1979 - Denmark Without Nuclear Power

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About the campaign: On the following pages you can red the translation of the brochure the OOA publishe in november 1979, The meaning of this brochure is to show

the population of Derunark that we can do without nuclear power and maintain the same standard of living. And to force the government and the politicians to work out ^jgsrgyplans without nuclear power. Until now the government refused to do so. .

About OOA: OOA rneans: Organisation for Information about Nuclear Power and it is a broadly based people's movement indepenent of party politics. Education about energy and opposition to nuclear power is the framework of OOA~s activity. Our address is: OOA Skindergade 26 1159 Copenhagen K Tel. 45-1-110673 & 110973

Translators: Annette Mike Webb Jytte Laulund first print: 500.000 pieces second print:800.000 pieces third print: 1.000.000 pieces A BROCHURE FROM THE OOA

You can find further documentation about this brochure at the OOA, but only In Danish. '* '

If there are more things you"d like to know about this campaign or other things concerning OOA, you can contact OOA udlans gruppe, our foreign contact group.


The majority of Danes are against nuclear power. Regardless of this, many still ask themselves whether we can manage viithout it. More and more researchers say we can. Nuclear power is not necessary. In fact, we manage better without it. This is what our pamphlet deals with. For a long time, OOA has been demanding energy plans without nuclear povler. They should be worked out by experts who do not want nuclear power. The changing governments have not wanted this. They have only planned future energy programa - WITH nuclear power. The population's clear dislike has, up until now, prevented nuclear pover in Demnark. It is also obviously necessary to have public preasura as veli, _
before we get alternative energy plans. OOA has therefore embarked on a for an assured energy supply vithout nuclear power. Such a campaign is a large assignment, but ve decie to taka the risk. DENMARK WITHOUT NUCLEAR POHER THE CAMPAIGN WILL REACH EVERV PART OF THE COUNTRY We began by distributing this pamphlet in 21 municipalities - altogether 350.000 copies. At the same time, we offer/invitations to lectures, films, exhibitions, etc. Our goal is that the pamphlet, and thereby large eucational campaign. We vant to show that there are many possibilities


We can say no t h a n k s without m i s s i n g a n y t h i n g . Deman of the p o l i t i c i a n s : "Plan u i t h o u t n u c l e a r p o w e r i

the campaign, should reach every corner of the country. Such a large effort does, however, require financial contributions form many thousands of people. If a majority in the parliatnent say "Yes" to nuclear pover, then the politicians say we vili get a referendum. The Social Democrat - Liberal government has also said that problema of reactor safety and vaste disposal should be solved adequately first. This could easily take another 10 years. Possibly the problema vili never be solved. The Social Democrats have, in addition, emanded that nuclear pover be economically justifiable for the community.

OOA is of the opinion, that it is now time to stop spepding 150 million kroner, or more, each year in preparations for nuclear power. Let us use the money for the development of other energy sources.

Many know OCA from the extensive campaign over recent years. In August 1978, there were over 50.000 participants in the marches from Gyllingn*s and Stevns. In spring of 1979, OOA also ^ollected, in the time pan of

5 weeks, 312.000 signatures against the Snedish nuclear plant at Barseback, which is only 20 km. from Copenhagen.

PRO-NUCLEAR PRESSURE Tha electrical companies, the research station Rise) and others, will do a lot in ordar to get the goverrunent and the parliament to say "Yes" to nuclear pouer as soon as posslble. It could easily occur that a majority in the parliament, with a quick aciaion, could declare that the problem come more quickly than most peopl. imagine. vrith reactor safety and waste disposal have been "solved". The referendum on nuclear power can OOA'S GOALS OOA's goals are: I. A critical evaluation af ali problems and issues conncted with the use of atomic power II. Increased research in and renewed evaluation of alternative sources of energy. III. Improvement of a long-term energy policy that considers both social and ecological factors. THE CAMPAIGN COSTS MONEV Thia Information campaign can not be carried out uithout help from many, many people. On the baclc page of this pamphlet, you will find ifferent possibilities far s'.'pporting this work. Can you help actively ? Can you do without ten kroner or more ? Your help is indispensible '. You can take par t in making sure "DEtMARK MITHOUT NUCLEAR POHER" reaches every bember of the Daniah population. ou can take part in keeping Denmark without nuclear powar. OOA'S ADDRESSES National Administration: Skindergade 26, 1159 Kbh. K (01) 156332 COA-Shop in Odense: Sandergade 34, 5000 Odense. (09)146067 OOA's Energy office: N0rregade 31, 8000 Arhus C (06) 124544 OOA's Energy office: Danmarksgade 35, 9000 Alborg. (08) 163066

W.IA7 IS OOA ? OOA oeans Organisationen til Oplysning om Atomkraft (Organisation for Information about Nuclear Pover). OOA was established in January 1974. is a broaly based people's movement indepenent of party politics. Education about enargy and opposition to nuclear power is the framework of OOA's activity. It

Local OOA-groups are spread throughout the country. Here people. of widely ifferent backgrounda paxticipate. Common to everyone is the belief that to mak an effort ia worthwhile. Information is tha key word. It is commucicated thr'ough meetings,. ejchibitions and much more. Me issue printed matter, books, newspapera. OOAs "Garantifond" (guarantee fund) is the econonic basis. Over 4000 people pay regular contributions.

