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The Quest For The Holy Grail: A Grail Diamond/Sapphire Viewpoint

This article addresses the Quest for the Holy Grail. It's been two thousand years and more based on my research since this artefact was allegedly found. It's part of our myth and has religious implications. Only in the last one hundred years have we begun to get close to what are the true building blocks of our reality at a Quantum Level. What can we now deduce based on these ancient stories now that we know what we do. What could the Grail really be? This article makes the assertion that the Grail or Grails maybe special rare diamonds that are home to PBEs (or Probability Based Entities) which have 'Godlike' powers to us as they can alter our Probabilistic reality. I will go through all of the clues and show how some of them tie up quite nicely. We go all the way back to the time of the Egyptians and right up to the present day... There is a theoretical Chronology at the end of the article if you're interested in the path that some of the Grail artifacts have taken up to the present day. The research points to Blue Sapphires as being the primary home for these theoretical Grail entities but may also be other crystalline rock structures.

Note: This article is not part of the Physics Theory 'Proper' of Pi-Space. It was a topic which interested me and I posted the article here. Discovering the Quest on a summer's holiday Recently, I returned from my holiday in France. I traveled to a place called the Camargue and I later learned that this is the rumored location of the landing spot of Mary Magdalene after the death of Christ. The Camargue Dan Brown's book The DaVinci code asserted that the Holy Grail was in fact not an object but a person. In effect, the living embodiment of Christ was his children. Now, another tract of logic leads us to believe that the Holy Grail was in fact an object with magical powers. Solomon was the owner of this artifact and it lay in the ruins of his temple; what is now called the Temple Mount. From Ancient Origins

The Temple Mount

This is important because it is the first Jewish Temple. It is also revered by the Muslim faith and the Christian faith. So this location one could argue holds a form of power. One could argue whether it is magical but a power over people, it undoubtedly has! Here is a nice video of what it would have looked like. The temple was designed to represent the human form and the Grail was at the head. The temple was destroyed twice leading to the Jewish diaspora. On attempt to rebuild the third time, flames leapt out of the ground and some thought it was a sign of God's displeasure. Others claim it was just a build up of gas. Either way, the temple was not rebuilt. But the Grail lay on the rock at the top inside a chest of Gold. What did the Templars find?

During the Crusades, the Templars, a little known sect allegedly found the Holy Grail artifact and brought it back to France. There are different interpretations as to what it looks like. I've seen a glorious gold casket and also a simple cup as used by Jesus during the last meal. It doesn't make sense that the cup is the holy grail if it was buried under the temple mount unless it was taken from Jesus and place there. The key point is that once the Templars allegedly obtained this artifact, the Pope gave them unlimited powers! So, you could argue

that's interesting. In these times, the Pope was a very, very, powerful man. The seems really IMPROBABLE but it happened. Extract 1139 " In March, Pope Innocent II writes Omne datum optimum, granting the Templars exemption from the authority of local bishops, exemption from taxation by any king, release from all obedience except to the Papacy, and other quite extraordinary privileges. This is their official sanction to become the worlds most powerful group. In April, the 2nd Lateran Council (10th Ecumenical) at Rome under Pope Innocent II and King of Germany Conrad III condemns the Petrobrussians, the Henricians, and exiles Arnold of Brescia. Bernard de Clairvaux preaches against the use of lay ministers in church services. The Council enacts a stronger celibacy policy for priests, partially to prevent priests children from inheriting Catholic property. Thibaud de Payns, son of Hugues de Payns, becomes Abbot of Saint Columba-de-Saens. King Fulk of Jerusalem dies on November 7. Queen Melissande serves as regent for her young son, Baudouin. Pope Innocent II grants a charter to a group called the Prieur de Sion. Templars build castles at Port Bonnet, Baghras, and Darbask in the Holy Land and preceptories in La Rochelle, France, Novillas Spain, and Temple Crowley in England." They stayed in the original ruins of Solomon's temple which is now called temple mount and is home to Noble Sanctuary (Bait-ul-Muqaddas).

The Templars Robert De Sable negotiated the deal with the Pope and could have therefore been an owner of the Grail. He was the Grand Master of the Order at the time.

Let's rewind a little. Let's assume that there really is a 'holy grail'. We won't get too caught up with what it looks like. However, let's make an assumption that it was given to Solomon. But by who? Who could have given such an amazing gift? Let's go back further to the one of the founders of the Jewish faith. Let's take a look at Moses who wrote the Torah. Was Moses a Grail Possessor? One of the interesting aspects of Moses is that he did appear to in fact, have magical powers. He predicted plagues and they happened and in the end the Pharoh who clearly must have feared him otherwise he would have put him to death, let all the Jewish people go to their promised lands. Moses spoke to God and interestingly God spoke to Moses via the burning bush. His face was said to have radiated light. Moses Let's think about this for a little. You might say that this is just a story. However, the Pharaoh DID let the Jewish people go. Moses did have some power. He was royalty and had no doubt access to the treasure vaults of the Egyptians. Did he find the Holy Grail there or some sacred relic? This raises the question. What could the Holy Grail actually be?

The key to Moses power was his staff. In modern movies it's portrayed as a wooden staff. Link to research on the Staff of Moses An important point to note about the staff is that it might not have been made out of wood but contained a crystal. See the excerpt:

The Hebrew word for sapphire is Sapir. The Hebrew word "sefirah" has several meanings. The famous Kabbalist, the RaMak (R. Moshe Kordevero, d. 1570), in his monumental work the "Pardes", writes that "sefirah" comes both from the root "counting" (mispar, number) and "sipur", as in relating a story. A third root of "sefirah" is "sapir", a sapphire stone, which is a translucent crystal that shines brightly.


Zipporah hastened forth to execute her father's wish, and no sooner had she ushered him in, then Moses requested her hand in marriage. Jethro replied, "If thou canst bring me the rod in my garden, I will give her to thee." Moses went out, found the sapphire rod that God had bestowed upon Adam when he was driven forth from Paradise, the rod that had reached Jethro after manifold vicissitudes, and which he had planted in the garden. Moses uprooted it and carried it to Jethro. Also Midrash Rabbah - Exodus VIII:3 Go and exact a penalty of him. He said to him: How shall I bring upon him the ten plagues? ' The reply was: And thou shalt take in thy hand this rod (IV, 17). R. Judah said: The rod weighed forty se'ah[3] and was of sapphire and the ten plagues were engraved thereon in an abbreviated form -De Za K, aDaSH, Be'aHa B.1 God said: In this order shalt thou bring upon him the plagues. And Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet (VII, 1). Just as the preacher sits and preaches whilst the interpreter[4] sits before him, so shalt thou speak all that I shall command thee, [to Aaron] and Aaron thy brother will speak unto Pharaoh. By means of both of them were all these things performed, as it is said: And Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh (XI, 10).

So, now we discover that this fantastic staff is made out of sapphire, not wood. He apparently parted the Red Sea with this staff. which would be the equivalent of projecting a force field by today's standards.

The table which contained the 10 Commandments was also stored in the Ark of the Covenant. [extract] Exodus While upon the heights of Mount Sinai, Moses received from Jehovah two tablets bearing the characters of the Decalogue traced by the very finger of Israels God. These tables were fashioned from the divine sapphire, Schethiy, which the Most High, after removing from His own throne, had cast into the Abyss to become the foundation and generator of the worlds. This sacred stone, formed of heavenly dew, was sundered by the breath of God, and upon the two parts were drawn in black fire the figures of the Law. These precious inscriptions, aglow with celestial splendor, were delivered by the Lord on the Sabbath day into the hands of Moses, who was able to read the illumined letters from the reverse side because of the transparency of the great jewel. (See The Secret Doctrine in Israel or The Zohar for details of this legend.) [end extract] Blue Sapphires: A Home For The Grail? [Extract]The Throne of Glory was also seen as made of sapphire (Ezekiel 1:26, 10:1). This stone is related to wisdom (Bachya on Exodus 28:18), and the Hebrew word sappir is related to sefer, a book (Tzioni). It is also related to vision (Bachya loc. cit.). Some say that this "sapphire" is like a "third eye," through which mystical vision is attained (Raavad on Sefer Yetzirah 1:1), and indeed, this third eye is associated with a sapphire blue color.[Extract]

So, maybe the Grail is a PBE (Probability Based Entity) that lives inside crystals. The color of the crystal (blue) appears to be important also.

