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lr-i i i

n liii l(iin

i ; .i...(i) :r,ss niii li-iz, za ln-, zaa/


lr-i i ii, iin l(ii s :as n ,ii
-n ilni i i n n r , lr-i i i (i ii n i-i , lr-i
i n liii l(iin - ii -ril(ni (n , (n | (iln)
l ; li i ii i ini i i ln l- in r ,
ii n

-ilin i- i
i-i |

1- () ; l-i i lin i- lr-i i
n liii l(iin ii -ril(ni
(n ), (n | (iln) ini i i ln
l-, zaa/ r|
(z) l- i, lr-i i - ii
i niii ( -n ri n |
l i
i( l-ni |
2- () li i i% ; .i... (i) zz,zaa:
rkjh[k 23&08&2004 }kjk vf/klwfpr i --
ii ii lin lr-i i liii l(iin, ii
-ril(ni (n , (n | (iln) ll-n, l(i ini
( i ln l-, zaa i n ,ii l li
ini r|

(z) l rin r ii n
l- () ii ; i
lln l-i ii i n; i ;
l ln, in i i (i; ; l-i ii
l(li-i i - i n; -ni ini|

i i ,ii,

ii l((n liii)
lr-i i i|

-i i ii l| niii li-iz za ln-, zaa/
. --n ii l( , l(, lr-i i i |
z. l(, lr-i i i (i ii n, li-iz i i
a,/iii- , li zaaszaa/ i - ni lnln
lni lrn ini-i i( i (iri rn lin r |
:. l i, n liii, lr-i i, li-i/aa
. l, - i ( i i-n i l(iin, lr-i i, li-ir i ;
ii ii lin r l (r ; li i i i (iiii) -
ilin i i nii i i a lni ; l(iin i i
i i |
r. ri l(li i-ii ( ( l( (l(li) lr-i i i,
c. (l- l(li liii (l(li l(iin), lr-i i l(i, li-iz
/. i l-n |

l((n liii)
lr-i i i|


fgekpy izns'k mPprj f'k{kk foHkkx izk/;kid egkfo|ky; laoxZ] oxZ&A
jktif=r in ds fy, HkrhZ vkSj izksUufr fu;eA

. i i- i ii (-ril(ni (n )
z.i i i zrsz (i ri i i ii)|
:.(ni i in | (iln) |
.(n-i ll-n iii l
saaaz/r:raa |

r. i(i ~iin ri |

c.iii ini l i r (i i ; -|

in ii ini l i (i lni l +i i i-i ni i l(i
iii l n l n lni lrn r ri i i (i - n li i i
in ri ri ni
in r i l l ni i l(i iii l n li ni ii ;
- l ln i niii i li i i ri ni ri , ni (r ni i l(i iii
l ln ii l(lrn i - s - i i ri ri ni
in r i l ln ilni , ln ilni , (ni lni
l +i i i-i - ni ri s - i i ni lni lr-i i i
iiii i l(i i i i(i ii ) ii n r
n r i ii l l -,ln- nii -(in lii ii - ili i ,
i l -, ln-i nii -(in lii il-i n- - l
-, ln-i , -(in lii - i- ( ii - ii i , iii ini - i
i-i - i ri lin i ini i ii - ili i n r, ln ; i
i lin l -, ln-i nii -(in lii - il( i ri i ini
i iin (ni ln-i , -(in lii ,ii l n l n i , l n r i
l -, ln-i , -(in lii il-i n- iin ln-i , -(in
lii i (i - ln- i- ln l n r , l n i |

() iii ini l i i-i i nii (i i- l( i ini
l- (i ) i i( i-ln l, iil-iln, l(niln li ni r i
li ii i li ln li ni r|

(z) ii lr n li i i ii - iii ini l i i-i i i(,
lr-i i i (i ii n l(( i i lili li i ni|