ME CAN MANAGE EASILV MITHOUT NUCLEAR POMER. It is said that "We can not manage wichout nuclear energy" and that "We must choose betueen nuclear power and poverty". That is not factual. It is nonsense. They are simply threats intened to frighten us into aaying "Yes" to nuclear power.

ONE PLrtN - iiO CnOIlE ! The Ministry for Commerce's energy plan, hovrever, is a plan wlth nuclear power. Neither then, nor now, has the goveriiment wanttd to mak e officiai plans without nuciear power. Consequently, we do not have a variety of energy plans to cnoose between. Therefore, if we decide that Oenmark should not have nuclear power there is no plan for OenmarK's energy-future.

INSECURITIES Nuclear power is a angerous energy source. There are too many unsolved problema. The risks are very large. But can we be uithout it ?" Many think like this. They are unsure as to uhether we can manage without nuclear energy. Can we produce enough energy if we say "No thanks" to nuclear pouer ? Ves '. It nas been shovrn that we can. He also avoid a mass of problem if we reject nuclear energy.

It was this unreasonable situation vhich in 1976 prompted a group of researcners to make a proposal for an energy plan without nuclear power. They called it "Skitse til en alternativ energiplan for Danmark" ("Outiine ror an alternative energy plan for Denmark") . _.

THE ALTERNATIVE ENERGV PLAN Tne alternative energy plan aasumes the same high level of economic growth as tiie Ministry's plan. Expected energy consumption, however, is a little less, due to the anticipate increased efficiency in energy

NUCLEAR ENERGV - NO HELP THE FIRST TEN YEARS The first nuclear plant would not be ready until the beginning of the 1 9 ' , at the earliest. Furthermore, since nuclear energy replaces coal 90s and not oil, nuclear power can not solve proolems concerning the oil shortages ona large haating bills anticipate during tne next 10 years.

use. In tne alternative plan oil consumption is assumed to occur at the level set out in the Ministry's plan. Less coal will be used but on the other hand more natiurai gas will be employed. The use of renevrable energy resources will maJce up 12% of total onsumption. The alternative plan gives, in addition, more emplovment and orains uenmark's toreign exchange reserves less than the Ministry's plan.

ME HAVE O-1HER THINGS TO BET OB Energy can be used much more efectively in order to avoid cuctensive waste. We must see to it tnat ali the oil and naturai gas in the Danish section of the North Sea be deveioped for tne benefit of Danish consumers. Furthermore there are extensive possibilities for ranewable energy sources. ECONOMIES - HHICH DO HELP Since 1976 there has been an extensive examination carried out by Danmark's Tekniske H0jkole (Institute ot Technology). The examination shows tnat we can save tar more energy than tiie two energy plans count on. .For example: future energy consumption in households can be reduced to half of what it is today - and that is with continued economic growth. 1UE PLAN FOR 5 NUCLEAR POKER PLANTS In Ia76 the Ministry for Commerce rnade an officlal energy plan. The plan is an attempt to calculate how energy consumption will develope over the next <!0 years (until 1995) - and which forms of energy are to oe empioyed in ordr to cover the need. MANY POSSIBILITIES WITHOyT NUCLEAR POWER The alternative energy plan showed that we can be without nuclwar pover. The new examination from uanmarX's Tekniske Hejsitol says we dan manage In the Fu.ru.atry for Commerca's anergy plan it is anticipate that 5 large nuclear planta vili be built. Oil consumption wlll be ut lightly. In return, coal consumption will increase and nutural gaa wili be used. The reneuabl* energy sources - solar energy and wind energy will only cover 4% of energy consumption in 199b. with less energy than the alternative energy plan assumes. It is tnua mada stlll clearer that we c!an be witnout nuclear power. Furthermore, wlth less energy consumption there are more poasinilities to make plans vithout nuclear power. The keywords are insulation, technical improvements and use of waste heat. 11 can pay to save in that way and it is something which gives a quick bonus.



NUCLEAR POMER DOES NOT GIVE A GREAT DEAL Nuclear power only gives energy in the form of electricity. Around the year 2000 we can, with the 5 planne nuclear planta, meet approxiately 20% of our energy consumption. The remaining 80% of our total energy requirements, will in any ae be produced from other energy sources.

The proclems ot nuclear power are not just concerned with nuclear wastes or economies or security. The nuclear power problem, in reality, is that there are so many problema with it. NUCLEAR POMER WILL COME TOP LATE It will tajce at least 10 years before tne first nuclear power plant can begin to operate. Consequently, nuclear pouer can not help us out of the oil problema that we have now and wlll probaoly. get In the 8 ' . 0s NUCLEAR POKER REPLACES COAL - NOT OIE The suitch by electricity plants from oil to coal as fuel is in fuli swing. They anticipate that from the midole of the 1980's, U0% of their fuel will be coal. Consequently, if nuclear power comes, it will be coal and not oil it replaces. URANIUM CRISIS IN 10-20 VEARS The world4 quantity of uranium is not particularly large. The OECD anticipatej that there is only enough uranium until about the year 2 0 . There could, in 00 fact, alreay be a shortage of uranium during the 1980's. It can be difficult to get uranium out of the ground quckly enough.

