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U.S. Geological Survey


The Structural Orientation Sensors (SOS) system is a prototype structural instrumentation system which is intended to be used during the emergency response phase of an earthquake or other natural disaster. Its main goal is as follows: Positive identification of structures that have partially or totally collapsed, and notification of automated or human emergency responders within a few minutes after collapse. In addition it might be useful for monitoring the stability of the following: Damaged structures and debris piles; and Potential slope failures and structures built thereon.


The SOS system functions by measuring changes in static tilt of structural components. Structural components having large tilt changes (say, 3-10 or more, depending on the structure and component) indicate that the structure is certainly badly damaged. Components with smaller changes in permanent tilts may indicate important but not immediately life-threatening damage; for example, the Uniform Building Code (UBC) interstory drift limit is equivalent to tilt changes of about 0.3. The SOS system consists of the following basic functional components. We envision that components 1, 2, and 3 would be contained in a small package similar to a smoke detector. The user would purchase and install as many of these packages as desired to monitor the structure. 1. A two-axis tilt sensor. Many types of sensors with varying sensitivities and prices from $2-$200 are available. We have selected a sensor with a resolution of about 0.01 for initial tests; A filter that can extract a small permanent offset in tilt from the strong transient signals of an earthquake or other event. We have developed a digital filter running on a microcontroller that can successfully extract a 0.1 change in static tilt from large transient signals;



Workshop on Strong-Motion Instrumentation of Structures

Instrumentation Technologies


Telemetry to broadcast a simple tilt status message to a receiver that can activate some desired response. A typical message might be Im sensor #45327 and I have a tilt change of 23.2. For sensor-receiver distances of 100m or less there are suitable wireless LANs. There are other types of telemetry, such as that used to monitor vending machines, that may be suitable for longer transmission distances; and A receiving station that can initiate a response. If the instrumented structure is a freeway interchange, the receiver might be automated to activate warning lights or messages. If the receiving station is a local fire station, the receiver might have software to collate all incoming messages and prioritize them based on the measured tilt change, knowledge of the location of the sensor(s) in the structures, and knowledge of the occupancy patterns.



SOS Tilt Detection Transmitters We envision these as physical packages about the size of a smoke detector. A target for unit cost is about $100, depending on tilt sensitivity and transmission requirements. The structure owner can buy as many or as few as needed for the level of protection desired, and for adequate monitoring of the particular type of structure. Users would install these detectors on vulnerable components of such obvious candidate structures as: a) soft first story structures, such as 2-4 story wood frame apartment buildings over garages, b) decks of bridges and overpasses, c) roofs and seating decks of high occupancy structures such as stadiums, auditoriums, shopping malls, d) walls of tilt-up buildings. Upon installing these devices, the user would register the device with a local receiver facility (see next item). Although the occurrence of slight tilt changes in a large structure would probably not require immediate emergency response, the reporting of tilt changes from structures like these might help local officials prioritize which structures needed post-earthquake engineering inspections. SOS Receivers These would consist of telemetry receivers and personal computers running software appropriate for the types of expected signals and desired responses. A typical receiver might cost $5000. SOS receivers could be deployed at unmanned sites where computer-initiated action, such as closing of a bridge, would be desired in the event of an earthquake. For example, an SOS system for a major freeway interchange would probably involve tilt detectors on every bridge deck, and a local receiver plus on-site accelerometers. The tilt detectors would sense any change in tilt of the decks. The local receiver station would monitor not only the status of all bridge decks, but it would also monitor the accelerometer for confirmation that an earthquake had in fact occurred. With such confirmation, some computer initiated response could occur. Structural Orientation Sensors receivers could also be deployed at all fire and police stations in an urban area, which typically serve areas about 2 miles in radius. While it is not absolutely necessary that these receiver sites have accelerometers on site, it is probably advisable to have some independent ability to verify the occurrence of an earthquake. Each SOS receiver site would be the reception point for a cell of transmit104

Workshop on Strong-Motion Instrumentation of Structures

Instrumentation Technologies

ters (perhaps several hundred) within a radius of about 2 miles. In the absence of any other information from the outside world, each SOS receiver site would be aware within minutes of the major problems within its own cell. The receiver site would have registration information previously provided describing each SOS transmitter. This information would include information about the type of structure, location of sensor(s) in the structure, typical occupancy patterns, and any other information useful for prioritizing response. An important component of an SOS receiver site would be a database of installed SOS devices and software to prioritize response based on received signals and registration information. Structural Orientation Sensors receiver sites might also forward all information to regional response facilities, allowing them to generate a map of regional damage patterns.


Building Owners Building owners purchase the part of the system that is cheapest on a per-unit basis, namely the detector/transmitters. Installation and maintenance are their responsibility, as with smoke detectors. The benefit they derive from this system is that it increases the probability that emergency response providers know their status within a few minutes of an earthquake. In addition, the tilt information might allow quicker postearthquake diagnosis of the safety of the structure, allowing quicker reoccupancy. Engineers Instrumentation firms will be able to mass-produce basic sensors that conform to standardized specifications as well as to design instrumentation for special applications. Many owners of high-value or highoccupancy structures will probably want to hire structural engineers to determine the optimum combination of sensors and their optimum locations in a structure. Local Government Local government might purchase and install the SOS receivers at fire and police stations, so that they are the first responders to information from the SOS system. Local and state highway departments could purchase and install SOS sensor-receiver sets at civil structures like bridges. In addition, local government agencies could help set standards and communication protocols for manufacturers and system designers.

We have made substantial progress in identifying suitable existing tilt sensors, and we have developed robust filtering for extracting permanent changes in tilt from strong transient signals. Important areas still needing investigation are the suitability of various telemetry options and the determination of tilt thresholds in various types of structures that warrant various types of responses. This information will affect the system performance goals and ultimate costs.


Workshop on Strong-Motion Instrumentation of Structures

Current Building Instrumentation Program and Guidelines

Fig. 1.

SOS sensors (dots) are tilt detectors and transmitters deployed on various buildings near fire houses and/or police stations. Sudden changes of tilt generate emergency response from local responders. In the lower right SOS sensors on a freeway interchange could initiate automated local response if collapse of a bridge deck is detected. In the upper left tilt detectors on a damaged building could monitor the stability of the damaged building during urban search and rescue. Much of this information could flow to local and regional government for a synoptic view of the situation.


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