/.iii ini l n-
ili i rni
d vfuok;Z vgZrk,a%
(i) - - lnin i
ii si i ili li i
lnin -n ~, ri ii iin i
,ii -ini in li iini
l((l(ni i li l(ii
l((l(ni nn l(i -
-nii -n i ili -n - iii
iii i i li r|
(ii) ln i - iii , ii n
(ilil i, iil i nl
( - ln i l i ii lni -
-ini -n lii - - - i
lnin i lrn si iili li
in ri , i lnin
-n ~,ri iii i i li
ini r|
(iii) ln iln, ln iln
(ni i -ini -n ili - i
lnin i s - lnin i
lnin i n i lin r|
(iv) iaaia ili iii i ,
lri i -ini -n ili
ln-,ss ( -nii i r, i
lnin i i s - lnin
i lnin i n l in r|
(v) ri ri iii iii i
i li ini r, i n
i a,a,ia,ia,ia,; a i a in
l - - ia i lnin
i -i -ii ini(in l
- -i - - ii i ni r)|
(vi) li i i n r nii i
i lnln l((l(ni
i ii n, iaai; aia i
i i (i ii n ,ii iln
- --- ,ii iii l
ini --- (.;.-i.) i li ri |
(vii) -ini -i i ili i (i
li i l ii i -
l ln l - (.;.-i.) l(i
ii r ni| niil -, l(i -
iaaia i ili i (i
li i i iaia -n nii a ia
-n i l - (.;.-i.)
s - r| -, l(i - -a l i
ili i (i li i i a ia
-n ri i l - (.;.-i.)
s - r|
[k OkkWNuh; vgZrk,a%
lr-i i i l i , ilni , i
i li i ni i i - l(n-i
l(li- iii - l ln l

s.iii ini l l(lrn i vk;q% in ri |
i i li rni i ln i
ii - in ri ni i ri

'kSf{kd vgZrk in ri |
s.l(iii i (li, l i ; ri i (i , li (i li i
i (li l l(-ni li i
ni i i- iliii l(i i
ll-ilni - i llin iii
i i |

a.ini i i,ln ini iii ri ni
i i ln, lnl ln,
-iiini ,ii i l(li
i,lni ,ii i i (i
(i ) i lninni

in lnin iii ini ,ii i l(i
iii |
. i ln, lnl ln,
-iiini i ii - ( lii
(n ) l i ln, lnl ln,
-iiini li ini|

~iin ri |
z.l l(iini i ln l-ln
l(n-i ri ni i i

~iin ri |
:.ini - l ll-ilni
- lr-i i i (i ii n
i-i li in|

i i l(li ,ii lin ri |
.iii ini l l(i
li (i i l ln l
ii i iin i inl ri i
l(i r|

r.iii ini ,ii l ln
-iiii ini -i- - l ln
l , -ili iii iii
li ini | l, iil-iln, lr-i
i i (i ii n i ini
ilii i i i( i
-ii -n ni llin iii i
(ril iii iii li
ini li -n,i- -, iil-iln,
lr-i i i (i ii n i
ini ilii ,ii (iiln li

r. l(i l l-i ,ii
l ln l |
(I) ladYiuk%
() ; ili ii lr-i
n liii l(iin - ii
(-ril(ni (n ) i l(i
iii i-i - (i l
nii ini l (ii (i iii
i i (ii l ii i

(i) ii l(,l( (n
liii), lr-i i i
ln i i l(i
iii i rn i i
-i in iin
ii i -, ini lii
ii n lr-i i i (i ii n
-i i ni|
(n) ; l-i - l(lrn
ini ini i li
(i) ; l-i ii l(i
iii ; i ln
ln i ii (i (i) -
ll-lni i -ii; i- i i(i
i i ; lii ri ri ni|

(II) lafonkRed miyfC/k;ka%
l(i iii l n ii
(-ril(ni (n ) i z,aaa,
i - ln ln l(i-- -
(i (n-i il-i -i - rni;
(n i ri ni) ln-i -n i
ini| i(ii i (ii l i ;
- -i ri i ini| l l(i
- (i li i i ni i ini
r ni -i l,ni i nni (i l
l(i-- lii - z/r,
(ili ( l, - nin l
i n |

