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Fall Issue: October 2012


Beth Wild
HELLO CHAMPIONS OF EUROPE, ! When the results on a day get you a bit down, there are so many things you can do to brighten your perspective, and to take away the impulse some have to scream, shout and dog our team. It might not work for everyone but I find phoning a friend may start on a down note, but very soon something changes and smiles return, as friendship and eternal passion always outweighs the frustrations of a dip in form. Or maybe finding out where your local chapter is and meeting for a healthy, good natured session at the pub, hard to stay angry when that happens. And if you cant get to either of those in those first frustrating moments, find the nearest mirror and walk up and say . . . HELLO EUROPEAN CHAMPION . . . that is sure to change a bad feeling into a good one. But the one thing we should never do is to take it on fellow supporters, or our team, we say we are a family, then I think in the worst of times (moments) we need to remember that the most, if you wouldnt say it to a family member, dont do it, the internet is not that anonymous. OK, enough of all that. ! The season has started and I am happy to report that CIA is about 3 times as large as it was last year, AMAZING! The summer tour was fantastic, and I still have a hang over from all the fun I had. And can admit the downer of being away from everyone on tour still does sneak up on me and make me miss you all so much. But there is much going on, and if you havent been joining in, well you are missing half the fun. AGAIN A HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT PITCHED IN AND HELPED ON THE TOUR, be it the endless hours some put in before the tour kicked off or the ones that just offered to help out during the tour and gave of their free time for the benefit of everyone, YOU ARE WHAT MAKES CIA SO SPECIAL. And also a huge, SORRY, and Thank you for all of you patient souls that have waited on me trying to find enough hours in the day to get member packets done, emails sent and all of that. But with the start of the season, there is much work to do. So here in a nutshell is a listing of some of the things we need help with, so if you have a spare couple of hours a week, let me know, and we can put you to work!! It doesnt take a lot of time, and can be worked in to spare time within your schedule, and the rewards are there, the thank yous from the members you help and the satisfaction that you have helped keep this club flying high ! WE NEED TECHS . . . people familiar with many aspects of the internet and technology, if you have skills in the following area, HELP. Database knowledge Bulk Email servers Website design and programming Facebook and any other social media Bulletin Board Finance/Accounting ! If you know a little or a lot, we need the help, with 1800 members and a growing website there are not enough hours in any of our days for a handful of people to do everything. If you know a little, but are willing to help and maybe learn new skills, we can do that. If you know a lot and can help with a small aspect of something, we can do that. The idea, as always, if everyone helps a little A LOT GETS DONE. ! WE NEED CREATIVE PEOPLE . . . do you have a creative talent? Something you wish you could use a bit more, HELP! We need Graphic design people that can create parts of the website as

- Notes from the Chairwoman - USA Tour Summary - CIA in Miami - Season Preview - Welcome to Chelsea Oscar: and Marko Marin - CIA News and Updates - Meeting Bobby Tambling

NYC Tournament Champions! (all CIA photos in this issue courtesy of Julie Carlson unless otherwise indicated)

Chelsea legends Frank Sinclair and Paul Canoville on tour


CIA chanting in Philly ... "Who are ya'!"

