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Introduction Definition of canonicity

The Hebrew word for canon is kaneh and the Greek etymology is kanon both mean a measuring rod, a rule. Miler affirmed this by saying the word means a straight rod, or bar, used especially to keep things straight. A measuring rod. A rule or line used by carpenter for measuring or for keeping things straight.1 87. In a metaphorical sense, it means anything that serves to regulate or determine other things. It can mean a standard of conduct, living, action, or judging or a boundary line or limit. Rene defines it as a rule which serves as a measure;by extension, that which is measured. the rule of doctrine set forth by the apostle2.159. As applied to the scripture it is the testing rule by which each book of the bible must be tested before it may be admitted as part of the sacred scriptures, because its contents have reached the standard and been proven to be in conformity to a required standard. It could be seeing as the list of books recognized as sacred writing of a worshiping community. The Secret behind canonicity discovery The reckoning of the sixty six books of the bible and the rest literatures terminated must have a peculiar characteristic that make it distinct. Due to various controversial documents administered and meditated in the early fathers, aroused the interest of the fathers to screen all the available literatures with some criteria. This was actually executed in the second half centuries. One of the secrets is that the book has a statement that gradually becomes a proverb the Lord said or thus says the Lord this logo must be detected in the writers writings. Also it must be authentic by quoting from other prophets or writers. It ought to be living

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H.s. Miller. General Biblical Introduction.(Houghton: the word bearer press, 1952). 87. Rene pache. The inspiration and authority of scripture (Chicago: moody press, 1969), 159.

and accurate. It must generally be accepted of both initial and subsequent to the final by the church universal as well the recipient of the letter. The church fathers rules of canonizing the Old Testament Divine inspiration is one the rules. When all scripture inspired by God is lacking in the writings, then it has no place in it. God reveled to the understanding and comprehension of the writers as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. Gaussen sees this as the mysterious power which the Divine Spirit put forth on the authors of the Scriptures. All Scripture, says as apostle3.23. Antiquity of the book depends on the fact that the was ancient and was placed among the Hebrew literature this moved Geisler to comments that if the book was ancient it was venerated because of its age and placed among the prized collection of Hebrew language.4130.Hebrew language determines canonicity. If the book is written in the sacred language of the Jews, it was placed sacred among the books. In another way, the book must agree with Torah. The Torah was the ultimate criterion for all doctrines to the Jews which is the Law of Moses. No book that contradicted Torah will be added because Gods word could not contradict the previous ones. Religion value is another measurement applied. Without any spiritual or religious value or important from the book make it valid. Religious value in term of worship arouses George authenticating this in commending the worship of the Jews that Jewish worship was grounded in beliefs about God and creation.5169. The author of the writing was also considered. The book must be authoritative in the sense the author must have been inspired with a declaration of the inspiration. He ought
Gaussen E. Introduction to the bible. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan press, 1979), 23. Norman l. Etal. A general introduction to the bible. (Chicago: Moody press,1971), 130. 5 George Etal. Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions, and the occult.(Grand Rapids: Zondervan publishing house, 1993), 169.
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to have been one of the prophets, king, or a lay man called and reckoned to as a man of God during his generation. The correct view about canonicity is that church is the discoverer of canon, child of canon, minister of canon, recognizers of canon, witness of canon, and servant of canon. The authority of the church is to be found in the authority of the scriptures. Old Testament canon Traditionally the books of the Hebrew bible are twenty- four in number, arranged in three divisions which are: Torah the Law (Genesis- Deuteronomy), Nabiim the prophets (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the twelve), and Ketubim the writings (Psalms, Proverbs, Job Megillot or scrolls Song of songs, Ruth, Lamentation, Ecclesiastes, Esther, later Daniel, Ezra- Nehemiah seen as one book then chronicles). Jesus reckoned to these books even including Chronicles that was placed last. Bruce declares there is evidence that chronicles was the last book in the Hebrew bible as Jesus knew it.he addressed answerable for from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah.631. In the contrast, Jesus divided the Old Testament into three places Cart writes the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms.7164. So the Hebrew division is in plat form of Jesus attestation. The first part i.e the law written by Moses occupied the place of pre- eminence as the faithful servant of the Lord (cf. Numbers 12: 1-7). The second part is designated by the Jews as the prophets. They were important men in the Old Testament economy. And the third aspect is the men who were not prophets in the technical sense of the word but were inspired. All are thirty nine in English bible.

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F.F Bruce. The canon of scripture. (Downes Grove: intervarsity press. 1971), 31. Cart F.H. Henry. Revelation and the Bible. (Grand Rapids: Baker book house, 1958), 164.