(III) fu;qfDr vkSj vuq'kklu
ii l(,l( (n liii)
lr-i i i l ln i
ii iliii ri ni|

(IV) p;u izfdz;k%
-il(i l ln i ii - l ln
l -ili iii iii
li ini i l i( i
-ii -ni i ni llin iii i
(ril iii ii li
ini li -n,i- - -,
ini lii ii n lr-i i i
(i ii n,li-i ,ii (iiln li

(V) lafonkRed fu;qDr O;fDr;ksa ds
fy, p;u lfefr%
i -, ini lii ii n
lr-i i i (i ii n li-i
,ii -- nl-n i i|

(VI) djkj%
ii i , iin ; l-i
iii i i
r-niiln i ri ni|

(VII) fucU/ku vkSj 'krsZ%
() l(i iii l n
ln i z,aaa, i
ln l(i-- -
(i (n-i il-i -i
- rni; (n i
ri ni) ln-i -n i ini|
i(ii i (li
l i ; - -i ri i
ini| l(i l n
ln -i l,ni i n ni
(i l l(i-- - -
z/r, i (ili
( l, i ri ri ni i
i ; r, l(ii
(l-, (n-i il ri
li ini|

(i) l(i l n ln i
(i i ni -ii; iii
ri ni| l ln -in l i
l ii ri ni, l l(i l n
ln i i ,ii -i ri
ii ini r|
(n) l(i-- l ln, iii i
li ii ii - , (i -
ll-lni i i ; lii
i ri ni|
(i) l(i l n ln
-i i (i i
iin l il--
(ii i ri ri ni| r
(ii (i n ln
li i ni| l(i
l n ln i li ii
i i i ; (ii
nin ri ri ni| (r
ll-i ln ln i
a-iaia ;-il l ii
ri ri ri ni,ri ni| (
ln (ii l-ii li ini|

() l liii -i
li (i lin
l-iln -(n ri l(i i
-iln (i (i) ri ini|
l(i l n ln -n
( -i) l-iln i (li
l l(i-- - i ri
ri ri ni|
() l(i l n ln
i, -ii -ii
l -iiini li ii
ii - nin ri li

(s) ln li i i
ii,l--in l-i
(ii i ii
-iii -n n i ri ni
ni (ni -lri ( ri
n, -ii; ni n
-ni ini| -lri li i
i li ilinll-i
liii, (ii ,ii
nni l iii
li ini|
() l(i l n ln i
l i -n i
-i - i ii
lin ri , ni (r i
i ll-n - ii i (n-i
n- in r, ii i-n ,l
i-n i ri ri ni|

(VIII) fu;fer fu;qfDr ds fy,
nkok djus dk vf/kdkj%
; l-i ii l(i iii
ni n ii i , li ii ii -
l(iin - ii (-ril(ni (n )
i - ll-lni, -ii; i- i
i(i i i ; lii ri ri ni|
c.iii (i - l ln,lr-i i i ,ii
- - ln
ilni , ln ilni ,
ls (ni i (n lni
l (i - iii i in ii l
n ii ii ri ni|
/.l(iini iii (i - - - i lr-i
i l(iini iii l-, ss/ -
ii l(lrn l(iini iii -nii
i ri ni|

s. lili i iln iri i i i r i ri l i
i i( i -ii r, (ri r,
iii i llin - lillin ,
i lr-i i i (i ii n
i-i , i i ,ii, ; l-i
lri ii i li (n i lni
(n i i i in, lili


