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behavioral science




New in paper

By Jerome Kagan:

Shelly Kagan
What am I to make of the fact that I am going to die? In this thoughtprovoking book, philosopher Shelly Kagan confronts myriad questions relating to our mortality and invites readers to reconsider what they think they know about death.
The Open Yale Courses Series Paper 2012 392 pp. 32 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-18084-8 $18.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-18342-9

Psychologys Ghosts

The Crisis in the Profession and the Way Back

Erudite, illuminating, and engaging, Psychologys Ghosts provides solutions to key conceptual problems that continue to haunt our field, from the study of happiness to the treatment of mental illness. Richard J. McNally, author of What is Mental Illness? This book is the product of years of thought and a profound concern for the state of contemporary psychology. Jerome Kagan, a theorist and leading researcher, examines popular practices and assumptions held by many psychologists. He uncovers a variety of problems that, troublingly, are largely ignored by investigators and clinicians. Yet solutions are available, Kagan maintains, and his reasoned suggestions point the way to a better understanding of the mind and mental illness.
Cloth 2012 416 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-17868-5 $32.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-17787-9

The Psychology of Science and the Origins of the Scientific Mind

Gregory J. Feist
Feists own work on the personality dimensions of scientists is reflected in the overall emphasis given to the issues of who becomes a scientist and how scientific talent can be identified, nurtured and retained. . . . This short review only touches on the many merits of this rich and diverse book.Ryan D. Tweney, American Scientist This book is the first to integrate and describe in detail the psychology of science, a richly promising new discipline.
Winner of the 2007 William James Book Award, sponsored by the Society for General Psychology (Division 1) of the American Psychological Association Paper 2008 336 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-14327-0 $25.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-13348-6

An Argument for Mind

This book possesses the compelling characteristics of [Kagans] earlier works: extraordinary breadth, high scholarship, penetrating analysis, thoughtful commentary, and pleasing prose.Philip Roman Zelazo, History of Behavioral Science In this elegantly written book, an eminent psychologist traces the history of the field of psychology during the last fifty yearsthe period of his own career.
Paper 2007 304 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-12603-7 $17.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-12933-5

What Is Emotion?

History, Measures, and Meanings

The authors erudition is impressive as is his security in synthesizing the flood of research in recent years as a basis for future investigation. . . . Highly recommended for psychiatrists dealing with and studying affective disorders.Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
A 2007 Top Seller in Psychology as compiled by YBP Library Services; Finalist for the 2007 ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Award in the Psychology category Paper 2009 288 pp. 2 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-14309-6 $17.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-17787-9

1-800-405-1619 Yale University Press

Cognitive Science



New in paper

Alain Berthoz

Simplifying Principles for a Complex World

Translated by Giselle Weiss
In this book a noted physiologist and neuroscientist introduces the concept of simplexity, the set of solutions living organisms find that enable them to deal with information and situations, while taking into account past experiences and anticipating future ones.
An Editions Odile Jacob Book Cloth 2012 288 pp. 24 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16934-8 $38.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-17792-3

The Brain

Big Bangs, Behaviors, and Beliefs

Rob DeSalle and Ian Tattersall

Illustrated by Patricia J. Wynne
How did the unique and amazing human brain come to be? This delightfully accessible book reconstructs the long and untidy evolutionary history of the brain, drawing on fascinating new findings in neuroscience, paleontology, and other fields.
Cloth 2012 368 pp. 68 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-17522-6 $29.95 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-18356-6

How Intelligence Happens

John Duncan
This book is a timely, original, and a highly readable contribution to our understanding of human intelligence and its implementation in the brain, by a leading figure in cognitive neuroscience. Nancy Kanwisher, MIT
Winner of the 2012 Heineken Prize for Cognitive Science, awarded to an individual who has done outstanding work in cognitive science Paper 2012 256 pp. 10 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-17772-5 $18.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-16873-0

Thinking in Circles
Mary Douglas


An Essay on Ring Composition

The Good, the True, and the Beautiful

A Neuronal Approach

Wider Than the Sky

The Phenomenal Gift of Consciousness

Jean-Pierre Changeux
Translated and Revised by Laurence Garey
An eminent neurobiologist reflects on the uniquely complex human brain and its evolution, connecting breathtaking recent scientific findings with ideas from psychology, philosophy, art, and literature.
An Editions Odile Jacob Book Cloth 2012 400 pp. 49 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16139-7 $35.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-16642-2

