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Atalhos 2011 11 01

Plugins em Itlico

Sketchup Puros
Letras A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeros " 1 (!) 2 (@) 3 (#) 4 ($) 5 (%) 6 () 7 (&) 8 9 0 Arc Paint Bucket Circle Show Dialogs Eraser Follow me Make Group Edit/Hide Intersect Selected Hide Similar Components Look Around Line Move Hide/Rest Of Model Offset Push/ Pull Rotate Rectangle Scale Tape Unhide All Field of View Position Camera Explode Axes Zoom Extents

Ctrl +
Select All Paste In Place Copy 3D Text Text Make Unique Make Component Hidden Geometry Interact Tool Camera Zoom Memorize Selection New File Open File Print Protractor Polygon Save Select None Unhide Last Paste Walk Cut Edge by Axis Undo

Shift +
Component Attributes Remove All Materials Restore Toolbars Position

Ctrl + Shift +

Layout Puros
Arc Style Circle Hide / Show Tray Erase Group Hide / Show Grid Stroke Diplay

Ctrl +
Select All Text / Bold Copy Duplicate Label

Ctrl + Shift +

Hide All Unselected

Text / Italic

Recall Selection Memory Nudge (Mover Objetos pelas Setas) Profile Builder Randor (Escala e Rotaciona) Save As

Add Selection to Memory

Line Move to Current Layer Fill Display Render Image Rectangle Pick Style Text Ungroup New File Open File Print

Page Setup


Paste Weld (Linhas em Polilinha) Explode Make Unbounded / Bounded Zoom to Fit Cut Undo Redo

Camera Previous

Perspective/ Parallel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

View Back Edges Export 2D Lock Unlock Texture Position Dashed Lines Create Sandbox From Contours

X-Ray Scene Exporter Pro

File / Insert... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Select None File / Images...

File / PDF

Setas Left Down Up Right Number Pad 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (+) (-) (*) (/) Outras Page Down Page Up End Home Simbolos < > Barra ^ = [ ] Backspace Janelas F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12

Trava Green Trava Blue Trava Blue Trava Red

Flip Group Along Green Drop Flip Group Along Blue Flip Group Along Red

Flip Comp Along Green Drape Flip Comp Along Blue Flip Comp Along Red

Move Objeto Move Objeto Move Objeto Move Objeto

Flip Left to Right Center Vertacally on Page Flip Top to Bottom Center Horizontally on Page

Align Left Align Bottom Align Top Align Right

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (+) (-) (*) (/)

Botom Isso Front Left Top Right Back Set Center Point View / Show Guides Get Midpoint Two Point Perspective Solid Tools Union Solid Tools Subtract Solid Tools Split Arc Centerpoint

Text / Bottom Text / Left Text / Center Text / Right Text / Top Text Bigger Text Smaller Create Clipping Mask Release Clipping Mask

Next Scene Previous Scene Update Scene Spin

Play Animation Add Scene Stop Spin Start Presentation

Send Backward Bring Foward

Send to Back Bring to Front

Undo Redo Select Shadows Dimensions View/ Section Cuts View/ Section Planes

Reverse Faces Left Click Reverse Faces Select Fog Seleciona Componentes Iguais Active Cut Section Plane Dimension

Model Info Entity Info Material Components Styles Layers Outliner Scenes Shadows Soften Edges Preferences

File / Document Setup


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