Sept 14 Meeting Minutes

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Sigma Tau Delta Meeting 9/14/2012, 9-10am in Brown Study Room First Floor Participants Catherine Kalani (took

minutes) Kait Ashley Lisa Future E-board meetings: Last meeting we decided to have two meetings a month We MUST get a day that works for most, if not all people Future meetings will be held on Thursdays at 5:45 every other week in Brown o This is flexible we will meet when we need to o We will try to pair one of the eboard meetings with one of the general meetings. Our next eboard meeting will be Thursday, September 27th at 5:45 in the Brown Study Room on the first floor. Please let us know if you cant make it Future General Meetings: We will meet twice a month usually back to back days o Plan on one Thursday evening of a month at 6:45-7:15 followed by an acitivity (see below for more detail) and one Friday afternoon 11:45-12:15 followed by an acitivity These two days will be back to back If no one shows up, we will wait twenty minutes before we leave New format for general meetings o We will not be just doing general meetings anymore Plan on planning an event or activity for every meeting (the Thursday and Friday) These events can include but are not limited to: Going to a poetry reading as a group Bring in a poet or speaker Watching a film adaptation of a famous book with a pizza party Quiz bowl! Go to Waterstreet October: corn maze or haunted house Going to other fun places Service Events (see below) Who plans the events? Most of this falls to Kenny as social chair HOWEVER, the plan is to have one eboard member work with him on each separate event. This way, everyone will have to organize

something, but people will get breaks, and hopefully we can take some of the load off Kenny PLEASE PLAN ON PLANNING AN EVENT. If no one does it, well burn out If we do this, it will mean just gathering as a group to have fun instead of sit in a room. This is our biggest way of growing our active membership back to full power Our first General meeting set will be Thursday, September 27th, 6:45-7:15, and Friday September 28th, 11:45-12:15 o These meetings will be in the old format, just a quick 30 minute meeting because we dont have enough time to plan a big event o New formats will begin in October (hopefully with something Halloween related!)

How to get more people involved: Flyers around the English Department, Waterstreet, Bigby Chalking for Events!!! Advertise the Frostic Reading series with our name on flyers o September 28th at 8pm in Brown auditorium o Ashley will make flyers o Distribution Ashley will make 32 copies Eboard will help distribute Service Opportunities These can be added in place of general meetings or addition to Salvation Army o Christmas time possibility ringing bells Outrageous Pages o Reading to kids Public Relations Officer Will try to post things to the facebook/blog/twitter once a week Will update the blog soon including the Eboard members section o Email was sent by Catherine including the password to everyone Induction Ceremony Decided on date: December 1st 3-5pm o Mark your calendars now! We cannot do much right now everything depends on the numbers o Order pins, certificates o Make programs o Order red roses

Get punch and cake (find a good cake place to replace Cody)

Fundraising We should plan on doing some o This will lie in the social chair and treasurers main court (obviously well all pitch in) Bake sale o Inflated prices for faculty English Studies Conference We have decided to hold the conference once this year in the spring We will build up to it with our other events Plan to have it on a Saturday Miscellaneous For future food, our official caterer is Shwarma King (sp?) Things to come prepared to discuss next meeting Make decisions on October events Look into scholarships (due October 29th) Decide if we would like to hold another set of elections for the empty spots or even offer committee chair volunteer positions o Will depend on the people who now have the extra work there is going to be a lot of it

Final note October meeting dates (tentative clear your schedules now!) Eboard 1: October 4th 5:45 EB 2: October 18th 5:45 General meeting: undecided

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