrat_uk: RT @Mallrat_uk: #ukedchat give students time in lesson to read the feedback. When marking for literacy get them to make glossary in back ... What works for written feedback in Yr 6 can't be transferred directly down thru schDo primary schools adopt a sep KS1/KS2 policy? #ukedchat Save time marking by creating a list of commonly used targets & assign them a code Then have children write out their target for u #ukedchat Occasionally nice just to give positive comments' without the feed forward bit. #ukedchat @thought_weavers #ukedchat A great mass of evidence from psychology that people overestimate their own performance. @Xris32 agreed. No point in having amazing marking if pupils don't have time to read and act on it! #ukedchat @jackieschneider Ah, but Peter is in Reception, and does not sit down and colour in too much! :-)

38 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


CatherineRHart TeacherToolkit Fatfonzi claresonic


#ukedchat @KempsterD @ethinking #ukedchat are u a geog tchr?? Haha @adgething: @TeacherToolkit just shared your #5Min #lessonPlan with other leaders - thanks for sharing! http://t.co/BvVmHmHI #ukedchat @ethinking: #ukedchat how do you give feedback on colouring in? Leave Geography teachers alone! RT @oldandrewuk: RT @oldandrewuk: @GeographyCarrie #ukedchat One thing we know from psychology that people are truly bad at judging is their own ability. #ukedchat Time is a factor but if u do something like marking which makes little or no difference . Time to challenge the notion isn't it? @oldandrewuk To a point but using symbols for technical errors helps consistency and helps ensure all teachers mark for accuracy #ukedchat RT @dandesignthink: RT @dandesignthink: #ukedchat we need to encourage students to re-read their work. They would pick up most of their own mistakes. @oldandrewuk Wow....just, wow! #ukedchat @davidhunter @barton1875 too true and cuts down on trying to mark 60 books at a time! #Ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat I think, & this is just personal opinion, that marking is made worse by universal rules/policies about ho ... #ukedchat time for children to read and reflect then act on feedback is a must otherwise why do we do it? @dailydenouement Only focus on key subject specific vocab but that will change with the return of SPAG #ukedchat RT @dandesignthink: RT @dandesignthink: #ukedchat we need to encourage students to re-read their work. They would pick up most of their own mistakes. @thought_weavers #ukedchat What do you mean by that? Should you actually lie if it might result in desired behaviour? #ukedchat worst feeling - trawling back through books




KempsterD MyersClaire



nicoladarling78 ICTwitz thought_weavers KempsterD RobsNiceLife Jivespin

20:47:13 20:47:14






20:47:22 20:47:22

oldandrewuk benniekara

39 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


Fatfonzi nicoladarling78 PrimaryEnglish headguruteacher bekblayton Fatfonzi







dailydenouement GeographyCarrie Mr_P_Teach TeacherToolkit

20:47:45 20:47:47

you've got behind on. Feels so useless and it happens to us all! RT @ethinking: RT @ethinking: #ukedchat @Edutronic_Net I see coaching as nauseating therapy devised by neoliberal totalitarians RT @DelFerg: RT @DelFerg: #ukedchat Handwriting practice: simple + / - / = on each page, indicating neater or messier than last practice. Pupils mar ... @bekblayton @Monty_Math formulating sc with the class is so empowering. Really helps deep learning #ukedchat #ukedchat Important to devote time to securing improvement. Re-drafting, correcting, extending. Too much marking is wasted even if done well @Mark_Temple not separate ks1/ks2 but a little different, variation on highlighter so pupils know what to expect #ukedchat @dailydenouement: For secondary colleagues: do you mark spelling, punctuation & grammar in all subjects? #ukedchat policy says yes...... RT @headguruteacher: RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat Important to devote time to securing improvement. Re-drafting, correcting, extending. Too much marking is ... @oldandrewuk sometimes huge pressure to 'prove' feedback is occurring #ukedchat #ukedchat Lots of how and why questions to prompt deeper thinking . @dailydenouement Marking will only really have any value, if students are involved. #ukedchat @ukedchat RT @RobsNiceLife: RT @RobsNiceLife: #ukedchat time for children to read and reflect then act on feedback is a must otherwise why do we do it? #ukedchat RT @Mallrat_uk: yes, have a school focus on particular words then subject specific. Can't correct all in some cases. @mrsulemanmaths @davidhunter defo - after all, they are what this job is all about. #ukedchat RT @Xris32: RT @Xris32: #ukedchat Effective marking needs time in the classroom. Reflection.