NUCLEAR ENERGV IS TOP EKPENSIVE It is expensive to buil nuclear power plants. A single plant costs 5-7,000,000,000 kroner. On top of that, they do not make nearly as much electricity as expected. They must often tand idle because of repairs or because the security is not in order, Therefore, they have proven moreexpensive to operate than was expected. New analyses from USA show that new nuclear plants supply more expensive electricity than those fuelled with coal. NUCLEAR POMER GIVES GREATER DEPENDENCE Nuclear power is more than just nuclear plants alone. Uranium mines, enrichment facilities, fuel storage and reprocessing installations, as well as waste storage -are ali elements necessary to make nuclear energy. With each element we bene more dependent on foreign countriesj more vulnerable. i POOR FOR EMPLOVMENT AND THE BALANCE OF PAVMENT Approximately 70% of a anish nuclear reactor must be bought from foreign countries. Therefore nuclear power produces a. large loss of foreign exchange and very few Danish work opportunities. Figures from 1975 show that only l or 2 jobs are created for every million kroner that is invested in nuclear energy. If one million kroner is used for wind power, however, 8 to 10 jobs are created. If the same money is used for insulation then 6 or 7 jobs are created. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES AGAINST ACCIDENTS

EKTENSIVE PROBLEMS WITH GREENLAND'S URANIUM There is uranium in Greenland. The quality, however, is very poor. It is also difficult to extrat the uranium from the ore. It will not be known until 1982 uhether it is at ali possible to extrat Greenland's uranium. In any ae, it will be expensive. And who says the Greenlanders are interested in having a uranium mine opened in their country ? NEXT STEP - THE PLUTONIUM REACTOR The nuclear pouer plants uhich nov exist utilise uranium poorly. Therefore, it will not last more than a couple of ecades. It is quite possible to utilise the uranium bettar. But then, one encounters the so-called fast breeder radetor. A fast breeder reactor proucea tons and tona af plutonium T one of the most dangerous materials knovn. Just one two-millionths of a gram in the lungs can produce lung cancer. It also takes only 5-10 kg. of plutonium to make an atom bomb

As many calculations about security can be mada as one likes. It can be claitned as many t ime s as one likes that accidents can not happen. There is, however, noone who can guarantee against mistakes. Neither against tecnical nor human mistakes. This vas seen clearly with the accident on Three Mile Island near Harrisburg in USA. ' ' '' . .

ACCIDENrS CAN HAVE CATASTROPHIC AFFECTS A bad accient at a nuclear power plant can, on one hand, lead to many peopl. ABOtJT USING COAL, OIL, NATURAL GAS - AND USING YOUH HEAD There Is so much energy in the Danish section of the North Sea that by the mid 1990's up to half of our energv consumption could be met with Danish oil and natural gas. It is anticipated that e have over 150 billion cubic raeters of natural gas and over 100 million tons of oil in the Oanish section ,of the North Sea. Furthermore, there is much to indicate that consiME DO NOT HAVE BOOM FOR NUCLEAR POKER derably more could be found in the coming years.

\ thousands later getting cancer. In addition and enormous area vili be polluted with radioactivity. Radioactively polluted areas are uninhibitable for many years Into the future. It is also not known how they can be decontaminated again.

immediately dying of radioactive contamination and, on the other hand, to many

Accidents can occur at nuclear power plants. Therefore nuclear power plants ought not be built where there are many people living. Denmarlc is a small country with many inhabitants. There is simply not room. for nuclear power plants.
THE KASTE PROBLEM IS STTU/ MOTrSOI.VgDr It is a well-known fact that the radioactive wastes from the nuclear power plants must be stored safely for hunreds of thousands of years. No country has found a safe solution - even though they have been trying for 30 years. Electric power companies here say that they can find a solution before 1981. Geologists say that it vili take at least 10 years for examinations. Furthermore no one knovrs wheLher the results will be negativa or posittve.

DANISH ENERGV FOR DENMARK, THANK YOU In reality Denmarlc is a reasonabl y good oil country. But - we do not own either the natural gas ot -the oil. A.P. M011er, Chevron, Texaco, and Shell do. These companies have only wanted to seli approximately 1/3 of natural gas in the North Sea to the Danish state. There has been no arrangement vhatsoever as regards the oil. The companies can seli it where the prie is highest. The Danish North Sea oil must be used for the benefit of Danish consumers. A Danish government-ovne company could ensure this, for example, by buying the oil direct from the drilling rig

and sending it ashore tnrough a pipeline. The government managed oil company could also buy direct from'the other countries which produce oil -

bypassing the large oil companies.


Natural ga can bc u tn >any vay. The govemment is of the opinlon ttiat a* auch gas a possible should be uae for heaters in the homes of inividual consumers. The gas can, however, be exploite much better in uall electricity plants close to reaidential areas. The waste heating froa th electricity placts-can then be uae-to heat the-'houses. This saves nergy. When there is "no Bore natural gas, the PJtpes vhich carry the hot watcr out of the houses can still be use, Tbat is, to transport vater uhich is heated up by other energy sources - e.g. in large solar hat collectors.


