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Gracia Anggitharia (G) as Leader Hania Ayu Hilma (H) as Secretary Delia Riyanti (D) as Staff Rani Mayangsari (R) as Staff Liza Emilia (L) as Staff

7th January 2012

(GRACIA & HANIA) H: *knock the door* G: yes, come in. Close the door please H: excuse me madam, meeting will begin about 5 minutes longer. Are you ready? G:yes, I am ready

(RANI, LIZA, DELIA) R: Hi liza, i didnt see you in our meeting one week ago. L: im sorry, my mother was sick. How did it go? R: it went well as planned L: Delia, you look so busy, what are you doing ? D: im checking my email

*Hania & Gracia open the door* G: ok, lets make a start, good morning everybody, thanks for coming along this morning. As you know, we have set up this team so that we will discuss about our new product. We will launching our new product, Nokia E 78. In your opinion, how do we get to market our new product in order to achieve the targeted marketing? R: As far as I concerned, The best way to marketing this product is by through TV ads, because everyone can see it. D: how much budget is available to market this product? Because in my opinion, to create an ad, we require substantial funds. H: companies provide Rp.1 billion budget for marketing this product and in my opinion, advertising is a pretty good way to market this product G: any other suggestion? Delia, what do you think? D: in my opinion, the best way to marketing this product is by sponsoring a big event R: sorry, what do you mean by sponsoring a big event? D: As we know, currently held many concerts. Therefore, we can attract consumer interest L: can I come in here? G: yes, please L: personally, I think we not only use advertising, but also can use the online media for marketing.

R: can you explain that a little further? L: I mean, we can create a web for our company or maybe we can make advertising by google or social network. H: I see what you mean, but i think online media is not really helpful, because the target our marketing is all ages while most users online is a teenager. D: sorry, i dont agree with you. I think not only teenagers who use the Internet, but at this time adults are also using the internet. R: can i come in here? G: ok miss Rani R: but advertising on the internet is rarely noticed by Internet users. H: can i come in here? G: yes, miss hania H: How about if we use the billboard? R: I definetely agree with you, we can have a billboard on the main access, such as toll roads, etc. that many go through the community L: in addition,we also opened a large booth at various events G: ok, any other idea? Alright, thank you for your views, so to sum up, miss delia are saying that the best way to marketing this product is by sponsoring a big event, miss Rani are saying that the most effective way is through TV ads, miss Hania are saying that to use the billboard and miss Liza are saying that to use the online media and also opened a large booth at various events for marketing. However, to meet the target of our marketing by 85%, so I decided to use the idea of miss Rani is by through advertisements and miss Hania is by using billboards, because I think it's the most effective way than the other. Miss hania, please make estimates to make billboards and ads.

H: ok madam. total estimated expenditure of approximately 900 million rupiah. so the funds for marketing the remaining 100 million rupiah. G: ok, what will we do with the remaining funds? L: in my opinion, we can use it for make brochures which we will give to the community, so what do u think? R: i definetely agree with you L: i agree with you H: i agree with you too G: ok, this time the meeting was over, thank you for your participant. Hopefully we can achieve the target of marketing. Good morning All : Good morning

(HANIA and GRACIA) G: miss hania, please report the results of that meeting immediately and give it to me H: ok madam

(RANI, LIZA, DELIA) L: what are you guys doing now? R: havent thought about it. D: im not up into anything, yet. Why ? L: how about lunch together?

R: thats good idea D: count me in

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