The Old Testament disputed books are Ecclesiastes, Esther, and Song of songs. Walter submits both the assertion of the writer that their writings (Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon) have been received from and guided by the revelatory and inspiring work of the Holy Spirit what has been written to be collected with other books that had made a similar claim and were likewise treated as authoritative8.39. These three books were later included for in the case of theses books, there writers claimed they received from God, and there are spiritual values in them. Also it shared with other writers point of views. Clark concludes by saying the books received by the Jews of Jesus day were clearly our thirty nine books. The New Testament quotes from nearly all the thirty nine books.9 76.

The New Testament rules Despites of various books prior to the canonization of the New Testament and the restricted of communication, it is probable that no church came to possess a complete copy of all that enters into the New Testament canon until early in the second century. Lewis confirms ... its reading was a large part of the fellowship of believers when they assembled together. They would not have been concerned as to a canon or what belonged to a canon without design or effort the canon thus came to be approved upon the peculiar merit of each portion in due tie and under the guidance of the Spirit of God, all difficulties were overcome and the book- the Revelation was added to complete the whole.10 91.

Walter c. Kaiser. Toward Rediscovering the Old Testament. (Gand Rapids: Academic books, Clark G. Etal. Can I trust my Bible? (Chicago: Moody press, 1963), 76. Lewis S Chafer. Systematic Theology. (Dallas: Dallas seminary press, 1948), 91.

1987), 39.
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Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, one of the rules is inspiration. To buttress this Lewis continues by saying inspiration secures had made these particularized books the Word of God in distinction from all other human writings. 1192. Apostolic authority was considered. The writer must have been one of the apostles of Jesus Christ and if not, in term of authority, the writer should be a disciple or a companion of an apostle. Wide reading in churches is another criterion. It should not be limited only to some churches but must have a wide range usage and acceptability. It must have circulated round churches. Next to this is the recognition and use by the fathers. The church fathers must have used them. Miller declares that Eusebius speaks of acceptingthe ancient presbyters used it freely in their own writing as an undisputed work. 12140. The contents of the book were considered. The church had its rule of faith. And there are oral received doctrines that the church follows. If the writing disagrees with the church faith, the book is discarded. Next to this focuses on edification. The write up should be edifying and spiritual bases. Without this it is condemned. Inward testimony of the book was put into consideration. The book must testify of it self as the word of God. New Testament Canon Emma says concerning the decree made and carried out the councilfrom Cartage in 397, decreed that nothing should be read in the church under the name of the divine scriptures except the canonical writings.13 144. So the only twenty seven books of the New Testament were to be read.
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Ibid, 92. H.S. Miller. General Biblical Introduction. (Houghton: The word bearer press, 1952), 140. 13 Emma E. Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. (Grand Rapids: Baker book house, 1984), 144.

These twenty seven books can be classified into three parts the gospels, the historical book (Acts) and the prophetic (Romans- Revelation) or the gospels, history (Acts - Jude), apocalyptic (Revelation). Conclusion The canonization of the ram pared written documents in Jewish and church days is very important and worth commendation. If not for this, it will be difficult to really grapes the genuine among the fakes numerous writings. It will be difficult to have a specific book to be read in the church. Not only this, there will be no difference between the words of man and that of God. The act of canonizing the books of the Bible destroys the misleading of the church for it helps the church to recognize the Word of God from others. It builds the church and gives a sense of understanding and reliability, that the church majors on an authentic and authoritative documents that build the faith of the church. It also makes the church rest assured of hearing indeed the word of God that stands for correction, discipline, and growth in the path of righteousness. The thirty books of the Old Testament and the twenty seven books of the New Testament making a total number of sixty six are the only inspired Word of God that make the Bible whole besides this, no other inspired word. The Word of God is yea and amen.

BIBLIOGRAPHY F.F Bruce. The canon of scripture Downer Grove: intervarsity press. 1971. H.s. Miller. General Biblical Introduction Houghton: the word bearer press, 1952. Rene Pache. The Inspiration and Authority of Scripture Chicago: moody press, 1969. Walter c. Kaiser. Toward Rediscovering the Old Testament Grand Rapids: Academic books, 1987. Clark G. Etal. Can I trust my Bible? Chicago: Moody press, 1963. Lewis S Chafer. Systematic Theology Dallas: Dallas seminary press, 1948. H.S. Miller. General Biblical Introduction Houghton: The word bearer press, 1952. Gaussen E. Introduction to the Bible Grand Rapids: Zondervan press, 1979. Norman l. Etal. A General Introduction to the Bible Chicago: Moody press,1971. George Etal. Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions, and the Occult Grand Rapids: Zondervan publishing house, 1993. F.F Bruce. The Canon of Scripture Downer Grove: Intervarsity Press. 1971. Cart F.H. Henry. Revelation and the Bible Grand Rapids: Baker book house, 1958. Emma E. Evangelical Dictionary of Theology Grand Rapids: Baker book house, 1984.

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