well as free downloads for the CIA Megastore Writers, want to start a blog, want to help with the newsletter, how about filling out our history, or helping with the written parts of our board Musicians, I am desperate to find a couple of people that might like to work together to carve out a CIA song, or anything like that Promotions/Marketing/ Advertising, we have a new committee and they need volunteers Photographers, or those that are interested in helping catalog our photos Historian, keeping a running archive of all things CIA now that things are a bit more calm, I can assure you that myself and everyone else will have a bit more time to explain the need and get you going. The summer was crazy and I know some of you did weigh in and because of the intensity and frenzy of the summer tour have gotten lost, forgive us and let us know again when things are a bit more sensible. ! Now there are a couple of BIG things happening, one is we are investigating a new bulk email server that will ACTUALLY deliver email to folks, without going into too much detail, we severely out grew our old service and are now nearly at the end of reviewing and finding a service that fits our needs and our budget, so fingers crossed we will be more in touch soon. The other is the revamping of the CIA Megastore, it is a bigger project than you might think, and with one lone person trying to do everything, it takes time (see I told you we need help) but the new CIA Megastore should be up very soon, with merchandise from the summer tour as well as NEW STUFF!!! And new free things as well, for members only. Yes NEW STUFF, so we beg your patience and if you can help we will get it up and going faster. ! NOW, until we do get the new email service up and running a few things to remember: 1) If you did not get a welcome email for your membership, LET ME KNOW! It has info you need 2)!If you are a True Blue member and did not get an email outlining the structure for getting tickets, let me know 3)!If you are an Affiliate and did not get an email stating that, let me know 4)!If you recently have signed up for Affiliate or purchased a True Blue membership, we need to update our records, email!memberprofile@chelseainamerica. com!and let us know 5)!PLEASE IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY AN AFFILIATE OR NOT TRUE BLUE, PLEASE SIGN UP FOR AFFILIATE, the link is in the emails mentioned above, and then let us know you have done that. 6)!Remember if you move, change email, or anything like that email!memberprofile@chelseainamerica. com!or tell your Chapter Head 7)!CHECK THE WEBSITE, there is more and more info on there and getting updated as we can ! Lastly, we had a great time on tour and congratulations to Dave Roberts and Mike Usher for winning the raffle on tour for a signed shirt and signed ball from the team. And congratulations to Jeff Fransen and Mike Wells our member winners for a signed shirt and ball out of all the True Blue members and all members from last season! But we still have more three more team signed items that we would like to get rid of. So we are taking the raffle tickets from the tour, and offering to all members that either were on tour and forgot to buy a raffle ticket, or couldnt make it on tour the opportunity to buy raffle tickets. The raffle will run from now until midnight CDT on October 14th. We will then draw from all tickets for three more items we have left over from last season and the seasons prior. To purchase a ticket, it is easy, send $5 to!!for one raffle ticket, or $20 for 5 raffle tickets. But make sure it gets to us by midnight on the 14th!of October. I will have a neighbor draw from all entries on the Monday after that and announce it on the website, board, Facebook and Twitter, as well as immediately email the winners. ! Finally, ENJOY YOURSELF, and thank you for making Chelsea in America one of the largest supporters clubs for ChelseaFC in the world! ! CAREFREE!

! WE NEED VOLUNTEERS . . . heaven only knows what else we could do with a few good people working in a committee to accomplish a task. Do you have an idea for something that CIA should be doing, then let us know and we will help you start that up. Do you want to help with your regional/local chapter? Do you want to help develop a new regional/ local chapter? I could go on you know. So I guess the bottom line is, have a spare couple of hours a week (a little more or a little less), do you want CIA to continue to grow and develop then we need you. ! If you are interested, let me know, and

bluesletter team
A huge thanks to everyone who helps make the Bluesletter possible! Co-editor: Lauri Berkenkamp Co-editor: Noah Kahan Layout: Jamie Edwards Graphics: Raciel Diaz Chairwoman: Beth Wild

