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Grand Rapids FRC Bulletin

September 30, 2012

Correction: The email addresses for Henk Kleyn & Roger Osmun were incorrect in the congregation activities letter. They should be and Confession of Faith/New Members Class - This years confession class will begin next Sunday after the morning service and will be taught by Dr. Jerry Bilkes. If you have finished the catechism classes, please consider joining the class. For those considering joining our congregation, we will be offering a new members class as well. Please contact Jerry Bilkes for more information.

9:30 AM One Sacrifice For Sins For Ever

~ Calendar ~
Scripture: Hebrews 10 Text: Hebrews 10:12

The Lord willing... James 4:15

October 2 - (Tuesday) 7 PM Dorcas Guild meeting. Our project for this month is hygiene kits for international aid. October 6 - (Saturday) 7 AM Mens Breakfast Bible Study will begin the season at the Rainbow Grill in Hudsonville. We will begin with lesson 8 based on 1 John 4:13-21. October 7 - (Sunday) 4:15 PM Youth group meeting. Snack: Karel October 8 - (Monday) 7:30 PM Full Consistory meeting.

5:50 PM - SONG SERVICE: Psalter 31:1, 4, 6, 7 6:00 PM What more could I do?

Scripture: Isaiah 5

Text: Isaiah 5:4

But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.

October 9 - (Tuesday) 9:45 AM Ladies Bible Study. Coffee is at 9.45 AM and the lesson starts at 10. Ladies of all ages are welcome and nursery is provided. Any questions, contact Jeanette DeBlaay. October 10 - (Wednesday) 7 PM - Boys and Girls Club. Gym night for girls grades 3 8. There will be a regular meeting for all the others. October 13 Saturday 7 PM Informal service at Mel Trotter Mission

Hebrews 2:9

~ From The Consistory ~

Visitors, welcome. We hope you are blessed through worshiping with us this Communion Lords Day. Today, Dr. David Murray will conduct our worship services. This morning, the sacrament of the Lords Supper will be celebrated in the midst of the congregation. There will be no Sunday School/Catechism classes this morning. Next Sunday, Dr. Jerry Bilkes will lead our services, the Lord willing. The Sunday School & Catechism classes Psalter of the month is #120:1 & 3. Next months Psalter of the month is # 203:1, 3 & 5. Please review with your child(ren).

~ Other

News ~

Word & Deed Monthly Update - Due to a decrease in funding from Europe, Word & Deed N. America recently committed to supporting a rural hospital in Cubulco, Guatemala for 3 years. John Otten, our Director of Administration - Canada, ran the hospital for 17 years until he returned to Canada. The hospital, overseen by our partner, AMG Guatemala, has 14 beds, 24 hour emergency services, a pharmacy, and four doctors who give medical consultations and carry out minor surgeries with a commendable overall 70% self-sufficiency. Most importantly, the Gospel is shared with many of the 14,000 patients that are seen each year. Please pray for the staff and patients as well as the chaplain, who ministers to their spiritual needs of this important ministry. The Heritage Voices choir will begin practicing for the Christmas season on Monday, October 15, D.V. We would like to invite new member to join us and are especially looking for Altos.

~ Church Family ~ The congregation extends its sympathy to Kay Huisjen and family on
the loss of their husband and father, Dave Huisjen, this past Monday. Please remember the family in your prayers.

~ Directory Updates ~
New address/district (2) for Everett & Mert Beute Glenhaven Manor Apt #218 2619 Kalamazoo Ave., SE Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Phone is the same: 949-0372 New address & phone for Mrs. Barbara Kwekel Glenhaven Manor Apt # 229 2619 Kalamazoo Ave SE Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Phone 248-0429 New phone number for Mrs. Fran Hekman is 457-3050 Please note these changes in your directory

We would like to say THANK YOU to the congregation for the shower of
gifts received on behalf of our son, Hunter. The love and support shown to us now and the past 5 years of military service is truly overwhelming! We feel blessed to be home safely and a part of our church family once again. God is good. Tyler & Courtney Prince

There is an online signup for bringing meals to Ray and Linda

Lanning. The meals are greatly appreciated. It's at, and the signup list is accessed by searching for "Lanning" and using the pass code "9100". If you have any questions, contact Janna Birn at or 616-844-0028. Please Remember in Our Prayers: Mrs. Ann Baas, Mr. Everett Beute, Mr. Dwight Prince, Mr. Trent Timmer, Mr. Howard Vanden Toorn and Mrs. Mina Van't Hof. Shut-ins: Mrs. Dorothy Hitchcock, Mr. Cornelius Jobse and Mrs. Gertrude VanderGraaf Serviceman: Dan Arnoudse

Mother In Charge October: Tammy Timmer Today: AM A: B: PM A: B: AM A: B: PM A: B: Arleen Boven, Suzanne Kleyn Rene VanderHart, Maddie Prince Laura DeJong, Susan Osmun Lisa VanStrien, Makenna Pronk Janna Birn, Rieneke Ude Renee Langerak, Cora Beute Martha Markwat, Misty Huckstead Kim & Hannah Kleyn

Next Week:

~ Ushers ~
Today: Next Week: AM Sam Moerdyk PM Tom Karel, Jr. AM Andrew Bergsma PM Steve Kleyn

~ Offerings ~
Today 1 collection: nd 2 collection: Box at Exits:

Next Week Building Fund General Fund Benevolent Fund

Education Fund Denominational Fund Word & Deed Fund

LITURGY September 30, 2012 Morning Service Votum & Salutation Psalter: 137: 3-6 Law Psalter: 144: 3-6 Scripture Reading: Hebrews 10 Text: Hebrews 10: 12 Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter: 303 Sermon: One sacrifice for sins for ever Lords Super Tables Psalter: 109 Prayer Offertory Psalter: 280 Benediction Doxology: 197 ******

Song Service: Psalter 31: 1, 4, 6, 7

LITURGY September 30, 2012 Evening Service Votum & Salutation Psalter: 169 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 5 Text: Isaiah 5: 4 Apostles Creed Psalter: 220: 1-3 Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter: 296 Sermon: What more could I do? Prayer Offertory Psalter: 220: 4-6 Benediction Doxology: 196 ******

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