A completely new way to burn coal nas been eveloped. A power station of this type is already in operation in Finlan and is operating veli. The new type of power station has a long list of advantages: It is cheaper to build, it makes better use of the coal and it gives off almost no air pollution. An extra plus is that very lov quality fuel, such as peat, can be used in this new tyt>e of power station.
COAL, OIL AND NATURAL GAS HITH MODERATION When coal, oil or natural gas are burnt, carbon ioxide is oroduced. Carbon ioxide is not poisonous but too much of it in the atmosphere hovever, can possibly influence the climate. Therefore the use of coal, oil and natural gas should not be overdone.

COAL FOR MANY YEARS There is enough coal for many hunres of years, if need be. Furthermore, there are many countries which produce coal. There are, hovever, problems. First of ali, many coal mines are dangerous; secondly, coal pollutes the

COAI K1NES CAN BE MAPE >AFE . Natural gas will come to Denmark in a few years. First from West Germany. By 1984 it will also come from the Danish sections of the North Sea. Denmark will be connected t.3 the whole Continental natural gas netvork.

As it is now, many coal mines are both dangerous and unpleasant places to work. This does not have to be the ae. In many countries'there are many coal mines which are fully automatic and, therefore, far safer to work in. Consequently the mines can be made safe, from the technical angle. Hovever, it costs money. The problem is not technical, but economic and political.

A state controlle oil-pipeline can help assure that the oil from the North Sea vili be for the benefit of the Danish consumer, A. F. M011er, Chevron, Texaco and Shell have vante to seli only approx. 1/3 of the natural gas in the North Sea to the Danish state.

Air pollution froa) coal 'moke consists, particularly, of smoke particles and sulphur. Over 95% of smoke particles are removed today by filters. A new type of cleasing installation .can also remove sulphur. This new installation was invented in Denmark and is, at the moment, being built for an electricity planttin the USA. There are no plans, in Denmark, to build these installations because it is not emande by the authorities.

(brochure, page 4}



There are great amounts of evergy to save without it being necessary to turn down the flame. Energy consumption in households can be reduced to half of what it is today. Energy must merely be used better. Households account for approx. half of the total energy consumption in Denmark. Many household appliances can be produced so they use much lass energy than they do now. A good example is colour-TV. New models use only about 1/3 of the energy that the Ministry of Commerce in 1976 predicte they would use. A teara of researchers from Danmarks Tekniske H<fij kole (Leccurer J0rgen N0rgaard, Prof. Niels I. Meyer and others) have, amongst othrthings, examined how we can save energy in households. Here is some of what they found: DOMESTIC APPLIANCES MHICH SAVE OVER 50%

Total: 250 m i l i . Gcal.

10 mili. Gcal. renevrable resources Oranium (nuclear power) 35 mili. Gcal Hatural Gas 40 mili. Gcal. Coal 50 mili. Gcal.


T o t a l : 2 3 1 m i l i . Gcal

renewable res
N a t u r a l Gas 55 m i l i . Gcal



Refrigerators, freezers, and ovens are, in principle, shut boxes used in order to keep the air much colder or warmer than it is outside. Usually, neither refrigerators, freezers nor ovens, Just by usirej better are particularly well insulated. tnsulation, electricity consumption can be reduced

Coal 28 m i l i . Gcal

by half. In adition, refrigeration can be improved by installing better compressors which can reduce their electricity consumption to less than a third of current requirements.

Oil 115 mili. Gcal.

Oil 120 m i l i . Gca

WASHING MACHINES WHICH DO NOT SQUANDER Mashing machines use a lot of electricity. By far the most energy goes to heating the water. It is particularly important that the quantity of water is reduced. A washing machine usually uses approximately 7 litres of water per kilo of clothes. It is easily possible to make a machine which uses only 4 litres of water per kilo of clothes. This cuts the electricity consumption down 25%. Furtherraore, the raachines wash lust as well. It is also possible to let machines take in warm and cold water. It is far cheaper in energy to use hot water from district heating or central heating than co heat it with electricity. These two measures combined wou!4 recdUce the anergy consumption of washing machines by more than half. FULL FLAME IN LIGHTS - WITH 1/3 ENERGY CONSUMPTION Soon a new type of light bulb will be in the shops, which give just as rauch light as the old ones - with only 1/3 of the electricity consuraption.

Hinistry of Commarca energy plan frca 1976 (revise 1979)

The a l t e r n a t i v e enejg y p l a n fron 1976 (without nuclear power) 1,000,000,000 calories

One Gcal. aquals one b i l i i o n ( U S ) c a l o r i e s equals One c a l o r i e is a sin? le u n i t at e n e r j y

In 1976, it was a n t i c i p a t e d t h a t 5 n u c l e a r p l a n t s w o u l d be b u i l t b e f o r e 1995. Lit 1979, t h e p l a n waa c h a n j e d . Now it is the o p i n i o n t h a t o n l y 3 power p l a n t s ( n u c l e a r ) c o u l b e a a n a g e d t o b e b u i l t before 1995.

THE ECONOMICS ARE ALL RIGHT A lot of energy can, in fact, be saved by improving electrical consumer appliances. Some of the new models will be a little more expensive than the old. On the other hand, the electricity bili fali so much that the higher prie quickly pays for itself.

