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I am forecasting a likely collapse of the US and world markets starting in the 4th quarter of 2012. This collapse could be as great as 50% of current share value. This forecast is based on a dream I had on 9-11 and then dreams by others that appear to confirm my dream. I will share them below. In my prophetic dream I saw lane direction indicators that reversed direction while I was driving in the 3rd lane which I believe represents the 3rd quarter of the year, or July through September. It is my belief that the main indicator for the US economy is Gross Domestic Product (GDP). We have been watching whether the GDP would go up or down. The report was due on Thursday, September 27.2012 at 8:30 AM ET. The consensus of the economists was that it would come in at 1.7% annualized for Q2. When the final print came it plunged down to 1.25%, much lower than anticipated. ZeroHedge calls it a disaster. Here is a link to an article on ZeroHedge: Final Q2 GDP Disaster: 1.25% Growth Comes Below Lowest Estimate The next report that was due from the government was the Durable Goods Report. This is the report that tells us how the sales of washing machines, cars, aircraft, machinery, etc are doing compared to the last month. They plunged 13%, the most since the Jan 2009 recession. Check out this headline: Durable Goods Orders Cliff-Dive Most since Jan 2009 but Initial Claims Beat How did the markets react? They kept going as if nothing had changed just like I did in my car on the freeway. They discounted those two reports because they thought that the Fed's $40B per month MBS program (QE3) would override them, but what we notice from the dream is that will not be the case now. I expect the market to begin slowing down as we get in the 4th quarter and really plunge as we get near the end of the year.

Confirmation Dreams: Here is a confirming dream that was posted on our IWI web site. It is an amazing confirmation. "Ken, "When I read your dream I was awed! On the same day, 9/11/12, I had a dream in which I heard "1929, money doubled", and then I was in Singapore's financial district near the water front and I was telling my colleague that it looks just like Wall Street near the water front. Then in the dream I was telling my colleague that David Rockefeller in his memoir that he confessed that his family has conspired with other globalists to bring about a new world order. My colleague did not believe me and I actually turned to the page in the book, [page] 304, to show him." EOD "In reality [in his] book [on page] 405, in his memoir, was his confession. "I think what is coming is like 1929, major crash and the cause again was the conspired efforts of the financial elite like the Fed Reserve. Market may lose more than 50% of value. Their goal is through the crisis to push for the one world order stuff. David Xi Here are some points to consider in the interpretation: 1. The dream happened on 9-11, a day that represents an attack against our financial structures. 2. He heard the word: 1929, Money Doubled which speaks of the depression of 1929 and the possible doubling of our money supply. (Bernanke believes that there was not enough liquidity in 1929.) 3. The Wall Street money masters are now moving to Singapore. 4. The Rockefellers may be involved in the move. 5. The number "304" is important. Watch for it to appear in the news, etc. Here is another dream: From Justin Pagotto on our Facebook page: "I had a dream on Saturday night [September 22] that Apple would fall and market would fall with it - [A]pple has fallen $30 in two or three days so that part is happening but it would need to fall a lot more to signify a correction." My thought on the matter: Let's watch Apple (AAPL) and see if it falls in unison with the markets. Here is another dream: Here is another view from Daniel Dean on our Facebook page: "Your dream fits my composite paradigm of the future if the year of your dream is 2013 instead of 2012. I'm expecting a fairly significant correction in the third quarter of 2013, not the Big One, but a painful correction nevertheless. After that, I expect another rebound. This may explain why taking the off-ramp after the arrows reverse would be undesirable. The reason for the correction in 2013 might relate to a wave of fixed-to-

variable mortgage conversions, the unclogging of deferred foreclosures from the faux "robosigning" scandal, and European crashes. After the correction, I believe the markets will rebound and reach new highs in 2015. Then, the Big One. [Disclaimer--the Holy Spirit has not given me direct revelation on anything prior to this sentence.] I have had several dreams related to the Big One. In one dream, I went over Niagara Falls, but had previously constructed a parachute. I got wet, but was uninjured. In a dream a few days ago, I saw a woman representing the Bride of Christ fall into a water pipe inside Hoover Dam. She was then ejected through the spillway and fell hundreds of feet into the river below. In another dream, people tumbled over the edge of a steeply sloping chasm. The imagery of these dreams is far more graphic and intense than slowing down on a freeway because the Big One to come is going to be truly devastating for those who are not walking in the Spirit. We will continue to monitor the situation and report any changes. So far the prophetic revelation is synced with the market news. Listed below is the original dream and interpretation.


