October 2012 Final

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Plimmerton Residents Association Newsletter

Whats new in Plimmerton? October 2012

The Big Family Day Out
A fundraiser for Alice Underwood and Brianna Huyen Saturday 20 October from 11am till 2pm at Ngati Toa Domain
Please support this community effort to sustain the families of two very sick little girls. For full details of the stories go to www.plimmerton.org.nz/calendar/#donate Come along to this event with your wallet, and your heart, full. Gold coin donation entry includes face painting, bouncy castle, bake sale, sausage sizzle, thousands of dollars worth of raffle prizes, lots of entertainment for kids. Want to help? Call Fran 021 451 243 or Greg 021 242 2017 These little ones and their families need all the help we can give them.

The mysteries of Krithia ... part two of our series Spies in Plimmerton
Krithia was built around 1915, along past the boating club. Many mysteries surround its name and history. Allan Dodson has researched the story for you www.plimmerton.org.nz/anzac-stories/

Spring is sprung the grass is ris, I wonder where the birdies is?
Wonder no more, check out our web site for beautiful photos of visiting birds from local photographers. Murry Cave has sent more than a dozen brilliant nature shots this month ... gulls, herons, oystercatchers, plovers, shags, terns and fungi. And there is a beautiful image of a tui one of 17 chortling and chasing in the yolk coloured fronds of Taffy Parrys kowhai tree. Have a look ... http://www.plimmerton.org.nz/explore-nature/. And our web manager Sandy has posted some amazing images of praying mantis nymphs emerging from their egg case in her garden. You are welcome to send us good photos for this much-visited section of our website to plimmertonra@gmail.com

... and while were talking about Spring

Why not have a thorough spring clean this weekend and take all your good clothing, household items and bric a brac to The Family Store in Steyne Ave. They are looking for good quality gear ... so declutter your life and help a good cause.

Plimmerton Promenades at Play 2013 ... important planning meeting St Andrews Church Monday 1 October 7pm
Planning for this event in April next year has started. If you have ideas you need to be there at this next meeting! If you are involved in a sporting or recreation group please check that someone is representing your interests on this planning group. The event will show Plimmertons past as a leisure, sporting and recreation destination. And all clubs and groups here can be involved in showcasing activities that are popular here today ... art, archery, bowls, bridge, boating, croquet ... and thats just abc.

You will want to plan and schedule some action for the April weekend of the Promenade and think of creative ways to participate. Contact Stephanie Drew 233 8087. Progress is recorded at www.plimmerton.org.nz/at-play-2013/

Fire brigade kits out new support van with Promenade proceeds
Chief fire officer Carl Mills tells us, Proceeds from the very successful Plimmerton promenades in style have enabled the fire brigade to fit out our logistics support van with a safety cage and customised equipment racks. This will help us to safely carry more gear when we attend incidents.

Smoke alarm battery check and change time

Carl also reminds us to change and check our smoke alarm batteries. We recommend a smoke alarm in each sleeping room and in common spaces away from cooking and other fumes.

Three red hens for good home with the right enclosure
Wendy has three red hens, all currently laying an egg a day, ready to go to a new caring home. The girls will need an enclosure about two metres high. Talk to Wendy 233 0577.

Dont let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy
Greater Mobility at 1 Bath Street is now selling electric bikes. These bikes can travel at up to 30km per hour and are very well priced. Judi has two samples for you to try ... one has small wheels and folds up, (not while you are on it) the other has larger wheels and is nonfolding. Call Judi today to arrange your test drive 233 6321.

Mana Arts 30th birthday exhibition at Labour Weekend

Labour Weekend 20 - 22 October in the clubrooms on Plimmerton Domain (just through the rail underpass). Open from 10am to 4.30pm daily. Meet and support our local artists.

Alcohol and licensing changes ... how will these affect Plimmerton?
At the next meeting of the residents association members of the Porirua Alcohol and Drug cluster will be talking about changes to alcohol legislation ... alcohol licensing changes, increasing community input to decision making and what this will mean to residents. If you have an interest please come along to the next PRA meeting on Monday 22 October at the fire station 7.30pm.

WW100 site live now

See Plimmertons ANZAC stories on the centennial site http://ww100.govt.nz the official government site recognising the start of WW1 in 1914. The site is up and running and Plimmertons Thompson family story is featuring in the section about fathers and sons. Thanks to history buff Allan Dodson who has worked hard to fly the Plimmerton flag so effectively in this forum.