Jesus and the Grail So how does Jesus fit into the story of the Grail? Jesus was imbued with the Holy Spirit. These spirits are commonly characterized by two formidable Angels Michael and Gabriel. Interestingly in the occult, Michael is characterized by the color Red and is said to have battled with Satan who is also associated with the color Red. Gabriel on the other hand is associated with the color Blue and was there for the birth of Jesus. Therefore, one can think of the Archangels as the providers or gatekeepers of God's power. God is represented by the

Archangels. It's not clear if God is a separate entity or a combination of the other Archangels. However, the inference is that God is a separate entity so we can assume this.

Jesus did not show any powers until after he was baptized by John The Baptist and he went into the Negev desert and gained his powers and was tempted by Satan, who for the purposes of this document can also be assumed to be another Grail Entity but one whose interests are not in the common good of humanity. One may well wonder (a) how did Jesus survive 40 days and 40 nights (b) why did he gain his powers here? Was there something he encountered?

Interestingly, the Negev desert is home to the legendary Solomon's Mines. Could Jesus have sought shelter in these mines during the intense heat? The mines did not contain diamonds or jewels naturally, instead they contained Copper and Malachite. Could Jesus have found something in these mines? The point is that in the Negev desert, Jesus obtained Grail Power; the ability to walk on water, heal people, turn water into wine.

The Holy Grail is associated with Angel Gabriel who is associated with the color Blue and whose element is also water. My guess is that Jesus may have found something here in the caves. Pure conjecture on my part. Did Jesus drink something which had the power of

Archangel Gabriel in it? In a lot of cases, the passing of the Grail from one follower to another has involved drinking and Archangel Gabriel is associated with water. Can this PBE move through water and exist in it? If the Grail entity idea is correct, then this is where Jesus found the famous Grail Cup which he used at the last supper. According to this idea, this may have been some of Solomon's hidden Jewels in the caves in the Negev Desert. The cup was allegedly a gold one with inlaid jewels but there is no concrete proof of this. Let's assume for the purposes of this document that it was gold and inlaid with one or more sapphires which had these special "powers".

The act of drinking from this cup imbued the drinker with the "holy spirit" aka Gail entities.

Interestingly, in the Christian faith there is the concept of "Holy Water". These days, as Physics has progressed, we have learned that plain water has a magnetic moment due to the impurities in it. Is this how the Grail Entity is able to travel through it perhaps stored as some kind of EM Wave within the fluid? [extract] Like the sapphire Schethiy, the Lapis Exilis, crown jewel of the Archangel Lucifer, fell from heaven. Michael, archangel of the sun and the Hidden God of Israel, at the head of the angelic hosts swooped down upon Lucifer and his legions of rebellious spirits. During the conflict, Michael with his flaming sword struck the flashing Lapis Exilis from the coronet of his adversary, and the green stone fell through all the celestial rings into the dark and immeasurable Abyss. Out of Lucifer's radiant gem was fashioned the Sangreal, or Holy Grail, from which Christ is said to have drunk at the Last Supper. Manly P. Hall; The Secret Teachings of all Ages

[end extract] Physics And The Grail In Physics, in General Relativity we have the concept of Gravitational Lensing where light is bent into a massive object. Maybe the Holy Grail acts like a Probability Lens. It operates at the Quantum Level. It softens Probability and makes what we regard as Improbable become Probable. So what is the greatest improbability of all? The answer is that life is. In fact, we are an aberration. Search the Universe and you'll see that there are almost (I used this term advisedly) no other planets like us. We are a manifestation of improbability. We have formed because of some heretofore unknown conditions. Life cannot be reproduced in a test tube. Some "magical" power is at work essentially making the improbable probable. At the Quantum Level everything is probabilities (amplitude addition) and there must have been something to tip the balance. What is to say that this artifact that the Egyptians held for thousands of years was in fact a piece of this item? Let's follow this line of thought for a moment in terms of the well understood idea of Evolution. Grail = Making the Improbable Probable? This Grail object could be in fact the very reason for life on Earth. It could be the very reason for the Pyramids and the great civilization that existed in Egypt for thousands of years. However, it did not give the Pharaohs eternal life but this was their religious goal. An item like this item might be intent on refining probabilities not having them last forever. Evolution tells us that life is really a moving genetic target. So, let's follow this line of reasoning. Solomon mined for Diamonds in Africa. Let's assume that Grail Diamonds are present in Africa, the original home of the human species and let's say they are responsible for helping evolution. Where today can we find evolution happening 'quickly' because clearly it's a slow process but it must be happening somewhere. Scientists must have discovered this somewhere? And the answer is yes: Lake Victoria in Kenya. It's the Largest lake in Africa. Are there grail diamonds in the basin underwater? Purely conjecture on part but here is an extract of what they found: [extract]

Scientists Discover Fish in Act of Evolution in Africas Greatest Lake... In what could be a first in the world, a fish species in the cichlid family has been observed by scientists in the act of splitting into two distinct species in Lake Victoria, Africas largest lake and one of the worlds biggest fresh water bodies. This may be remarkable because what is causing them to diverge are adaptations to their vision as animals and plants try to cope with increased pollution and the effects of climate change. The change is also happening without geographical isolation, which was thought to

be a precursor for evolution. The Pundamilia nyererei is a haplochromine type cichlid native to areas in the Mwanza Gulf region of Lake Victoria. This region consists of many islands where each island region has its own color variant of the fish. In a report published in the journal Nature, researchers from Tokyos Institute of Technology and the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology have observed the cichlid evolve into a new species better adapted in sighting its prey and predator. But the scientists have also tabled evidence indicating that it is not pollution and over-fishing alone that are responsible for the disappearance of some fish species in Lake Victoria and the evolving of others like the cichlid into new species. The report summarizes that new species may be born because of vision differences and what fish see at least in one African lake could be the driving force that causes them to evolve into new species.

[end extract] The importance of Gold! Over and over again, gold is mentioned. The Grail is housed in a casket. One version of the grail is made of gold but to be fair, it's also showed as a simple cup. The pharoah's were fascinated with gold. So what significance has gold to the Holy Grail. Let's assume that the Holy Grail is a substance that alter probabilities and really CHANGES THINGS. If you get close to this substance, you'll be able to walk on water for example. You might drink from a container that contains this quantum unstable substance and it alters the fluid your drink which in turn alters you. To a certain extent, it infects you with this power. Let's assume that the source is immensely powerful, it's like radioactivity, too much of it will kill you. In this case, it will mean that you will become so quantum unstable that your brain will cease to even work correctly. Neurons will fire all over the place. So what to do??? You need to encase it in something which is Quantum Stable. What substance is that? The answer is Gold. It's the most stable substance on the Periodic Table. Surround it with Gold.

And while you're at it, make the casket look really cool. Here's hoping. The Grail creating a Chosen People and then abandoning them The Mayans also built temples like the Pharohs and gathered gold. Then suddenly their civilization collapsed. The shape of the Tetrahedral pyramid appears over and over again. The single eye at the top representing the God Head. Could this be the entity symbolizing it is there hidden within us?

