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FOREWORD Light Dream Organization success vitally depends on its bylwas and ability to manage and safeguard the resources; government and private donors entrust to us. Central to this goal is a sound structure of financial management and control, and making wise use of these monies. This manual describes policies and aprocess for ensuring the effective and efficient uses of funds in diverse setting we operate. Where guidance was deemed useful , it is also provided herein. These practices should be observed in the day -to-day operation of our programs. We look to averyone review with acceptence and application of this material in making Light dream Organization programs successful for the beneficiaries we serve. For any quetions regarding the contents of this manual, please contact our Board of Directors.

FOUNDER STATEMENT Everyone is served as personality leader exemplary to others; Three things are very important to us: Where we were; where we are and where we need to be; So, let us be involved with a sense of commitment, purpose and direction; considering the involvement as responsibility to be taken on as a labor of love; And drift in routinely or by hereditary succession, on request of other friends or our relatives. We must mull over trusteeship and such our positions as a ladder for social mobility, ahead contacts, plying power, swift publicity and generally, to further our success.

Sincerely Neatson Nixon sunzi 2


CONTENTS Table of contents Pg 2

Chapter one Preamble ...... Pg 4

Interpretation ...Pg 5 Introduction . Pg 5

Chapter: Two 1. Constitution Pg 6 2. Name .. Pg 6


Registration Pg 6

Chapter: Three 4. Vision . Pg 7 5. Mission statement .. Pg 7 6. And objectives.... Pg 7 Chapter: Four 7. Membership Pg 8 7.1 Founder Members ... Pg 9 7.2 Common Members. Pg 9 7.3 Honorable Members .... Pg 9 7.4 Membership Rights and Responsibilities .. Pg 9 7.5 Membership qualifications ... Pg 10 7.6 Closing stages of membership . Pg 10 Chapter: Five Leadership .

Pg 11


Chairperson . Pg Secretary .. .. Pg Treasurer ... Pg



11 Responsibilities of Chairperson . Pg 12 7.9.2 Responsibilities of the Secretary ... Pg 12 7.9.3 Responsibilities of the Treasurer Pg 13

Chapter: Six 8. The Board of Directors .. Pg 12 9. Tenure of office bearers Pg 12 10. Role of Boards Pg 14 (Legal) and (General) 10.1 Power and Duties of Board of Directors . Pg 14 a) Mission Pg 14 b) Goals ... Pg 14 c) Oversight Pg 15 d) Resources Pg 15 e) Outreach .Pg 15 f) Directors Structure . Pg 15 Chapter: Seven 10.2 Organization Organs and Meetings .Pg 16 10.3 Annual General Meeting (AGM) .. Pg 17

of Annual General Meeting . Pg 17 10.4 Abrupt/Urgent meeting (AM) .. Pg 17 10.5 Board of Directors Meeting (BDM) .. Pg 17 10.5.1 Responsibilities of Board of Directors meeting . Pg 17 10.5.2 All Meetings Procedure . Pg 18 Chapter: Eight 10.6 Financial Resources and Pg 18 10.6.1 Authorized Banking . Pg 19 10.6.2 The usage of Organization . Pg 19 sources Signatories money

10.3.1 Responsibilities

Chapter: Nine 11. Organization Constitution .. Pg 20 12. Constitution amendment.... Pg 20 13. Falling Apart ... Pg 20 14. Founders Members . Pg 21


Light Dream Organization

A. WHERE AS: Social problems in the world, disobedience both traditional

norms and globalization teaching and other civil disordering have increased the number of affected community especially among children, youths and women; and
B. WHERE AS: Various groups within and without the country have staged

several mechanisms to curb the problem but the same problem persists;
C. NOW THEREFORE: The founder members of Organization have decided to

form this organization with a view of taking care of affected population of children, youths and women so as to prepare them as present and future useful population in our world through guideline set by this Constitution.
D. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE, the need for unity and collaboration

with all other organizations, health centre and individual persons having a common goal and vision in sharing experiences; and associating all together in the direction of breaking through; by sharing the progress along with methods of tackling problems and locate appropriate strategies; advocating, lobbying and developing capacities geared towards search out clarification in favor of the problems related to child culture, health, welfare, protection and provision of other needs social services to youths and women;

FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, that working independently and without proper uniting forum and joining hands will not successfully resolve the problems surrounding children, youths and women in the world; makers for alleviating poverty by sharing materials, expertise and experiences in and for the protection, survival and development of the children, youths and women;

F. AWARE OF the need to raise community awareness and influencing policy


FURTHER THAT, Our governments are not exclusively responsible for children care, youth growth and women development, furthermore that the whole society has a duty towards this; promoting the children, youths and women for community development by strengthening and advancing our infrastructures, improving the provision of social services to the children, youths and women; protect them from unfair and brutal treatments, and protect the environment for their future and survival;

H. PROVING, the special opportunity and a duty that the members have in

I. WE CONSEQUENTLY being the Organization dealing with the children,

youths and women, committed to the principles and ideals of their survival, their development and protection. We have appeared in the direction of forming an Organization known as Light Dream Organization operational with social services; specially focusing on children, youths and women to adopt the subsequent stipulations imposed herein the constitution. 15. INTERPRETATION SUBJECT TO the express provision of the constitution and unless the context otherwise requires hereby; 15.1 Founders: They are those persons who were setting together to collect all ideals for initiating the Organization.

Co operate member: Is any individual person, organization, company, nationally or internationally that has fulfilled the requirements provided under the Light Dream Organization Constitution.

15.3 Target group: means children, youths or women. 15.4 Child: means person below the age of eighteen who is an orphan or vulnerable. 15.5 Youth: means person relation age of 18 to 25years old that is in need.

Woman: means female with 25 years old upward who is in need.

15.7 Vulnerable children: Are children at risk.


The logo shall contain star and; four colors significant: white; green; yellow and blue.


White represents serenity, sove reignty and impartiality;

15.10 Green represent love and buoyancy; obviously we have been born for

succession by nature;
15.11 Yellow represent inner character essence to mean that always lesser

expires greater; =childhood.

15.12 Blue represents the harmony and solidarity which bring surmount

power for everyone as well as oceanic control. Commit to overcome all community problems i.e. poverty. 15.13 INTRODUCTION

15.14 Light Dream Organization Is a nonprofit; neither non Governmental

denomination nor political Organization. This Organization shall deal with community development focusing mainly on Children; Youths and Woman mainly who are affected with poverty; child abuse and exploitations; drug abuse; bad employment and health in general on top HIV/AIDS infections and affections and the disabled without unfolding mentally handicapped with the community. No single organization can address all of the social needs and challenges: collaboration for social organizations is not an option, but a necessity. Collaboration, therefore, should be a major theme in our Strategic Plan in variety areas as environmental; microfinance/microenterprise; agricultural development and entrepreneurship. In its leading role on collaboration, LiDO will make use of the great diversity in the membership, as well as different approaches; able to meet different aspects of humanitarian challenges and needs. Increased collaboration among LiDO members will also provide the network with a greater sense of coherence and enhance its credibility not just in Republic of Tanzania only, but also outside in places where calling is even more relevant. The added strength that LiDO can bring to collaboration also particularly lies in its ability to bridge the gap between communities both nationally and internationally, particularly in emergency responses. 15.15 In order to develop and help these vulnerable children; poor youth and women, Light Dream Organization has laid strategies and plans of identifying problems and resources mobilization for the problem resolution in stipulations of research initiating and implementing programs and network with other Organizations and individuals sharing the same burden of helping to eradicate poverty; illiteracy; improving