Jivespin dailydenouement Love2teach2012 Heatherleatt


20:48:02 20:48:19

40 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


LassinaClass jackieschneider Xris32






DKMead louisashenton CatherineRHart






EDLounge LeeDonaghy


Questions. Revision. Improvement Surely feedback varies per task? Detailed comments & steps/RAG on criteria grids & steps/peer feedback/verbal are my most used. #ukedchat @ICTwitz - if he is choosing to do then fair enough but "colouring in" can be a way of teaching kids they can't draw #ukedchat #ukedchat I also thing good marking is abt showing progress. Task at the start. Task at the end of unit should show clear progress RT @davidhunter: RT @davidhunter: "@barton1875: #ukedchat I always have a highlighter and pen with me. Good to mark as you go round the class." Best time ... RT @passionateaboot: RT @passionateaboot: @ukedchat This is how I facilitate feedback to ensure it is objective, evidence based & learnable #ukedchat htt ... Going to have to leave #ukedchat early, little lad not going to sleep. Thanks peeps. :-) @oldandrewuk #ukedchat agree - students need to be able to interpret diff feedback - standardisation not good but standards are needed RT @dandesignthink: RT @dandesignthink: #ukedchat we need to encourage students to re-read their work. They would pick up most of their own mistakes. #ukedchat we work with 181 schools and 1 school today asked for the function of marking & levelling to be turned off. I am shocked to bone RT @oldandrewuk: RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat I think, & this is just personal opinion, that marking is made worse by universal rules/policies about ho ... @CatherineRHart Share the mark after the feedback has been discussed/digested & evaluated. We ALL only want a grade #ukedchat @benniekara Agree. So hard to keep up with books when c/wk or CAs are being marked. #ukedchat @benniekara If you get too far behind is there any point? Feedback needs to be timely! #ukedchat



20:48:55 20:48:57

Gwenelope mrsulemanmaths

41 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement 20:49:01 20:49:03

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?

dailydenouement KempsterD thought_weavers t2uGiveItAGo jamesdhobson ICTwitz MissPrimary









GeographyCarrie Edutronic_Net CatherineRHart jackieschneider







benniekara oldandrewuk


Last 10 mins of tonight's fast-moving #ukedchat. "@benniekara: #ukedchat worst feeling - trawling back through books you've got behind on. Feels so useless and it happens to us all!" Dont! @oldandrewuk yes you're right, but if the criteria is clear it would help and it doesn't mean the teacher can't advise. #Ukedchat @KempsterD again I agree..I used to see lots of teachers just racing through books ticking. Effective? #ukedchat I avoid redrafting by not over using writing as learning tool. Kids know that the world is not full of people writing things down #ukedchat @jackieschneider That explains a lot!!! Those darn teachers of mine have a lot to explain :-) #ukedchat RT @MrG_ICT: RT @MrG_ICT: Mini plenaries etc children self correct as go along. Much better tackle problems in lesson than mark afterwards. #ukedchat @Kezmerrelda yes,my room getting more like EYFS,but children have always moved around :-)usually grouped for maths activities tho #ukedchat @oldandrewuk what about basic assessments e.g. Highlight the key words in your writing, how many have you included? #ukedchat I don't see the point in commenting on anything if it's not going to lead to specific action on the part of the student. #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie @oldandrewuk #ukedchat yes amd pressure to assess for assess sake @MissPrimary - thee is a very powerful case against them! They can actually hold kids back. Read Alfie Kohn http://t.co/LOVQShZJ #ukedchat RT @headguruteacher: RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat Important to devote time to securing improvement. Re-drafting, correcting, extending. Too much marking is ... @mrsulemanmaths #ukedchat that's why it's the worst feeling. Has to be done even though there isn't a point! @MyersClaire #ukedchat The confusion I've seen caused by even simple mark systems is incredible.