Karehana Park taking shape ... and you can still make your mark on the park
Have you been down to the park to check out the pavers in place on the first part of the path? Its really looking great. And its good to see more families taking up the chance to make their mark on the park with a paver. You can follow developments on our website www.plimmerton.org.nz/karehanapark/ A photo record of all working bees and construction progress lets you follow the story as it unfolds. Its not too late to make your mark on the park, there are still pavers for sale. Contact plimmertonra@gmail.com Touhy Homes are generously sponsoring development of the petanque and community areas ... thanks guys. PCC are giving timbers from the old Airlie (Pukerua) Bridge for its construction and placing plaques on the beams to explain their role in the areas history. Work on these areas starts soon.

Plimmertons Big Spring Clean 2012

This has been moved to November and well let you know when in the next newsletter.

Hongoeka launches its village plan

Hongoeka has become the 11th village in Porirua to launch a village plan we will post a link on the website when it is available. Congratulations to everyone who is working hard to make this happen.

Prawn stars on Plimmerton beaches!

Welcome Sebparri who has been discovered disporting himself in our waters. An Italian stallion? Not like anything you have ever seen before ... guaranteed. http://www.plimmerton.org.nz/crustaceans/

Summer sports club invitations ...

Tennis ... Plimmerton Tennis Club, opening Sunday 30 September 2pm at the courts, all welcome. Croquet ... Plimmerton Croquet Club, check out our web site for contact details, new players welcome. Bowls ... Plimmerton Bowling Club, Have a go day 14 October. All opening for action this month so check out all the details www.plimmerton.org.nz/

Croquet club offers great opportunity for college students in our area
Croquet NZ is holding the National Secondary School Golf Croquet Tournament in Palmerston North next year. Plimmerton would like to enter two teams (four students) from the Porirua area as their college and Wellington regions reps. The club is offering 32 students places in a coaching programme where they will learn all aspects of the game and take part in development tournaments. This will lead to the final selection of two teams for the nationals. Students keen to take up this great offer should talk to their college sports coordinators or contact the club captain Tom Berryman directly 236 8877 tom.berryman@xtra.co.nz

Plimmerton Kindy Kitchen Tour ... Sunday 4 November 11am-3pm

Come along on this inspirational tour of 10 kitchens with cooking demos and presentations. Tickets $25, further info, contact Kiri 027 495 8453 A clever fund raising idea.

Dog playground ... complete a simple survey and be in to win a yummy hamper of dog food and treats!
Pet Feeding Solutions look after pets, feeding and walking beloved beasts in this area. Justine is looking at setting up a purpose built, secure dog park in the area and is doing some market research among potential users. She asks us to take one minute to complete a simple survey ... and go in the draw to win a hamper of delicious doggy treats. Click on the link to the survey http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7BHT856 or just click on it from our website.

Cats fed, house cared for, peace of mind with a reliable long term tenant
Carol Anne is looking to rent a smallish place medium to long term. She is a mature professional in full-time employment with excellent references. Carol Anne is very happy to care for pets. Call her today if you need a reliable pet minding tenant 233 6549.

Kapiti Camera Clubs annual exhibition opens

27 October Bay Gallery in School Road
Daphne Brennan from the Bay Gallery tells us, The annual photography exhibition features a broad cross section of work including local images, some old-style large format photos and images demonstrating artistic skills. It will be open on Saturdays and Sundays for three weeks. Call the Bay Gallery 233 9776.

Sunshine, fresh air, meet interesting people, enjoy great views, walk the dog. Push the stroller, bond with your nearest and dearest ...
You get all that and it takes only one hour a month ... when you become a Plimmerton newsletter delivery person! With several regulars away we need people to step up and cover a few streets ... at the moment upper Pope, Mo and Westridge Streets and the lower part of Grays Road. Contact John Johnson 233 8045 or johnandjane@hotmail.com

Fun time for kids guaranteed with holiday programme at St Andrews

For kids aged 5-12 years, from Monday 8 October to Friday 12 at the Parish Hall (and the beach and the domain.) Kelly Sports are running mini champs and challenges outdoors with craft and cooking on any rainy days. Clare Layfield tells us its just $12 a day per kid or $50 for the week with free morning tea and a bbq for helpers and family on the Friday. Book at the parish office 233 9781.