MORE PEOPLE WILL GET JOBS Better insulation means better houses. The employment situation will also improve. It can ali be managed by Danish workers. Danish materials can be used - and that will improve the Danish economy. HASTED HEAT CAN BECOME HEAT AGAIN

1/3 OF THE ENERGY COES TO HEATING About 1/3 of Denmark's energy consumption goes to space heating. From the technical point of view, this is one of the easiest areas to exploit energy more e-f fectively.

In a typical powerplant 2/3 of the energy produced is lost as viasted heat... But if the powerplant gets connected to a netvork of district heating, the wasted heat can be used to heat houses. That already happens in some places. But a lot of the big electrical Dlants are situated in smaller tovms which do not nee so much heat. Therefore, new powerplants ought to be smaller than the ones we have now. They have to be situated in thetovms which need the wasted heat. Many industries also produce a. lot of wasted heat from their production process but this is being used only in very few places. A CAR THAT CAN DRIVE 30 KM TO THE LITER There are three things that decie the fuel consumption of a car. The weight, the air resistance, and the efficiency of the motor. Therefore, many people are vrorking on making the cars lighter, diminishing the air resistance, and improving the motor. A car which can drive 30 kilometers to the liter nas already been developed. It is just waiting to corae onto the market HE CAN HAVE IT ALL - HITH HALF THE ENERGV CONSUMPTION By themselves, ali these possibilities probably do not appear to be saving much energy, but put together they can, in the future, bring down the energy consumption on households to HALF OF WHAT IT IS TODAY. If we DO NOT maka any effotrts today to reduce energy consumption in the househoLs it may very well rise by 100%. There is an incredible amount to be saved if we really want to. These savings do not mean that living standards will go down. On the contrary, it is assumed that private consumption will go up.

In reene years many people have also improved insulation in their homes, fitted insulaced glass windows, and filled cracks and gaps, but there is still a lot of energy to save. For example, the heat loss through a single glazed uindou corresponds to the use of 60 litres of oil per square meter per year. The heat loss through a double glazed window corresponds to 27 litres of oil per year, and through a triple layer glass uindow 17 litres of oil pet year. Ali in ali, the energy consumption for heating in the majority of older dvellings can be reduced by 2/3 if insulation is fitted in the best possible way. XEW BUILDINGS WITH HALF THE HEATING BILL The insulation required by Iaw in new houses today is quite good but it can get even better. Already so-called "low energy houses" are being built. A "low energy house" is insulated twice as well as the building regulations require. The heat consumedis only half as much heat as an ordinary house. That is very important s ine such a big part of Denmark's energy consumption is used for heating. SOLAR HEATING MITHOUT SOLAR COLLECTORS Houses can be built so they use solar energy better. The sunlight can be collected and used for heating - without special installations. A house can be built uith big windows facing the South and small ones facing eh North. The ualls can be made from heavy materials like bricks and concrece. Sunlight through the big South facing uindovis will heat the heavy materials during the day. During the night, this heat will be released into the roonu. In order to keep ali the heat inside the house the walls can be inculated on the outside and window shutteri can be put up during the night. In that way the heating bili can be brought down. House of this kind have already been built in Denmark. They cost the same a norma l housea, and they uork veli.

.Vith oif windows or hot.hous's on the noutr. side ;-' the h-.'isa tha siinli.^ht can V used for heatin;?. Tr.S'i: at j.in 3y efr'icient insul=tion our total heatir.,; ' consuiapt ion car. be rsduced to 1/3 of vvhat it i- now. Tnsulate ^lass units
.inoars wnich have got one layer of glass release heat corresronding to 60 litrea of oil per square meter per year. If windows wlth three layars of gl=s3 ara used 43 litr^s of oil ca.i be Sived per squ .-ire meter. WE HAVE TRIED IT BEFORE In Denmark it is traditional to use renevable energy. In the thirties for instance, we had 30.000 windmills in use, mainly in farming. Today we are starting to use renewable energy sources again. Solar energy, wind power, and biogas are some of the possibilities. MORE AND MORE SOLAR HEATING INSTALLATIONS ENVIRONMENTALL* COMPRTIBLE ENERGV THAT WILL LAST AND LAST AND LAST! Sunshine is an energy source of nature and it will never run out - that is, i f; is a renewable energy source. Every day the sun sends masses of energy down upon us,much more than we nee. In the long term, it is the only stable energy source we know of. Solar energy does not pollute. And there will never be a crisis of supply. :

pic 4 -


-The r.emeat globea can-^ive. just as much light aa the old ones, but -.vith only 1/3 of the electricity consumption. Th*? refrii;arator and the freezer 3 - 5 ara more inaulation and a better coracressor reduce the electricity consusation to 1/3. Hffir'r.-T '"d ?lqctriclty fr".-n the same works The "--u "e is beini- h^-.tad by wasted heat from a local el .:;; rici cy ~-c,^. pic 7 - The oven 3y ir.sulit ir.^ tne ?ven h^.lf its enerjy consumrtion can be s' v<?d.

