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Tugas ITC 1. There are some common considerations before developing language laboratory, what are those?

# Before developing language laboratory, one must consider the following: a. HIgher cost for tools maintenance, b. Specific training for operators often do not match needs in the field, c. Access to human resources for maintenance and development is unavailable, d. Highe cost for reqruiting professional operators, e. Appropriate materials are yet unavailable, and f. Limited work hours for ITC teachers in developing interactive materials. 2. What so important on becoming technology literate? # Technology in education facilitates teaching-learning process by providing unlimited space and time for both teachers and learners to share and discuss the classroom materials. Understanding the use of technology such as computer, TV, smartphone, and other audiovisual medias is now considered as a basic skill in distributing information. It may support fulltime teaching-learning process in which the teachers could look out their students' activity outside the physical classroom as long as they are connected to the what so called virtual (online) class. 3. How many fases ITC took to develop up until now? # There are five fases in ITC development to the current trend. First is Programming, Drill and Practice fase (late 1970s and beginning 1980s) in which softwares were developed to provide light exercises for language and math subjects. Second fase is Computer-Based Training (late 1980s and beginning 1990s) whereas CD-Rom-based softwares were best choices for storing texts, animated images, and videos to support interactive materials. Third fase is (beginning 1990s) Internet-Based Learning whereas breaks the limit of time and spaces in teaching-learning process. Fourth fase (late 1990s and beginning 2000s) is E-Learning as a fixed and developed from the previous version. The last (late 2000s) is Social Softwares and Open Content in which materials were distributed uncommercial, easy to use, and editable. It is said that Social ConstructivTCist theory was ideological base for this pedagogical concept. 4. How to develop ICT tools to work efficiently in schools? # According to Renstra Depdiknas 2005-2009, ICT development is through the following steps: a. Designing internet network system which is connecting schools and data source. The system may include the hardwares, aplications, and databases. b. Implementing systems to the schools all over Indonesia which covers equipments, material applications, and trained teachers. c. Maintaining coverage area in order to guarantee system distribution. 5. What are the steps the ICT class better taught? # The ICT class is programmed by the students to support their understanding of the ICT tools usage. It begins with the discovery of what are those ICT tools look like so they can learn better on how they use those ICT tools according to the need. If they already have a good skill to utilize those tools, they may learn to understand the purpose why those

tools were developed. This means the students must know that one ICT tool is developed according to a particular purpose that different from another. So a skilled student in ICT must know to accomplish a task by utilizing an appropriate tool and not to confuse misusing it. At last, after some sort of time in ICT training, the student may specialize the use ICT tools along with how to deal with troubleshooting problems. 6. What kind of paradigm shift that Technology development results to our educational system? # The current advance technology and new-way information sharing bring a significant change to our educational paradigm. Some aspects from traditional education such as teacher-centered learning and information delivery in language classroom have shifted to a new interactive learning system such as learner-centered learning and information exchange in which dialog between teachers and students are now fully supported and facilitated. 7. What are some famous ITC-based learning in Indonesia? # In Indonesia, there are some ITC-based learning that currently developed and famously applied by the media of TV and computer. TV media intriduce educational channel such as TV Edukasi whereas some familiar school sucjects are simulated creatively. Computer media bring some subject package softwares in which sometimes specifically given to either teacher or students. However, those softwares are not the only kind, there are also administrational softwares which deal with school administration such as registration, virtual library, and many others. 8. Why school teachers should introduce computer assisted learning to their students? # Learning experience is an important factor that may determine successful learning process. Learning experience must be made as interactive as possible and computer-based classroom is one of he best choices. As Brown (1999) stated that (1) computer gives positive effects to students' confidence, (2) students can learn independently without any worries of making mistakes, (3) when the students work in group, students with less confidence can learn how to build their self-esteems from their mates, and (4) computer offers an unlimited flexible access to learning accross time and place. 9. How computer helps school teachers to provide interactive materials? # There are two kinds of learning software packages that teachers can use to deliver interactive materials; dedicated learning softwares and authoring learning softwares. Dedicated learning softwares are educational packages that can directly be used without necessary manipulation. In the another hand, authoring learning softwares are educational packages that can be manipulated according to the selected materials and particular purposes the teachers intend to. 10. What are some considerations for the school teacher before utilizing computers to support their teaching? # Before utilizing computers to support their teaching, the school teachers should consider the following: a. If it is the first time use, they better discuss it with their students. This is very important one considering not all of them are familiar with those tools. b. They may ask students to work in pair. Make sure that the skilled ones are partnering with the unskilled ones.

c. If there are unfamiliar computer programs found, the teachers better ask their studens to work in group so the students can share and learn quickly how to deal with such programs. d. The teacher should consider selected materials and choose the most appropriate one. e. The teacher should consider how those materials can be provided conveniently through computer softwares. Matching the materials with the current level of the students is a wise decision after all.

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