What Does The Bible Say About Our Election Season? 1 - Timothy - 2

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1 Timothy 2:1-4

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

In this political season (or indeed most any time) its easy to get into the party bashing and mudslinging that seems to be going on all around us, and no matter which side you adhere to, your reasoning may seem righteous and correct before God. The wrangling and debate are part of the process where by we reach the best possible solutions and please as many people as possible. (Of course, you cant please everybody not even Jesus could do that!) But sometimes our passion for the issues may cause us to vilify or even make fun of political leaders. When we do so, can we still feel righteous and correct before God? Can such actions be justified? In the light of the Scripture above, the answer is no. In fact, Paul tells us to pray for our leaders, and he gives us two reasons for doing so 1) That we may lead quiet and peaceable lives and 2) That they might be saved and come to knowledge of truth. These two reasons are closely related, for benevolent, Godly leaders will administer their rule in such a way as to bring about quiet and peace. But, you may ask, what about leaders who are evil? Should I pray for them? Paul makes no distinction so the answer is yes. After all, only God can see the heart of a man. Maybe what seems evil to us is merely another perspective, far removed from our own. But as we pray for our leaders to be saved, and come to a knowledge of truth, God will work to bring them around. Also, by bringing the issues to God in prayer, He can help us to see all sides in an atmosphere of understanding. Our leaders need to be saved, and praying for them helps us as much as it helps them. Furthermore, we mustnt forget that in a democratic society, the leader is merely a symptom the mental and spiritual state of the people. Morally corrupt voters will elect morally corrupt leaders. If a nation of people is in such a state, then perhaps the believers arent doing their part in fulfilling the Great Commission. Pray for the leaders and get the Gospel to the People, in any way you can. But, you may say, what about when the people are Godly, but still are given evil leaders? What are they to do then? Still I say pray for them. If the people are righteous before God, and theyre praying for an evil leader, then God will take it upon Himself to deal with said leader, either to convert him or remove him. But a righteous people are an obedient people, and obedient people pray for their leaders. Lets top bashing and start praying. God Bless you.

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