The Grail talking to Its Possessor So what about all this talking to God and God talking back? If the Grail entities exist, we should have example of this. For example, Moses talking to the burning bush, Jesus walking on water, historic figures with "special" abilities. Of course, it's difficult to know the difference between a voice in head and being talked to. The best way to tell the difference is folks knowing stuff they should not, or speaking in a language they never learned. Objects moving on their own etc; The Grail's Strategy for life? Life occurring is accepted as having a low probability. It is pretty much seen as "an accident". However, according to this idea, it could be the presence of these Grail entities that could be a tipping point in making life happen here. It's merely conjecture on my part. However, evolution does happen quicker in Lake Victoria which is a potential Grail location as it is the starting point of the Nile and is one of the accepted locations of modern humans. Later in the article, I show how a scientific study has shown this. What if it gets inside you? Here's a very interesting point. If a piece of it ends up inside you, it can give you magical powers and abilities. You have a piece of the God Head inside you. It will make you Quantum Unstable. And in this reality, it will mean you will appear to have Magical Powers! Some of these well known people would have exhibited these "magical" abilities such as Jesus and Moses in theory. The power from a scientific viewpoint is the ability to alter not just mass but probabilities. Abandoned by the Grail and Friday The 13th So why did the Templars suffer Friday 13th? It's unclear other than the King of France wanted their wealth and he owed them a lot of money. It's theoretical power to protect the Templars vanished. The same of the Mayans and the Egyptians. Maybe there comes a point where the Grail needs to move on. If the grail lets you down, prepare for VERY BAD luck. Friday the 13th is named after the day that the King of France burned the Templars at the

stake! So it appears to be a high risk strategy owning the Grail. Maybe the truth is - you can't really own it. When the Templars were disbanded, they secretly joined the Freemasons who they had employed to build the Gothic cathedrals all over Europe. They entered their ranks and created new "levels" like a hierarchy up to the 33rd Level where secrets were shared. To get to this level, the member had to have a deep knowledge and understanding of Solomon's Temple. Much of Modern Freemasonry is based around Solomon's temple where the Templars found the original Grail artifacts which this article assers are Living Grail Diamonds. It was at this point, the Freemasons started Daemon aka Grail Entity worship and made Babylonian statues etc; similiar to ancient times. These are the entities the Templars admitted worship to when they were tortured. Friday the 13th The Templars Established a Network of Stone Fortifications all over Europe and the Middle East and had strange secretive initiations which ultimately drew suspicion to them. Temple Church London

Rosslyn Abbey is also a well known Templar inspired building

In the middle east, Templars built a network of castles in Cyprus, Tortosa Syria, Chastel Blanc, Krak De Chavelier

Templar Worship of Baphomet and/or Goddess Sophia

When the Templars were tortured during Friday the 13th, many confessed to worshiping Baphomet which is commonly regarded as a Satanic image. It is a horned deity. This term Baphomet can also be regarded as code for another Goddess called Sophia which was one of the earliest Christian deities which was a Creator Spirit. Putting on one's Grail hat using this idea. The templars joined the FreeMason brotherhood when they were routed in France and created what they called the "33rd" level of enlightenment which still exists today. If they took the jewels that they found in Solomon's temple, then this is likely to be one of the Grail entities present in their stash of Solomon's glowing jewels. The Gail entity is described as "enlightening" to the followers therefore it's likely that it has a highly advanced knowledge of Physics and science relative to its followers and may have possibly "educated" them.

A representation of Goddess Sophia.

Baphomet is winged with horns and is the a representation of the Grail entity manifest, according to this idea. This worship of Baphomet followed down to the time of George Washington. [extract] Washington was initiated, in 1752, in the Lodge at Fredericksburg, Virginia, and the records of that Lodge, still in existence, present the following entries on the subject. The first entry is thus: "Nov. 4th. 1752. This evening Mr. George Washington was initiated as an Entered Apprentice," receipt of the entrance fec, amounting to 23s., was acknowledged, F.C. and M.M. March 3 and August 4, 1753. [end extract] Hattie Burdette's portrait of Washington

Links to Baphomet Wikipedia Goddess Sophia Wikipedia A King Humbled By The Grail? Nebuchadrezzar II

So, the first temple of Solomon was encrusted with Jewels and Gold. Nebuchadnezzar sacked and looted the temple in 587 BCE, when he destroyed Jerusalem. He took the jewels back to his kingdom and boasted about his power. The first of two tragedies happened to Nebuchadrezzar II. He suffered a breakdown after denying the power of God and for seven years lost control of his mind and was even witnessed eating grass! Some modern historians have claimed this could be because he suffered from a modern illness. After he recovered from this illness he proclaimed the might of God.

Don't Mess with the Grail or the writing will be on the wall.

The second more important account occurred at his son's death. The Grail theoretically live inside crystals. Let's recount what happened when the artifacts of the temple were brought out:

Excerpt from: The Book of Daniel (who served in the King's court).

The handwriting on the wall of King Belshazzar's banquet hall: Nebuchadnezzar had stolen the gold and silver vessels from the temple at Jerusalem. When his son, Belshazzar, became king, he ordered that the vessels be brought out and used at a party by the nobility, himself and his concubines and courtesans. Suddenly, the fingers of a hand appeared, and wrote a message on the wall of the palace. The king's magicians, sorcerers, etc. were unable to decode the words. Daniel translated the message as saying that God has brought his kingdom to a close. That night, Belshazzar was killed and "Darius the Mede" took over. The Babylonian empire ended and the Medes occupied the land.

So the morale of the story? Don't mess with the Grail. After this, the enslaved people were allowed to return to their homeland. Protected By The Gail

The Grail can not only take it out on you. It can also protect you. Daniel during Babylonian times was thrown into a room full of wild animals but they did not harm him.

Who own it today? So who today could own this now? The answer is clear. The Grail will reveal itself by rumor and innuendo but there should be simple techniques one can apply (which I'll cover at the end of the article.) Modern Teplars using a different name AKA Freemasons but there will be others as well. According to this Theory it is not just Freemasons who own these artifacts. Any secret society which seems to have too much world power. Plus there will be lots and lots of gold. They need it to protect the power source. They will house it inside a room of gold where only they are allowed to meet. This will be a characteristic of the presence of these Grail Entities.

America is the home of the Grail today if one follows the logic of this article. So how can one spot these people who worship the Grail today? Interestingly, Iraq is the historic home of the Babylon today. Babylon is located 80 miles outside where Baghdad today and America just recently invaded Iraq and set up a military based near the historic location. The Grail believers would have ancient beliefs which are pre-Christian. So what's in it for Grail worshipers? Those who worship the Grail will be given power and privilege. However, there will be a price to be paid by those who worship. History shows us this.

Let's take a look at a powerful elite who gather each Summer outside San Francisco and worship of all things An Ancient Babylonian Pagan God in a place called Bohemian Grove.

Bohemian Grove

So the ancient deity is called Moloch which originated from Babylonian times. The Owl symbol is there to protect Moloch and is wise and all seeing. We're back to the All Seeing Deity again expressed as an Owl. Is is also expressed as an Owl.

Travel to Berlin and it's possible to see what the Gates of Ishtar looked like in the Pergamon Museum. These are the ancient walls of Babylon where the Grail artifacts were brought to after the destruction of Solomon's First temple. Moloch was one of the Pagan Gods worshiped then and is pre-Christian. Note the images of the animals on the outer walls.The Bull symbol and later the Owl "Moloch" to represent the "All Seeing Eye". Milton wrote about Moloch who was regarded as a Satanic entity

[extract]In John Milton's Paradise Lost, Moloch is one of the greatest warriors of the fallen angels, "First MOLOCH, horrid King besmear'd with blood Of human sacrifice, and parents tears, Though, for the noyse of Drums and Timbrels loud, Their children's cries unheard that passed through fire To his grim Idol. Him the AMMONITE Worshipt in RABBA and her watry Plain, In ARGOB and in BASAN, to the stream Of utmost ARNON. Nor content with such Audacious neighbourhood, the wisest heart Of SOLOMON he led by fraud to build His Temple right against the Temple of God On that opprobrious Hill, and made his Grove The pleasant Vally of HINNOM, TOPHET thence And black GEHENNA call'd, the Type of Hell." [end extract] Folks get dressed up and worship this Ancient Babylonian image in San Francisco of all places. Maybe this is a link to the Grail artifacts which were brought to America according to the theory and is somehow connected to this celebration.

Interestingly, the Owl symbol is on the US currency and was placed there by the Freemasons who established the country.

The Grail: Who is really serving who? However, the caveat is that the user's of this Grail power may or may not realize; the Grail is alive. It's using you as much as you are using it. You must serve it as much as it serves you. So what about the Dan Brown proposition (and others) that the Holy Grail is in fact the Holy bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and their child? Does this idea invalidate this? The answer is yes and no. The Chalice if it was in close proximity to the Solomon Holy Grail could also be Quantum Unstable. So, it's not as simple as a single artifact being the Holy Grail. However, the is a source according to this idea. It would have come into the Earth's atmosphere and burned up possibly (or have been place here) and would be more like a piece of rock or a rocky pile, held inside a gold container. All those who had it found their luck

change dramatically. My guess is that this is what the templars found; a golden container with something possible like crystalline rock. I would also guess that it gives off light or some EM effects that is quite startling. So, Jesus' Holy Grail is an artifact that came close to this source. And those that drank from the cup of life felt themselves changed. It is however, not the same source as the templars according to this idea. The Early Relationship between A Good All Caring God and Evil Satan / Baphomet In the world we live in today Satan has horns and lives in a fiery pit but in ancients texts Satan / Baphomet was God's "Henchman" who would do God's dirty work. So if we assume these two are old buddies who later had a falling out, we can see this in the story of the Book of Job and God's treatment of King Saul. In the Book of Job, God gives Satan permission to effectively ruin his life as a test of his piety, so they worked together in the early days so to speak.