health standard; dissemination creating conservations among others within the Community. 15.16 Poverty is test of civility and the touch stone of friendship, also to say that you can love one person all your life is just like saying that one candle will continue burning as long as you live. The Organization law respect and solicit love, freedom, peace, unity and solidarity; equality in dignity human right for all classes.
15.17 Upon registration, the organization shall be geared towards and

subjected only to the objects, motives and desires of its founders and subject to the conditions and directions contained in its common seal shall have right to own, transfer, convey, assign and demise any parcel of land or interest therein and shall be working in accordance to the Government and International laws. CHAPTER TWO 15.18
15.19 The


name of the organization shall be Light Dream Organization (hereinafter referred as LiDO) REGISTRATION


15.21 The organization will be registered in accordance to the laws of Tanzania which deals with Non-Governmental Organizations.
15.22 The Registered offices (Headquarters) of the organization will be based

in Ilemela Mwanza but the organization shall also establish and open branches in other regions of Tanzania as well as representative offices in every country to easy its day to day functions; furthermore the area of operation of the organization shall be worldwide. 16. CONSTITUTION

The organization shall be non-governmental, non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian, non-discriminatory and a service oriented organization.

16.2 The common seal shall be affixed in any documents in the presence at least three members. 16.3 The official languages of the organization shall be English, Kiswahili and/or French as circumstances may so require.

CHAPTER: THREE 16.4 VISION Although many non profit in the world try to do well for reducing poverty and other social problems in the community, Light Dream Organization is committed to be a foremost organization in bringing together the talent of Children, Youth and Women throughout edification, career and training skill; to sustain them with healthy facilities; environmental research and conservation leading for all assembly and individuals self reliance for expecting much more healthy and knowledgeable stable society. 16.5 MISSION STATEMENT Inasmuch as every state proves poverty, diseases, environmental devastation and illiteracy as being the major enemies of global development. The heath of the LiDO mission is to rally round the people through sustainable development programs addressing improvement, adequate financial resources; injustice, ensure dignity and rights, and promote strategies that attend to human needs; especially these of Children; Youths; Women and elders. 16.6 OBJECTIVES In fulfilling its objectives, organization upon registration shall have the basic role of empowering its members to eradicate poverty, illiteracy and other social evils among themselves; children; youth; women; elders and the community in large; and be able to cater for direct to any of its members in immediate needs which have been faced with various calamities. Further, our organization has the following objectives listed below:
1. TO inspire and support children for their Education requirements from

grassroots kindergarten to university level;

2. TO

ascertain integrated community-based on transformational development programs including but not limited to; support for children and youth educational and food security; TO Increase the access of the community to thrift and credit through organized self-help groups;
3. 4. TO promote vital education, health facilities and careers in the society

for reducing unexpected pregnancy for girls and HIV/AIDS infection for all

groups as anticipation and mitigation of diseases and epidemics such as malaria, HIV/AIDS and all immunes diseases;
5. TO support development ventures of youths and women, which will be

inherited by their successors (i.e. children), and educate them modern economical strategies for achieving development style revelation to overcome the poverty;
6. TO raise awareness of their living` earths natural power sites and

energy grids, and to remind themselves spiritually awakened human with open hearts have the responsibility of activating and realigning them. As human and planetary vibratory frequencies are thus raised, so our unsustainable present realities will continue to be dramatically and permanently;
7. TO revitalize environmental conservation and research within the

community without forget to provide emergency responsibilities to the vulnerable in conflict situation and other natural disaster environments;
8. TO realize best collaboration with individuals, government institution,

non governments and international agents for bringing the best assistant to the target group; By engaging in Public Awareness and Advocacy that promotes the rights of youth, children and women development of effective local polices that enhance the quality of life within the society;
9. To formulate standards of professional conduct for members and to

encourage the appropriate professional attitude for quality members during the work of the organization and for this purpose, as it engage and provide in whole or in part for salaries, allowances and other emoluments of the officers and employees of the organization;
10. TO improve level of understanding upon leadership and governance

among the youths and women;

11. TO do all such other things as are necessary either seen incidental or

conducive for attainment of the above elaborated objectives individually or communally.



