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The largest technology contest for engineering students in India, recognized by The Limca Book of Records, 2 years running!

Current Scenario
Students rarely get an opportunity to work on real life projects with skills what the industry demands today. Need to improve the relevance & quality of talent pool available in India. Increasingly difficult for faculty to keep abreast of the latest technologies in the industry. Rarely do the colleges, faculty & students get rewarded for doing real life projects using some niche enterprise software. Very few students in the country have the In-demand skills for this On-demand world!

The Great Mind Challenge

A nation-wide software development contest Target Audience Engineering Students Steps:
Create Team & Register mentor Min 2 Max 4 students & 1 Faculty

Choose a project scenario to work upon. Attend Awareness sessions & complete the online training Create the project and submit Be Market-ready! Take home Prizes, Certificates and recognition!

WHY does TGMC exist?

Bridge the skills-gap between the university classroom and the professional IT market by including real-world project scenarios as the basis of the competition. Provide participating students an opportunity to showcase their software programming skills and increase their opportunities for future employment. Foster a spirit of collaboration among students create an environment in which students value, acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of their peers; Enable students to increase their confidence and enhance their soft skills by requiring them to verbally present their solutions to contest judges in a f2f session.

TGMC Sneak Peek

TGMC Metrics No. of Teams No of Colleges No. of Student Registration No. of Faculty Registration Yr 2010 Yr 2011 34070 1642 120450 34070 53349 2214 183176 24201 Surpassed a record-breaking registrations of 44,000 registrations in 2008 to 1,11,000 & 1,50,000 registrations in 2009 & 2010 respectively to 200,000 in 2011! The figures vouch for the reach, likeness and intensity of seriousness which is increasing every year.

Its really a great opportunity provided by TGMC. I participated in 2008 and 2009We have learned so many thing due to TGMC . TGMC workshop was sointeresting. I didn't know anything about J2EE even more in java when I started , but there was a zeal to work with TGMC. Nikhil Nishchal Sobhasaria Engineering College, Rajasthan.

Some more feedback from TGMCians!

TGMC 2011 Highlights

Contest was run online. Website supports registrations, discussion forums, mentoring etc 200,000 registrations in 2011(as against 150K in 2010) Reached 2000+ colleges in India Active on popular social networking sites. Certified as the Largest Software Development contest for Engineering Students by Limca Book of Records, 2 years in a row! Aim to get into the Guinness book of Records.


Over 20 Print and Online publications channels covered in various Indian Languages

TGMC Coffee Table Book

The G r M i C halenge f St eat nd l or udent cont has s est com e a l ong w ay si nce is i t ncepton i 2004.To i n t h com m em or e our7 anni sar w e l at ver y, aunched The G r M i C halenge 2010 annualbook. eat nd l Besi des r ecogni ng t young st s and t refors i zi he ar hei f t n t year gone by,t book el dat on t pl f m he s he uci es he ator w hi has been a l ch aunch pad f m yrads ofst or i udent s. Enj t s j ney caled The G r M i C halenge! oy hi our l eat nd l

TGMC Coffee Table Book 2011 out soon!

Glimpses of 2011 winners and felicitation

How the contest works

This section will detail the workings of the contest covering the following areas Eligibility Registration Timelines Winning Categories Project Synopsis Resources Communication Website Project Submission Felicitation Ceremony

Eligibility Criteria
Open to
Faculty & Students Under graduate Engineering and Master of Computer Application course students.

Registration 2012
All registrations happen online at TGMC Website hosted on MydeveloperWorks community . Registration Process for TGMC 2012
Fill the registration form on TGMC 2011 website

Students with a minimum team size of 2 or maximum size of 4 will have to register While registering themselves as a team one of their faculty member must be included as a faculty mentor. Students can participate only in one team; whereas faculty can guide more than one team. Students & Faculty who have registered last year have to register again. Choose a project scenario from the list or they can come up with their own

Whats new in TGMC 2012

No registration deadline. * Submit projects, the moment you finish working on them. FREE webinars on various topics on IBM software and hot topics in the IT industry. Surprise gifts for early-bird project submission teams. More technical resources and enablement drive by IBM to students interested to improve their IT skills. New project scenarios including many from the industry Online learning courses

*Registrations close once the project submission deadline is over.

Timeline and Milestones

TGMC 2012 Registrations Now Open! SRS Submissions Please check timelines page on TGMC website for updates on this

Project Submissions -- Please check timelines page on TGMC website for updates on
this soon. We request that you adhere to the following deadlines to avoid disqualification. Please allow time required to mail/courier CDs or paperwork.

Face-to-Face Evaluations - Please check timelines page on TGMC website for

updates on this soon.

Final Results - Please check timelines page on TGMC website for updates on this soon.

Winning Categories
Winner 1st Runner up 2nd Runner up Top 15 winning teams TGMC Faculty mentor award All Girls team within the Top 50 ranks get special recognition! Top performing colleges (colleges that have been active with TGMC throughout the various phases of the contest) Prizes ranges from Laptops, Ipads iPod, iTouch, Digital Cameras, Watches, etc. All teams that submit a valid project get Participation Certificate. ( Please refer to the website for details on what is a valid project)
Prizes may or may not remain same. Subject to availability & IBMs discretion.