Also, God sends another of his demons to sort out King Saul when he is not doing what is asked of him. [extract] 1 Samuel 16:14-15 [14] But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. [15] And Saul's servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee. See All... states, "But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. And Saul's servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee." [end extract] He was forced to play a Harp to ward off the Evil Spirit which for the purposes of this document is a Grail entity. As to why a Harp would work, maybe it's because the harmonics disrupted the PBE which operates in a wave form. So sound waves may disrupt the presence of a PBE. Pure conjecture on my part.

Diamonds Are A Grail's Best Friend So let's explore this idea a little further. Let's say an asteroid thumped into the Earth several hundred million years ago and it contained this Grail life form. This was before life was nothing more than a copy of Mars. There was no vegetation but there was water and rock. The color of the Earth's atmosphere was different and there was no oxygen. Then the magic moment; life begins! It starts as simple refinements but the point to note is that these refinements are highly improbable. Yet they happen. So what is the form of the Grail here? What is its host? It's inside the strongest substance known to man. It's inside diamonds which are almost fortress like except that diamonds shatter and can break up. So diamonds house the grail but it's been broken into dozens of pieces and spread across the globe. The question would be where did the asteroid hit? You could argue that life starts where the grail starts - in Africa possibly. Diamonds in Africa under the ground. So a piece of the grail is found. It wants to be reformed with the other pieces. Who was an owner of the grail if this idea was true? The answer could be that Solomon built the first Temple Mount and he had a passion for diamonds. Ever hear of King Solomon's famous Mines? They mined for diamonds in Africa. Was Solomon grail hunting? Or was the Grail that he possessed theoretically encouraging him to be a grail hunter? Was it like the Ring of Power in The Lord of The Rings whispering ideas into his mind? Was Solomon a Grail Possessor? King Solomon Solomon was incredibly wise. He is regarded as a Prophet. Many regard him as having talked to God. Did he really have mines? The fictional story began the adventure and captured the imagination. Did he seek out more of these Gail entities by mining for them around the known world?

King Solomon's Mines Solomon's ancient Ring To Control Demons Solomon in myth was the apparent owner of a powerful ring. Yes, I know this sounds pretty dramatic! It's like wandering onto the set of the Lord of The Rings. Let's consider the idea of the diamond containing the Grail entity which is a probabilistic based entity which can make the unlikely likely. You can either have very good luck or very bad luck. So certain diamonds contain this entity. But let's wait a second. Maybe there is more than one entity. Maybe there are good entities as well as bad entities. The mines have produced some results. However, not all are welcoming or co-operative. The bad entities are commonly called demons. Now, if you have a Grail Diamond, you'd better watch out. They seek each other out I would imagine. You know, catch up on old times and ponder the future of life treating it like a giant chess board. So if you're Solomon you're going to need something to keep them in check and let them know you are in charge! So he needed some kind of super-powerful ring to keep them under control. Hokum pock um you say! Poppycock! Nonsense. Well take a look at this. Jewish Encyclopaedia: Solomon Seal Ring [Extract Begin]

The legend that Solomon possessed a seal ring on which the name of God was engraved and by means of which he controlled the demons is related at length in Gi. 68a, b. This legend is especially developed by Arabic writers, who declare that the ring, on which was engraved "the Most Great Name of God," and which was given to Solomon from heaven, was partly brass and partly iron. With the brass part of the ring Solomon signed his written commands to the good genii, and with the iron part he signed his commands to the evil genii, or devils. The Arabic writers declare also that Solomon received four jewels from four different angels, and that he set them in one ring, so that he could control the four elements.

[Extract End]

So Solomon had an alleged ring. Ok it might just be legend but the early form of the Grail could be there in this historical Ring of Power. It might not be just diamonds on it but emeralds. Now, in the Kaballah there is the concept of the Evil Eye. People who practice this ideology (such as Madonna incidentally) wear a red piece of string to avert the so-called Evil Eye. Let's consider these probabilities existing in colored emeralds also; not just diamonds. The emeralds act as a form of light filter. From a physics viewpoint, red is the longer wavelength. So, in theory if these probability based entities exist then they may exist as within different wave lengths. In Quantum Mechanics, light can be characterized by probabilities which can change position within Space Time and whose probability value is dependent on the Schrodinger Equation. The rate of change of the probability is a function of its wavelength and time. A longer wavelength has a longer clock tick. Ancient Gems that glowed In theory the Grail Entity jewels could be ones that glow without any obvious power source. [extract] Therefore the restored city of Zion (Isa. liv. 11, 12) will be founded and beautified with precious stones (comp. Rev. xxi. 18 et seq.); even the vision of God's glory recalls the glow of gems (Ezek. i. 26, 27). They were in use as ornaments at a comparatively early period (in the crown of the Ammonite monarch: II Sam. xii. 30; on robes and canopies: Ezek. xxviii. 13; Apocr. Esther iv. 6; on golden vessels: Ecclus. [Sirach] 1. 9-10). [end extract] So what would something look like if this probability based entity left its crystal home? Depending on the wavelength it existed in, it would emit electromagnetic energy; what we commonly call light; glowing and shimmering. It would appear to the uninformed like it was on fire but would not consume the object. The Burning Bush To the uninformed it would appear that the object was "on fire". Maybe this is what Moses saw? Conjecture on my part but the theory points to this. Burning bush Physics aside, once could consider the emeralds or diamonds as a home to many of these entities. Signs of the Grail today? So how can you find the Grail. I guess the question is do you really want to find it? The best path in life is to make your own luck through hard work. Also, wishing for things is only a

way of not having to earn your way. With the Grail, there are no free lunches I'd imagine. They're probably a bit tired of folks asking them for unlimited power and wealth and playing tricks on them. Life inside a Crystal So let's play a game for a moment where you are an entity living inside a crystalline structure. One's mind goes back to Superman living inside his Crystal fortress full of knowledge. Imagine you are a proabaility based entity; what would the geometry look like? It would look like lots of triangles within geometric configurations such as circles. Ancient Kaballah Jewellery The oldest symbol of all? Is the reason why the Pentagram is one of the the oldest symbols because these entities are communicating with us and this is the world seen through their eyes? Think about the way a bee is supposed to see our world as these tiny windows combines. The Pentagram Is the Pentagram and The Star of David, just ways of trying to symbolize life inside a Crystal structure?

The Entities Religion: The Tree of Life? Maybe these entities have their own religion and have passed it onto us in the Trees of Life form. Who knows really but the religion is very much based on the idea of the nature of Reality and how one must look behind one's eyes etc; So this seems like a good view of something not of this place but trying to impart wisdom. I guess you call call it a form of existentialism. Tree of Life

The Most Famous Grail Diamond? The Hope Diamond? If it's true that a diamond can be a Grail diamond where could there be one today? The answer comes clearly in the story of the Hope Diamond. One cannot own a Grail Diamond, one can only share some time with it... and buyer beware!

Louis and Marie Antoinette owned this diamond and lost a kingdom. Later, the fabulously wealthy Evelyn Walsh McLean owned this diamond and this is her account of what happened when she tried to have it blessed! Evelyn's account. Okay, you might argue she was looking for the publicity but did she really need it? She had money beyond belief.

Evelyn's account of trying to have it blessed. "... But when Mummie died, within the year, Evalyn decided to call on the aid of a higher power. "We went to the church of Monsignor Russell. 'Look Father,' I said to him, 'this thing has got me nervous. Would you bless it for me?' He put my bauble on a velvet cushion, and as he began his blessings, a storm broke! Lightning flashed. Thunder shook the church... I don't mind saying various things were scared right out me! ..." FreeMasonry and the All Seeing Eye

In FreeMasonry, the Grail is signified by a pyramid with an eye. In it, an entity is drawn inside. The American currency shows this symbol as many of the founding fathers were FreeMasons (which was their choice!). However, looking beyond all the stuff that is written about FreeMasons, why did they choose this symbol? The answer is pretty clear if one adopts a Grail Diamond viewpoint. The atomic makeup of a diamond is a tetrahedral structure. You can see a cross post of mine on Alexander Graham Bell's tetrahedral kite. So if a Grail entity exists inside a Grail diamond, this is the Perfect Symbolism. Also, reading between the lines, the uber Grail diamond if you want to think of it - or the Grail Diamond which the templars may have found could have been shaped like a Pyramid as opposed to a pear shaped diamond. That's conjecture on my part.