Light Dream Organization shall have three categories of members namely Founder Members, Cooperate Members and Honorable Members

Founder Members

Consist of the persons who get together for initiating ideas to form the LiDO.

Common Members

Address all individuals, all organizations governmental or nongovernmental, national or international who shall decide to join us after the formation of the organization in the same vision.

Honorable Members

Shall consist of the individuals, organizations either governmental or nongovernmental, nationals or internationals decide to support us without join us due to their profession occupation ,trade, calling ,career, or area of specially are necessary in exit vision. They should be limited to the obligations and concessions in allotment, gathering, exchanging and circulation of the information, knowledge, expertise and materials; may only be allowed to attend the meetings of the light Dream Organization as advisors, counselors and spectators without the right of suffrage such as ballot vote.

Membership Rights and Responsibilities Every member shall have rights and responsibilities as laid down here:-

1. The people attended the Light Dream Organization first meeting to

draft the name and objectives with all articles, will automatically be regarded as founders of this Organization. New member get registration in the course of membership form at any time provided according to conditions and procedures, laid down by the Organization.
2. 3. Active member shall be measured duly by means of monthly roles

imposed herein this constitution of the Organization.

4. To have freedom into leadership that brings an opportunity for every

member to vote and be voted as leader; to know the income and


expenditures of the Organization; right to see and be assured that the properties acquired and used by the Organization or another properties, which have been given to the Organization by various donors, are being used for the benefit and development of Light Dream Organization.
5. Should have right to possess Organization policies for making sure

he/she understand better all policies laid-down in order to fulfill its requirements.
6. To be facilitated with Organization in development, economy and

education affairs in accordance to LiDO objectives.

7. To attend all appropriate meetings in accordance with the constitution;

shall have the right of every decision arrived at such meetings. 8. To raise her/his views with attention to, and have the right to deliver any opinion relating to the activities and issues meeting for discussions; as well as the opportunity to supervise and assist in implementations of all decisions made by Light Dream Organization in the fulfilling its vision and objectives. To pay the subscriptions and contributions arranged by Light Dream Organization.
9. 10. To obey the rules and regulations of Organization; Government laws;

Leadership and all people in the society.

11. To escape any situation that may bring Organization fall apart; and

protect all Organization Properties.

12. To make plans of development strategy activities and go together with

them in the implementation of programs by striving for Organization Network. 17.5 Membership qualifications Any person who will be allowed to join us should be:-


1. A person aged 18 years old upward; able to play in rules shares and

other contribution by means of calling to serve a target group;

2. A person who obey restriction of practicing political issues in the



3. A person who should not be discriminative in any form being it color

or race, tribal, denominational background or gender; 4. A person who should be ready to attend meeting called on every occasion;

Responsible and careful about the programs arranged and approved by Organization for implementation;

6. A person who is not illiterate.


Closing stages of membership

The following events shall bring the membership prevent:1. Upon death.
2. Mental disorder (approved by a physician).

3. Membership dispelled-ship as per the constitutional instructions.

4. Weaken of collaboration in any planned strategy or activity of the

Organization. 5. Voluntary resignation. CHAPTER: FIVE


The leaders of the organization shall be 18.1 Chairperson 18.2 Secretary 18.3 Treasurer
18.3.1 Responsibilities of Chairperson 1. Shall be responsible overall activities surrounded by the Light Dream

Organization and shall be informed on any bank transaction before and after it;
2. Shall be chairperson of Annual General and Abrupt meeting; and

Member of the Board of Directors;


3. Shall be obliged to give advice and opinion to, Secretary, Treasurer

and other leaders every day for the best conduct of the Light Dream Organization activities. Provided that such advice or opinion of Chairperson shall bind the Secretary, Treasurer or any other leader of the Organization unless revoked by competent authority;
4. Shall be the sole spokesperson of the Light Dream Organization in all

matter relating or affecting the LiDO. And last endorser of all Organization documents;
5. Shall make sure that all the projects planned and laid down are well

implemented by the concerned staff.