-------------------------in dk uke vkSj fgekpy izns'k ljdkj ds e/; ----------fu;qfDr
izkf/kdkjh dk uke ds ek/;e ls fuikfnr dh tkus okyh lafonk@djkj dk
r i i,i-ln.................................................... , i i..................
.......................... l(ii.............................................., l(i l n ln (l ;-
; iin izFke Ik{kdkj ri ni r), i lr-i i ii - --
---------- (l ln iliii i i-) (l ;- ; iin f}rh; Ik{kdkj ri
ni r) -i- i niii............ i li ni|

f}rh; Ik{kdkj i n izFke Ik{kdkj i nii r i i- iii ......
...................( i i-) - l(i iii l-llin li i ini
(i l r-ln i r
. r l i- iii .........................( i i-) i - ........... i-i
ri i ... i -in ri (i l n (i i (li l l,ni
iii i (i - r ni| r l(ll - l~lin li ni r
i i i iiii ,ii i ii ni r l i- iii i l,ni iii
ii l(i, ilii i l( ii n . .... l i -( -( ri i (ln
(-in) -ni ini i i i l- i( ri ri ni|
z. i- iii i l(i-- - z,aaa, ln-i ri ni| i(ii i
(ii l i ; - -i ri i ini|
:. i- iii i (i l~ -ii; iii ri ni| l l(i l n
ln i i ,ii -i ri ii ini r i l ll-n iii
lln l(, l n, nin li ini r l l i-
iii i nii ni r, ni l ln -in l i l ii ri ni |
. l(i-- l ln li ii ii - ll-lni l iii i i ;
lii i ri ni|
r. l(i l n ln -i i (i i iin
l il-- (ii i ri ri ni| r (ii (i n
ln li i ni| l(i l n ln i li ii i i
i ; (ii nin ri ri ni| (r ll-i ln ln i
a-iaia ;-il l ii ri ri ri ni,ri ni| ( ln
(ii l-ii li ini|
c. l liii -i li -n i lin l-iln
-(n ri l(i i ii (i (-i) ri ini| l(i l n ln
-n ( -i) l-iln i (li l l(i-- - i
ri ri ri ni|
/. l(i l n - ii i -ii -ii l
-iiini li ii ii - nin ri ri ni|
s. ln ii i ii,l--i n ll-i (ii i ii
-iii -nn i ri ni| -lri li i i ii - , ir nir li
i nii (-ii -i( ri n, -ii; ni n i ni| -lri
li i i li ilin ll-i liii, (ii ,ii nni l
iii li ii ilr|
s. l(i l n ln i l i -n i -i - i
ii lin ri , ni (r i i (n-i n- ll-n
ln-iii - ii i in r, ii i-n , l i-n i ri ri ni,
ri ni|
a. l(i l n ln(i ) i i- lr i( i-i i i
iiii ;aiaa,iaiaa ii in ri ri ni|
; i-( izFke Ik{kdkj i f}rh; Ik{kdkj ilii i
l-iln - ;- ( i- l~lin niii i r-nii
l r |
iii i l-iln -
(i- ( i ni)

(i- ( i ni)
i- iii r-nii

iii i l-iln -
(i- ( i ni)
(i- ( i ni)
l,ni iii r-nii
Explanation of Seven point Scale
(Applicable to Regular Lecturers only)

Grade Grade point Percentage equivalent
O Outstanding 75-100
A Very Good 65-74
B Good 55-64
C Average 45-54
D Below Average 35-44
E Poor 25-34
F Fail 0.0.40 0-24

2. Four and two advance increments will be admissible to those who hold
Ph.D. and M.Phil degrees respectively, at the time of recruitment as Lecturers.
3. One increment will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil who
acquire Ph.D. within two years of recruitment.
4. A Lecturer with Ph.D. will be eligible for two advance increments
when he/she moves into selection grade.
5. A teacher will be eligible for two advance increments as and when
he/she acquires a Ph.D. degree in his/her service career.
Career Advancement
6. Minimum length of service for eligibility to move into the grade of
Lecturer (Sr.Scale) would be four years for those with Ph.D., five years for those with
M.Phil and six years for others and for eligibility to move into selection grade, the
minimum length of service as Lecturer (Sr.Scale) shall be uniformly five years.
Career advancement will be through a procedure of selection.
7. Besides, a lecturer will be eligible for placement in Sr.Scale through a
procedure of selection, if he/she has participated in Orientation Course and one
Refresher Course of approved duration, or engaged in other appropriate continuing
education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified or approved by the
UGC. Those with Ph.D. degree would be exempted from one refresher course.
Wherever the requirement of orientation/refresher course has remained incomplete,
the promotions would not be held up but these must be completed by the year 2000.
8. Consistently satisfactory performance/appraisal reports.
Authoritative English Text of Notification No:Edu-A(Kha)3-5/99 dated 20-
09-2007, as required under clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution of


