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LESSON # 2 Remind Me..

Lesson Focus: Communion reminds us that Jesus is always with us. (It wasnt until Jesus broke the bread with the disciples after he had been with them all day, did they realize that it was Jesus they didnt even recognize him a week after he had his Last Supper with them. At that time he broke the bread the same way and send, whenever you do this remember me. When we take communion (or celebrate the Lords supper) we are reminded that Jesus promised to always be with us, but we have to take time to see him or we may miss the signs that he is there. Bible Story: The Road to Emmaus (Luke 24: 13-33) Memory verse: (NLT) This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. (1 Cor. 11:24) Get em Going Activity choices 1. 2. Go for an observing walk. Look for signs of changing seasons, or things that are different from other days. Help the kids to be observant and mindful of their world around them Relay game toss paper balls into a bucket. Make the task harder by making the bucket smaller, and/or having the child toss backward. Ask the children if they would like help to win the game. Have them brainstorm ways that they could get help. (this should lead them to ask a leader for help providing a great object lesson of how we can access the Holy Spirit whom Jesus has given us so that He can ALWAYS be with us) Have the kids do the maze found here


Get Em Hearing Activity choices 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Use Road To Emmaus cartoon to tell the story of two friends of Jesus who missed Jesus, even though he was right there beside them Watch The Voice bible version of the story Have the kids act out the story as you narrate it. Use the puzzle found at this website to talk about the reaction of the disciples to the disappearance of Jesus Practice the memory verse from last week and this week. 1 cor. 11: 23 and 24.

Get Em Thinking Activity choices 1. 2. Talk about why the disciples didnt recognize Jesus and why they did recognize Jesus. Share a story of a time when Jesus did something in your life, and you didnt recognize it until later. Use a SKIT that demonstrates the importance of being reminded that Jesus is always with us. Leader is looking for stuffie everywhere, and cant find it. Its on his back, and until he remembers where it is and reminds himself to reach for it, it cant give him the comfort that he is looking for. Talk about the memory verse. Use unleavened bread (matzoh) to act out how Jesus might have broken the bread and handed it to his disciples. Hand out pieces to the class and talk about the following questions. Why does Jesus refer to himself as Bread? By eating real bread we are reminded that Jesus is the bread of Life is there such a thing as Spiritual bread? What happens when we eat that.


Get Em Living. Activity Choices 1. EYE SEEING CHART: Let children make a SEEING EYE CHART, similar to one in a eye doctor's office. The letters on the first line will be BIG, the letters on the second line will be a little smaller, the letters on the 3rd line will be a little smaller, etc. The TITLE can be "SEEING JESUS", etc. The words can be on the chalk board for the children to copy, such as JESUS HELPS US TO SEE AND UNDERSTAND OUR LIVES, or JESUS HELPS ME UNDERSTAND MORE CLEARLY WHEN I AM CONFUSED, or JESUS HELPS ME SEE THAT HE LOVES ME AND THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR! ****For younger children, the teacher can have the letters lightly drawn for the children to trace over the above words on their eye charts! Give each child a round piece of foam board and markers. Explain that each child will be making a key chain to go on his/her backpack or to use with keys. Explain that they can write a statement on it such as Choose Jesus or I Believe or Stop Doubting, Just Believe. Lead them to name other phrases that have the same meaning. Lead the kids to each write the saying first and then to decorate it. Guide them to hole-punch the top and add the ring or chain. Encourage the children to use it as a reminder that Jesus is with them everywhere they go. The two Emmaus disciples heard the Word of God directly from Jesus. They needed him to teach them about many things. Talk about how reading and knowing what the Bible says is one way that we can have Jesus with us at all times. Draw three pictures of places where we would need to have Jesus with us. Talk about words in the Bible that might help you remember Jesus in those places. Pray with each other that in those places Jesus would remind us that he is there.



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