6. Shall be responsible for all leadership issues for making sure that

leadership relation is going well;

7. Shall be responsible to support implementation of strategy for scaling

up project related issues as per vision standards within area; provide supportive monitoring visit to review integration and implementation project activities;
8. Provided however the Chairperson upon his own discretion may assign

all or some of his duties to any leader of the Board of Directors in order to facilitate better day to day running of his activities;
18.3.2 Responsibilities of the Secretary

The Secretary Will be responsible for keeping and storing the minutes and other correspondences of the Organization and any other records in respect of the Lidos activities, including the activities of any meeting whether AGM, AM or BDM;

Will be responsible to keep the membership registration documents up to date; safe keeping of all organizations records, to receive, deliver, write, reply and send all letters or other correspondences in order to carry out various resolution of any meeting;

Will be responsible for logistic issues; and project implementation relating to Organization development as well as to receive, to record and to process procurement & logistics requested; provide technical
3. 15

support in the development of concept papers and proposal writing on project; Will be Responsible to draft the items of the agenda of any meeting and do all other activities for the best development and in attainment of the Light Dream Organization vision;

Will be responsible for a feature of external/international relationship transactions issues;

5. 6.



Will be responsible for all partial issues surround the Light Dream Organization to make them complete; Will be responsible for the delivery of all Light Dream Organization Annual reports, except financial report, in the Annual General Meeting or any other Special General Meeting.

18.3.3 Responsibilities of the Treasurer

Treasurer will: 1. Manage all financial transactions of the organization


Prepare the annual budget and make financial arrangements for specific projects and programs

3. Ensure financial stability and accurate disbursement of all funding 4. Record all financial transaction/information 5. Establish and maintain standard system of accounting procedures

Report financial activity to the chairperson and board of directors as requested Submit a financial summary of expenditures to the board of directors at the end of each month. CHAPTER: SIX




Light Dream Organization Board of Directors will comprise of three (3) or more persons nominated by the General meeting and will be served with letters requesting them to be members of the Board of Directors.
1. The number of members in the Board of Directors, at any time shall

not be less than three persons but not more than eleven.
2. The Board of Directors shall have the Chief Director and secretary

elected by the members of the board. 19.1 Tenure of office bearers

1. In accordance with leadership guidelines, office bearers of Light Dream

Organization cannot hold office consecutively for more than two terms or ten years, but is not stricture. 2. The person so appointed shall hold an office within five years (5), but may be eligible for re-election. 3. All board members holding offices by virtue of their office shall hold office as a member until such time as he/she ceases for any reason to hold such office.

19.2 Role of Boards (Legal)

1. Funds properties and assets of the Organization vest in them; 2. Be acquainted with and advance the aims & objects or mission & vision; 3. Operate the Organization within the framework of the Organizations own

charter and the statutes governing the Organization;

4. Should not derive any personal benefit from the Organization; 5. Jointly and severally responsible;

6. Oversee administration and account. 7. Set policy through process of periodic meetings and resolutions. (General)
1. Provide leadership/vision. 17

2. Give the Organization a sense of direction. 3. Set the policy. 4. Take the responsibility. 5. Hold the Organization together. 6. Motivate staff. 7. Mobilize resources. 8. Build and nurture an ethical, sensitive, motivated and responsible TEAM. 9. Discourage exaggerated or misleading claims.

