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Lyxor ETF Dow Jones IA

The best way to reflect USA Exchange Traded Fund Lyxor ETF Dow Jones IA
Lyxor ETF Dow Jones IA is a French Mutual Fund (FCP), UCITS compliant, listed and tradable on Stock Exchanges. It reflects the evolution of the Dow Jones Industrial Average

31-Jan-09 ETF Data

Index Legal Form First Listing
Source: Lyxor AM

Dow Jones Industrial Average French Mutual Fund UCITS I & III compliant May 17, 2001 EUR 1 unit (1/100 of the index) 0.50% Yes Yes Annual 1.50 EUR (10.09.2008) 62.8 EUR 403.52 Mio. EUR 99.99941 % 0.754901 %

Risk factor (extraction from the prospectus)

EUR / USD exchange risk since the Mutual Funds value is calculated in EUR and the index replicated by the Mutual Fund is calculated in USD.

Currency Minimum Investment Management fees PEA SRD Dividends

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

ETFs are index-linked funds tradable in real time during European market hours as easily as any ordinary shares. Their objective is simple: to replicate as perfectly as possible the performance of an index or of a selection of stocks.These products are easily accessible and flexible.Their numerous strategic applications make them the perfect tool for all types of investors.

Last dividend NAV Asset Under Management correlation Tracking Error



Lyxor Asset Management



A wholly owned subsidiary of Socit Generale, Lyxor AM, management company belonging to the Corporate Investment Banking arm of the group and is specialized on 3 businesses: Alternative Investment, Structured Funds, Index Tracking. The company is one of the top players of the European ETF industry with more than EUR 25 billion under management. Lyxor ETFs are listed on 10 Worldwide Stock Exchanges and reflect Money-, Equity-, Bond- and Commodity-markets.

Euronext Paris

Deutsche Brse Euwax SWX Borsa Italiana Wiener Brse

Index Evolution
Dow Jones IA
Source: Bloomberg, 31.01.2009

Index Data

13'000 12'000 11'000 10'000 9'000 8'000 7'000

Yearly Performances 2009 YTD 2008 2007 2006 2005 Rolling Performances 1 year 3 years 5 years

-8.84% -33.84% 6.43% 16.29% -0.61%

Exposure Assets Number of components Currency Bloomberg Reuters

United States Equity Market 30 USD INDU .DJI

-36.75% -26.36% -23.71%







Sectors Industrial Goods & Services Technology Oil & Gas Healthcare Food & Beverage Retail Travel & Leisure Personal & Household Goods Telecommunications Banks Chemicals Media Financial Services Basic Resources Automobiles & Parts 18.41% 15.60% 14.82% 9.99% 7.02% 6.83% 5.69% 5.45% 5.40% 3.66% 2.29% 2.07% 1.65% 0.79% 0.31%

Source: Bloomberg, 31.12.2008

Top holdings
Intl Business Machines Exxon Mobil Chevron Johnson & Johnson Mcdonald'S Procter & Gamble 3M United Technologies Wal-Mart Coca-Cola Boeing Hewlett-Packard Caterpillar Verizon Communications Merck & Co Kraft Foods Inc-Class A Jpmorgan Chase Kraft Foods Inc Du Pont (E.I.) De Nemours Home Depot
(Technolog) (Oil & Gas) (Oil & Gas) (Healthcare) (Trav Leis) (Pers Hous) (Ind Goods) (Ind Goods) (Retail) (Food Bev) (Ind Goods) (Technolog) (Ind Goods) (Telecom) (Healthcare) (Food Bev) (Banks) (Telecom) (Chemicals) (Retail)

Source: Bloomberg, 31.12.2008

9.12% 7.74% 7.08% 5.71% 5.69% 5.45% 5.37% 4.72% 4.70% 4.25% 4.12% 3.48% 2.99% 2.96% 2.81% 2.77% 2.62% 2.44% 2.29% 2.13%



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Lyxor ETF Dow Jones IA

The best way to reflect USA

Disclaimer: The information in this document is illustrative and provided for informational purposes only. It is based on market data at a given moment and is subject to market variations. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. No fiduciary responsibility or liability shall be assumed for any material or typographical error, which may appear in this document. This document can not be copied, reproduced or distributed, entirely or partly, without Lyxor AM agreement. This MF was approved by the Autorit des Marchs Financiers (French Financial Markets Authority) on 15 mars 2001 under the number FCP20010203. Investors with any doubts as regards the suitability of an investment in these products should consult their usual financial advisers before purchasing any units. Source Bloomberg & Lyxor AM. Past performance is no guarantee for future performance. The fund is authorized for the offer and distribution in Switzerland or from Switzerland pursuant to article 120 of the Swiss Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes dated June 23, 2006. The Federal Banking Commission has authorized Socit Gnrale, Zurich Branch, to act as Swiss Representative and Paying Agent of the Funds in Switzerland. The prospectuses, annual and semi-annual reports as well as the articles of association of the Funds and the list of sales and purchases undertaken for the funds can be obtained for free from the Swiss Representative (Socit Gnrale, Zurich Branch, Talacker 50, Zurich) or can be downloaded from the website LYXOR ETF DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE in no way benefits from the sponsorship, support or promotion, and is not sold by Dow Jones. Dow Jones grants no guarantee and undertakes no commitment, whether explicitly or implicitly, relative to the results to be obtained through the use of the Dow Jones Industrial Average index (hereinafter the "Index") and/or relative to the level at which the said Index may be at any given moment or day, or of any other type. The index is calculated by or in the name of Dow Jones. Dow Jones will not be liable (whether on the basis of negligence or any other basis) for any error affecting the Index with regard to any party, and it will have no obligation to inform anyone of any possible error affecting the index. The complete prospectus for this MF is downlodable on



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