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The Role of Teachers in National Development By Philip Amiola Education is an instrument of change and a major tool for socio-economic

as well as political development. Quality education is a childs right, both directly, in that education underpins human dignity and enables a sustainable income, and indirectly in that education enables a wealthier, more cohesive and healthier society. Education is not only a precursor for national development but also a crucial part of personal development. Quality education contributes to economic growth through enhancement of individual skills and earnings potential, and more widely through the distribution of those skills and income. The overall development of any nation is traceable to the quality of education that is available to her citizens. Needless to say, this puts a great responsibility on the stakeholders especially at the primary and secondary levels of education which are foundational to the educational attainment and cumulative development of the individual. This gives teachers a pride of place in the education continuum. Hence, the role of teachers in national development cannot be overemphasized especially in such a developing country as Nigeria. In the past, teachers were highly revered as epitomes of scholastic excellence, vanguards of societal evolution and custodians of saintly values. They have been duly recognized as nation builders by virtue of their various roles which cut across every aspect of national development. Alongside parents, teachers are responsible for grooming the younger generation and preparing them for the challenges and responsibilities of adult life. The impact of teachers extends far beyond the classroom and may provide a template for the development of healthy habits and dynamic life skills which will enhance the lives of their students over a lifetime.

Indeed, a teacher affects a generation! In addition to the basic task of imparting knowledge to students and/or pupils in the context of formal education, teachers also have the responsibility of facilitating the process of character formation, providing useful guidance for day-to-day decisions and helping the students and/or pupils understand basic principles of life. Furthermore, teachers are supposed to be repositories of sound values and icons of moral excellence such that they will be worthy of emulation as societal role models. Psychological/emotional development is another vital area in which the role of teachers has been recognized. At this point, it is pertinent to note that teachers cannot adequately play these roles without the combined efforts of other stakeholders in the education sector especially parents and guardians. Teachers provide a bridge between parents/guardians and their children/wards to enhance the total development of the children/wards. Individuals who have been privileged to benefit from this synergistic effect usually end up as productive members of the society and priceless assets to their parents. Unfortunately, in recent times, teachers are increasingly being neglected. Their role in national development is neither fully appreciated nor adequately rewarded by the society. It is important for parents, employers and other stakeholders to ensure a reversal of this trend. If other professions are being rewarded on earth, why should the teachers reward be in heaven?

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