42 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


dailydenouement Monty_Math







ICTmagic SheliBB dailydenouement NQTBlogger CatherineRHart dailydenouement urban_teacher SheliBB dailydenouement oldandrewuk Mallrat_uk



20:50:25 20:50:34 20:50:35




20:50:56 20:50:56

If you had to say what the most important / impactmaking aspect of your marking, what would it be? #ukedchat #ukedchat. Many mentioning how verbal feedback is often best - how do we change culture that insists on all work being marked? RT @t2uGiveItAGo: RT @t2uGiveItAGo: @KempsterD again I agree..I used to see lots of teachers just racing through books ticking. Effective? #ukedchat RT @Pekabelo: RT @Pekabelo: The passport to perfection: ideas on putting learning skills to the top of the agenda. http://t.co/b3jizOom #SLTchat #ukedchat Marking/feedback as the lesson is happening provides best feedback. I like to do it, but the children can do it for each other. #ukedchat @Kezmerrelda got rid of another table last year. They are slowly going! Have cushions and stretching space (floor! Lol!) #ukedchat #ukedchat RT @palsofgeorges: @dailydenouement "Inside the Black Box"? RT @oldandrewuk: RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat I think, & this is just personal opinion, that marking is made worse by universal rules/policies about ho ... @TeacherToolkit #ukedchat yes - good suggestion #ukedchat RT @day_tom: @dailydenouement @Mallrat_uk RE literacy we have whole school focus and mark / correct that. Focus lasts a half-term RT @kvnmcl: #ukedchat The most useless, time consuming feedback I know of - detailed marking comments and traffic light highlighting systems @Kezmerrelda (set of tables, not just one table!) #ukedchat #ukedchat RT @Heatherleatt: @TeacherToolkit @dailydenouement @ukedchat agree! They HAVE to understand the process and learn how to respond. @Heatherleatt It's often school policy to say things like "In order to achieve level X you must do Y". Lies. #ukedchat I do this to show I have seen it, if it is a generic

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ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?




LeighAlmey eslweb Schools_Health CatherineRHart Mark_Temple johndcotter bekblayton jackieschneider urban_teacher GeographyCarrie EASEnglishTeam CatherineRHart cesca_brooke oldandrewuk



20:51:10 20:51:11








20:52 20:52:17

diagram etc.. @jackieschneider: So no random ticking then? #ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat I think, & this is just personal opinion, that marking is made worse by universal rules/policies about ho ... RT @headguruteacher: RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat Important to devote time to securing improvement. Re-drafting, correcting, extending. Too much marking is ... #ukedchat Combo of self, peer and teacher assessment. Give grades only occasionally. @ICTwitz @jackieschneider as a chId had a teacher who would scrawl 'VG' through my work. Took me a yr to work out what this meant #ukedchat @TeacherToolkit #ukedchat as long as I come first I don't need to know my mark ;-) @bekblayton Could you explain more re. highlighter? #ukedchat RT @CatherineRHart: RT @CatherineRHart: @trisha_telfer @johndcotter #ukedchat In VIC (Australia) we call it assess for, of and as learning @dailydenouement training for peer assessment so they are measuring against the success criteria #ukedchat @ICTwitz - poor teachers get the blame for EVERYTHING! #ukedchat RT @headguruteacher: RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat Important to devote time to securing improvement. Re-drafting, correcting, extending. Too much marking is ... @Edutronic_Net what about praise? #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: RT @ukedchat: 10 minutes until #ukedchat. Topic: 'Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?' with @dailydenouement. Join the dis ... @Edutronic_Net #ukedchat agree - improvement driven feedback RT @eslweb: RT @eslweb: #ukedchat Combo of self, peer and teacher assessment. Give grades only occasionally. @RealMGHarris Yes. And no. We know, in principle, that kids benefit from feedback. But we know little

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ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?

20:52:18 20:52:19 20:52:26

nicoladarling78 ICTwitz Mallrat_uk mrsulemanmaths Mark_Temple CatherineRHart Jivespin bekblayton CatherineRHart dailydenouement Heatherleatt trisha_telfer oldandrewuk KempsterD MrsPTeach dailydenouement