In this controversial book, social anthropologist Mary Douglas argues that many famous antique texts are misunderstood and others have been dismissed because they employ ring composition, a literary style unfamiliar today. She explores ring composition across cultures and examines its function in the Iliad, the Bibles Book of Numbers, and Tristram Shandy.
Selected as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2007 by Choice Magazine The Terry Lectures Series Paper 2010 192 pp. 14 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16785-6 $24.00 Cloth 2007 192 pp. 14 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-11762-2 $35.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-13495-7

Gerald Edelman
A leading neuroscientist here explains the workings of the brain and the connections between mind and body.
Winner of the 2005 Independent Publisher Book Awards in the Psychology/Mental Health category (IPPY) Paper 2005 224 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-10761-6 $15.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-13366-0

Second Nature

Brain Science and Human Knowledge

Gerald M. Edelman, M.D., Ph.D.

Our e-Book editions are available from most major e-Book stores, including the Amazon Kindle Store, B&Ns nook store, Google Editions, Kobo, and Sony.

Renowned neuroscientist and Nobel Laureate Dr. Gerald M. Edelman describes how our brains and bodies give rise to knowledge, creativity, and mental experience and predicts a future in which brain-based devices will be conscious.
Paper 2007 224 pp. 3 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-12594-8 $15.00 Cloth 2006 224 pp. 3 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-12039-4 $24.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-13365-3

1-800-405-1619 Yale University Press

Cognitive Science

Natural Reflections
Barbara Herrnstein Smith

Human Cognition at the Nexus of Science and Religion

An eminent scholar offers new ways to understand the relation between science and religion by examining current efforts by scientists to explain religious belief naturalistically and current efforts by theologians to reconcile scientific and religious accounts of nature.
The Terry Lectures Series Cloth 2010 224 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-14034-7 $28.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-16623-1

What Intelligence Tests Miss

Keith E. Stanovich

A new edition

The Psychology of Rational Thought

This book argues that rational thought can be distinguished from intelligence, that it is crucial to real-world behavior, and that people can learn to improve their rationality quotient.
Winner of the 2010 Grawemeyer Award in Education, given by the University of Louisville Paper 2010 328 pp. 8 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16462-6 $22.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-14253-2

The Computer and the Brain

John von Neumann
With a foreword by Ray Kurzweil
In his foreword to this new edition of John von Neumanns classic exploration of the analogies between computing machines and the human brain, Ray Kurzweila futurist famous for his own musings on the relationship between technology and consciousnessplaces von Neumanns work in a historical context and shows how it remains relevant today.
The Silliman Memorial Lectures Series Paper 2012 136 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-18111-1 $15.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-18808-0

New in paper

The Master and His Emissary

Iain McGilchrist

New in paper

The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World

A very remarkable book. . . . McGilchrist, who is both an experienced psychiatrist and a shrewd philosopher, looks at the relation between our two brain-hemispheres in a new light, not just as an interesting neurological problem but as a crucial shaping factor in our culture . . . splendidly thoughtprovoking. . . . I couldnt put it down. Mary Midgley, The Guardian (named a Best Book of 2010)
Paper 2012 544 pp. 15 color + 20 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-18837-0 $25.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-17017-7

Michelangelos Finger
An Exploration of Everyday Transcendence

A Portrait of the Brain

Adam Zeman
The brain is at once a physical object, a living organ, and the cradle of the mind. This book introduces the general reader to its complexities through a series of clinical tales that illustrate its workings, level by level, from atom to psyche. Each narrative opens a window onto the experience of the patient, the life of the doctor, and the science that makes sense of the brain.
Selected as a 2008 Best Seller in Medicine by Library Journal Paper 2009 256 pp. 16 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-15831-1 $18.00 Cloth 2008 256 pp. 16 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-11416-4 $27.50

Raymond Tallis
Tallis illustrates how our unique ability to point the index finger has shaped our amazing evolutionary pathway as humans.
Paper 2012 192 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-17773-2 $18.00 Cloth 2010 192 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16648-4 $25.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-16890-7

The Kingdom of Infinite Space

Raymond Tallis

A Portrait of Your Head

Blending science, philosophy, and humor, Tallis discusses the head, the astonishing range of processes and phenomena that go on within in it, and how it is connected to our sense of identity and consciousness.
Paper 2009 344 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-15860-1 $18.00 Cloth 2008 344 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-14222-8 $28.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-15182-4