There are more than 1000 solar heating installations in use in Denmark and more are being built. These installations are largely meant for heating water during the summer months, in order to save oil. But uhat do you do,. it you want to heat your house with solar heat ? The problem, of course, is that the sun shines approximately 7 times more during summer than vrinter and it is, as you know, during wiriter that heating is needed. Therefore, it is necessary to store heat form summer to winter, if you want to heat your house only by solar energy. SOLAR HEAT CAN BE STORED There is enormous research going on to evelope storage systems for solar heat. More and more methods are being tried. Hater has been found to be one of the best materials for storing heat. The principle of heat storage is well knovm from the thermos bottle. The bigger the Container the more heat it contains SOLAR HEATING DOES ALREADV PAY In Sweden, researchers have built an experimental solar heating installation which now produces 85% of-the heat for 50 houses. Furthermore, they are going no build a solar district heating installation which is going to produce ili the heating fpc iore. than 1000 houses.The Svedish calculationg show thdt 30! ar district heating is already economically competitive with ordinary distrtct heating aad, as energy prices go up, the more profitable solar energy will be. There are just as many possibilities for using solar heating in Denmark as in Sweden. We must start now, and if we do, there will be good opportunitic-s for Danish industry and also for exporting Danish technology

In l- 7b &n ordir. .ry col our TV used -\bout "50 watt of electricity. ;lrea'iy today, TV sets are being made A'nicrt or.ly use loo *att3, ar. : 1 1 i exoctea tnat this can ba rnduced to as littls sis bo wat ".r. .
Mghing machine
a ;;r. i r..; a chines can be aiade so they only use h .If -is much energy. ?1o-, r h s a t i n g

Ploor heating ..'orks best =-.t modsrate watsr temceratures. Thi.; ma.-c-^s it easiar to ars sclar co! lent .ira is a "5uprle::ient to distrirt heating.

ic 11 -

all windo3 to the north ir.i33 '-icing th north gat r.o sunlii-I-.t -i.il th-irefsr-J io r.ot
cor.^.-ih^tri t:, '.? haatin;. They ou.^ht *; bo : . a . --mi h ve ji.ut t -r": :i'l * " ! : . 'can ba olooe-l at r;i.;.-,t.. .::-

Jut'iie ir.sulation
i t n o ^ t s i J e inrsu'. -t ion, heavy m . - t r i . - i l s i n s i - i e can be u.:eJ to - i c c u z u l a t e h..at iarir:.i -.1-3 d .y and relea.Ttj Lt at ni.:r.t.

The car
S t r e a a l i n e d cara w h i c h I r i v e a p p r o x . 30 kca t o the l i t e r h;ive r<!cnt!y been d e v i j l o r e d .

( b r o c h u r e , pag e S)


By means of solar cells, tt is possible to make electricity directiy from sunlight. Tha principle is known Erom light meters in cameras and from photoalectric cella. TJie most important material for solar cells is siiicon. Thia material is expensive and consequently solar cells ara too expensiva to produca at tha present. But recently in the USA, a method to produce siiicon for one tanth of the previous cost has been found. It is expected that in 10-20 PICTURES . (I) An experimental solar district heating installation at Stusvik, Sveden, has shown that solar district heating is economically viable. (II) Lov energy houses with solar collectors, Skive, Oenmark. yeata, solar cells will become competitive.

SMALL KINDMILLS: A NEW TECHNIQUE Small windmills suitable for a single house are starting up again. If they are placed in an open area they can, in fact, produce electricity at a competitive prie. But they are still not goo enough. Primarily they are not reliable enough. It is necessary to develope the old well knovm technique further - and this has only just begun. STORAGE OF WIND POHER Nindmills can produce both heat and electricity. The problem with the wind is its instability. There mu-st be a reserve of energy when the wind is not blowing. It is possible to produce nearly a third af Denmark's energy consumption with 2-3000 windmills such as the large one in Tvind. The existing pouerplant, however, must be used as the energy reserve. It is necessary to store energy if more than a third of the electricity consumption is to be covered by wind power. This can, for instance, be done with compressed air storage which is already known toay or wlth a flywheel storage that is now under development. DftMISH HIND POWER AND NORMEGIAN HVDROELECTRIC POHER In Swedenyprojects are being developed to get wind pover and hydroelectric power working in tandem. When the Mindmills are producing electrlcity che hydroelectric works stop, and begin again when it is not very windy. In that way wind and hydroelectric power would be able to supply stabla electricity production in Sweden. In the same way it is possible to imagine cooperation between Danish wind power and the existing Norwegian hydroelectric works. GOOD ECONOMV Big windmills are being built here in Denmark, in Sween, in German-/, and in USA.The calculations coming from abroad show that is is worthwhile to build windmills of that sie..Both big and small windmills can be mass produced. That will make them cheaper and consequently wind pover will becoine even more competitive. , ,, FARM I MG AS AN ENERGV PRODUCER Biogas is one kind of renewable energy which will soon start being used in Denmark. Biogas is being produced in special containers which are lightproof and airtight. Ran materials for this procesa are different sorts of organic matarial such as manure, hay, remains form plants, and so on. The experienca with builing biogaa installations is still very limited In Denmark. It is, however, a matter of a simple and straight forward process which wiU fit

well into the biological cycle of farming. In.the future, agriculture can contribute to the production of energy to society and thereby improve the economic situation.The warste from the biogas production is extremely good as natural fertilizer for the fields.

FROM URANIUM TO PLUTONIUM - THE MOST DANGEROUS FUEL IN THE MORLD There will be a shortage of uranium in a few decades. Nuclear power plants will begin to run out of fuel shortly after the turn of the century. The OECD f. ex. is not trying to hide this. THE FASTBREEDER REACTOR

Organic vita can also be used to produce alcohol and this replaces petrol for cars. Alcohol can be made out of surplus hay, waste from forests, and wast from sugar factories and cheese production.

