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1. Bowel elimination: bowel training 2. Perineal care:nspinal cord injury 3. Crutch walking 4. Coumadin 5.

Crohns disease : food options 6. 6-12 years: nutritional status 7. Ileostomy care, colorectal cancer: ostomy care 8. TURP: Post op care 9. Intermittent tube feeding 10. Glomerulonephritis: Diet 11. Cholecystitis : Diet 12. Kosher Diet 13. Kegel exercise 14. Weight Loss calculation 15. Suctioning 16. Tracheostomy care 17. Anthrax 18. Chlamidia 19. Decontamination 20. Toddler : Home safety 21. Cleft palate 22. Dressings 23. Meningitis 24. Oxygen therapy and pulse ox 25. Home visit 26. Cooling blanket 27. Car seat safety 28. Newborn security

29. Fractures: appropriate interventions 30. Acid Base: evaluating results 31. Elevated Troponin 32. Chemotherapy 33. Interventions for central venous lines 34. Cardiac catheter 35. Cervical cancer: pap smear 36. Skeletal traction 37. Heart failure: symptoms 38. Iron def. anemia 39. Aortofemoral bypass 40. Antiembolic stocking 41. JP drain 42. Conscious sedation: Complications, interventions and monitoring client response 43. Risk factors: MI 44. Hypocalcemia 45. Head injury : neuro assessments 46. Hyperthyroid: complications 47. Peripheral vascular disease: nursing interventions 48. EEG : education 49. Amnioinfusion 50. Managing an aggressive patient 51. Terminal illness/cancergrief 52. Sedatives: withdrawal 53. Crisis: priority interventions 54. Schizophrenia:expected findings 55. Suicide: nursing interventions 56. Domestic abuse

57. Group Therapy 58. Coping: body image change 59. Anxiety: PTSD assessment 60. Anxiety: priority intervention 61. Bipolar: S/s manic 62. Bonding : intervening 63. Engorgement: education 64. Fontanels: assessment 65. 1-3 years : food choices, expected findings 66. C- section : position 67. Correct use of condom 68. Latent phase : labor/ True vs False labor 69. Boggy uterus 70. Spinal cord Injury : self care 71. Amniotomy 72. Leukotriene Modifier 73. Gentamycin : affecting protein synthesis; nephrotoxic 74. Bacterial cell wall: Rocephin/ Penicillin(allergy) 75. Lithium 76. Magnesium 77. Chronic Anemiaeffective 78. Digoxin lab value 79. Empty TPN bag 80. Thyroid Hormones: side effects 81. Heparin infusion monitor 82. Ace inhibitors/ca channel blockers 83. Dopamine 84. Nardil

85. Psychosis: adverse effects; holding dose 86. Migraine medications 87. Fentanyl patch 88. Pudendal block 89. Methergine 90. Steroids 91. Chronic Emphysema: Acid base imbalance 92. Burns priority 93. Skin care : cancer 94. Neonate: Hyperbilirubinemia/infections 95. Blood transfusion : complications/interventions 96. PAWP.pulmonary artery wedge pressure 97. Hypokalemia/hyponatremia 98. Monitoring : ICP 99. Hyperemesis gravidarum 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. Ventilator : low pressure alarm Pulmonary Emboli Cord prolapse Vtach GERD AV fistula Shock: s/s Skin lesions: Team collaboration Referrals and transfers Financial concerns Speech therapy Restraints

113. 114. 115. 116. 117.

Advance directives Impaired nurse Time management Bucks traction Float assignment

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