A Users Guide

Adam Zeman
In this thought-provoking book, neurologist Adam Zeman offers an enlightening view of consciousness seen through the lenses of science and of philosophy.
Paper 2004 416 pp. 60 b/w illus. + 75 figures ISBN 13: 978-0-300-10497-4 $20.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-13531-2

1-800-405-1619 Yale University Press

Social Psychology


New in paper

New in paper

Basic Considerations for a Psychology of Personality

John A. Daly

Gordon W. Allport
A distinguished psychologist outlines here the need for a psychology of becoming, of growth and development of personality, one that can best be discovered by looking within ourselves; for it is knowledge of our own uniqueness that supplies the first, and probably the best, hints for acquiring orderly knowledge of others.
The Terry Lectures Series Paper 1960 115 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-00002-3 $18.50

Championing Ideas and Influencing Others

Daly, a distinguished communications expert, has produced an exceptional study, which is comprehensive and well documented. . . . This book is certainly a critical piece of scholarship for the business/management curriculum and a great selection for academic libraries. J.B. Kashner, Choice
Paper 2012 400 pp. 11 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-18813-4 $25.00 Cloth 2011 387 pp. 11 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16775-7 $32.50 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-17507-3


A Moral History of the Twentieth Century, Second Edition

Jonathan Glover
This is an extraordinary book: brilliant, haunting and uniquely important. Almost 40 years ago a president read a best seller and avoided a holocaust. I like to think that some of the leaders and followers of tomorrow will read Humanity.Steven Pinker, New York Times Book Review
Paper 2012 496 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-18640-6 $17.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-18923-0

Exploring Happiness
Sissela Bok

From Aristotle to Brain Science

New in paper

On Evil
Terry Eagleton
Terry Eagletons Reason, Faith, and Revolution attacks the new atheism as a kind of secular counter-fundamentalism. . . . Better than any previous book of its kind.James Wood, The New Yorker In this witty, accessible study, the prominent Marxist thinker Terry Eagleton launches a surprising defense of the reality of evil, drawing on literary, theological, and psychoanalytic sources to suggest that evil is a real phenomenon with palpable force in our contemporary world.
Paper 2011 192 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-17125-9 $16.00 Cloth 2010 192 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-15106-0 $25.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-16296-7

The Myth of Choice

Kent Greenfield

It is hard to imagine how anyone else, in fewer than 200 pages of text, could better encompass so much Western thinking about a question so important to the way we live.Wall Street Journal
Selected as a Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2011 in the Philosophy category Paper 2011 224 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-17810-4 $16.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-16843-3

Personal Responsibility in a World of Limits

A fascinating, engaging dissection of the meanings and implications of choice in a wide variety of cultural arenas. Matthew Tiffany, Shelf Awareness
Paper 2012 256 pp. 21 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16986-7 $16.00 Cloth 2011 256 pp. 21 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16950-8 $27.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-17887-6

Acting White
Stuart Buck

The Ironic Legacy of Desegregation

Stuart Buck argues that desegregation, while beneficial overall, had the unexpected side effect of causing some black children to view doing schoolwork as acting white. He suggests solutions for making racial identification a positive force in the classroom.
Paper 2011 272 pp. 9 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-17120-4 $18.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-16313-1

Craig Harline

Two Family Stories from the Reformation and Modern America

This powerful work explores the parallel disruption of two familiesone in seventeenth-century Holland, the other in America todaywhen a beloved family member converts to another religion.
New Directions in Narrative History Cloth 2011 320 pp. 3 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16701-6 $27.50 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-16741-2

1-800-405-1619 Yale University Press

Social Psychology

New in paper



Its Powers and Perils

The Essential Role It Plays in Resolving Conflict

David G. Myers
How reliable is our intuition? How much should we depend on gut-level instinct rather than rational analysis when we play the stock market, choose a mate, hire an employee, or assess our own abilities? In this engaging book, David G. Myers shows us that while intuition can provide us with useful and often amazinginsights, it can also dangerously mislead us.
Paper 2004 336 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-10303-8 $22.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-13027-0

The New Psychology of Love

Edited by Robert J. Sternberg and Karin Weis
This fascinating book presents the full range of todays psychological theories on love and the practical implications of these theories.
Paper 2008 352 pp. 4 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-13617-3 $20.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-15931-8

Donna Hicks, Ph.D.