Julie and Beth post-supporters' tourney in NYC



Noah Kahan
This summer, dozens of European teams travelled the world in pre season tours and tournaments. Venues such as Malaysia, Australia, and China were all visited in the friendly spirit that is pre season. European champions Chelsea FC travelled to one of the biggest tourist venues in the world, a place where dreams are made and accomplished, where anything can happen. On July 18th, Chelsea kicked off their pre season tour in the United States of America. The first game played by our champions was against the Seattle Sounders at Century Link Field in Seattle Washington. Seattle at the time sat mid table in their conference, but Chelsea knew the strength of this American side. Strong in midfield with players like Osvaldo Alonso, and excellent in attack with super forward Freddy Montero, they were bound to give Chelsea a game, friendly or not. And a game was indeed played, Chelsea coming away with a! 4-2 victory over the Sounders off two Lukaku goals, an Eden Hazard goal on his debut, and Marko Marin finishing well on his first outing with the club as well. Seattle staged a quiet comeback with Freddy Montero scoring twice to draw the game, but Chelsea were always in control and held Seattle off, and scored two goals to put the game to bed. Chelsea next faced a French side threatening to become one of the biggest in European football, Paris SaintGermaine, on July 22nd!at the new Yankee Stadium, the first soccer game to be played there. PSG had been making an impact in the transfer window with the big name signings of Lavezzi, Ibrahimovi, and Thiago Silva. Although Ezequiel Lavezzi was the only signing of these three to attend the fixture in New York, PSG had a wealth of talented athletes sure to bring the game to Chelsea with a very quick attack and solid defense. Chelsea were held to a 1-1 draw in New York. Without a host of chances for either team, the game was mostly played in the midfield. Although Chelsea did not come away with the win, it was only pre-season and everything needed a bit of getting used to. Chelsea took the positives from the draw in New York City, and brought a new mindset to the MLS All-Stars in PPL Park, Pennsylvania on July 25th. Chelsea conceded to the AllStars early, the score one-nil! a quarter of the way through the game. Chelsea retaliated quickly, with John Terry scoring a textbook header off a Lampard corner 10 minutes later, something any Chelsea fan has seen before. Chelsea played hard throughout the rest of the game, but the mid season MLS stars out played us and we were defeated 3-2 in Pennsylvania. With that game behind them, Chelsea moved on to play AC Milan in Miami, Florida on July 28th!at Sun Life Stadium. The game was open, with chances for both teams. Torres returned from his break and came in as a substitute, having little impact on a game with few chances. AC Milan made the breakthrough, beating us 1-0. Chelsea left America with a lot to think about. Chelsea needed to look ahead to their upcoming season, and a final friendly against Brighton. The game against Brighton was played in England on the 4th!of August. Chelsea scored early through Frank Lampard. Chelsea had a few errors in the back, which were costly, conceding three goals to lose 3-1. Chelsea pre season was enjoyable, and they had a chance to show America how the European champions do things. Chelsea were unlucky to lose three out of five pre season matches, but could take the positives from those games, and were missing key players for a good part of the summer. Chelsea will look ahead to what surely will be a positive season in England and Europe.


Jesus Martinez
On the final stop of the summer tour, I decided that Miami would be my destination to watch our Blues play. Due to work conflicts, I unfortunately missed out on the early matches of the tour, but I was happy I chose Miami as my stop. Originally I wanted to write about the match itself, but since there really werent many positives to take away, Ive decided to share my quick version of the greatest weekend Ive had in a long time. I didnt see Miami as a way to see my Blues play in person once again, but more of a trip to meet other Chelsea supporters who share the same passion I do for the boys in royal blue. I made it a point to volunteer all my time alongside my good friend Beth Wild, and stay near the pub where I was sure to meet and make new friends. To me thats what this trip was about, making friends and sharing stories and pints with folks Id never met in person before. Most of you I keep in touch with because of twitter or the CIA Podcast, but I wanted to make it a point to meet you, and share my passion with yours. From Thursday to Sunday, I didnt have one dull moment in Miami, and was truly blessed to have met folks from Detroit, DC, Orange County, Iowa, Tennessee, Florida, and even the UK. We all shared our favorite Chelsea moments, our favorite Chelsea players, and our favorite Chelsea goals. Yes I admit, this summer tour for me, truly wasnt about seeing Chelsea play once again. !It was truly about sharing the moment with fans who had the same passion I do. A love for football. A love for pints. A love for Chelsea. And a love for making new friends.