Are the US and world markets about to take a turn down in the near future? Could we lose 50% of market value by the end of the year? This dream may be an indicator forecasting a major market crash. DREAM OF THE REVERSING OF DIRECTION INDICATORS ON THE FREEWAY By Ken Storey I had a dream the morning of 9-11-2012. I was on a freeway in a car. It was a four lane freeway like we have in America with large arrows painted in each or the 4 lanes pointing in the direction of the flow of traffic. The arrows were spaced about 20 or 30 seconds apart. I was traveling at freeway speed, 65-70 mph. The freeway had many curves in it and you could not see very far ahead. I knew that there were other cars scattered behind me, but I saw none in front of me. Traffic was very thin. I don't think that there were any people in the car with me. As I passed an off ramp I noticed that there was a large arrow painted on the pavement leading to the exit also. Next, as I was driving along I noticed that the arrows in all the lanes changed 180 degrees and were now pointing in the opposite direction. I was now driving in the opposite direction from where the arrows were pointing. I began to be concerned.

I next passed an off-ramp, but it had been changed to an on-ramp with the arrow reversed. I wondered: It could be dangerous to exit the freeway? Now I really got concerned. I didn't know if this was a painter's mistake or whether cars were going to come around the next corner and crash into all of us. I moved over into the 4th lane and drove a little slower. I began to slow down more (about 35 mph) and pulled off to the right towards the shoulder. I had one set of wheels in the 4th lane and the right wheels were on the shoulder. Here are a few more details. In the beginning I was driving in the third lane from the left in a 4 lane highway. After the arrows reversed I cautiously moved into the 4th lane for a while and then started slowing down as I was moving off to the shoulder. Then the dream ended as I was trying to decide to stop or keep going. I was concerned about the people behind me. What was going to happen to them? Had they seen the reversal of the arrows? End of the dream. Here is a question: Are the 4 lanes 4 quarters of the year? If so, I was in the 3rd quarter when the indicators reversed and things began to slow down. The 3rd quarter is July through September. I pulled over into the 4th lane at about 70 mph, but because of my concern I began to gradually slow down and I was slowing down even more at the end of the 4th quarter. I was doing about 35 mph as I was starting to exit the 4th lane. Interpretation: 1. The date of the dream being the eleventh anniversary of the 9-11 attack against our financial and military institutions seems to be significant. 2. The car I was driving represents the American economy as we are progressing through the year. 3. The 4 lane freeway represents the 4 economic quarters of the year. 4. I was driving in the 3rd lane when all the lane direction indicators reversed. We are in the 3rd quarter as I write this and the indicators appear to be reversing, that is, they have been a little positive and are now slowing down or becoming negative. 5. Market Timing: As I slowed down when I pulled into the 4th lane could mean that the economy will really slow down in the 4th quarter especially towards the end. This is the time where we will be approaching the Fiscal Cliff. 6. The off-ramp that got reversed into an on-ramp could mean that it may be risky or difficult to get off the highway or out of the market near the end of the 4th quarter. 7. The arrows painted on the highway are indicators of market direction in each quarter. They are about to reverse. The big indicator is the GDP report that is due out 927-2012.

8. Moving to the right can have another meaning for investors or traders. For options traders the Puts are on the right of the screen and the Calls are on the left. To move to the right may mean placing Puts against various indexes of the American market. Why did all of the lane indicators reverse direction at the same time? Does this mean that indicators across the board change at the same time? Or, does it mean that data from previous quarters was incorrect and are changed in hindsight? I believe the data is incorrect and will be adjusted. What are the economic indicators that might be reversing? I am watching the 2nd quarter US GDP and the Jobless Claims and the Durable Goods Orders which all occur on September 27, the day after the Day of Atonement. The market is expecting a 1.7% final print for Q2 GDP. Anything below that would be considered to be negative. To watch the economic calendar go to:

Why were cars driving in all 4 lanes? Do the cars represent other nations? The cars behind me may be driving in different lanes because they have a Q1 or Q2 revelation, that is, they have a revelation that was valid in the 1st or 2nd quarter, but is no longer valid as times have changed. Most of the people (cars) were in the 3rd or 4th lanes just like most people drive in real life. If the economic indicators during the 3rd quarter do not fall from where they are now then we need to rethink our interpretation and meaning of the dream. So far, we have not had a reversal across the board that would indicate that the dream is true. It must take place during the 3rd quarter which is July through September. If the GDP comes in higher than expected then disregard this interpretation and take appropriate action concerning any investment or trade you may have placed. Please be sure to use Trailing Stop Losses as indicated in the Watch List.

There is a principle in scripture that all things are established in the mouth of two or three witnesses. If this is a true word then we will see several additional words and dreams that confirm it. We are also told by the Apostle Paul to despise not prophesying, but to prove all things and hold fast that which is good. Trading/Investing Strategies: Investors may want to consider using some of our Watch Lists as a guide for the decisions. It is best to not have more than 3 or 4 investments at any one time. Our members can download the Watch Lists and investment strategies from their weekly Member Resources. To receive our FREE weekly newsletter and Subscriber Resources sign up here: To follow our prophetic investing community on Facebook please click here: To join our investment community, and receive all of the benefits of being a full member, please click on the link below:

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