September 25, 2012 Minutes

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Senate Minutes September 25, 2012 Graduate Education Auditorium, 6:00 PM I. II. III. IV. V.

Call to Order 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Swear-In New Senators Special Orders a. Reports (5 minutes each) i. Advisors Report 1. Senator of the Week- Ellen Rudolph 2. Leadership survey- complete and email 3. Strengths Quest- email results 4. Strengths of the Week Program a. This weeks strengths: activator/deliberative ii. Presidents Report 1. Last summers events/updates a. Rent-a-clicker program b. Athletic promo items c. Office renovations 2. Student poll- submit 3-5 questions 3. Board of Trustees meeting coming up iii. Vice-Presidents Report 1. Honorary Clay Family at football game 2. Homecoming- 37 application, great turnout iv. Secretarys Report 1. ASG Insider 2. ASG Website- Ticker is running 3. Welcome Fresh HOG pages v. Treasurers Report vi. Cabinet Reports 1. Chief of Staff a. Scooter and handicap parking meetings coming up b. Scantron success c. Voter Registration Drive d. Debate Watch party- next Wednesday Giffels @ 7 p.m. e. National Student Day- Campus Bookstore Oct. 4th 10-4 f. Jane Goodall to campus next Friday-Barnhill vii. Chair of the Senates Report 1. ASG Retreat- encourage attendance


viii. Mayor Jordan 1. Town Hall Meeting- October 11th Law School Court room Nominations and Elections a. Special Senate Office Nominations and Elections i. Parliamentarian 1. Senator Lewis (won) ii. Legislative Clerk 1. Senator West (won) iii. Sergeant at Arms 1. Senator Hansen (won) iv. Webmaster b. Committee Chair Nominations and Elections i. Academics 1. Senator Fleener (won) 2. Senator Kyle 3. Senator Edwards ii. Campus Life 1. Senator Brasuell 2. Senator Cavell (won) iii. Campus Safety 1. Senator Parish (won) 2. Senator Kyle iv. Constitution & Code Review 1. Senator Elmore 2. Senator Vaughn (won) 3. Senator Rudolph v. Diversity 1. Senator Tucker (won) 2. Senator Wooden 3. Senator Siddiqui vi. Parking & Transit 1. Senator Mahoney (won) 2. Senator Stevens 3. Senator Dean vii. Press Relations 1. Senator Mann 2. Senator Simpson 3. Senator Kyle (won) viii. Sustainability & the Campus Environment 1. Senator Rogers 2. Senator Rudolph (won)

c. College Caucus Chair Nominations and Elections i. Dale Bumpers College of Agriculture, Food, & Life Sciences (AFLS) 1. Senator Hansen (won) ii. J. William Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences (ARSC) 1. Senator Williams (won) 2. Senator Dodd iii. College of Education & Health Professions (COEHP) 1. Senator Wooden (won) iv. College of Engineering (ENGR) 1. Senator Rogers (won) 2. Senator Stevens v. Graduate School (GRAD) 1. Senator Desai (won) vi. Sam M. Walton College of Business (WCOB) 1. Senator Simpson (won) 2. Senator Dean d. Committee Member Nominations i. Appropriations (9) 1. Senator Brasuell (won) 2. Senator Fleener (won) 3. Senator Williams (won) 4. Senator Freeman (won) 5. Senator Matthews (won) 6. Senator Davis (won) 7. Senator King (won) 8. Senator Dean (won) 9. Senator Dollar (won) ii. PAB (1) 1. Senator Hazelwood (won) 2. Senator Kent 3. Senator Rogers 4. Senator Knudson 5. Senator Freeman VII. Public Comment (3 at 2 minutes each) VIII. Old Business a. ASG Senate Resolution No. 1 The ASG Senate Standing Rules Act of 20122013 i. Authored by Chair Norton ii. Sponsored by Chair Norton 1. Primary Amendments- Passed 2. Secondary Amendment- Senator West- Failed

Final Vote- Passed b. ASG Senate Bill No. 1 The ASG Senate Modernization Act i. Authored by Chair Norton ii. Sponsored by Chair Norton Final Vote- Passed
Yea: 33 Nay: 4 Abstain: 0 Yea: 32 Nay: 1 Abstain: 3

IX. X.

New Business Announcements a. Committee Assignment b. Attend Retreat c. Welcome ASG Office Manager Ms. Jody Adjournment 7:40 p.m.


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