No:EDN-A-(Kha)3-5/99 Dated Shimla-2,the 20-09-2007


In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to Article 309 of the
Constitution of India, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh, in consultation with the
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission is pleased to make the Recruitment
and Promotion Rules, for the post of Lecturer College Cadre Class-I (Gazetted) in
the Higher Education Department, H.P. as per AnnexureA attached to this
notification; namely:-

1. Short title


(1) These rules may be called the Himachal Pradesh,
Higher Education Department, Lecturer (College
Cadre) Class-I (Gazetted) Recruitment and
Promotion Rules, 2007.

(2) These Rules shall come into force from the date of
publication in the Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh.

2. Repeal & Savings: (1) The Himachal Pradesh Education
Department, Lecturer (College Cadre)
Class-I (Gazetted), Regular/Contract
Recruitment and Promotion Rules,2004
notified vide notification No.EDN-
A(Kha)2-2/2003, dated 23-08-2004 and as
amended from time to time are hereby

(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, any
appointment made or anything done or
any action taken under the relevant rules,
so repealed under sub-rule(1) supra shall
be deemed to have been validly made,
done or taken under these rules.

By Order

Pr.Secretary(Hr.Education) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.

Endst. No.:As above Dated:Shimla-02, 20-09-2007
Copy for information and necessary action to :-

1. All the Principal Secretaries/Secretaries to the Government of
Himachal Pradesh.
2. The Secretary, HP Public Service Commission, Shimla-2 w.r.t. to
his letter No.1-10/71-PSC-Part.Dated 20-08-2007 with three
additional copies for information and n/a.
3. The Director of Higher Education, HP Shimla-01.
4. The Controller, Printing & Stationery, H.P.Shimla-5 with the
request to publish these Rules in Rajpatra (extra-ordinary) and
send 10 copies to this Department.
5. ALR-cum-Under Secretary(Law) to the Govt.of Himachal
6. The Senior Law Officer(Law Department), HP Govt. Shimla-2.
7. The Guard File.

Deputy Secretary(Hr.Edu.)to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Annexure - A

Recruitment and Promotion Rules for the post of Lecturers (College Cadre) Class-I,
Gazetted in the Department of Higher Education, Himachal Pradesh.

1. Name of the Post: Lecturer (College Cadre)
2. Number of Posts: 2582 ( Two thousand five hundred eighty two

3. Classification : Class-I (Gazetted).
4. Scale of Pay: for regular Lecturers Rs. 8000-275-13500
5. Whether Selection Post or
non- Selection:
Not applicable
6. Age for direct recruitment: 45 years and below.

Provided that the upper age limit for direct recruit will not be
applicable to the candidates, already in service of the Govt. including those who
have been appointed on adhoc or on contract basis;

Provided that if a candidate appointed on adhoc basis or on contract basis
had become over-age on the date when he was appointed as such he shall not be eligible
for any relaxation in the prescribed age limit by virtue of this adhoc or contract

Provided further that upper age limit is relaxable for SC/Schedule Tribes
/Other categories of persons to the extent permissible under the general or special orders
of the H.P Government.

Provided further the employees of all the Public Sector, Corporation and
Autonomous bodies who were Government servants before absorption in Public Sector /
Corporation / Autonomous bodies at the time of initial constitutions of such Corporations
/ Autonomous bodies shall be allowed age concession in direct recruitment as admissible
to Government servants. This concession will not, however, be admissible to such staff of
the Public Sector Corporations / Autonomous bodies and who were / are finally absorbed
in the service of such Corporation / Autonomous bodies after initial constitution of the
Public Sector / Corporation / Autonomous bodies.