20:52:26 20:52:41 20:52:44









20:54:23 20:54:26

about what works. #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie @oldandrewuk simple to do at the end of the lesson. Sure they would love highlighters! #ukedchat @jackieschneider I know!!! #ukedchat @robertjoyce12 @bexkelman1 hope you have been following #ukedchat for last hour. All about marking tonight. Finished at 9 @CatherineRHart @TeacherToolkit True competitiveness. I love it! =D #ukedchat @Monty_Math I agree. Just need to get it written into the policy! #ukedchat @jackieschneider @ICTwitz #ukedchat even poor parenting!! Has anyone read @PhilBeadle views on marking and feedback in his How to Teach? Very insightful #ukedchat @Mark_Temple sure, one colour on learning intention to show if it has been metThen one colour for areas they need to work on #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie @Edutronic_Net #ukedchat affirmation important but so is challenge RT @Jivespin: RT @Jivespin: Has anyone read @PhilBeadle views on marking and feedback in his How to Teach? Very insightful #ukedchat #ukedchat show lots of egs of different levels/good & less successful tasks. Teach how to identify what needs improving & how to feedback RT @Jivespin: RT @Jivespin: Has anyone read @PhilBeadle views on marking and feedback in his How to Teach? Very insightful #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie #ukedchat Maddest thing I ever heard was teachers having to write "verbal feedback" in books after discussing the work. #ukedchat Try and have the discussion at school. Why are we doing marking? What is its impact on learning? Don't keep doing it. Change it. #ukedchat I have a 'let's chat about _______ on M/Tu/W/Th/F' stamp that the kids love and that means misconceptions addressed ASAP in groups #ukedchat RT @trisha_telfer: giving children idea of where they went wrong/right, and what to do

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ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?





20:54:59 20:55 20:55:09

Xris32 ukedchat mrsulemanmaths dailydenouement KDWScience oldandrewuk geographyjacks ieshasmall CaptainGove hip_teacher Manarlie






20:55:38 20:55:38




20:55:46 20:55:47

Jivespin t2uGiveItAGo

next.Simple tick or cross isn't sufficient! #ukedchat I have in the past used microticks, so that each aspect of a sum, say, has been achieved, so 8 sums cd get 32 ticks! @dailydenouement on the spot feedback to allow immediate improvement & encouragement of communication between student and marking #ukedchat #ukedchat It is better to mark one paragraph in detail than one whole page. Less but often. But no simple ticking and flicking Just 5 minutes left of @#UKedchat. Final thoughts? @benniekara my opinion is that if there is no point to it do not waste time on it #ukedchat RT @Xris32: #ukedchat It is better to mark one paragraph in detail than one whole page. Less but often. But no simple ticking and flicking @oldandrewuk @geographycarrie we have to do that #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie #ukedchat Sounds like "strategy" based literacy of the sort that has been repeatedly discredited. @urban_teacher use a pink pen, that's what I do haha #ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat I think, & this is just personal opinion, that marking is made worse by universal rules/policies about ho ... Missed #ukedchat tonight as I was talking to Cleggy about his new single. The best feedback I give my pupils is from the first My Bloody Valentine record #ukedchat #aces #ukedchat Whatever you do or use it should be constructive, relevant to the individual and offer them achievable success criteria ! RT @oldandrewuk: RT @oldandrewuk: @GeographyCarrie #ukedchat Maddest thing I ever heard was teachers having to write "verbal feedback" in books after dis ... @PhilBeadle summary about the importance of marking and feedback changed my perspective. Food for thought on impact on the child #ukedchat @CatherineRHart @edutronic_net students need to

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ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


harukababette mrlockyer Xris32 mrsulemanmaths Heatherleatt dandesignthink thought_weavers oldandrewuk



20:56 20:56:08






20:56:22 20:56:32 20:56:33

jackieschneider ICTwitz palsofgeorges lizdudley benniekara dailydenouement dandesignthink



20:56:38 20:56:43

be advised 'how' more cure, less diagnosis #ukedchat #ukedchat am confident that marking work is one way students understand you value their efforts, parents too #ukedchat I try to mark as I would like to get feedback - timely, with purpose and praise where necessary. RT @Jivespin: RT @Jivespin: Has anyone read @PhilBeadle views on marking and feedback in his How to Teach? Very insightful #ukedchat #ukedchat I find that the best form of assessment is in class on the spot assessment. Act immediately! #ukedchat Marking has to be meaningful to the pupil. If not, it is a complete waste of time. #ukedchat where does 3b4me come in, do we praise students for showing they have tried to find the answer themselves? http://t.co/tQI3Ldcr @KempsterD #Ukedchat just about to consult on marking policy - great questions to ask. @Kathrinedavies @thought_weavers #ukedchat Name one study that suggests people systematically underestimate their abilities. RT @KempsterD: RT @KempsterD: #ukedchat Try and have the discussion at school. Why are we doing marking? What is its impact on learning? Don't keep doi ... @dailydenouement - when kis are faced with genuine real life challenges they dont need ticks, stickers or traffic lights #ukedchat @oldandrewuk That's madness!!! #ukedchat @dailydenouement A stern look and tap of the pen at the incorrect part was all it took for me to correct errors! #ukedchat #ukedchat feedback only works if the student reads it, engages with it and acts on it. If they don't have time for this it's worthless RT @CaptainGove: RT @CaptainGove: Missed #ukedchat tonight as I was talking to Cleggy about his new single. Last 5 mins: final qu from me do you have a favoured marking colour? (My HoD thinks my purple is 'frivolous'!) #ukedchat #ukedchat literacy pyramids to help students improve

