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1. Alpha 1-adrenergic Blockers end in zosin and losin. SE are dizziness, weakness may occur when changing position.

Should teach pt to change position slowly and lie down if dizziness occurs. GI upset may occur, teach pt to eat smaller more frequent meals. Should tell the pt to report FREQUENT faintness or dizziness. 2. Aminoglycosides end in mycin and another imp. that they try to throw in to confuse you is amikacin sulfate.. teach pt to take full course of drugs and drink plenty of fluids,tell them they may report these SE..RINGING IN EARS, headache, dizziness, N/V, loss of appetite. They should report pain at the injection site and severe headache, dizziness, loss of hearing, changes in urine pattern, difficulty breathing, rash or skin lesions, 3. ACE inhibitors end in pril take these drugs 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals, do NOT take w/ food (captopril, moexipril). These drugs will give a false pos. for urine acetone, DO NOT give to pregnant women can cause serios fetal effects. patient may experience GI upset, appetite loss, dizziness fast heart rate, change in taste. Teach pt to report sore throat, fever, chills swelling of hands and feet, chest pain and irregular heart beats swelling of face and eyes lips tongue difficulty breathing 4. ARBS end in SARTAN. Teach pt they must use an alternate method to birth control while using these drugs. May experience dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, symptoms of URI, cough. Report fever, chills, dizziness and pregnancy 5. Anti migraine Drugs end in triptan. shouldnt take while pregnant Contact MD IMMED. if you experience chest pain or pressure that doesnt go away, Report feelings of heat flushing tiredness, sickness swelling of lips and eyelids. SE you may experience are: dizziness and drowsiness, numbness feelings of tightness or pressure 6. Antivirals end in VIR. SE pt may experience are n/v/d, loss of appetite,HA, dizziness. REPORT: difficulty urinating, skin rash, or freq. recurrences. 7. Barbituates end in barbital. Teach pt that these drugs make you drowsy and less anxious dont try to get up after receiving this drug and they may experience drowsiness, dizziness , impaired thinking, hangover, ...AVOID DRIVING. GI upset, dreams(nightmares) diff. concentrating, fatigue. Report severe dizziness, drowsiness, and weakness and pregnancy 8. Benzodiazepines end in pam and lam and in the middle have either azo or aze. SE are same as above drowsiness, dizziness etc. REPORT: SEVERE drowsiness, dizziness, swelling in extremities, diff. voiding, palpitations 9. Beta Blockers end in OLOL. You may experience dizziness, drowsiness, light headed, blurred vision, n/v, loss of appetite, impotence, depression. REPORT: diff. breathing, night cough, swelling of extremities, slow pulse, confusion, depression, rash and sore throat

Caine local anesthetics Cillin Dine antibiotics anti-ulcer agents

Done opiod analgesics Ide Iam Micin oral hypoglycemics antianxiety agents antibiotics

Nium neuromuscular blocking agents

Olol Ole

beta blockers antifungal

oxacin antibiotics Pam Pril Sone antianxiety agents ace inhibitors steroids

Stain antihyperlidemics Vir Zide antivirals diuretics

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