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Mission Ministries Philippines Year Round Seminars for SY 2012 -2013


20th Early Childhood Education Seminar Level 1

A 3-day seminar workshop designed for new preschool teachers who would like to learn the basic knowledge and skills in facilitating a developmentally appropriate preschool. April 19 to 21, 2012 (8am to 5pm) Reg. Fee 3,000/head inclusive of handouts, kit, certificate, snacks and lunch for 3 days TOPIC HIGHLIGHTS: The Philosophy of Early Childhood Education Assessment and Recording in ECE curriculum Learning through play Literature Based Approach in Early Childhood Education Making Math & Science fun and enjoyable Developmentally Appropriate Evangelism for children Fieldtrip exposure to 2 Developmentally Appropriate Preschools And many more...


15th Early Childhood Education Seminar Level 2

A 3-day seminar workshop designed for experienced teachers, principals, administrators and board members. May 10 to 12, 2012 (8am to 5pm) Reg. Fee: 3,000/head inclusive of handouts, kit, certificate, snacks and lunch for 3 days TOPIC HIGHLIGHTS: The Convention on the Right of the Child K + 12 Education in the Philippines Developmentally Appropriate Approach in ECE Legal and Regulatory Requirements in setting-up an ECE Program Practical Guidelines in Administering your ECE pgoram And many more...

3. When Reading is DifficultTeaching the Slow Reader

Slow learners or at risk children are not the learning disabled neither they have mental disorders. They are simply students in a regular class who take a longer time to grasp any reading material

Most slow learners dont qualify for special education, they might only need personal approach and interventions in Reading. August 18, 2012 (1 5pm) Registration Fee : Php.400/head Inclusive of handouts, certificate and snacks

4. Early Academics in Developmentally Appropriate Ways

Developmentally Appropriate Practice- DAP describes an approach to education that focuses on the child as a developing human being and a life long learner. It encourage teachers to make decisions in the classroom by combining their knowledge of child development with an understanding of the individual child to achieve desired and meaningful outcomes in teaching academics. October 20, 2012 (1 5pm) Registration Fee : Php.400/head Inclusive of handouts, certificate and snacks

5. Connecting with Infants and Toddlers

The first three years of a babys life are very important. Infants and toddlers are learning to walk, talk, recognize people and do many other things. Learn how to help them develop the skills they will need for the rest of their lives. Nov. 10, 2012 (1 5pm) Registration Fee : Php.400/head Inclusive of handouts, certificate and snacks

6. Teaching Kids through Music and Movements

Young children enjoy singing a song, dancing and making musical sounds. Music and movements go hand in hand and are important parts of learning and creative expression. February 16, 2013 (1 5pm) Registration Fee : Php.400/head Inclusive of handouts, certificate and snacks All seminars will be held at Asian Theological Seminary 54 Sct. Madrian St., South Triangle, Quezon City For More Details, Contact: MISSION MINISTRIES PHILIPPINES 54 Sct. Madrian St., South Triangle, Quezon City Tel No. 928-5409 / 928-5110 Mobile: 0920-2228158/ 0927-3855592 Email:

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