Jesus Martinez
Chelsea are entering perhaps the most important season in our 107-year history, with a possible 5 trophies left to win out of 7. Having lost out on the Community Shield and the UEFA Super Cup, our squad are impressing quite nicely in the league. Sitting atop with 9 points out of 3 matches may not seem like much, but considering where we left off during the preseason, Id say this is a great season to be optimistic. Sadly, we lost our legend Didier Drogba to his new career in China, and filling his shoes will prove to be difficult as we did not sign any big-name strikers in the transfer window. Luckily however, Fernando Torres has shown glimpses of his former selfas his 2 goals thus far after 3 matches (3 including Community Shield) has shown!he has become the catalyst of our attacking formation. So as we sit in first, and still eligible for 5 more trophies, our next objective is simple. Decide how to rotate the squad, use the right players for the right matches, and decide which trophies truly are the ones we should fight for. !Of course by now some of you may be saying that theyre all important, and I couldnt agree more. We finally have the Shield and Super Cup out of the way, having lost both, but now is the time to focus. Many skeptics may say that the season is young, and we still have 8 more months to go, but most of those naysayers come from North London alone. So here is my evaluation of whats to come. Primary focus #1- Win the league. The city of Manchester has claimed the last 2 titles, and we are surely in position to take back what is rightfully ours. !After a poor league finish last season, it is a goal of our squad to finish as champions of England once again, and of course Roberto Di Matteo would like to add to his credentials. We win the league by playing to our strengths in England. We have been the brightest team as of now, and the Newcastle match proved just how different we are from last season, with Eden Hazard proving to be the real deal. If we continue this attacking style of play, and our defense continues to prove itself, we should ease through if and only if we stay healthy. !We of course have to beat the big teams like both clubs from Manchester, Tottenham, and of course Arsenal. !If we can do that, and not drop points against the smaller clubs, you can pretty much say we are in for the title. Focus #2 is probably #1 for most of you. Retain the Champions League. !No team has repeated as Champions League winners since the AC Milan teams of the late 80s. By retaining !the Champions League, !not only Priority #4-If we still maintain a balanced season and squad, lets go for the FA Cup, and save the Capital One Cup for last. Although I know that the FA Cup is one of the worlds most illustrious domestic trophies, its one that wont hurt us if we lost out on it this season. With so much more to play for, this may be the season the FA Cup takes a backseat. I believe that all matches are important, and every trophy available should be a goal. However, prioritizing your squad and the trophies you must win, Id like to think that the first 3 are top priorities this season. Final predictions go as follows. Although Ive been a Blue for all 31 years of my life, Im also a fan that sees life for what it is. Not everything can go your way. I will fight for my love of Chelsea till the end, but this is how I see our season progress. We will win the league title. Our veterans are hungry to win it back, and they have passed that hunger on to our newer generation who havent experienced the joy of winning the English Premier League. After a somewhat favorable Champions League draw, the road to Wembley is still long. Its going to take for other top teams such as Madrid, Barca and United, to fall at some point. We will rely on others to fail, so that we may play our game, and progress from there. Our English players will fight to be able to play at Wembley for the Champions League, and we will definitely fight to win our cup back on home soil. My prediction goes in favor of our boys once again, and we will be mentioned deservingly alongside the names of past great clubs. Club World Cup prediction: After a rocky start against the smaller clubs, we will win, but actually not play Corinthians in the final. I see Monterrey as our rival in the final, and once again our early season form will guide us through. Unfortunately, I must say we have to give up the league cup and/or FA Cup. Youth is the key to resting our first team, and the likes of Piazon, Clifford, and Bamford may get some first team exposure in the early rounds. Its going to be a long season boys and girls, but in my 31 years, I think this will be one to remember. Theres nothing wrong with winning a treble I must say. This just might be our greatest season ever, and thank God that we took care of all of our transfer business early. It has allowed our team to unify on the pitch as one moving motion. Get ready for the ride of your lives. Chelsea FC will prove to us all just why they are the keepers of our hearts. KTBFFH.

will we join that likes of Forrest and Liverpool, but we will gain the respect that not many show our team. How to accomplish this? My original thought was to stay stacked with the number of players we carry, and include some of the youngsters to the first team. Problem? Although it may seem we have a full squad with the addition of Cesar Azpilicueta, Victor Moses, Eden Hazard, Marko Marin and Oscar to name a few, we have also lost some players we shouldve probably kept. Miereles was sold to Fernabache while Essien has reunited with Jose Mourinho on a season long loan. !Sadly, McEachran, Chalobah, and Lukaku and others have left on loans as well. In our biggest season ever, we dont seem to have the bodies our team will require. Sadly, injuries occur as do suspensions and so forth. You need veteran depth for the Champions League, but are we in a position to fight for other trophies as well? Last season proved that skepticism is our biggest inspiration. I truly believe that RDM and his staff know exactly what theyre doing, and I will trust their direction with our squad. With the Champions League being a high priority, this leaves the other trophies to the side. Our Champions League squad has been announced, and it seems as if RDM has directed toward a mixture of youth and experience. Priority #3, Club World Cup. After sadly being exposed by Atletico Madrid in the Super Cup, we need to show the world just why we are European champions. Next stop, Japan and the Club World Cup. A tournament which almost seems irrelevant can also be our showcase on the world stage once again. Monaco left a bitter taste in the worlds mouth, but we all know that wasnt our squads best performance. How to win it? Make it to the final and beat who will more than likely be Copa Libertadores champions, Corinthians. Although a strong Brazilian squad, we have the tools well need in December, to win ourselves a world title. Main key? Once again, stay healthy. Use our resources wisely, and know when to save players in other matches back home.