Age limit for direct recruitment will be reckoned on the first day of the
year in which the post (s) is/are advertised for inviting applications or notified to the or
Employment Exchanges, as the case may be.

Age and experience in the case of direct recruitment relaxable at the
discretion of the HP Public Service Commission in case the candidate is otherwise well

7. Minimum Educational &
Other qualification(s) required
for direct recruitment:
a) Essential Qualifications:
(i) A good academic record with atleast
55% marks or an equivalent of 55%,
wherever the grading system is
followed in Masters Degree level in
the relevant subject from a Indian
University or an equivalent degree
from Foreign University recognized
by the Government of India.

(ii) For the Lecturer in Fine Arts also i.e.
Commercial Arts, Drawing &
Painting and Sculpture, Master
Degree in Fine Arts having good
academic record with 55% marks or
equivalent of 55% wherever grading
system is followed.

(iii) A relaxation of 5% is provided from
55% to 50% marks, at the Masters
Degree for the SC/ST categories.

(iv) A relaxation of 5% is provided from
55% to 50% of the marks to the Ph.D.
Degree holders who have passed their
masters degree priod to the
September, 1991.

(v) B in the 7 point scale with letter
grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F shall be
regarded as equivalent of 55%
wherever the grading system is
followed (7 point scale is displayed in
the Foot Note)

(vi) Candidate besides fulfilling the above
qualifications should have cleared the
eligibility test (NET) for Lecturers
conducted by the UGC, CSIR or
similar test accredited the State
Public Service Commission.

(vii) NET shall remain the compulsory
requirement for appointment as
Lecturer for those with postgraduate
degree. However, the candidates
having PH.D Degree in the concerned
subject are exempted from NET for
PG level and UG level teaching. The
candidates having M.Phil degree in
the concerned subject are exempted
from NET for UG level teaching
b) Desirable Qualification:
Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects
of Himachal Pradesh and suitability
for appointment in peculiar conditions
prevailing in the Pradesh

8. Whether age & educational
qualification prescribed for
direct recruitment will apply in
the case of promotion.
Educational Qualification:-NA
9. Period of Probation, if any. Two years, subject to such further extension
for a period not exceeding one year, as may be
ordered by the competent authority in special
circumstances and reasons to be recorded in

10. Method of recruitment:
Whether by direct or by contract
basis and promotion / deputation
/ transfer and the percentage of
posts to be filled in the various
100% by direct recruitment or on contract
11. In case of recruitment by
promotion, deputation, grade
from which promotion /
deputation / transfer is to be

Not applicable
12. If a departmental promotion
committee exists, what is its
Not applicable
13. Circumstances under which the
HPPSC is to be consulted in
making recruitment.
As required under the law.

14. Essential requirement for
direct recruitment
A candidate for appointment to any service of
post must be citizen of India.
15. Selection for appointment to
post by direct recruitment
Selection for appointment to the post in case of
direct recruitment shall be made on the basis of
viva-voce test, if Himachal Pradesh Public
Service commission or other recruiting agency,
as the case may be, so consider necessary or
expedient, by a written test or practical test,
the standard / syllabus etc. of which will be
determined by the Commission / other
recruiting agency as the case may be.

Selection for appointment to the
post by Contract appointment
(a) Under this policy the Lecturers (College
Cadre) in the Department of Higher
Education, H.P. will be engaged on
contract basis initially for one year,
which may be extendable for two more
years on year to year basis.

(b) The Principal Secretary/Secretary
(Hr.Education) to the Government of
Himachal Pradesh after obtaining the
approval of the Government to fill up the
vacant posts on contract basis will place
the requisition with the concerned
recruiting agency i.e. H.P. Public
Service Commission.

(c) The selection will be made in
accordance with the eligibility
conditions prescribed in these Rules.

(d) Contract appointee so selected under
these Rules will not have any right to
claim for regularization or permanent
absorption in the Government job.