A New America and A New Home For The Grail

One of the founding fathers of America was Benjamin Franklin who was a Polyglot and a Freemason Master. In the 1700s while America was fighting the war for independence, he was dispatched to France to the court of Louis XVI as a diplomat to help them raise support the American cause. Without French help, they would not be able to defeat the English and his place in Versailles was very important to the fledgling country. He even taught Marie Antoinette some French! This is where the link to the Grail diamond is clear. Marie Antoinette was the owner of the majority of the Hope Diamond. Franklin was loved by the courtiers and he did experiments on electrical charge. Therefore, Franklin was in the presence of the Grail diamond. It was Franklin who later returned to America and with John Adams who created the famous logo on the American currency we have come to know as 'The All Seeing Eye'.

However, here is a very interesting coincidence, Evelyn Walsh McLean owned the Grail diamond and lived in 1825 Phelps Place N.W. Washington. This building is currently The Russian Cultural Centre, Built in 1895, an early American occupant was Evalyn Walsh McLean, Washington socialite who owned the Hope Diamond and Washington Post. However, what is even more strange is that for nearly half a century it was the home of the Benjamin Franklin Pilson family. The three Pilson children are Founders of the FRCC. Therefore the Grail Diamond ended up in the home of the Franklin's home fifty years later!

The Philosophers Stone - Another name for a Grail diamond? Alchemy played a big part in the early part of our world. The basic idea was to transform one substance to another. Now, using traditional Chemistry we know what can and can't be done today. In earlier times, the idea was to turn lead into Gold and get rich. Even Isaac Newton dabbled in Alchemy.

The Philosoper's stone apparently had magical powers capable of transforming one substance into another.

Excerpt from Wikipedia: Alchemists once thought a key component of the stone was a mythical element named carmot. The element is no longer believed to exist according to modern scientific knowledge.[2][3] This legendary stone was thought to help amplify transmutations while doing alchemy. It was also thought to have had a dark red tone.

Once more, there is the dark red tone, maybe this is a Grail diamond perhaps?

Another extract from the Wikipedia: He states that this "stone of stumbling" and "rock of offence" is the creative-sexual energy, which in Kabbalah is Yesod ("foundation")

So there is the Kabbalistic concept of Yesod: In Christian kabbalah it is compared to the 'Holy Spirit', that aspect of God that descends upon the earth and sanctifies it, and it occupies a point on the central pillar, along with Keter ( God the Father ), and Tiphereth ( God the Son ). Occultists compare it with the idea of 'Ether', from the traditional elements, and it is the cross-over from consciousness to matter. For that reason, some occultists compare it with the modern-day concept of a quantum field, pointing to the different theories suggesting that in quantum mechanics, human consciousness plays a vital role in physical processes.

The important note here is that of a reference to a Quantum Field. Therefore, this may be an oblique reference to lifeforms that exist in a Quantum Reality and surface through these ancient ideas.

Evil Eye? Let's get Scientific and analyze this thing! Now, let's get scientific. Kaballah talks about the evil eye, you wear a red band to ward it off. So, if the entity exists, it's a fair guess to that it emits a red hue right? And therefore, the diamond should in theory emit a red hue. Read, this article on a study done on the hope diamond in 2005. Scientific Study of the Hope Diamond See text, "The Hope Diamond was known to have an unusual reddish-orange long-lived phosphorescence - i.e. when illuminated with ultraviolet (UV) light and observed in a darkened room, the Hope diamond would glow for many minutes after the light source was turned off, appearing like a hot coal from a fire. While this phosphorescence had been photographed, it had never been studied scientifically. Such phosphorescence, particularly with an intense red color, is a rare phenomena in natural diamonds."

The Hope Diamond is a Blue Sapphire surrounded by dazzling clear diamonds. Take a look at this photo of it "glowing".

[extract] The intense orange phosphorescence of the Hope Diamond is only visible in a dark room after exposure to ultraviolet light. One of the diamonds surrounding the Hope is phosphorescing blue. Photograph by John Nels Hatleberg. [extract] Hey are you freaked out yet or still skeptical? I think there's something to these diamonds that we don't quite understand. Are they evil? Are they good? Are they a little of both? Well, owning the hope diamond is not good for your health. However, are all the diamonds like this? Which ones are good, which are bad... ? The Millennium Star - A new Grail diamond? The Millennium Diamond found as recently as 1992 weighted 777 carats (before being cut), a highly magical number in Kaballa, see 777 And Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley. It's a rare blue like the Hope Diamond. There was an attempt to steal it as recently as 2002 in the UK in a James Bond style robbery. I'm not making this up! See The Scotsman Article The diamond was found in the Congo. Here's an extract: "Back in Mbuji- Mayi the diamond pickers and traders carry on searching for the next Millennium Star despite the fact that the fate of the two men who discovered the original remains unknown. According to De Beers they were lucky and shared their money with their village. According to local rumour, the stone was cursed and the prospectors were kidnapped and murdered by an army general loyal to the deposed former dictator of Zaire, President Mobutu Sese Seko. What is certain is the men have disappeared off the face of the Earth and their 4.2 million remains nowhere to be seen." The number 666 as a wavelength Watching The Omen, the number 666 is bestowed with evil. What if 666 was actually a wavelength. What color would it be?

So 666 nm lies within the Red Spectrum. When people draw pictures of evil faces, they paint them glowing red. A coincidence perhaps?

A Planet Made of a Diamond?

This sounds like Science Fiction, doesn't it? A planet which is really a giant diamond at its core? Take a look at this BBC article. Could this be the home of Grail entities? A diamond is the natural evolution of matter. It represents matter compressed over time. [begin extract]
Twinkling in the sky is a diamond star of 10 billion trillion trillion carats, astronomers have discovered. The cosmic diamond is a chunk of crystallized carbon, 4,000 km across, some 50 light-years from the Earth in the constellation Centaurus. It's the compressed heart of an old star that was once bright like our Sun but has since faded and shrunk. Astronomers have decided to call the star "Lucy" after the Beatles song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. [end extract]

A Diamond Star

Sirius: An Ancient Home world For The Grail Diamonds?

According to this idea, the Grail Entities helped influence the Egyptian rulers to create the Pyramids to point to Sirius, and establish the Egyptian eye symbol which is now used on the

US Dollar, placed there by the founding fathers of the US some of whom were Freemasons. Let's take a look at the eye and then understand why Sirius as opposed to our own Sun was chosen as the worship point. Once more there is a diamond link.

Diamonds can be as old as 6.5 billion years old. The Universe itself is estimated to be about 13 billion years old. So some, diamonds are half as old as the Universe itself. So, let's assume the Egyptians gave Moses (or he took for himself in the vaults) a Grail diamond which helped him lead the Jewish people to their promised land. Were the Egyptian Pharoahs also influenced by the grail diamonds. Were the Grail diamonds guiding them to build pyramids or tetrahedral structures to mirror their hidden world?

A clue lies in the God and what they worship. The Egyptians worshiped the stars.. In particular, they worshiped Sirius. See the following extract:

The goddess Sopdet was the personification of the "dog star", known to the Greeks as Seirios (Sirius). Sopdet was the most important star to the Ancient Egyptians, and was known as a decon. Together with her husband Sah (Orion), and her son Soped, Sopdet formed part of a divine triad which paralleled that of Osiris, Isis and Horus.

So what's the significance of Sirius? It's a White Dwarf star. See the WikiPedia article: Most white dwarf stars are extremely hot; hence the bright white light they emit. This heat is a remnant of that generated from the star's collapse, and is not being replenished (unless the white dwarf accretes matter from other nearby stars). However, since white dwarfs have an extremely small surface area from which to radiate this heat, they remain hot for a long

period of time. Evidence suggests that their interiors slowly crystallize as they cool and age, ultimately settling into a diamond-like configuration; astronomers know of at least one "diamond white dwarf" already. So were the Egyptians worshiping a Grail diamond home world?