There is, however, one possibility for prolonging the nuclear power age. This possibility is the fastbreeder reactor. It is a new sort of nuclear power plant which is presently under deveolpment. It uses plutonium as fuel. While it is vorking it simultaniously generat^s new plutonium. It makes the fuel "breed", so to speak. And that is how it can prolong the nuclear age. That is, if they succeed in making the reactor work. And if they dare use it at ali, since the fastbreeder reactor is far more dangerous than the nuclear power plants that exist today.

It is with the coobinatlon of sun, wind and biogas that advantages will be especially big. Me will have to exploit the possibilities of them functioning together in the further development of the renevable energy sources. We vili have to use tha aun when the wind does not blow and vice-versa. We will have to develop a svstem of storing energy. We must work out an energy program uhich relies on many different possibilities and which will give us a secure and safe - and in the long run - a considerably cheaper energy supply. Technologically speaking, there are no long tena problema involved with ali our energy consumption coming from renewable energy sources. PICTTJRES (III) When the wind blous, Denmark can supply wind generated electricity to Morway. In return we can receive hydroelectric power during periods when the uind does not blow. (IV) The number of well functioning biogas installations in Denmark are increasing. (V) Experimental viindmill at Nibe built by the s tate.

- Plutonium is incredibly poisonous - a few millionths of a gram in the lungs produces cancer, ari a fastbreeder reactor makes several hundred kilograma a year. - You can make atom bombs from plutonium. 5-10 kilograma is enough for one bomb. - Explosions can happen in the reactor's cooling system because it contains flowing sodium. - The chain-reaction can get out of control,causing the reactor to explode.

If the power companies start using the fastbreeder reactor, there will be very large amounts of plutonium to keep control of. It must under no circumstances escape into the environment. And it must not fali into the wrong hands. Therefore it will have to be closely juarded and controlLed. TJh employee3 at the plant must not be allowed to make mistak.e3. They must be supervised continously. Ali transporta 11.0 n of plutonium must be grarded by police. The supervision and the tension betueen countries uill get worse because the fastbreedar reactor invites opportunities to make nuclear weapons.

( b r o c h u r e , page 11) DENMARK HITHOUT N U C L E A R POHER


It is a new type of society that is a consequence of fastbreeder reactors th* plutoniua societv. In the plutonium society we will have to live with the threat of catactrophies. And with the fear of other countries or terrorist group Bkking nuclcar weapoos. Every day, the employeee at theae plants vili have to live vith the risk of being contaminated. "We will have t-u put up with a upervision and u monitoring vhich is, at present, only known in polic* ctates. To a great extent we will have to surrener ali responsibility and decisionmaking to a small group of experts. There is no room for mistakes in the plutonium society.

Solar p o w e r , w i n d p o w e r , b i o - g a s , g e o t h e r m a l e n e r g y , v a v e p o w e r . The r e n e v a b l e e n e r g y sources are t h e o n l y ones w h i c h c a n s e c u r e There are no p r o b l e m e w i t h prices that gas, coal and are

a stable energy upply in the f u t u r e .

v a s t e s , no dependency on supplie and no f u e l going up. A l i the other energy sources, oil,

u r a n i u m , v i l i e i t h e r come t o a n *nd o r

cause serious problems.

THINK BACK 50 Denmark

VEARS by means of renewable is


c a n become l a r g e l y s e l f - s u f f i c i e n t 2030. That is, i n about

energy from about

50 y e a r s . This

a c c o r d i n g t o e x p e r t s , a n d does n o t s o u n d u n l i k e l y . J u s t t h i n k o f t h e t e c h n i c a l e v e l o p e m e n t s over t h e in 1930 that today we w o u l d have last 50 y e a r s . Who b e i e v e d

PICTURES: (I) Plutonium is not a natural substance. It is produced as a wasteprouct f KOB the operation of nuclear pover plants. Plutonium is radioactive and incredibly poisonous. Just a few millipnth of a gram in the lungs uill give lung cancer. (II) It will be necessary to transport large amounts of plutonium from the reactor to the reprocessing plant, and from the reprocessing plant to the fuel factory, and from the fuel factorv back to the reactor. That is in ali directions betveen countries. Evervvhere along the way accidents can happen, releasing some of the poisonous, radioactive substances.. (III) Plutonium can be used as fuel in the fastbreeder reactors. A large fastbreeder reactor can contain several tons of plutonium. That reactor is faT more dangerous than the nuclear power plants we knou today- If the chain-reaction gets out of control, the reactor might explode. If that happens, enoraous aaountE of radioactivity uill spread into the surrounings. (IV) Plutonium can be used to make atom bombs. 5-10 kilograms is enough for one bomb. The more plutonium they produce - and the more they have to car t it around - the greater the risk that countries or terrorist groups will make their own atomic bonbs

pocket s i e computers? Or who have

would believe that four TV? I n 1930, the f a c t the last the

out of f i v e Danish f a m i l i e s vould e v e n come t o

TV had not

Denmark; Coneider also,

t h a t we h a v e d o u b l e d our o i l

consumption 20 times d u r i n c

50 y e a r s . W h o w a s a b l e t o i m a g i n e s u c h a n e n o r m o u s d r i l l i n g r i g s , supertankers, piptetc..

