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Enough with hudud


The growing number of politicians in this country who think that hudud is a good idea for Malaysia should see the video that is circulating online of the execution of an Afghan woman by her husband for alleged adultery. THERE is a video circulating online which everyone in this country should watch. It depicts the execution of an Afghan woman for alleged adultery. Her husband shoots her many times in the head while being cheered on by a crowd of men. If anyone thinks this happened many years ago during the Talibanera, they are sadly mistaken. This gruesome event happened recently, in present-day non-Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. The authorities are now looking for the executioner who has predictably disappeared. But really they should arrest the entire crowd that watched it, as accessories to murder. I think this video should be shown to the growing number of politicians in this country who think hudud is a good idea for Malaysia. In particular, it should be shown to those who have just called for the same. If they can watch the video without at least blanching and truly think thats what they want, then I hope they will be held accountable for not only the exodus of Malaysians from this country but also for the drastic reduction in foreign investments coming in. If they want to blow us back to the Stone Age, then they should at least be made to answer for it. What is it with some of our politicians who seem to have taken leave of their senses? Is the loathing for reading and knowledge so widespread that they have to show it off with such illinformed statements? In a world where problems are increasingly sophisticated and complicated, is hudud the only response these people can come up with? Maybe they should get out a bit more. They might like to travel to places like Pakistan where the literacy rate is all of 55% and where, in some areas, only 22% of women can read. Or, go to Iran where a full 40% of the population lives below the poverty line. They might also like to notice the vast numbers of children forced to do backbreaking work in the Middle East. Or they can stay home and instead of reading the tabloids and beefing up their knowledge on which actress is about to marry which rich man, they might like to read up on our very own Federal Constitution which basically says that not only cant you have hudud laws, you also cant impose it on anyone who isnt Muslim. Unless they have some subconscious need to lose the elections for their beloved party, then they might pause and see where this is going. But introspection is not a Malaysian strong point. Somebody floats an idea that they think will attract some press attention and next thing you know, everyone else is jumping on the bandwagon. Never mind that none of the so-called hudud punishments can be found in the Quran. For years, our Government has steadily pooh-poohed the idea of having hudud in this country because that was what the Opposition (or at least some of them) wanted. For years those of us who knew that hudud did not belong in the 21st century have held on to that as our bulwark against theocratic rule in this country. Now, however, the government supporters have changed their tune and are echoing the Oppositions line all those years ago. They seriously think this is the way to win an election? If hudud is to be implemented, then I hope someone realises that it has to be implemented fairly. Therefore not only will petty thieves get their hands cut off but major-league million-ringgit bribe-takers too. And no doubt we will have morality police patrolling the streets and checking that everyone is being good.

Promoting hudud law is a step backwards for modern Malaysia

On July 20, 2012, in Statements & Commentaries, Wanita MCA

Press Statement by Wanita MCA Deputy Secretary General Sdri Tan Cheng Liang Promoting hudud law is a step backwards for modern Malaysia It is time that PAS and other opposition leaders who promote hudud to look at Islamic state nations and see how mandating ultra-conservative laws can lead to unnecessary bloodshed. In Afghanistan, for example, a woman was recently shot in the head several times by her husband on suspicion of adultery while being cheered on by a crowd of men. The said video circulating online has earned international outrage. As suggested by an editorial by social activist Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir in The Star (19 July 2012), I strongly urge PAS which thinks implementing hudud law is for the welfare of Malaysians to watch the video in all of its gruesome detail and think again. If Malaysia is ever to develop as a fully industrialised nation, it is imperative that the government does not promote such backwards, antiquated thinking. In this modern world, a woman should not have to fear for her life because a few people suspect her of wrongdoing. What Malaysia needs is not PAS leaders who perpetuate misogynistic nonsense (e.g. PAS spiritual leader DAto Seri Nik Azizs video exhorting rape against women) but government officials who progress the country to its full potential by promoting gender equality, economic prosperity and social cohesion. Mandating hudud law for non-Muslims is unconstitutional A careful reading of the Federal Constitution shows that hudud laws cannot be fully implemented in Malaysia because they cannot be imposed on non-Muslims. PAS may claim to represent the needs of all Malaysians, regardless of ethnicity but existing policies and actions in PAS-led administrations in Kelantan and Kedah like fines against non-Muslim employers whose employees had donned sleeves not considered long enough despite covering the elbow, forbidding licenced betting and alcohol sales, gender segregation, ordering a Buddhist associations building to have Islamic designs casts doubts unto PAS claims and DAPs and PKRs inability to control PAS. If DAP and PKR were truly multiethnic parties concerned about issues that affect all Malaysians, then it should not be silent about PASs stance on the enforcement of hudud law. But the two other parties have not publicly quelled public fears by insisting in writing into the Buku Jingga that hudud law is not part of Pakatans agenda. I strongly urge all Malaysians to consider Pakatans blatant ignorance of the Constitution as well as its multiple stances on hudud law in the next general elections. Malayias future as a modern, developing nation depends on it. Tan Cheng Liang Wanita MCA Deputy Secretary General Wanita MCA Penang State Liaison Chairman -MCA online-

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