Allison Kasic
Oscar dos Santos Emboaba Junior, AKA Oscar since that is a lot easier to fit onto the back of a Chelsea shirt, is the latest part of the Brazilian invasion of West London in recent years. The soonto-be 21 year-old attacking midfielder joined the Blues after an impressive silver medal performance at the London Olympics and has already featured prominently as a sub in several matches as he works to gel with his new teammates. Oscar brings his reputation as an intelligent player and quality passer to England after a successful career in Brazil. He got his start at the ripe age of 13 for Sao Paulo before moving to Internacional in 2010. In addition to club football, Oscar starred prominently in many of Brazils youth teams, including the 2008 winning team of the Under-17 World Championship, before graduating to Brazils senior side in 2011. Oscars biggest feat to date is scoring a certainly got it. The German Messi was actually born in Bosnia-Herzegovina but chose to play internationally for his adopted homeland, having moved to Frankfurt at the age of two. Hes had limited call ups to the German national squad, playing in a few games in the 2010 World Cup as a substitute, but not much action since then. hat trick during the final of the Under-20 World Cup in Columbia. A No. 11 for Chelsea with a penchant for scoring goals in finals? Im glad we didnt have to go without that for very long Welcome to the club, Oscar. Wow, is that kid fast! That was the reaction I witnessed from many a Blues fan during the summer tour in regards to Marko Marin. The speedy winger had good dribbling skills and made some good passes, but the speed stood out as the wow factor. If Chelsea wanted an injection of youth and pace, they Joining Chelsea from Werder Bremen, Marin had a rough 2011-12 season, notching only one goal and five assists. !Its worth noting, though, that for most of the season he was played in the central midfield as opposed to his preferred spot as a left winger. For only 7 million pounds, Marin seems to be a low-risk, potentially high reward investment. When he was surrounded by talent like Mesut Ozil, he was an assistmachine. And goodness knows hell be surrounded by plenty of talent at Chelsea!


Laurie Berkenkamp
Boston Blues The Boston Blues have gotten off to a flying start in 2012-13, helped in large part by the Champions League final and summer tour.!Despite our first two meetups being on Sundays at 8:30, and thus there being no beer served, there have been good crowds and lots of new faces down at the Banshee! We're excited for that to continue throughout the season as we push to make the Banshee the ONLY pub in Boston worth visiting to watch Chelsea! If you are going to be in the Boston area, be sure to join us for a match! ! Beltway Blues The Beltway Blues and our mascot Roger Froggy enjoyed the summer tour immensely, sending representatives to the matches in Seattle, New York, and Philadelphia. Turns out all you have to do to make it on TV and the jumbotron at a sporting event is to bring a giant, nations capital, join us for a match at Irelands Four Courts in Arlington (near the Courthouse metro stop). Bluegrass Blues The Bluegrass Blues have been busy! Since first establishing our chapter last year, our numbers have grown to 22 members. Were proud of how far weve come and plan to keep our membership growing in the coming months. With over 20 members we are eligible for a small banner at the Bridge so Bluegrass Blue Co-Chapter Head Josh Hampton designed a banner that brings the Blues together with the Bluegrass in proper CIA fashion. We hope soon to get two madeone for the Bridge and one for our home pub, Molly Malones in Louisville. Several Bluegrass Blues attended the

green stuffed animal with you! Roger has certainly let the fame go to his head, but we are pleased that our beloved mascot is so famous. Even the Chelsea FC staff started to recognize the frog by the second stop of the tour. In addition to enjoying the summer tour and occasional outings to MLS matches in DC, we recently celebrated the marriage of two of our members, Steve and Liz Hurst. If you are ever in our