Foreword by Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
With its accessible tone, pithy observations and lessons, and Hickss argument that the quest for dignity is as common in the boardroom as in the bedroom, this book is a must-read for all. Publishers Weekly
Winner of the 2012 Educators Award, as given by the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Paper 2013 240 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-18805-9 $18.00 Cloth 2011 240 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16392-6 $27.50 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-16638-5

Why Smart People Can Be So Stupid

Edited by Robert Sternberg
This book is the first to investigate the psychological basis for stupidity in everyday life. Experts shed light on the nature and theory of stupidity, whether stupidity is measurable, how people can avoid stupidity and its devastating consequences, and much more.
Paper 2003 272 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-10170-6 $21.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-12820-8


The Rituals, Pleasures and Politics of Cooperation

Richard Sennett
The highly respected author of The Craftsman now explores how we can create a better society by learning to truly listen and cooperate with others, even when our interests are conflicting.
Winner of the Zcalo Public Square Book Prize, awarded by the Center for Social Cohesion Cloth 2012 336 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-11633-5 $28.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-17843-2


How Normal Behavior Became a Sickness

Christopher Lane
This spellbinding book is the first behind-the-scenes account of how a handful of psychiatrists, with the help of the pharmaceutical industry, turned shyness into an illness.
Paper 2008 272 pp. 30 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-14317-1 $18.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-15028-5

New in paper

The Daily You

How the New Advertising Industry Is Defining Your Identity and Your Worth

New in paper

Joseph Turow
The Daily You should be a mandatory read for anyone in our industry. Its the beginning of an important new conversation about sustainable and inclusive data practices, a conversation that will form much quicker than many of us might imagine.Doug Weaver, Founder and CEO, Upstream Group
Paper 2013 256 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-18801-1 $18.00 Cloth 2012 256 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16501-2 $28.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-16652-1

New in paper



A Lively History

A History

Peter Toohey
As for his engaging new book, Toohey neednt worry: Boredom, with its wise insights, is never boring.Carmela Ciuraru, Boston Globe
Paper 2012 224 pp. 26 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-18184-5 $16.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-17216-4

Simon May
A truly original philosophy of love. . . . The most persuasive account of loves nature I have ever read.Financial Times
Paper 2013 294 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-18774-8 $16.00 Cloth 2011 294 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-11830-8 $27.50 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-17723-7

1-800-405-1619 Yale University Press

Psychology and Psychoanalysis



Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts

Edited by Elizabeth L. Auchincloss, MD, and Eslee Samberg, MD
It stands, in my view, at the highest level of psychoanalytic Dictionaries, and represents, for American psychoanalysis, what in the past LaPlanche and Pontalis did with their Dictionary for French analysis. . . . An original, superb contribution at the highest level.Otto F. Kernberg, Professor of Psychiatry, Weill Medical College of Cornell University This is a scholarly exposition of Englishlanguage psychoanalytic terms and concepts, including those from all contemporary schools of psychoanalytic theory and practice.
Cloth 2012 368 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-10986-3 $75.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-16345-2

The Eighteen-Day Running Mate

Joshua M. Glasser

Psychoanalysis and Religion

Erich Fromm
A noted psychoanalyst assesses the modern issue between traditional religion and a philosophy that takes as the sole aim in life the satisfaction of instinctive and material values.
The Terry Lectures Series Paper 1959 126 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-00089-4 $18.50

McGovern, Eagleton, and a Campaign in Crisis

A gripping account of the political earthquake that ensued when Missouri Sen. Thomas Eagleton, the hastily picked and poorly vetted vicepresidential candidate, was forced to disclose a history of hospitalizations for depression and treatments that included electroshock therapy. Publishers Weekly This riveting story of the 1972 election uncovers how vice-presidential candidate Thomas Eagletons secrets were revealed, why he withdrew from the race, and how George McGoverns campaign dealt with the staggering blow.
Cloth 2012 392 pp. 15 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-17629-2 $26.00

The Psychology of C. G. Jung

1973 Edition

Jolande Jacobi
Translated by Ralph Manheim Foreword by C.G. Jung
For this edition, Jolande Jacobi has written a new introduction and revised the footnotes to refer to the complete works of C.G. Jung.
Paper 1973 215 pp. Illustrations ISBN 13: 978-0-300-01674-1 $22.00

Psychotherapy without the Self

A Buddhist Perspective

50 Signs of Mental Illness

James Whitney Hicks

Mark Epstein, M.D.