19.3 Power and duties of Board of Directors Mission 1. To determine, reaffirm, and support the Organization mission. Goals
2. Determine and document the goals of each department; 3. Determine what personnel are needed to head the department and

how funds are budgeted and be accountable to the stakeholders when it comes to the budget of each department; 4. Decide which committee oversees specific areas of the organization; 5. Set guidelines including salaries, remunerations, and commotions for employees or other workers to meet the goals; 6. The board shall make the adjustments of the Organization goals and responsibilities over course of the time at scheduled meetings throughout the year.

Oversight 7. Appropriate checks and balances to ensure that the Organization is well managed and its mission is fulfilled;

8. Be accountable for the success and failure of the Organization to the stakeholders and to the public for the quality of the services. 9. Periodic assessment of Organizations activities, as well as its management, to ensure that the Organization is serving the community within its mission. Resources 10. Resource development financial and human by planning and strategizing systems of resources mobilization in terms of finance and other resources for the organization improvement;
11. Governing Board members do not need to be financial exerted, but

they must be diligent about reviewing financial reports; 12. Contribute their time, skill, and influence to raising money;

13. Develop the Organization human resources, including the (CAO) chief

administrative officer and future governing board members;

14. Cultivate potential new members with the specific skills that the

Organization might need such as strategic planning, legal expertise and monetary management. Outreach
15. All governing board members should be an articulate voice for the

Organization mission, values and activities;

16. Members of the governing board will provide links to the community in

which the Organization operates;

17. Each board of members should be an ambassador of the Organization

and expected to participate positively about the Organization within the community;
18. If the head of the Organization leaves, the board of Directors will be

responsible for finding a suitable replacement.

Article IV. Directors Structure

1. Board Officers central purpose is to steer the organization toward its mission. Among the Board of Directors positions and primary functions should be:

The Chief Director,

Finance Director,
Program Director,

Office administrator
Outreach Director, Events and Conference Director and Other officers as may be designated by the Organization. Each

officer should have one vote on the Board of Directors.


The Chief Director should be the chief executive officer of the Organization and shall have general supervision and control of its activities and programs. He will call monthly meetings of Staffs and may call emergency sessions as needed. He or she will chair over these meetings.

Roles of Chief Director He must start and adjourn board meetings; and need to: a. b. c. ii. Be involved with hiring; firing and assessment of activities; Select and motivate Staffs/Team; Develop and propose policy issues for the Boards consideration. The Finance Director shall have general charge of the financial affairs of the Organization. He or she shall keep accurate records of these affairs. iii. The Program Director shall be responsible for preparing weekly activities plans and organizing the curriculum for each officer cohort. Develop and implement programs and project;

The Office Administrator will be responsible of all office daily activities and ensure proper handling of petty cash fund through surprise checks from time to time. v. The Outreach Director will handle all formal correspondence between members and beneficiaries of the Organization.



The Events and Conferences Director shall be responsible for planning and organizing events, seminars, and conferences for members, our beneficiaries and community. CHAPTER: SEVEN


The success of Light Dream Organization with our vision, mission, and objectives shall bring together three Organs well-known in following provisions:20.1 20.2 20.3

Annual General Meeting (AGM) Abrupt/Urgent meeting (AM) Board of Directors Meeting (BDM)

20.4 Annual General Meeting (AGM) Shall be a meeting of all categories of members and stakeholders of the organization on duties and obligation settled out here:1. Be held once in every one year, from the date of registration or the last

meeting which is applicable at the end of the year or any time called.
2. The notice of the meeting shall be circulated to the members by

written letter or through the mass media, not less than forty five 45 days to the date of the meeting.
20.4.1 Responsibilities of annual general meeting

AGM shall be conducted on the following activities:1. To

receive, discuss treasures report.



the chairperson,



2. To receive crucial information from various leaders and all members.

3. To receive reports from Board of directors

4. To propose and plan various projects. 5. To elect or fill vacant the leaders of the organization. 6. To receive, examine, pass and adopt the budget for the next year.