Holiday show to entertain the kids

Little Kowhai tree by the Little Dog Barking Theatre Company At St Andrews parish hall on Friday 5 October 10am for kids aged 2-7 years. A magical story about how things grow: with music, sounds, song and action. Tickets $7, under twos free, from the parish office on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 12. Call Clare 233 9781.

Purebalance Yogapilates classes, Spring term starts in October

Six classes a week! Monday 9.15am and 6pm, Friday 9.15am, Saturday 9am all at Ngatitoa Hall. Wednesday 8pm and Thursday 7pm at the Plimmerton Pavilion. Booking essential, call Deidre-Lee 027 207 6588 or deidre-lee.allen@clear.net.nz

The Big Salami ten trip coffee ticket winners please call home
Kris and Imelda Gough please email us at plimmertonra@gmail.com to let us know that you are enjoying your quality caffeine fix from Dave and the team. We dont have a phone number.

Youth group leaders please contact the residents association

The residents association is keen to establish communication with all groups in the area working with young people. We would like you to email us at plimmertonra@gmail.com so we can start talking. There are possibly many areas where we can work with you and your group to everyones benefit.

Music and dining specials

Topor Bar and Bistro has Wednesday winter blues evenings where you can relax and enjoy the vibe in the bar or over a meal. Call Stefan 233 9939 Cafe Vella has a special Wednesday winter menu with all your favourites. Look out for their Sunday afternoon music sessions, coming soon. Bookings essential 233 9111 Thursday is acoustic night at the Plimmerton Boating Club, call Sandra 233 1592. www.plimmerton.org.nz/acoustic-night/

Gig guide on the web site

Starting next month we will be featuring a gig guide on site which you will be able to access easily from the calendar on the home page. If you are organising musical events then email us at plimmertonra@gmail.com so we can put a note in the newsletter and all the detail on the web.

Follow Vinces ride for cancer www.plimmerton.org,nz/vince-langford/

Share our intrepid cyclists adventures as he traverses searing deserts and slashes through teeming jungles.

Plimmerton, a colourful history ... the exhibition, the book, the tv series?
We cannot recommend this exhibition and the book by Bob Maysmor highly enough. Visit Pataka in the school holidays and enjoy the photos and stories. The book is absolutely the ideal Christmas present for anyone with Plimmerton connections. Exhibition closes 17 November

Guitars under the stars ... 7 October at 2 Bath Street

A new, monthly social Sunday event for people who love music. Come along to 2 Bath St at 3.30pm to learn to play the ukulele (instruments supplied ($10),at 4.30pm ukulele workshop for intermediate and advanced players ($10), 5.30pm guest performance, 6pm show your musical talents (10 minute slots), 7pm dinner, bring along a dish to share. Next two dates 4 November and 2 December. Call Kimba 021 519 968.

Glamour, glitz and bling at Plimmerton Boating Club

Wednesday 17 October 7.30pm Zonta Club of Mana invite you to a brilliant fun evening where youll be able to OD on jewellery, scarves, hats, footwear ... everything glam and gorgeous. Fashion advice will be on hand and the bar will be open! Please donate all your surplus fabulous accessories to this fun fund raising event for cancer research. Drop your items in to Tommys on Mana Esplanade or call Ngawai if you have lots to be collected 234 7880.

Roll on Summer
Swiss ball classes tone the body gently and there are classes for all fitness levels at different times during the week. Call Leigh 0272 300 590.

Spring garage sale Saturday 13 October 75 Moana Road

Melanie tells us that she is clearing out retro and vintage bits including glassware, crockery, ornaments, paintings and some furniture. Also books, clothing etc 8am -12pm

Short term rental needed

Can you help a local family who need a house sitting or short term rental from 12 October for around four weeks while house renovations are completed? They are happy to look after pets etc Call Sharon 233 2993 or 021 025 80151.

Subs and donations welcome

Thanks to everyone who has paid subs and made donations toward community projects this month. Your familys annual sub of just $15 will go to things for the community to enjoy ... perhaps a raft in Karehana Bay for kids to play on in Summer?
Membership sub Donation Total contribution $15 $ $

Please direct credit the PRAs Westpac account no. 03-1533-0019155-00 or leave payment at Scene@Plimmerton on Steyne Ave, or post to PO Box 57-027, Mana, 5247 identifying your name and address.

Our website: www.plimmerton.org.nz and our email: plimmertonra@gmail.com

Support your community its the best!

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