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ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


mrlockyer trisha_telfer dailydenouement LassinaClass oldandrewuk trisha_telfer nicoladarling78 eslweb CarrotyCarrots dailydenouement SheliBB KempsterD bekblayton Love2teach2012














http://t.co/XrgN101I #ukedchat Peer improvement is also a mainstay in lessons, especially English. #oldschoolcrowdsourcing RT @t2uGiveItAGo: RT @t2uGiveItAGo: @CatherineRHart @edutronic_net students need to be advised 'how' more cure, less diagnosis #ukedchat RT @dandesignthink: RT @dandesignthink: #ukedchat literacy pyramids to help students improve http://t.co/XrgN101I @oldandrewuk @GeographyCarrie Yeah, I have to do this. I even have a stamp for it. Also "Marked typed version" / "Paper version" #ukedchat @warrenvalentine @thought_weavers #ukedchat Indeed. And the worse we are at something the more we over-estimate. RT @mrlockyer: RT @mrlockyer: #ukedchat I try to mark as I would like to get feedback - timely, with purpose and praise where necessary. Missed alot of #ukedchat tonight! My highlight from what I have seen is simple post it notes with next steps so the children can move about! Self Checklists are a good idea before handing in. Failure to meet standard means work is sent straight back. Esp. at KS5 #ukedchat As an EYFS teacher I didn't feel I could contribute much to tonight's #ukedchat, but I enjoyed reading all the tweets :) RT @mrlockyer: RT @mrlockyer: #ukedchat I try to mark as I would like to get feedback - timely, with purpose and praise where necessary. @James1980Wilson I do it less with infants, but was very clear about where they were going in KS2 #ukedchat big fan of AFL :-) RT @thought_weavers: RT @thought_weavers: @KempsterD #Ukedchat just about to consult on marking policy - great questions to ask. @dailydenouement green! Aways green for growth! #ukedchat RT @dandesignthink: RT @dandesignthink: #ukedchat we need to encourage students to re-read their work. They would pick up most of their own mistakes.

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ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


davidhunter ethinking oldandrewuk Heatherleatt amoor4ed ukedchat dailydenouement LGolton Heatherleatt DelFerg afl_teaching Manarlie benniekara mrsulemanmaths dailydenouement Monty_Math




20:57:55 20:58









20:58:21 20:58:23

How much marking policy is designed to meet expectations of parents? How much time spent marking to appear this group? #ukedchat #ukedchat @mrlockyer genius in literacy we should tick each correct phoneme @CatherineRHart @GeographyCarrie #ukedchat And pressure to teach how children will be assessed, instead of the actual content. #ukedchat assessment/marking needs to be done in a timely fashion; if done weeks after task set pupils lose interest & time to progress #ukedchat - am i right in thinking marking is the worst thing about teaching?? Next week join @nightzookeeper for #ukedchat. Vote for you favourite topic at http://t.co/7WAHFPy8 RT @Heatherleatt: RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat assessment/marking needs to be done in a timely fashion; if done weeks after task set pupils lose interest & ... @dailydenouement I mark in purple, green, turquoise and orange. Fountain pen with bottled ink. #ukedchat RT @Xris32: RT @Xris32: #ukedchat It is better to mark one paragraph in detail than one whole page. Less but often. But no simple ticking and flicking @dailydenouement Pink! #ukedchat Brightens up jotters, harder to ignore ;-) RT @amoor4ed: RT @amoor4ed: #ukedchat - am i right in thinking marking is the worst thing about teaching?? #ukedchat too much marking or feedback tells them what is wrong not what is right or how to get there ! @dailydenouement #ukedchat I grew out of pink pen marking. It's now red because I'm in my 30s and one has to put away childish things... @jackieschneider @dailydenouement But when it motivates them until they reach the real life situation surely it is a good thing?! #ukedchat Fabulous! RT @LGolton: @dailydenouement I mark in purple, green, turquoise and orange. Fountain pen with bottled ink. #ukedchat #ukedchat. Okay final thought -maths: putting correct answer next to problems often next to useless.