20.5 Abrupt/Urgent meeting (AM)



The special general meeting called any time by the chairperson will be known as abrupt or urgent meeting to solve emergency tribulations. This meeting has to deal with crisis issues only causing the meeting to take place. Board of Directors meeting


21. The board shall hold meetings, three times during a year within its activities. 22. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors meeting

23. This meeting will be responsible on:24. Evaluation of the Board of Directors responsibilities 25. Evaluation of the implementation and the success of the Organization governance
26. Sharing ideas and reviewing the progress of all projects in action. 27. Receiving and discussing financial and implemental department along

with other departments relating to Organization activities report.

28. Coming across solutions of various problems neighboring the members

within the Organization.


All meeting procedures

Chairperson and Secretary are responsible to control any meeting or any other leader among the Board of Directors for absence of both, under authority of Board;
1. Non meeting can be proceeded during absent of 2/3 members of

specified meeting;
2. The notice of the meetings shall be circulated to the members by

written letters or through the mass media, not less than forty five 45 days prior to the date of the meeting;
3. Meeting resolution shall be passed positively or negatively as a result

of the open votes, in consideration of majority hands;

4. When the votes equalize, the overseer of meeting shall have a casting




The financial resources and sources of Light Dream Organization shall be accumulated by means of fundraising as well as:

Government; government of Tanzania Institutions; and individuals

2) Membership fees; Income from short term professional services and consultancy assignments undertaken by programs within the organization;
3) 4)

Grants/donations from other organizations and induvidual worldwide.

5) Financial account shall be done quarterly by both internal and external auditors. Monetary auditing will be done every year before the financial year elapse but anytime it may be required with external auditor approved by members of the organization;

7) Fiscal year will begin every January of each year. 28.2.1 Authorized Banking Signatories The signatories to check books and bank account should be
The chairperson of the organization, Treasurer and Secretary. Money should be released by two signatories.

Types of accounts The following three types of accounts will be maintained by organization: Central account All income accrued to Light Dream Organization will be deposited in the central account. The chairperson, Secretary and Treasure are authorized to operate the bank central account. Two signatures of either of these officials will be required for fund disbursement.


Saving account Light dream organization will keep permanent deposit saving account for its trust fund. The accountant will be responsible to handle this account. Petty cash fund A petty cash fund of certain amount should be kept to cover monthly expenditure; Office administrator will ensure proper handling of petty cash fund through surprise checks from time to time. 28.2.2 The usage of Organization money The Organization may empower its funds in any manner consented by the Board of Directors for the benefit of the Light Dream Organization as well as:-.
1. The objectives implementation and project management; sensibly to the

organization mission;
2. Payments for office expenses.


Subject to any express provision consist herein, this constitution will not allow anyone to destroy any rule or regulation; any right or freedom of both members and light dream organization. The right and freedom in this constitution are not transferable or distributable; Policies and procedures must be applicable for any issue deemed. Mutual agreement will be the foundation of decision making leading to resolution of any affair raised. In circumstances of tallying votes, the chairman should have a vote of decision making.





After the registration of the Light Dream Organization, all members must be enlisted. There will be rules and regulations made an encouragement the requirements of various projects undertaken.



31. 1. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of

32. 2.

Any member of the organization may propose an amendment. Proposals shall be filed in writing with the chairperson prior to a meeting, so that the members may debate the proposal. Amendments may be voted on at regular or special meetings.



In case of falling apart due to bad Governance; the members shall decide to modify the leadership or discontinue all activities through Annual General Meeting; otherwise nullification of the Government Law or liquidated by court. After falling apart, all the resources of Organization will be handed over to the other organization (s) which has/have the same objectives like LiDO; appointed by the Annual General Meeting before dissolution.



LiDO Leadership Relation Structure

Board of Directors

Chairperson (CEO)





Inter. Auditor Financial Director Financial Assistant Ev/ConferenceDirector CommunicationOfficer Coordinator Project Officer Re/OutreachDirector Relationofficer

LiDO Leadership relation structure


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