Best-selling author Dr. Mark Epstein here offers insights on the interface between Buddhist teachings and Western psychotherapy. Immersed in both worlds, he has sought for twentyfive years to bridge the two, and in these essays shows that Buddhist thought and Western psychology are more compatible than at first it may appear.
Paper 2008 272 pp. 2 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-14313-3 $14.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-15025-4

A Guide to Understanding Mental Health

Anger, fatigue, obsessions, memory loss, sexual performance problems, suicidal thoughts. Are these signs of mental illness? This reassuring book is for anyone seeking to understand their own symptoms or those of a loved one. Organized for easy use, the highly readable guide offers a wide range of information and advice on mental illness.
Winner of the 2006 Ken Award, the Kenneth Johnson Memorial Research Library of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ills New York City Chapter Yale University Press Health & Wellness Paper 2006 416 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-11694-6 $18.00

Psychology and Religion

Carl Gustav Jung
Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, author of some of the most provocative hypotheses in modern psychology, describes what he regards as an authentic religious function in the unconscious mind.
The Terry Lectures Series Paper 1960 138 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-00137-2 $16.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-16650-7

1-800-405-1619 Yale University Press

Child Development and Psychiatry

Ken Corbett



Rethinking Masculinities
There has never been a book, written from a psychoanalytic perspective, so amused and amusing and subtle about gender. The masculinities described in Boyhoods, and the way Corbett has found to write about the subject, will radically change how we talk about boys growing up.Adam Phillips, Psychoanalyst This groundbreaking reexamination of male development shows masculinity to be more complex and varied than is commonly expected.
Paper 2011 288 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-17121-1 $17.00 Cloth 2009 288 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-14984-5 $26.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-15494-8

The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child


Volume 66 Edited by Robert A. King, M.D., Claudia Lament, Ph.D., Samuel Abrams, M.D., A. Scott Dowling, M.D., and Paul M. Brinich, Ph.D.
The latest volume in the esteemed series features a detailed case discussion of the child analyst at work and clinical contributions concerning failure-tothrive, encopresis, and poor impulse control. A section is devoted to children affected by medical illness. Other contributions address the use of the computer and internet in child psychoanalysis, childhood masturbation, the impact of nannies, therapeutic considerations in disturbed adolescents, and a description of the Hampstead Clinic at work.
Cloth 2013 352 pp. 7 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-18535-5 $75.00

Confronting Prejudice Against Children

Elisabeth Young-Bruehl
In this brilliant, provocative book, award-winning author and psychoanalyst Young-Bruehl exposes American societys prejudice against its children childismand the harm it causes them. . . . A clarion call for urgent action.Publishers Weekly, Starred Review A seminal volume on prejudice against children for parents, teachers, psychologists, social workers, policymakersanyone concerned with the crucial subject of child welfare.
Cloth 2012 368 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-17311-6 $28.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-17850-0

Children of the Gulag

Cathy A. Frierson and Semyon S. Vilensky
This groundbreaking book offers a comprehensive documentary history of children whose parents were identified as enemies of the Soviet regime and arrested, executed, or sent to the Gulag.
Annals of Communism Series Cloth 2010 480 pp. 29 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-12293-0 $55.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-15503-7

The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child

Volume 65
Edited by Robert A. King, M.D., Samuel Abrams, M.D., A. Scott Dowling, M.D., and Paul M. Brinich, Ph.D.
Cloth 2012 384 pp. 3 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16544-9 $65.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-18344-3

The Tragedy of Child Care in America

Edward Zigler, Katherine Marsland, and Heather Lord
A first-hand account of the history of child care in the United States since 1969, an exploration of Americas failure to create a quality system, and an agenda for getting back on track.
Paper 2011 240 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-17211-9 $26.00 Cloth 2009 240 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-12233-6 $40.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-15626-3

Our e-Book editions are available from most major e-Book stores, including the Amazon Kindle Store, B&Ns nook store, Google Editions, Kobo, and Sony.