Civilizations Build Around Pyramidal Structures

The Mayans worshiped the stars and gold. They were some of the earliest civilizations. Babylon had the hanging gardens. The egyptians had the pyramids.

Sirius: Homeworld to Return To

The Egyptians originally believed that when the Pharaoh died, he was transported to Sirius (a belief later transposed to the constellation of "Sah" -- Osiris/Orion), where he "became a star" and passed into the next life, to join the gods in their abode. To facilitate this (obviously "Hyper dimensional") transformation to a higher plane of existence, they apparently made sure that one of the so-called "air shafts" in the "Queens Chamber" pointed directly toward this crucial "star-gate" -- Sirius.

Mono-Atomic Gold and ingesting The Grail So what happens when a Grail entity is placed in the presence of Gold? The Gold breaks down and forms what is called Mono-atomic gold. An interesting fact about mono-atomic gold is that is does not look like Gold. In fact, it looks like a white powder and is allegedly one of the prized artifact of the Philosopher's Stone. One could replace the term Philosopher's Stone with Grail Diamond and see that it produces Mono-atomic Gold when it is in the presence of it for some time; namely when placed inside a Golden Casket of some kind. Extract: Recently there has been much written about Mon-atomic Gold. Ancient cultures such as the Egyptians and Sumarians used it to feed their light body and encourage spiritual transformation and enlightenment and promote optimum health. Recent advances in modern science and tireless investigation by credible researchers have started to confirm that this fascinating substance indeed has "exotic" properties and can literally, according to lab data, alter space, time and gravity. :End-Extract Quantities are found in Arizona Phoenix naturally occurring where there is a crater from a cosmic body. The Crater is known as the Barringer Crater.

This is also an area which has strong UFO activity.

Is it possible that these Grail entities are known to Alien lifeforms, maybe even form the basis of one of their religions? Whatever the truth, there are diamonds around there... The Temple of Luxor in Thebes It would have been the job of the High Priests to manufacture the mono-atomic gold but they would have also had to have possession of the Grail Diamonds. The temples were known as "Solar Temples" and the guiding of the light into the temples may have been directed onto the Grail Diamonds who would later produce the gold which was used to ingest. The High Priests were in many cases more powerful than the Pharoah himself.

Here we see the famous BenBen stone which was mounted on top of a Solar Temple and the link to Orion is here. As we see, this is really an embodiment of the "All Seeing Eye" which is everywhere.

This is rumored to be a meteorite. The home of the High Priests was Karnak, in Luxor which was part of Thebes. Today it's mostly ruins but a great place to visit.

Below is the Sun Temple with the BenBen stone on top which would direct light into the temple and possibly activate the Grail Diamonds so that they would glow and theoretically receive "energy". This was a closely guarded secret of the High Priests power in theory.

Extract:For a meteorite of its size, the impact melted surprisingly little rock, though it produced high enough temperatures and pressures to transform carbon minerals into diamonds and lonsdaleite, a form of diamond found near the crater in fragments of Arizona's Canyon Diablo meteorite.:EndExtract

Each Egyptian Pharoah had to ingest a bread supplied by the high-priests which contained a mono-atomic gold and was produced by them. [extract] The excavators have found, on the island of Elephantine, the exact dimensions of the Temple of Solomon, where the foundation was and where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. In the temple of Luxor they recorded all of the loot and all of the plunder that was taken from the Temple of Solomon by Thutmose II, was then returned when he became pharaoh and looted the temple. But there's no Ark of the Covenant because they already had that. And in that plunder they list all of the items that they got, and they're all identified as being golden, and then silver and then copper. But under the golden items, under the shewbread, here is this elongated pyramidal shape that is "The Bread of the presence of God". It's the very same symbol, that I told you earlier, that is always shown as depicted in the sacred ceremony, with the king offering the "bread", the "white bread", to the symbol of the Ark of the Covenant, with the black Anubis sitting on top of it. Well the Anubis represented the digestive system, and here's the king offering, and it says "keeper of the secret", but it's the white powder of gold being offered to the digestive system, which is the transformational process you go through.

[end extract] Where did the "Fallen Angels" come from? Nibiru, Brown Dwarfs and Planet X In the Biblical texts, the Angel's are typically explained as having "fallen". In modern parlance, we think asteroid and meteorites. Throughout the ages, there have been collisions with the Earth. The dinosaurs were wiped out by an Asteroid and the moon is known to have been part of the Earth until there was a "collision." In modern times, the Mayan Calendar refers to 2012 as the end of the world but in their texts they as well as the Ancient Sumerians believed there was a twelveth planet known as Nibiru which housed some kind of extraterrestrial life. The planet is theorized as having a orbit of 3600 years. At the heart of this group of stars is a "planet x" and they orbit around a brown dwarf. Interestingly a brown dwarf is known to be the home of blue diamonds. [extract] Taurus brown dwarfs are indicated by filled black squares, UppSco ones by filled red circles. Included for comparison are T Tauri stars from Pascucci et al. (2009) and Herbig Ae/Be stars from van Boekel et al. (2005). (b) Fpeak vs. the large-grain mass fraction. (c) Fpeak vs. the crystalline mass fraction. Blue diamonds indicate Cha I brown dwarfs from Apai et al. (2005). (d) F11.3/F9.8 vs. the large-grain mass fraction. (e) F11.3/F9.8 vs. the crystalline mass fraction. [end extract] Astrophysics connection to Blue Diamond. The accuracy of the "end of days" is typically grounded around astronomical calendars where two star systems meet (our one and the Nibiru system). So the Biblical passages passed by "the angels" may simply be extraterrestrial Grail Entities telling us about a planetary collision. Could this be the place where these Grail entities could have come from? Could this be their "home". Maybe the Grail entities that are on Earth were either "left behind" to do some task or "fell out" with the beings from this Nibiru system and became "fallen angels". If there is any truth to the 2012 conspiracy then it will unfold in time. We should see weird weather, large solar storms and tsunamis and polar shifts. It may be a normal cycle but only seen every three thousand six hundred years. It would explain how the Grail entities got here but it's only theoretical. If there is truth to this then the Grail Entities will know how and when it will happen and what the truth is behind the overall plan. It would be interesting to see if the "good" Grail entities would try and help those on Earth or not if the Nibiru approach is true.

Nibiru is referred to as the twelfth planet. It can theoretically only be seen from the Southern Hemisphere and is in the direction of Orion which is where the Ancient Egyptians worshiped. Were they unwittingly worshiping this place?

The Brown Dwarf has its own group of planets and come periodically in contact with Earth's solar system in theory according to conspiracy theorists. Some claim that the government know about the approach and have blocked out sections of Google Sky where this astronomical event should be approaching from so there is no panic but they are secretly preparing. I really don't know if there's any truth to this but from a research point this could be where the Grail Entities came from and would appear like multidimensional beings to us. They would theoretically have been here since the universe was created and are very, very old.

In 2007, the US government funded the development of the South Pole Telescope which was constructed in several large pieces and then assembled in the South Pole. This would be the perfect location from an Earth perspective to monitor any approaching objects beneath our planar ecliptic in the direction of Orion. Many conspiracy theorists assume it's a "planet x watcher".

Notable Southern Hemisphere Events And Unusual Weather Patterns

Note: These are not "proof" but notable because they are happening on the planetary scale. 2010 - Respected physicist Michio Kaku predicts violent solar storms in 2012 preparing general population for the "event". 2010 - Gulf stream changes course. Europe experiences Siberian weather 2011 (Jan) - Australian Queensland floods on record scale, before there were fires in 2010 2011 (Feb) - Southern Island of New Zealand experiences earthquake. Christchurch in ruins. 2011 (March) - Japan experiences 8.8 earthquake, largest on record followed by Tsunamis. Widespread devastation. Nuclear reactor explosion.

Nibiru Approaching: Possible Clue: Two Suns In The Sky

If this theoretical Grail world / solar system is approaching one of the give aways will be two Suns appearing in the sky. This should only be visible at certain times in the Southern Hemisphere. Here is an image of two suns seen in recent times (but could be fakes also). However it was shown on China state TV which should be kosher as it is very much controlled.

