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Secrets of the Damned. part three.

spells/invocations/Evocations/sigils In the light of the "removal" of certain "occult-documents" and UFO material from Librarys, I shall try to "enlighten" a few points on certain Magical-themes! Spells! Merlin ( whom it has to be said "existed!") cast by the gutteral-speech of magi and Adepts from ancient-days, invocations/Evocations, ALL methods of "opening-up" the Cells within, which when opened form a "bridge" a crossing for both Earthly-magical-forms and spacial-forms. (Denizens and tunnel-entitys). VIBRATION breaks through Anything! The vibration of a church-bell continues if not through the Aethers through Astral-spaces, it does not necessarily STOP! With every action there is a Re-action! The purpose of a ritual is to Create a constant-break in spacial-time, as well as heighten the cerebral-conciousness to True-awareness! sometimes ceremonial-rituals seem childish or mere silly. however after a period of time enacting the same rites causes "change" and "contacts"! Words spoken in a certain-fashion a certain high-octave, are transmitted as vibratory-signals, they "pierce" through the astral-veil and "dependent" on what one wishes to achieve, even pierce into the Universal-tunnels and Dimensions around us. OM is a well known vibratory-seed. But most do not pronounce its function correctly? AUM is better to start with. Blood is used at ceremonies, not just Dark-rites to appease or attract certain-beings. Certainly the fumes from newly spiltblood are intoxicating to some elementals! There is a world of difference between "Elementals" and say "Entitys". As there is a world of difference between "Daemons" and "Denizens!" My encounters/Experiences/studys of the Occult have taken over 41yrs! There is NO rapid Ascension to occult attainment! Contrary to some so called Masters of today! Ancient-walls in castles, old-mansions, contain "triggers", trapped-vibratory-signals, which can be " accidently" released by a human- Catalyst. These "signals" are also "retained" in places like "Stonehenge", the Pyramids and other Monoliths. Indeed the great "Howerd Philip Lovecraft", whom I have much respect, became enlightened upon the "strange-shapes and contours" of walls and stones ect found in ancient-places? Dark rites or Ceremonial-sacrifice are enacted/performed in these ancient-places, to "simply" call-forth the inherent/waiting vibratory-signals which lay within! These "signals" are "Calling-cards!" To call-forth the required-Being. To make things simple lets say we have in front of us a "gigantic-Maze", and in its centre or thereabouts are a number of Beings (spacial or earthly) whom we need

to call-forth to contact to have intercourse with! how do we reach them? The Maze is a Matrix of many-worlds we could easily get lost locating a being? however as chance may have it, we know the beings NAME which we can vibrate in chant or spell. Secondly we can "release" a vibratory-signal hidden in a Molecular-structure, a signal-trapped centuries ago, a link to an Entity or god-like form, part of its essence its form immersing into the stone-walls. It is not by chance that most secret-occult-societies are formed from rich-humans, whom have the ability to "aquire" such ancient-dwellings for a period of time! As previously mentioned in other treatise, Los angeles/Paris/london/hong-kong/Haiti have undergroundpassages to Ancient monoliths. USA Occultists were quite happy to invade into and beneath IRAQs Ancient catacombs! It is an invasion which will prove "fatal" for these occultists! Still, I believe, they Cannot decypher certain Manuscripts and engraved-scrolls? Simply because they live in this world and have NOT ventured beyond like some! So vibration is the KEY to magical-attainment. SIGILS are the DEVICE, the tool which employs "attraction and recognition to the would be host". carefully constructed at a certain correlation with the stars, using a metal or material consistent with the Hosts WORLD. Tropical-fish are provided with a climate a world to live within, heat,light,rocks food. And we must create a climate to allow our "host" to manifest within! Nothing is gained by "Inaccuracies", or lack of Will. I shall upload some magicalspells at a later date, spells unknown by many, perhaps even unique? An exorcism is performed primarily to cast-out the inhibitingbeing, whether Daemonic or entity. Using Vibrational-speech in a consistent-manner a doorway is opened to vacate the unwanted beast. internally the sufferer can experience severe physical-breakdown death being close by. A Daemon can transfigure the body. extend or enlarge parts of the form. An Entity however cannot. A daemon within drains the life-fluids from its host, whereas a Entity controls the perception of mind, the thoughts and telekenisis-activity. An Entity is far stronger in evasion of spiritual-words. An Entity fears neither the crucifix nor the Biblical-quotes. However unlike an daemon an Entity Cannot remain within the host for a consistent period of time. This short text is for the benefit of dark-rituals, for they call-forth Daemons and Entitys and DO NOT always manage to dispel them back to their worlds. The result is "possesion" of either the Magician or one of his followers, be they Adept/Zelator/Magus or Neophyte their occult knowledge will not save them from possesion. HERE AGAIN, in some of these Dark-rites the said Daemon or Entity may not be dispelled but cast into the surrounding walls?

In all frankness, there is a large compliment of Occultists whom practice the Negative-signal side, whom wish to achieve the "opening" of a permanent-portal for certain Entitys to flow in! they ARE close to doing just that, and are better known as the "Illuminati", the old Thule-society! TRThompson

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