The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child

Volume 64
Edited by Robert A. King, M.D., Samuel Abrams, M.D., A. Scott Dowling, M.D., and Paul M. Brinich, Ph.D.
Cloth 2010 368 pp. 6 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-15329-3 $75.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-16317-9

1-800-405-1619 Yale University Press

Animal Cognition and Behavior

Doctor Dolittles Delusion

Stephen R. Anderson

New in paper

Animals and the Uniqueness of Human Language

With illustrations by Amanda Patrick
Dr. Dolittle had it wrong, says the author of this fascinating book: animals cannot use language. Linguist Stephen Anderson explains the difference between communication and language and shows that despite sophisticated and intricate communicative abilities in such species as chimpanzees and parrots, these animals do not have the specific cognitive capacities necessary to acquire language.
Winner of the 2004 Professional/ Scholarly Publishing Division Annual Award Competition in the Psychology category Paper 2006 368 pp. 68 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-11525-3 $26.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-15491-7

What I Don't Know About Animals

Jenny Diski
What I Dont Know About Animals will make any pet owner, zoogoer or meat-eater wonder whether we really know anything about the other species we interact with on a daily basis. A mix of memoir, social commentary and exploration of anthropomorphism, Jenny Diskis book raises all the right questions.Becky Krystal, Washington Post
Paper 2013 320 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-18803-5 $15.00 Cloth 2011 320 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-17684-1 $26.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-18062-6

In the Company of Crows and Ravens

John M. Marzluff and Tony Angell
Illustrated by Tony Angell; Foreword by Paul Ehrlich
This intriguing book examines the often surprising ways that crows and ravens and humans interact, and features more than 100 striking illustrations.
Winner of the 2006 Washington State Book Award; Winner of First Prize for the Victoria and Albert Museum Illustration Award Paper 2007 408 pp. 108 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-12255-8 $19.95 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-13526-8

Dog Days, Raven Nights

John M. Marzluff and Colleen Marzluff
Original linocut illustrations by Evon Zerbetz; Foreword by Bernd Heinrich
Husband-and-wife biologists recall their days as young field scientists in the Maine woodsstudying the Common Raven, training sled dogs, and exploring the ties of marriage and friendship.
Cloth 2011 323 pp. 56 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16711-5 $28.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-17175-4

Dolphin Mysteries
Unlocking the Secrets of Communication

Elephants on the Edge

What Animals Teach Us about Humanity

Kathleen M. Dudzinski, Ph.D., and Toni Frohoff, Ph.D.

Foreword by Marc Bekoff, Ph.D.
This enthralling book takes us into the dolphins world beneath the sea to discover details of their lives, their methods of communication, and how they interact with one another and with humans. Drawing on decades of firsthand research, the authors unveil one of the most intimate and scientifically accurate portraits of dolphins to date.
A Top Seller in Botany/Zoology as compiled by YBP Library Services (August 2008-May 2009) Paper 2010 256 pp. 50 b/w + 8 color illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-12114-8 $20.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-15038-4

G. A. Bradshaw
Drawing on accounts from India to Africa and California to Tennessee, and on research in neuroscience, psychology, and animal behavior, G. A. Bradshaw explores the minds, emotions, and lives of elephants.
Winner of the Gold Medal for the 2009 Book of the Year Award in Psychology category, presented by ForeWord magazine; Favorite Science Books of 2009, Scientific American Paper 2010 352 pp. 32 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-16783-2 $18.00 Cloth 2009 352 pp. 32 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-12731-7 $28.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-15491-7

Intelligence of Apes and Other Rational Beings

Duane M. Rumbaugh and David A. Washburn
In this extremely readable book, two eminent behavioral scientists probe the mysteries of the animal mind and identify an advanced level of animal behavior.
Awarded the 2005 D.O. Hebb Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award by the American Psychological Association; Winner of the 2006 Distinguished Primatologist Award from the American Society of Primatologists Current Perspectives in Psychology Cloth 2003 352 pp. 35 b/w illus. ISBN 13: 978-0-300-09983-6 $45.00 Available as e-Book 978-0-300-09983-6

1-800-405-1619 Yale University Press


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Absence of Mind
Marilynne Robinson

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Table of Contents


Cognitive Science........3-4

Social Psychology...........................5-6

Psychiatry & Psychoanalysis...............7

Child Development & Psychiatry.......8

Animal Cognition & Behavior............9


Also of Interest................................10

Behavioral Science from Yale


Front cover photo by Denis Finnin, American Museum of Natural History

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