These are twin suns seen in China on March 1st 2011

Spacial Co-Ordinates

Download Google Earth

The alleged spacial co-ordinates of Planet X are 5h 53m 27s, -6 10' 58. Open up Google Sky (Earth is the default) but you can change this to the view of the Sky. Planet tool bar button has a "Sky" option. Enter "Orions Belt" (which is what is visible in the Northern hemisphere). Note: There is a different view of Orion in the Southern Hemisphere. This should return 5h 36m 11.45s Dec -1'12'00.00" So Sirius and the "alleged" Nibiru are no so far apart. Maybe the Pharaohs were pointing at this location perhaps? The Kaballah Band?

How do material colors work?

The Kaballah band is supposed to ward off the evil eye. If it is supposed to ward off evil then why is it red? If however one however understands the way materials work, the color one sees is the color one reflects, so the material is warding off red light.

Strange Rituals that could be Grail Worship

Most induction ceremonies to either religions tend to involve some kind of ceremony or oath. For the most part, these rituals involve the core beliefs of being a member which stretch back to how they were originally formed. Here is a documentary on becoming a Free Mason and them experiencing the light and finding the secret stone... Could this be a Grail initiation rite? Is this what the Templars found, secret stones amongst bones AKA glowing diamonds and sapphires giving them unlimited powers? Or maybe it's just interesting terminology.... maybe the glass means a crystal... Who knows.

Not just Blue Diamonds but also Blue Sapphires So this research theoretically points to PBEs existing inside both Blue Diamonds and Sapphires. Moses staff had a Sapphire. Solomon's seal ring also had diamonds and Sapphires. We as humans are drawn to Sapphires and Diamonds. The richest and most powerful people on the planet all adorn themselves with these jewels. Personally, I have never seen the attraction but then again I'm not so wealthy I could buy whatever I want. Blue Sapphires, like diamonds, have been worn by Kings and even in recent times Princess Diana.

Famous Blue Sapphires

Excerpt: # Elizabeth Taylor owns a 20 carat sapphire engagement ring. # One of the most famous blue sapphires of modern times is the gem that Prince Charles gave to Lady Diana for their engagement.

Diamonds and Sapphires bringing good and bad luck.

OK, this is not a new idea! In India and the East there is already a lot of belief about the power of crystals.

-extract Amongst the ancient myths associated with the importance of the Sapphire gemstone is what the Persians believed. According to them planet earth rested on a giant sapphire, the reflection of which is the blue sky. Other legends claim that kings wore Sapphire jewelry to protect them from any harm that could come their way. In India, Sapphire is considered to be an antidote against poison.

When buying Sapphire jewelry it is important to keep an eye on the color of the gemstone. This is a more significant parameter than the gems clarity to measure how superior and genuine it is. In India Sapphire is jewelry is mainly worn if recommended by an Astrologer or Gemologist. And the most popular is the blue sapphire, which maybe set in gold or silver metal and further adorned with either diamonds or pearls. The Yellow Sapphire is another highly recommended gemstone. It is said to have multiple beneficial aspects for the wearer. These include wealth, fame and success.

Indians usually invest in Sapphire jewelry as it is considered to be a symbol of truth, genuineness and loyalty. It is believed that it attracts positive vibrations of protection and enhances ones intuitiveness, clairvoyance and sharpness. Many spiritual seekers also wear it, as it is regarded to have the power of enabling one to focus on their destination. According to the Buddhists, Sapphire brings one onto the path of prayer, taking them closer to the stage of enlightenment. -end extract

So, how'd you find other grail diamonds/sapphires? It's a substance which makes the improbable probable. Check out the location where it was last seen and search for statistical aberrations. e.g. A record for something which has never been done before. Incredible wealth gained from something simple. Incredible luck. Sign of the Grail? Perhaps, perhaps not. For example, why wasn't Switzerland invaded during WWII? It houses all the worlds gold

and gems. Wouldn't this be a good place to control? What made it so untouchable? Templars and Switzerland Where is the Grail today? On a recent weekend break, I traveled to the Dubrovnik in Croatia which is commonly called the Jewel of the Adriatic. Beside Dubrovnik is the island of Lokrum which was once the place where Richard the Lionheart stayed. He funded a Byzantine monastery which was never fully built. Today, the island is a nature reserve and on some beaches there are naturists. However, this Island could also be justifiably be called a Grail location. Richard the Lionheart regularly dressed up as templars while he was in Jesuralem and sold the Island of Cyprus to them. How did they pay him? Did they give him some grail jewellery? Byzantine Monasteries are closely linked with the Grail. Maybe there is a grail connection to Dubrovnik closely connected to Lokrum. It sits off the coast of the famous city, resplendent in the sun. Walk the walls of Dubrovnik and you will see it. Here is a picture I took of the Island from Dubrovnik.

Extract about the Island "From the port of Dubrovnik it is just a pleasant ten-minute boat voyage to LOKRUM. An arm's stretch away from the Old City this favorite excursion spot also takes you far back in the Middle Ages. For two of us it has been the remembrance of the early days of marriage some 47 years ago. By some miracle Lokrum was spared of any devastation or destruction during the siege and bombardment of Dubrovnik. Several incendiary grenades hit the island but fire wouldn't start - not even a spark got hold on the soil covered with dry foliage or splinter. Was he a Saint's who held his protecting hand over this Island? The first mention of Lokrum in writing came in 1023, in connection with the founding of the Benedictine abbey and monastery. According to legend, the Richard the Lion-Heart was cast ashore here after being shipwrecked in 1192 while returning from the Crusades. The vow he made to build a church on the spot where he came ashore should he be saved was kept at least in part. Although he came ashore in Lokrum, at the request of the people of Dubrovnik, he agreed to have the church built in the City itself. In 1839 Maximilian Ferdinand of Habsburg, the then owner of the island, came to Lokrum and had a mansion built in the shape of a tower. The mansion has been surrounded by a marvelous garden with a lay out of crisscrossing pathways. "

Also, you could travel to Washington DC and visit the Hope Diamond which is on display to the public. The only man which was not adversely affected by exposure to the diamond was Harry Winston who promoted the idea of 'diamonds are a girls best friend' but off loaded it to the Smithsonian.

Travel to Golconda and this is the origin of the Hope diamond

The Order Of The Golden Fleece

European aristocracy created the Order of the Golden Fleece would proudly display their diamonds. Here is a rare blue. Putting on one's conspiracy theory hat, this might be the Grail diamonds 'hidden in plain sight'. One notable feature of modern diamond making is that the diamonds are cut in such a way to emit light. A European fleece could be seen therefore as a projection of the possible grail energy within the fleece itself. By this theory, the wearer would be influenced by the fleece itself. A little known fact is that Ireland achieved its independence while the Russian crown jewels were in the property of the fledgling Irish government. The newly formed Russian Communist county used the jewels to raise badly needed cash and they were later returned.

What Do Grail Entities Possibly Look Like?

What could Moses have seen when the Grail Entities appeared to him in theory? When the

US led the invasion into Iraq, they saw strange lights in the Sky near Baghdad. Baghdad is the historic home of Babylon where "the writing was on the wall". Here is some footage seen by US soldiers. Basically, Grail entities would appear as light vibrating on the electromagnetic spectrum and should be slightly different colors to indicate their slightly different EM components/make up. They would make an object look like it was 'on fire' to someone unfamiliar with them.

In a recent sighing in Jerusalem above the Dome of the Rock, a glowing ball of light was seen. This "could be" a modern sighting of a Grail Entity or some kind of UFO. The key point is that they would not seem solid in the way we understand it but look like pulsing energy.

Here is a link to the YouTube video which has pretty great footage. The location is pretty important to the Grail Theory as it's the place where many of them were theoretically housed in the past.

The Vatican
If the Grail idea is true then the Vatican is an obvious Holy Grail location. Pope Constantine took many of Jesus' religious artifacts and stored them in what today is The Vatican.

What's interesting about the Vatican is that it is built on top of what was once an ancient Pagan and early Christian graveyard deep beneath its foundations. Extract Begin A tour of the graveyard may not be a good idea for many. But if you have the inclination, head for Vatican. Going by the reports from Rome, visitors will soon be able to descend into an ancient world of the dead. Vatican is showcasing a newly unveiled resting place that used to be a graveyard in the days of yore. Extract End What's more, the bones of St. Peter himself, one of the the founders of the Christian faith are alleged to be buried deep beneath the dome. St. Peter drank from the Holy Grail Chalice at the Last Supper so theoretically he contained this Grail Energy and is still in his bones.