i n c r e a s e i n t h e number o f o i l lines, r e f i n e r i e s , power

stations, petrol stations,

THINK 50 We f a c e over to

VEARS AHEAD an easier t a s k , if renenable energy u r i n g t h e n e x t 5 0 y e a r s , we c h a n g e

s o u r c e s . We n e e d n o t m a k e w o r l d v i d e

networks for

transport and distribution of energy. The t r a n s i t i o n s o m e t h i n g t h a t m u s t ta'ke p l a c e nee

to renewable energy sources is locally. Furthermore,

the techniques are known, they j u s t

to be nade cheaper and more e f f i c i e n t . at a steady rate without

This can be c a r r i e d out life upsidf- down.

turning everyday

(brochure, page 11) TMICB AS HIGH LIVIMG STANDARD IN 2030 Th govcrnment has not nade plana to show how the transition to r*nwabl* n*rgy sourcac can occur. The government has only nae hort tr plani vith nuclear powcr. There are, however , others who h a v >ade proposal* tor nergy plani vithout nu'clear pover. Thy hav hovn that there are many choices'. ' One- example is the snergy plan foz tbe year 2030 Dade by Bent Serensen from the Nils Bohr Institut.


(brochure, page 11) Me must ourselves choose vhat our enrgy future i going to look like. But if we are going to choose, we must know the diffrnt

energy choices. An official energy plan with nuclear energy already exists. Nov the government must supply an official plan vithout nuclear pover. The sooner ve start and the better we plan, the ore possibilities ve vili have. pic l: Large windmills produce electricity for tovns and industry. pic 2: Communal solar heating plants vith storage of hot vater, supply residential areas vith heating ali year.

BENT S0RENSEM ANTICIPATES: - that the standard of living could be twice as high as toay. ' that heating will be by means of solar energy collectors. - the fuel, for instance for cars, will be alcohol mae from biomass. - that vrinmills wiil be producing electricitjj *that electricity will be exchange for Norwegian hydro-electric pover. 'that v vili use energy more efficiently.

pic 3: Waste from animals and plants are turned into gas and natural fertilizer in biogas plants. The gas can be used for both heating and electricity. pic 4: Small combined heating and electrical plants fuelled by coal make up part of our energy supply. pic 5: Electricity can also be prouced in solar cells.

pic 6: Solar receptors on house roofs give heating and hot vater. pic 7: Energy for many farms is generated from small vindmills. pic 6:1 The future car drives further on each liter. The fuel is alcohol made from biomass.

In 2030, Dnnark's snergy consumption could be covered solely by win pover, bio-energy and solar heating if we carry out the above mentioned, according to Bent S*rensen.



Bent Serensen's plan is only one example. There are many other thinjis we can also bet on. WE CAN UT OUR ENERGY CONCUMPTION BY HALF BY USING THE ENERGy BETTER NITHOUT CHANGING TBE STANDARD OF LIVING.


(brochure, page 11)


TEN KRONER FOR DENMARK HITHOUT NUCLEAR POWER "Denmark uithout nuclear power" is more than a pamphlet from OOA. It is also a hope and the launching of an appeal. The money is going to be use for continuing OOAs very extensive information campaign. We want to prevent nuclear power. So we must generate confidence that we can secure energy.

total; 126 mili. Gcal.

supplies in other ways; That is why ve have made this pamphlet. We believe that

total; 121 mili. Gcal.

it'ought to be distributed among ali families in Denmark. That means, however, we have to collect 2 million kroner.

waste: l ili. Gcal. win pover: 30 mili. Gcal.

SO WE ALSO NEED YOUR 10 KRONER He have started sinmltaniously in 20 minicipalities. About 350.000 households will receive a pamphlet and a pavment f orio. Frankly, we are asking for 10 kroner for a Denmark without nuclear power. If we get euough cnoney, the campaign will quickly spread from the original 20 municipalities to the rest of Denmark. In order to be able to complete the campaign we will nee 200.000 individual contributions. That is a lot! It is more then we believe we will get. Therefore

bio energy: 38 mili. Gcal.

we hope that there are some who will contribute more than 10 kroner.

PRO NUCLEAR ADVOCATES HELP THEMSELVES Electrical companies, Industriradet (industry committee), the research station Ris0 and others do not hold themselves back. They spend large sums on advertising in favour of nuclear power. Naturally they would also like to diminish

oil: 111 mili. Gcal.

coal: 14 mili. Gcal.

solar heat: 53 mili. Gcal.

the resistance to nuclear pover.before a referendum. Furthermore you pay for the pro nuclear avertising regardless of vhether you are for or against it. This is automatioally inclue in your electricity bili or in your tax. OOA's information about energy can only be carried out if we get sufficient voluntary .





HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT OOA' S GUARANTEE FUND ? The guafantee fund is the economic base of OOA's information work, After a small start in 1977, there are now a little more than 4000 members of the

1) net energv consumption

guarantee fund. Many pay 25 kroner a guarter. Others contribute annually. If there is going to be a referendum about nuclear power, we are going to need a strong OOA. Having more members on the guatantee fund is one of the means to strengthen OOA.

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