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Delegao Regional do Centro Centro de Formao Profissional de Aveiro

Curso de Vida Ativa - Ingls Continuao

A. Where are these capital cities? Match the cities with the countries. 1. London a. Jamaica 2. Dublin b. USA 3. Belfast c. New Zealand 4. Edinburgh d. Australia 5. Cardiff e. England 6. Washington D.C. f. Republic of Ireland 7. Canberra g. Wales 8. Ottawa h. Canada 9. Wellington i. Northern Ireland 10. Kingston j. Scotland B. Choose the best answer in each case. 1. a) b) c) d) 2. a) b) c) d) 3. a) b) c) d) 4. a) b) c) d) 5. a) b) c) d) Mary no like coffee. Mary not like coffee. Mary doesnt like coffee. Mary like coffee. You speak English? Speak you English? Are you speak English? Do you speak English? John no from Belfast. John not from Belfast. John isnt from Belfast. John no is from Belfast. 9. a) b) c) d) My flat is more comfortable than your. My flat is more comfortable than yours. My flat is comfortable as yours. My flat is more comfortable as yours. Where from Chris? Wheres Chris from? Where Chris from? Where is from Chris? Hello. Me names Jude. Hello. My name Jude. Hello. I Jude Hello. My names Jude. 7. a) b) c) d) 8. a) b) c) d) Sues car is more big than mine Sues car is bigger than my Sues car is bigger than mine Sues car is bigger than me Have you met any famous people? Have you met any people famous? You have met any famous people? You have met any people famous? 6. a) b) c) d) She always go to bed early. She always goes to bed early. She goes never to bed early. She doesnt never go to bed early.

C. Match each question to the answer. 1. Do you go abroad in the summer? 2. Does your father work in a factory? 3. Does your sister go to school? 4. Do the musicians work today? 5. Do you and your brother come with me? 6. Does the washing machine work?

a) b) c) d) e) f)

No, she doesnt No, they dont Yes, we do No, I dont Yes, it does Yes, he does

D. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. then match the questions with the answers. your like house Whats? living in the you like Do USA? like your Do school you? 1. __________________________________________________________________? Yes, because the teachers are nice and very understanding. 2. __________________________________________________________________? Its old and near a forest. 3. __________________________________________________________________? Yes, because there are many opportunities here. E. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Put the verbs into the present simple or continuous. 1. The bus _____________ (leave) at 9.00. 2. What time _____________ (the train/ leave)? 3. She _____________ (not like) science fiction films. 4. Harry and Will _____________ (watch) TV now. 5. _____________ (they/ tidy) their room at the moment? 6. I_____________ (not lie) on the floor. F. Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple come go do be buy enjoy 1. The students _____________ a lot of work yesterday. 2. They _____________ the party yesterday. 3. We _____________ to school yesterday. 4. The weather _____________ terrible yesterday. 5. Orlando _____________ with me yesterday. 6. My grandparents _____________a cottage last year. G. Make sentences using the present perfect. 1. He / just / have dinner 2. How long / you / live / in this street? 3. You / be / ever / to London? 4. I / not see / him / since Saturday.

H. Complete the sentences using the present perfect or past simple. 1. They _____________ (sell) their old car last month. 2. He _____________ (be) an office assistant since 1990. 3. Where _____________ (you/go) yesterday? 4. Paul doesnt love here any more. He _____________ (move) to Lisbon. I. Choose the best answer in each case. 1. Right now John _____________ to some music on the radio a) is listening b) listens c) listen 2. _____________ in aliens? a) Believe you b) Are you believing 3. Mary, _____________ to me? a) do you listen b) listening 4. She _____________ home at 8.00 every day. a) leaves b) is leaving 5. What_____________ now? a) do you study b) are you studying 6. Jerry, _____________ this magazine belong to you? a) are b) is 7. Next June Alex _____________ sixteen. a) will be b) is going to be 8. I _____________ that film yet. a) am not seeing b) havent seen 9. When you _____________ in London, please call me. a) arrived b) will arrive 10. _____________ the concert. Lets leave! a) I dont enjoy b) Im not enjoying 11. You _____________ the phone yesterday evening. a) answered not b) dont answer 12. Where _____________ yesterday evening? a) do you go b) did you go

c) Do you believe

c) are you listening

c) leave

c) study you

c) does

c) is

c) dont see

c) arrive

c) I didnt enjoy

c) didnt answer

c) you went

Formadora: Ana Fonseca

J. Put in the preposition in, on or at 1. The magazine is _____________ the table. 2. Stuart joined the company _____________ July. 3. The meeting is _____________ the afternoon. 4. It sometimes gets very hot _____________ summer. 5. Marry is ill _____________ bed. 6. They will be here _____________ twenty minutes. 7. School starts _____________ 8.20. 8. My friends always give me a lot of presents _____________ my birthday. 9. They live _____________ Italy. 10. The Internet began _____________ the 20th century. 11. I like listening to the news _____________ the radio. 12. They came here _____________ the train. 13. Ive read todays edition of The Guardian _____________ the Internet. 14. They arrived late _____________ the airport. K. Choose the correct answer. 1. We need some paper. _____________ do we need? a. How much b. How many 2. _____________English grammar do you know? a. How much b. How many 3. _____________ true friends do you have? a. How much b. How many 4. _____________ sort of music do you like? a. What b. Which 5. _____________ colour do you prefer, blue or black? a. What b. Which 6. _____________ does it take on foot from here to the cinema? a. How long b. How much

L. Choose the best answer in each case. 1. Dont forget to turn the light off _____________ you leave for school. a. after b. before 2. _____________ she went out, it started raining. a. While b. When

3. They must do something _____________ its too late. a. after b. before 4. They were playing computer games _____________ I was typing me research work. a. while b. when 5. My mother started cooking dinner after _____________ her car. a. washing b. wash 6. Ill phone you _____________ I arrive home. a. while b. as soon as 7. I dont like him _____________he doesnt like me. a. but b. and 8. It was very cold, _____________ I put on a coat. a. or b. so M. Put in should, shouldnt, must or mustnt. 1. Wilson is a very nice person. You _____________ meet him. 2. I cant do this exercise. You _____________ help me. 3. You look tired. You _____________ have a rest. 4. This competition is very important. You _____________ forget to do it. 5. The hotel is very expensive. I think we _____________ stay here. 6. When you are driving, you _____________ wear a seat belt. 7. Cars _____________ park in front of the entrance. 8. You _____________ leave a baby alone in the house.

Formadora: Ana Fonseca

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