Also in the quarters that the Pope lives in there are adjoining rooms full of treasures passed to the Popes over their two thousand year reign. Many could be Grail Entities but they are shrouded in secrecy. Conjecture on my part.

Grail And Pyramids

In Paris,France one can find The Louvre where at the end of the Da Vinci code, Brown surmises that the Grail which is the bones of Jesus' descendants are underneath a pyramid like structure and ties in which the Tetrahedral shapes I have been discussing. The Louvre is a place worth a visit and a likely place for some Grail artifacts.

The Meaning of Boaz and Jackim and The Letter 'G'

Freemasons wear a symbolic letter on their apron which is the letter 'G'. What could this mean? There are many interpretations ranging from the male organ to a mythical gateway. According to this theory, the letter G represents the gift which was given to the masons by the Templars.

Therefore G = Grail or Graal. Another point to note is that Freemason are the folks who built Solomon's temple as well as all of those fantastic cathedrals which we see all over medieval Europe. However at the 33rd level and below of being a Freemason there is worship of two pillars which have the name Boaz and Jachim. Huh? What's so special about two pillars for crying out load. They were at the front of Solomon's temple. See diagram.

So they were positioned in front of the main entrance. So what? Well they're worshiped by Freemasons today. New members are placed between these pillars and added to the fold. It's the way to do it. Why? One way wonder. Let's understand the original ones. They were tall and wrapped in Copper which is an electric conductor.

Again, what's the big deal? This is where and how new members are added. It's part of an initiation rite to be placed between these two large electrical conductors. Well hang on for a minute. What are we not seeing? What is inside these pillars? Were they hollow? The answer is "yes". [begin extract from freemason lit] It is universally conceived that the two pillars were cast in one piece, and this common belief is expressed and emphasized in the Fellow craft lecture, which informs us that the pillars were cast of a hollow nature and to function as repositories. This explanation is only partially correct. For from a foundry man's viewpoint they may have been cast a handbreadth, or four inches in thickness, not only to reduce the weight, but also to simplify the casting. [end extract]

"To function as repositories". To hold what? If one follows the logic of this article, then the pillars contain one or more Grail artefacts / sapphires / diamonds and this is where they could possibly be hidden in plain sight. If these entitites do exist, the pillar acts as an electrical conductor or some sort and may interact the person in the middle in some way. Like charged conductors one sees in physics experiments today. Interestingly the father of electricity is Benjamin Franklin who was a Freemason master. The Freemasons call this becoming attunded to the frequencies. Again this goes back to the idea of Grail entities operating on a quantum level of some sort but being alive as we understand it. Lady Di's Famous Diamond Ring Here is the Blue Sapphire diamond ring Lady Di once wore. White gold princess Diana cluster ring with diamonds, featuring oval shape blue sapphire, surrounded by round diamonds.

The Order Of The Golden Fleece

Also travel to Goa to find the place where the diamonds were shipped.

But watch out hunter, the Grail serves no one! History tells us this! Or maybe the Grail is just a myth :)

Theoretical Chronology

Diamonds / Sapphires discovered in Africa along Northern Rift Valley containing theoretical "Grail Entities", Brought Up the River Nile Given to the then rulers of Egypt. "Holy" sapphires have a special property that they glow in the dark after being subjected to sun light / UV similar to Hope Diamond Embedded in Gold with other special sapphires and possessed by High Priests Begin Golden Age of the Pharoahs where they start to worship Diamond star Sirius and build today's Pyramids 2686-2181BC; OLD KINGDOM: Dynasties III-VI The king was considered the incarnation of the god Horus and from the 5th Dynasty, the son of Re, the sun god. KhufuThe first major stone building in the world, the

famous Step Pyramid, was constructed at Saqqara for Djoser, one of the kings of the 3rd Dynasty. During the 4th Dynasty, a number of large pyramids were built, including Khufu's (Cheops) Great Pyramid at Giza - one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one still standing. Experiment with mono-Atomic gold in temples Each Pharoah routinely eats a "holy bread" containing mono-atomic gold produced by glowing Jewels Gather lots more Sapphires and Diamonds 1170 BC Moses becomes part of Egyptian royal family Discovers Moses Staff in treasure rooms which contains "magical" Blue Sapphire. He uses it against the Pharaoh Rameses, feeling injustice against his people "Grail entity God" produces Plagues and pestilence The exodus to what is now Israel On the way, goes onto Mount Sinai and is visited by "a fiery light" which in theory is a Grail Entity emerging from Moses Staff Blue Sapphire Jewish people find promised land and settle it. 970 BC: Later, Solomon becomes King of the Jews and discovers Staff of Moses Communicates with what are called Genii which is another name for Grail Entities Becomes enlightened and wise In return, gathers together and seeks out diamonds, jewels and sapphires to find more Grail Entities Not all entities friendly. Some are "angels" some are "daemons". 957 BC : Builds Solomon's temple to store them. Place of worship. Gets a Seal ring to control the entities. Stores them in the Ark of the Covenant. They glow. Gold contains the energy. Inside casket monoatomic gold produced by the diamonds Some ingest the powder from the equivalent "Philosophers Stone" similar to the Pharaohs Two large pillars on entrance to temple called Boaz and Jachim. More jewels stored in them. Worshipers pass between pillars and become "attuned" to the frequencies Solmon passes 586 BC: Babylonians destroy temple and takes its Jewels Grail entities take revenge on King "Writing on Wall" Jewels and Jewish people returned to lands 516 BC: Second temple built 70 AD: Romans destroy second temple Priest take some Jewels and hide them underneath the temple Some write maps with a coding system where the Jewels are hidden Roman kill and loot. Jewish Diaspora Christian crusaders 1118: Templars stay in ruins of temple. Grail "give them dreams" Templars find maps and dig for the Jewels They take them back to France/Europe Show one to the Pope. They demonstrate the power of the Grail similar to Moses to Pharoah 1139: Pope is terrified,amazed and gives them unlimited power They give him a gift of one. Stored in the Papal vault. Secret. (Conjecture on my part)

Templars grow in power. Become "enlightened". They worship relics and see winged daemon Baphomet which is Grail entity. The build modern banks. Take over Europe. 1309 : Friday the 13th and Templars are routed. Admit to "daemon" worship. Crucified. Jewels taken secretly to England by boat and then Scotland. Templars join the FreeMasons and "Enlighten" them. Create the additional 33rd level and copy Solomon temple. Worship of Baphomet/Grail Entity renews. Templars are gone but have new FreeMason home. 1446 - : Artefacts temporarily stored in Abbey in Scotland Rosslyn Abbey Artefacts then taken over to America. 1775-1782 : American War of Independence 1778 First Grand American Freemason Lodge in Virginia "Enlightened" Freemasons free themselves from English rule Freemason Symbol on new currency. Birth of a "Grail influenced" free country inspired by Freemason beliefs based on Science and Equality born Capital city modeled with lots of Freemason symbols. New FreeMason members under go initiation rite "attuned to Gail frequencies" between pillars similar to what happened thousands of years ago while entering Solomon's temple New "Promised Land" found and settled.

An important point to note about this theory is that this is just one of the paths of these Grail Entities. In this idea there are many sapphires with these properties and they are not all owned by the Freemasons. They may have some of those owned by Solomon but not all. Many, for example, could be Crown jewels and so on. Also interestingly, it could be related to any religious group that may worship pieces of crystalline rock regarded as having special powers and is venerated. This may be indicative as to the presence of one of these theoretical entities. There is also the question of measuring how "powerful" one grail entity is versus another. There are numbers assigned to each one and how one can determine the strength or otherwise of a Grail entity. This would require some "Grail Math". List of well known Grail Entities / Elohim These may have been gathered together in the Ark of the Covenant and since separated thus explaining their apparent "brotherhood" referred to in many texts. Some may have also been from Babylon and later joined the others. The associated elements for example could indicate how they prefer to "travel" outside of crystals. The color could indicate the wavelength it consists of. Blue is a shorter wavelength therefore higher energy. Archangels Michael,element fire, color blue Gabriel, color red, element water Raphael, element air Uriel Other Baphomet, color: red, associated number 666

Some related links Kinights Templars Revered Stones

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