Jesus Martinez
Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that I would ever meet the great Bobby Tambling. !Never did I even imagine that I would meet him in Miami, of all places. To make it even sweeter, I never imagined that I would ever carry a 2-hour conversation over pints! Miami made it come true, and its definitely a long lasting memory I was able to share with my father, and one day Ill share with my children. I flew into Miami on the Thursday before the match vs. AC Milan. My friends and I headed over to the pub after checking in to the hotel, and had a few pints and laughs with our leader Beth Wild, and some new friends. !After a few stories shared, Beth said to us that she had a surprise for all of us. I was almost brought to tears when I saw Chelsea legend, Bobby Tambling walk into our home pub with his lovely wife and our own Neil Barnett. As I saw him walk closer to us, I put out my hand to shake his, and said Mr. Tambling sir, this is an honor for me, and Im pleased you made the effort to visit us in America. His response went something like this: Great to meet you young man, but my name isnt sir. Its Bobby, and Im your friend. Next thing I knew, Bobby Tambling took my hand, and gave me a gentlemans hug, as if saying thank you for being a fan. As the hellos were all said and done, my mates and I sat next to Bobby and his wife, and we all joined in conversation over pints of lager. Bobby was happy to share stories of not only his playing career, but of his past as well. !The most pleasant of his stories was the one of how he met his wife, Val, and the story of their love and commitment to each other and the club. ! Soon followed stories of his favorite goals, his favorite matches as a Blue, the players he played alongside with, and even some jokes he had picked up along the way, which sadly enough I probably shouldnt share as we try to keep our Bluesletter more a family affair! I couldnt describe to you what a perfect gentleman our clubs leading goal scorer is. I cant begin to describe to you just how much of an amazing man he is. For those of you who dont know, Bobby was recently sick, and his health was as poor as it could get. !Some would even question his trip to across the Atlantic to join the fans during the Miami weekend. But dont tell Bobby Tambling that. He wanted to be here, and he made sure he was well enough to get approval from his doctors to make this trip. You wouldnt think that a man with his health would look so happy, but you could tell that being around the fans in America really lifted his spirits. There was not one second where Bobby wasnt sitting with a fan, talking, and happily taking pictures. The man was beyond the description of a perfect gentleman. He was nothing short of a class act, a genuine human being, who in the end I believe needed this trip more than any medicine any doctor could prescribe. His smile said it all, and generosity proved just why Stamford Bridge and fans across the world love him for his time at the club. On the final night !in Miami, I had one last conversation with Bobby, and we discussed life, and left football outside of the picture. His words were almost identical to something my own grandfather wouldve said to me, and I took them to heart. Growing up as a kid, I idolized the name Bobby Tambling, and only knew him for the footballer he was. After Miami, I left with a different impression of the man our record books describe. I left idolizing not Bobby Tambling the player, but Bobby Tambling the man. The man who for one weekend became not a man we all loved, but a man who loved all of us. That is the definition of a true gentleman, and humble he was indeed. There arent enough words I can fit in this article to describe to you those few days with bobby, but hopefully one day I can share them all with you over a pint. THERE'S ONLY ONE BOBBY TAMBLING!


epic, traveling party that was the Summer Tour. Chapter Heads Josh Hampton and Mike Price made both the New York and Philly matches (Mikes first!). Bluegrass Blue Steve Jones and his son Cameron also made the match at Yankee Stadium. In Philly, Bo McMillan joined the fun and Larry Aulich made it to the Miami match. And talk about good luckfellow member Scott Melton won a trip to Miami through Delta Airlines and made the match there. We loved seeing so many members of our modest club make the tour. It was great to see and meet everyone and were already looking forward to the return of our

beloved Blues! In other news, we also launched our website, currently found at bluegrassbluescia. We plan to update it soon with pics from the tour and other news. We also have a twitter @Bluegrass_Blues and a Facebook page search for Bluegrass Blues and youll find it! Heres to another record-breaking season, for Chelsea and for the Bluegrass Blues. Carefree! WISH YOUR CLUB WAS MENTIONED HERE? SEND US YOUR NEWS AND BE FAMOUS!

Bluegrass Blues Josh and Bo at PPL Park in Philly (photo courtesy of the Bluegrass Blues)

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