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Banners Broker is an Online Advertising Company


The Products are advertising inventory in form of panels.

Copyright BannersBroker. All rights reserved.

new way to earn revenue online.

Panel ?
Panels are advertising inventory which basically is a graphical representation of your ad spot and It comes in 6 different colors & values. 90 $. 270 $. 810 $. 2430 $. 30 $. 10 $.
Lower value panels complete or cap faster than higher value panels. Depending on their value they take from 4 weeks to 7 months to cap.

Copyright BannersBroker. All rights reserved.

Graphical View of a GREEN Panel

It shows your earnings (Publisher Side)

The re-purchase setting decide the state of the panels on completion For Example if you set it to 100% , upon completion you get 2 new panels which can be qualified for further ad revenue. If you set it to 50% , upon completion you get one new panel which can be qualified for further ad revenue at the same time the cost of one panel is moved to you E-wallet for further usage.

You can get impressions from your panel (Advertiser Side)

Banners Broker (Canada) Ltd. and its affiliate companies do not guarantee the income of any person(s) or entity(ies) participating in its program. Incomes earned will be in direct proportion to the amount of time Copyright are the personal rights reserved. and3 effort put forth by participants. The typical" income of a typical affiliate is approximately $39.58 per month/$475.00 per year. Testimonies given regarding incomeBannersBroker. All testimonies of the

The 2 new panels have already started to generate ad revenue and is nearing completion .

My first Yellow Panel capped in 3 weeks time and generated 2 new panel as the repurchase was set to 100%

Check the panel codes to co-relate the generated panels

Banners Broker (Canada) Ltd. and its affiliate companies do not guarantee the income of any person(s) or entity(ies) participating in its program. Incomes earned will be in direct proportion to the amount of time Copyright are the personal rights reserved. and4 effort put forth by participants. The typical" income of a typical affiliate is approximately $39.58 per month/$475.00 per year. Testimonies given regarding incomeBannersBroker. All testimonies of the

Copyright BannersBroker. All rights reserved.

Register absolutely free to become a Banners Broker affiliate Click here on this link to do so . Now that you are a member , u can purchase a package to start earning online. The packages include panels and the first month subscription fees of $15. There are 6 different types of packages as below
$25 $10 $10

+ $15

$55 $145

+ $15
$90 $90

The panels on purchase of a package are qualified complimentary for 2 rounds .



+ $15




+ $15
$810 $810


$10 $10

$30 $30

$90 $90

$270 $270

+ $15


+ $15

Copyright BannersBroker. All rights reserved.

This is a graphical representation of the Green panel generating revenue .

All other color panels behave in the same manner and depending on their value the time to generate revenue varies. Lower value panels complete or cap faster than higher value panels

Banners Broker (Canada) Ltd. and its affiliate companies do not guarantee the income of any person(s) or entity(ies) participating in its program. Incomes earned will be in direct proportion to the amount of time Copyright are the personal rights reserved. and7 effort put forth by participants. The typical" income of a typical affiliate is approximately $39.58 per month/$475.00 per year. Testimonies given regarding incomeBannersBroker. All testimonies of the

Green panel will double into two new green panels which will be qualified complimentary again. After you complete your Complementary Panels 1 and 2

You will receive new panels that need to be qualified

Banners Broker (Canada) Ltd. and its affiliate companies do not guarantee the income of any person(s) or entity(ies) participating in its program. Incomes earned will be in direct proportion to the amount of time Copyright are the personal rights reserved. and8 effort put forth by participants. The typical" income of a typical affiliate is approximately $39.58 per month/$475.00 per year. Testimonies given regarding incomeBannersBroker. All testimonies of the

How does my E-Wallet look

I joined in Aug 2012 with a business package of 145 $ and below is a screen Now heres E-Wallet picture .... A screen shot of my friends E-wallet who is into shot of my the bigger Day Banners Brokers for the last 16 months.1

Day 30 Isnt this something ,friends !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOT BAD for 30 DAYS ,right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Copyright BannersBroker. All rights reserved.

Bottom Line . If you are looking for a secondar y income to faciliate your goals in life , then Banners Brokers is a great path towards your goal. If you need to talk to me or have any queries , please feel free to get in touch with me @ Or alternatively use the below link to sign up and be part of this amazing Register now experience . REGISTER NOW


Copyright BannersBroker. All rights reserved.

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