Why should a student participate in TGMC?

TGMC is a contest that encourages the following characteristics in the students: Team work because this is one of the biggest challenge IT industry faces today. This is taken care of by working as team in TGMC. Self study IT Industry demands versatility in technologies learnt, hence self study is one aspect that is primary to support this demand. Students may or may not get a opportunity to attend the workshop on IBM technologies but would get a lot of opportunity to learn things on your own. Documentation One of the big challenges that is lacking among the Indian students. This is taken care of by asking students to submit various documents on different timelines. Following timelines Another major requirement of the IT industry. This is taken care off by asking students to submit different aspects of project on time. Adoption of best practices in IT industry Lack of industrial exposure and IT best practices is one of the point which IT industry Students have to submit a project in their pre-final and final year of B.Tech studies, TGMC project can be taken as one such project and can also be extended as a major project.

Sample Stages
July st ugu A er er Octob mb pte Se er mb e Nov er mb e Dec Jan Feb r Ma

Registrations SRS Submissions and mentoring

eLearning / eTraining / eMentoring through Websites, satellite, discussion forums, eMails etc

Project Submission

First Round Results

Project Synopsis
Teams select Project Scenarios from the list that IBM provides. Students can also choose to work on their own Project Scenarios Teams need to use IBM software to build these projects. The teams need to submit a project synopsis which IBM will evaluate, mentor and give feed back for the teams to start working on the project. IBM will also provide free software and training (online) for the same to enable students to work on the projects using this software. Online training module available.

Sample Project Scenarios

Development of an Auto Summarization tool Online library management System Feature rich Resume Builder Stock and Portfolio Management solution Stop global Warming Smart City Online National Poling Chess Masters

What makes a good TGMC project

Should use ATLEAST ONE IBM software to build the project.

Development should be on JAVA platform Should make use of OPEN SOURCE/IBM Tools Should include A copy of the project scenario A copy of the synopsis that was submitted before Latest version of the Project Synopsis A short presentation strictly less than 10 slides About the team About the tools that were used Understanding of the Project Scenario / Problem Statement About the application that that was created The Key Functionalities/Innovative Features, if any, in the application Highlight if you have used or proposed SOA, XML, Tivoli etc in the complete solution of your application; if you have not used Tivoli you can highlight where it fits during the implementation End user feedback if available (From someone who is not part of the application development team or related to the domain for which the application is created) Proper End-user Help Manual on how to use your application/solution The installation script text file, in which you must specify the step by step process for deploying/running your application in a new machine

Tools to be used to make TGMC Project

The list provided below is not a consolidated list, it is only the recommended tools 1. IBM Tools-a. DB2 b. Rational Application Developer(RAD) c. Rational Software Architect(RSA)/ Rational Rose d. Tivoli Storage Manager(TSM) e. Tivoli Directory Server(TDS) f. Lotus Domino g. Websphere Application Server h. Rational Team Concert(RTC) 2. OPEN SOURCE Tools--a. Eclipse b. WASCE/Apache Geronimo c. Apache Tomcat d. Apache Derby

How to learn to use IBM tools?

Students have to learn the relevant IBM and Open Source technologies by
Working with eMentors through Discussion Forums available in the TGMC WebSite Utilize online resources (AI and dW) and materials provided in DVDs. ASK for your kit! Take help from TGMC faculty guides/mentors in your college. Online training module available.

Resources for HELP!

Through the project building phase, teams have access to the following from IBM

Website for reference Free Software E-books Training Material Important online tutorials Discussion forums E-mentors Resources Section FAQs

Free Softwares
For TGMC 2012 Project Important Guidelines
IBM software to use For Coding Rational Application Developer (RAD), Rational Software Architecture (RSA). Other software to use Eclipse and Edit Plus Software not to use Any commercial version and Java IDEs

For Application Server

WebSphere Application Developer Server,WebSphere Application for Community Edition, WebSphere Application Server v8.5 Liberty

Apache Tomcat, Apache Geronimo

Any Non-IBM Servers

For Database

DB2 Express-C Apache Edition, Derby DB2 Express Edition, DB2 Enterprise Edition and Cloudscape

Any Non-IBM Databases

For Designing

Use only Rational Software Architect / Rational ROSE

Evaluation Criteria
Details SRS/Synopsis Technology Tools Used Code Design Description Phase - 1 Quality of SRS submitted as per the guideline set Technology used in the project IBM Softwares used in the project/Open source software used in project Flawless Code Quality Software Design using UML Phase - 2 Linux All the modules in the application is user friendly User Interface Design Various functionalities provided in that application Local Language Support in the project Execution, Output and Performance Value Added features on top of Project Functionality / Innovation/Improvisation over Value Added features project scenario Platform Used Usability UI Functionalities Local Language E/O & P 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10/5 10 10 Points

Felicitation Ceremony

The Contest concludes on a high-note with a grand that honours the winners

Felicitation Ceremony

Log in and Register today & be part of Indias Largest Technology contest!

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