The Lecturers (College Cadre)
appointed on contract basis will be paid
consolidated fixed contractual amount
@ Rs. 12,000 P.M. (Rs. twelve
thousand only) (which shall be equal to
initial of the pay scale + (Dearness pay).
No amount will be paid for vacation
period. An amount of Rs. 275/- as
annual increase in contractual
emoluments for the second and third
years respectively will be allowed if
contract is extended beyond one year.


The Principal Secretary/Secretary
(Hr.Education) to the Government of
Himachal Pradesh will be appointing
and disciplinary authority.


Selection for appointment to the post in
the case of Contract Appointment will
be made on the basis of viva-voce test
or if considered necessary or expedient
by a written test or practical test the
standard/syllabus etc. of which will be
determined by the concerned recruiting
agency i.e. H.P. Public Service
Commission, Shimla.


As may be constituted by the
concerned recruiting agency i.e. the
H.P. Public Service Commission,
Shimla from time to time.


After selection of a candidate, he/she
shall sign an agreement as per
Annexure-B appended to these Rules.


(a) The contract appointee will be paid fixed
contractual amount @ Rs. 12000/- per
month (which shall be equal to initial of
the pay scale + dearness pay). No amount
will be paid for vacation period. The
Contract Appointee will be entitled for
increase in contractual amount @ Rs.
275/- per annum for second and third
years respectively and no other allied
benefits such as senior/selection scales
etc. shall be given.

(b) The service of the Contract Appointee
will be purely on temporary basis. The
appointment is liable to be terminated in
case the performance/conduct of the
contract appointee is not found

(c) Contractual appointment shall not confer
any right to incumbent for the
regularization in service at any stage.

(d) Contract Appointee will be entitled for
one day casual leave after putting one
month service. This leave can be
accumulated up to one year. No leave of
any other kind is admissible to the
contract appointee. He/She shall not be
entitled for Medical Re-imbursement and
LTC etc. only maternity leave will be
given as per rules.

(e) Unauthorized absence from the duty
without the approval of the controlling
Officer shall automatically lead to the
termination from the contract. Contract
Appointee shall not be entitled for
contractual amount for the period of
absence from duty.

(f) Transfer of a contract appointee will not
be permitted from one place to another in
any case.

(g) Selected candidate will have to submit a
certificate of his/her fitness from a
Government/Registered Medical
Practitioner. Woman candidate pregnant
beyond 12 weeks will stand temporarily
unfit till the confinement is over. The
woman candidate will be re-examined for
the fitness from an authorized Medical

(h) Contract appointee will be entitled to
TA/DA if required to go on tour in
connection with his/her official duties at
the same rate as applicable to regular
officials at the minimum of pay scale.


The candidate engaged on contract basis
under these Rules shall have no right to
claim for regularization/ permanent
absorption as Lecturer (College cadre) in
the Department at any stage.

16. Reservation: The appointment to the service shall be subject
to orders regarding reservation in the service
for Scheduled Castes /ST / Other Backward
classes other categories of persons issued by
the Himachal Pradesh Government from time
to time.

17. Departmental Examination: Every member of the service shall pass a
departmental examination as prescribed in the
Himachal Pradesh Departmental Examination
Rules, 1997 as amended from time to time.
18. Power to relax. Where the state Govt. is of the opinion that it is
necessary or expedient to do so, it may, by
order for reason to be recorded in writing and
in consultation with the HPPSC relax any of
the provisions of these rules with respect to
any class or category of persons or post.

Form of contract/agreement to be executed between the _____________ (Name of
the post) and the Government of Himachal Pradesh through ______________
(Designation of the Appointing Authority).

This agreement is made on this __________________day of _____________in the
year______________ Between Sh. / Smt. _________________S/o/D/o
Shri_______________ R/o ______________________________________________
Contract appointee (hereinafter called the FIRST PARTY), AND the Governor of
Himachal Pradesh through _________________ (Designation of the Appointing
Authority) Himachal Pradesh (here-in-after the SECOND PARY).