49 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


Jivespin mattpearson Dunfordjames Primary_Ed oldandrewuk GeographyCarrie dailydenouement t2uGiveItAGo bekblayton MrPlaceICT ukedchat ICTmagic PrimaryEnglish amoor4ed Mark_Temple










20:59:01 20:59:02




Marking must help chn understand! One personalised chat giving feedback is more powerful than a tick and a brief generic comment any day. Shows care and attention #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: RT @ukedchat: Next week join @nightzookeeper for #ukedchat. Vote for you favourite topic at http://t.co/7WAHFPy8 Whole school literacy expectations, with short term focus on specific ones, back by effective training is good. #ukedchat ( @ameliahodgins ) Give children time at the start of the lesson to read their teacher's feedback and write a response. #ukedchat @afl_teaching @GeographyCarrie #ukedchat If something has a clear right/wrong answer then they can tick it. Otherwise it's a waste of time. @dailydenouement red... It stands out and none of the students choose to write in it #ukedchat RT @Primary_Ed: RT @Primary_Ed: Give children time at the start of the lesson to read their teacher's feedback and write a response. #ukedchat @mrsulemanmaths once the work is handed in the meal is cooked..in class we can add seasoning #ukedchat @amoor4ed no its a great way of moving children on, reflecting on practice and planning future lessons #ukedchat (!) @dandesignthink VCOP triangles are brilliant, I'm now wondering if they can be used for peer assessment and improvement! #ukedchat #ukedchat archive will be available soon at http://t.co/FtvB1Wbq. One minute of discussion left! @LGolton It must be a piece of art! What do your pupils think? #ukedchat RT @lizdudley: RT @lizdudley: #ukedchat feedback only works if the student reads it, engages with it and acts on it. If they don't have time for this ... #ukedchat - insanity = doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results = marking @CarrotyCarrots What next steps (if any) do you give in EYFS? Thinking about a whole school policy so would appreciate input.....#ukedchat

50 of 51

ukedchat Archive 27 Sep 2012 Hosted by @dailydenouement

Feedback: how can we make marking make an impact?


jackieschneider day_tom Love2teach2012 bobdbob











DonnaComerford Schools_Health eslweb oldandrewuk ukedchat





@mrsulemanmaths @dailydenouement - they need to be involved in real life problem solving NOW at school :-) #ukedchat @oldandrewuk @GeographyCarrie #ukedchat we are meant to make a note in book / on work. As ICT teacher often find difficult as work on screen @dailydenouement #ukedchat pink or green so my comments and annotations stand out :-) RT @oldandrewuk: RT @oldandrewuk: @GeographyCarrie #ukedchat Maddest thing I ever heard was teachers having to write "verbal feedback" in books after dis ... @lizdudley #ukedchat agreed. What is the point of it all if the students don't gain from the process? Are we just watching our backs? RT @t2uGiveItAGo: RT @t2uGiveItAGo: @mrsulemanmaths once the work is handed in the meal is cooked..in class we can add seasoning #ukedchat #ukedchat my final word: pen colour is crucial - there are so many people scarred by the scourge of red in the victims are around us @IRIS_Connect @annapedroza @dannynic many thanks, another gr8 #tmbton with fantastic practitioners & sharers local & global. #deb #ukedchat Have you voted for next week's #ukedchat topic yet? looks like a two horse race at the moment! #ukedchat one quicky. Track Changes in #MSWord http://t.co/SN9UqIi0 Brilliant for English and grammar. #esol @thought_weavers #ukedchat Don't think anyone disapproves of advice. I was raising the issue of it being based on untrue claims. It's 9pm & #ukedchat concludes once more. Huge thanks to @dailydenouement for hosting. Like to host? Contact @ukedchat or @ICTmagic

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