Whereas, the SECOND PARTY has engaged the aforesaid FIRST PARTY and the
FIRST PARTY has agreed to serve as a Lecturer (College Cadre) on contract basis on
the following terms & conditions:-

1. That the FIRST PARTY shall remain in the service of the SECOND PARTY
as a Lecturer (College Cadre) for a period of 1 year commencing on day of
______________and ending on the day of _____________ It is specifically
mentioned and agreed upon by both the parties that the contract of the
FIRST PARTY with SECOND PARTY shall ipso-facto stand
terminated on the last working day i.e. on ________________ And
information notice shall not be necessary.

2. The contractual amount of the FIRST PARTY will be Rs.12,000/- per month.
No amount will be paid for vacation period.

3. The service of FIRST PARTY will be purely on temporary basis. The
appointment is liable to be terminated in case the performance/conduct of the
contract appointee is not found good or if a regular incumbent is appointed /
posted against the vacancy for which the first party was engaged on contract.

4. The contractual appointment shall not confer any right to incumbent for the
regularization of service at any stage.

5. Contractual appointee will be entitled for one day casual leave after putting in
one month service. This leave can be accumulated up to one year. No leave
of any kind is admissible to the contractual appointee. He will not be entitled
for Medical Reimbursement and LTC etc. Only maternity leave will be given
as per Rules.

6. Unauthorized absence from the duty without the approval of the controlling
Officer shall automatically lead to the termination of the contract. A
contractual appointee will not be entitled for contractual amount for the period
of absence from duty.

7. Transfer of an official appointed on contract basis will not be permitted from
one place to another in any case.

8. Selected candidate will have to submit a certificate of his/her fitness from a
Government/Registered Medical Practitioner. In case of women candidates
pregnancy beyond twelve weeks will render her temporarily unfit till the
confinement is over. The women candidate should be re-examined for fitness
from an authorized Medical Officer/Practitioner.

9. Contract appointee shall be entitled to TA/DA if required to go on tour in
connection with his official duties at the same rate as applicable to regular
counter-part official at the minimum of pay scale.

10. The Employees Group Insurance Scheme as well as EPF/GPF will not be
applicable to contractual appointee(s).

IN WITNESS the FIRST PARTY AND SECOND PARTY have herein to set their
hands the day, month and year first, above written.


1. __________________________

(Name and Full Address)

(Signature of the FIRST PARTY)

2. __________________________
(Name and Full Address)


1. __________________________

(Name and Full Address)

(Signature of the SECOND PARTY)

2. __________________________
(Name and Full Address)


Explanation of Seven point Scale
(Applicable to Regular Lecturers only)

Grade Grade point Percentage equivalent
O Outstanding 75-100
A Very Good 65-74
B Good 55-64
C Average 45-54
D Below Average 35-44
E Poor 25-34
F Fail 0.0.40 0-24

2. Four and two advance increments will be admissible to those who
hold Ph.D. and M.Phil degrees respectively, at the time of recruitment as
3. One increment will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil
who acquire Ph.D. within two years of recruitment.
4. A Lecturer with Ph.D. will be eligible for two advance increments
when he/she moves into selection grade.
5. A teacher will be eligible for two advance increments as and when
he/she acquires a Ph.D. degree in his/her service career.
Career Advancement
6. Minimum length of service for eligibility to move into the grade of
Lecturer (Sr.Scale) would be four years for those with Ph.D., five years for those with
M.Phil and six years for others and for eligibility to move into selection grade, the
minimum length of service as Lecturer (Sr.Scale) shall be uniformly five years.
Career advancement will be through a procedure of selection.
7. Besides, a lecturer will be eligible for placement in Sr.Scale through a
procedure of selection, if he/she has participated in Orientation Course and one
Refresher Course of approved duration, or engaged in other appropriate continuing
education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified or approved by the
UGC. Those with Ph.D. degree would be exempted from one refresher course.
Wherever the requirement of orientation/refresher course has remained incomplete,
the promotions would not be held up but these must be completed by the year 2000.
8. Consistently satisfactory performance/appraisal reports.

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